sosheshall commented on the word harrah
The ants go marchin' 1 by 1 hurrah, hurrah. ..harrah! They moved the rubber tree plant!!
September 22, 2013
sosheshall commented on the word huzzuh
A misspelled huzzah. For palindromic all purposes. Huzzuh!
sosheshall commented on the word scelerophobia
Fear of bad men.
September 11, 2013
sosheshall commented on the word gorgonic
See gorgonian. This word (gorgonic) is
not in the dictionary but in my head.
September 10, 2013
sosheshall commented on the list environment--4
Lol, sorry for the late response, I had some
help from
September 9, 2013
sosheshall commented on the list bullyism
Thanks 😊 haha kangaroo tail!
September 7, 2013
Lol reminded me of swirly.
September 6, 2013
sosheshall commented on the word wordie
I'm a wordie type of human.
sosheshall commented on the word Schmaltzy
World English Dictionary
schmaltzy (ʃmæltsɪ, ʃmɔːltsɪ)
— adj , -ier , -iest
excessively sentimental
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition
2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word gasolinic
gas·o·line gas-uh-leen, gas-uh-leen Show IPA
a volatile, flammable liquid mixture of hydrocarbons, obtained from petroleum, and used as fuel for internal-combustion engines, as a solvent, etc.
1860–65, Americanism; gas + -ol2 + -ine2
Related forms
gas·o·line·less, adjective
gas·o·lin·ic gas-uh-lee-nik, -lin-ik Show IPA , adjective
sosheshall commented on the list phrases-ive-heard
Oh! Hah. On me! 😵that is a good list hold my place.😳 Whoopsi daisies.
September 3, 2013
I feel like a confuddled cuttlefish trying to eat a toy plastic fish...
sosheshall commented on the list whilst-walking
June 27, 2013
In action, in play whilst walking.
June 26, 2013
sosheshall commented on the word inymph
Yah, Wriggler is the more official name.
June 25, 2013 <--this was the reference. I checked google images to try to verify it..and though there were many nymph referenced pics I did see a tid bit of Mosquitos images also.
Baby mosquito
sosheshall commented on the word ephyna
Baby Jellyfish
sosheshall commented on the word espialadocious
A phrase or sentence spoken adorably quick.
sosheshall commented on the word ropechno
Rock, rap, & techno put together.
sosheshall commented on the word fartfenoogen
A term of endearment for someone who farts.
sosheshall commented on the word doofy
I find this word to mean an extra silly goof, who may affect others to feel embarrassed for them.
sosheshall commented on the word doucheless
"Doucheless (adj.) Void of douche.
He was doucheless despite being drunk at my party.
How doucheless was he once she puked on his shoe?"-Dane Cook
June 23, 2013
sosheshall commented on the word emblematize
to serve as an emblem of.
August 26, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word icecream
its a magical frosty of a treat!!
August 23, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word fear
"ignorance is bliss cherish it"-flyleaf
August 18, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word mazelike
I can go into foreign cities with my mazelike brain...
sosheshall commented on the word everywhere
I wanna be everywhere....if only gasoline were free.
or if I didn't feel my muscles ache..
sosheshall commented on the word koji kondo
lord of music, (in my opinion)
sosheshall commented on the word spatastical
superb spas.
"that was spatastical!"
sosheshall commented on the word melty
cheesie melty pizza!!!
sosheshall commented on the word gushingly
reminds me of yummy juice.
sosheshall commented on the word yo creía que
I believed that...
August 17, 2009
sosheshall commented on the list deprefixed-words
for this list would..forward, undo, under, etc. work?..
sosheshall commented on the list triads
Calvin & Hobbes + Suzie?
August 16, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word aburrido
tengo aburrido
sosheshall commented on the word triste
spanish : sad.
spanish word: sad
sosheshall commented on the word lindo
spanish: (m) cute, handsome.
