steveroberts commented on the list romanticism
Thank you, Thank you,
November 2, 2014
steveroberts commented on the list words-covered-in-faery-dust-s
perfect for what I want... thanks
June 12, 2013
steveroberts commented on the list poes-wonders
This is but the beginning of a collection of great Edgar Allen Poe's phrases and wordcraft...
September 7, 2012
steveroberts commented on the list artistic-words
August 26, 2012
steveroberts commented on the list blippets
August 18, 2012
steveroberts commented on the list list--9
a perfect list for some of my poetry
August 16, 2012
Comments by steveroberts
steveroberts commented on the list romanticism
Thank you, Thank you,
November 2, 2014
steveroberts commented on the list words-covered-in-faery-dust-s
perfect for what I want... thanks
June 12, 2013
steveroberts commented on the list poes-wonders
This is but the beginning of a collection of great Edgar Allen Poe's phrases and wordcraft...
September 7, 2012
steveroberts commented on the list artistic-words
August 26, 2012
steveroberts commented on the list blippets
August 18, 2012
steveroberts commented on the list list--9
a perfect list for some of my poetry
August 16, 2012