smgrantham commented on the word ginvolvement
1. Involvement or participation in an event, often painful, the toleration of which requires copious alcohol consumption.
2. Unintentional involvement akin to social stumbling, usually precipating from copious alcohol consumption
April 1, 2009
smgrantham commented on the word contretemps
An inopportune or embarrassing situation or event; a hitch.
smgrantham commented on the word suffused
To overspread with as with liquid, color, etc.
smgrantham commented on the word randonimity
Just wondering if this is meant to be "randomnimity"???
March 5, 2009
Comments by smgrantham
smgrantham commented on the word ginvolvement
1. Involvement or participation in an event, often painful, the toleration of which requires copious alcohol consumption.
2. Unintentional involvement akin to social stumbling, usually precipating from copious alcohol consumption
April 1, 2009
smgrantham commented on the word contretemps
An inopportune or embarrassing situation or event; a hitch.
April 1, 2009
smgrantham commented on the word suffused
To overspread with as with liquid, color, etc.
April 1, 2009
smgrantham commented on the word randonimity
Just wondering if this is meant to be "randomnimity"???
March 5, 2009