(f)linda. pretty, beauty
sosheshall commented on the word anadir
means to add in spanish. pronuncia: anyahdeir
sosheshall commented on the word llorar
Means to cry in spanish. pronuncia: your.are
2 L's make a yah sound in spanish.
sosheshall commented on the word brillo
Means bright in spanish. Pronuncia: Bree-oh
sosheshall commented on the word oreja
spanish word translated to english ear.
sosheshall commented on the word palabraphile
spanish word translated to english word.
phile : enthusiast of.
sosheshall commented on the word lluvia
spanish word translated into english : Rain
sosheshall commented on the word sargasm
good one =)
sosheshall commented on the list pickle-and-such
oh! ahh heh. my bad.
sosheshall commented on the word livid
August 15, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word p!
it be easier if it were alphabetical.
sosheshall commented on the word twilt
goood word!!
sosheshall commented on the word fliptastic
I had a flipping fliptastic time.
made up by me.
derived from fantastic..and the great feel in my adrenaline gland that feels like it flips around.
August 14, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word الكون
arabic letters, english word. Universe
August 13, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word بين المجرات
Arabic form of between the galaxies
sosheshall commented on the word أخمصي
Spanish word, arabic letters. To fly
sosheshall commented on the word galabia
A garment worn mainly in muslim countries.
sosheshall commented on the word fluarxx
The winner of a fluxx game.
made up word inspired by the card game fluxx.
sosheshall commented on the word stimulatify
stimulate state: oblivion.
The intergalactalness of floating amongst everything.
That sentence is the only way I can describe the feeling of being stimulatified.
To turn a being or thing into a stimulate state.
sosheshall commented on the word amarillo
Spanish equivalent of yellow.
(pronounce) amar-eee-oh
sosheshall commented on the word borracho
spanish equivalent of Intoxicated, plastered, lit up, drunk.
sosheshall commented on the word lovelify
Make a person/animal loveable.
Excite, make stimulate
Comments by sosheshall
sosheshall commented on the word harrah
The ants go marchin' 1 by 1 hurrah, hurrah. ..harrah! They moved the rubber tree plant!!
September 22, 2013
sosheshall commented on the word huzzuh
A misspelled huzzah. For palindromic all purposes. Huzzuh!
September 22, 2013
sosheshall commented on the word scelerophobia
Fear of bad men.
September 11, 2013
sosheshall commented on the word gorgonic
See gorgonian. This word (gorgonic) is
not in the dictionary but in my head.
September 10, 2013
sosheshall commented on the list environment--4
Lol, sorry for the late response, I had some
help from
September 9, 2013
sosheshall commented on the list bullyism
Thanks 😊 haha kangaroo tail!
September 7, 2013
sosheshall commented on the list bullyism
Lol reminded me of swirly.
September 6, 2013
sosheshall commented on the word wordie
I'm a wordie type of human.
September 6, 2013
sosheshall commented on the word Schmaltzy
World English Dictionary
schmaltzy (ʃmæltsɪ, ʃmɔːltsɪ)
— adj , -ier , -iest
excessively sentimental
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition
2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009
September 6, 2013
sosheshall commented on the word gasolinic
gas·o·line gas-uh-leen, gas-uh-leen Show IPA
a volatile, flammable liquid mixture of hydrocarbons, obtained from petroleum, and used as fuel for internal-combustion engines, as a solvent, etc.
1860–65, Americanism; gas + -ol2 + -ine2
Related forms
gas·o·line·less, adjective
gas·o·lin·ic gas-uh-lee-nik, -lin-ik Show IPA , adjective
September 6, 2013
sosheshall commented on the list phrases-ive-heard
Oh! Hah. On me! 😵that is a good list hold my place.😳 Whoopsi daisies.
September 3, 2013
sosheshall commented on the list phrases-ive-heard
I feel like a confuddled cuttlefish trying to eat a toy plastic fish...
September 3, 2013
sosheshall commented on the list whilst-walking
June 27, 2013
sosheshall commented on the list whilst-walking
In action, in play whilst walking.
June 26, 2013
sosheshall commented on the word inymph
Yah, Wriggler is the more official name.
June 25, 2013
sosheshall commented on the word inymph <--this was the reference. I checked google images to try to verify it..and though there were many nymph referenced pics I did see a tid bit of Mosquitos images also.
June 25, 2013
sosheshall commented on the word inymph
Baby mosquito
June 25, 2013
sosheshall commented on the word ephyna
Baby Jellyfish
June 25, 2013
sosheshall commented on the word espialadocious
A phrase or sentence spoken adorably quick.
June 25, 2013
sosheshall commented on the word ropechno
Rock, rap, & techno put together.
June 25, 2013
sosheshall commented on the word fartfenoogen
A term of endearment for someone who farts.
June 25, 2013
sosheshall commented on the word doofy
I find this word to mean an extra silly goof, who may affect others to feel embarrassed for them.
June 25, 2013
sosheshall commented on the word doucheless
"Doucheless (adj.) Void of douche.
He was doucheless despite being drunk at my party.
How doucheless was he once she puked on his shoe?"-Dane Cook
June 23, 2013
sosheshall commented on the word emblematize
to serve as an emblem of.
August 26, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word icecream
its a magical frosty of a treat!!
August 23, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word fear
"ignorance is bliss cherish it"-flyleaf
August 18, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word mazelike
I can go into foreign cities with my mazelike brain...
August 18, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word everywhere
I wanna be everywhere....if only gasoline were free.
or if I didn't feel my muscles ache..
August 18, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word koji kondo
lord of music, (in my opinion)
August 18, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word spatastical
superb spas.
"that was spatastical!"
August 18, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word melty
cheesie melty pizza!!!
August 18, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word gushingly
reminds me of yummy juice.
August 18, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word yo creía que
I believed that...
August 17, 2009
sosheshall commented on the list deprefixed-words
for this list would..forward, undo, under, etc. work?..
August 17, 2009
sosheshall commented on the list triads
Calvin & Hobbes + Suzie?
August 16, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word aburrido
tengo aburrido
August 16, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word triste
spanish : sad.
August 16, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word triste
spanish word: sad
August 16, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word lindo
spanish: (m) cute, handsome.
(f)linda. pretty, beauty
August 16, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word anadir
means to add in spanish. pronuncia: anyahdeir
August 16, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word llorar
Means to cry in spanish. pronuncia: your.are
2 L's make a yah sound in spanish.
August 16, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word brillo
Means bright in spanish. Pronuncia: Bree-oh
August 16, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word oreja
spanish word translated to english ear.
August 16, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word palabraphile
spanish word translated to english word.
phile : enthusiast of.
August 16, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word lluvia
spanish word translated into english : Rain
August 16, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word sargasm
good one =)
August 16, 2009
sosheshall commented on the list pickle-and-such
oh! ahh heh. my bad.
August 16, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word livid
August 15, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word p!
August 15, 2009
sosheshall commented on the list pickle-and-such
it be easier if it were alphabetical.
August 15, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word twilt
goood word!!
August 15, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word fliptastic
I had a flipping fliptastic time.
made up by me.
derived from fantastic..and the great feel in my adrenaline gland that feels like it flips around.
August 14, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word الكون
arabic letters, english word. Universe
August 13, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word بين المجرات
Arabic form of between the galaxies
August 13, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word أخمصي
Spanish word, arabic letters. To fly
August 13, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word galabia
A garment worn mainly in muslim countries.
August 13, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word fluarxx
The winner of a fluxx game.
made up word inspired by the card game fluxx.
August 13, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word stimulatify
stimulate state: oblivion.
The intergalactalness of floating amongst everything.
That sentence is the only way I can describe the feeling of being stimulatified.
August 13, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word stimulatify
To turn a being or thing into a stimulate state.
August 13, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word amarillo
Spanish equivalent of yellow.
(pronounce) amar-eee-oh
August 13, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word borracho
spanish equivalent of Intoxicated, plastered, lit up, drunk.
August 13, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word lovelify
Make a person/animal loveable.
August 13, 2009
sosheshall commented on the word stimulatify
Excite, make stimulate
August 13, 2009