"You want a 'why and wherefore', but not an 'essay'. Yet the anecdotard in me won't let me shut up in my justification for nominating this word as my passport to the pleasures of my very own, resident set of the Oxford English Dictionary. "
Posting one link from my own profile to my own "more info" site is spamming? Golly. Sorry to have disturbed. I'm sure there must be some actual spammers out there deserving of your scorn.
Comments by superlove
superlove commented on the word bhutatathata
In Buddhism, the essence of suchness.
January 28, 2010
superlove commented on the word curliewurly
something fantastically circular or curly
January 14, 2010
superlove commented on the word slobberhannes
a variation of the game of hearts in which the object is to avoid winning the first and last tricks and any trick containing the queen of clubs
January 6, 2010
superlove commented on the word shaganappi
a thread, cord, or thong of rawhide.
January 6, 2010
superlove commented on the word anecdotard
"You want a 'why and wherefore', but not an 'essay'. Yet the anecdotard in me won't let me shut up in my justification for nominating this word as my passport to the pleasures of my very own, resident set of the Oxford English Dictionary. "
December 31, 2009
superlove commented on the word anecdotard
A dotard (one in his dotage) given to recounting anecdotes.
December 31, 2009
superlove commented on the user bilby
Golly. OK, peace to you.
December 25, 2009
superlove commented on the user superlove
Posting one link from my own profile to my own "more info" site is spamming? Golly. Sorry to have disturbed. I'm sure there must be some actual spammers out there deserving of your scorn.
Meanwhile, enjoy the words!
December 25, 2009
superlove commented on the user bilby
Posting one link from my own profile to my own "more info" site is spamming? Golly. Sorry to have disturbed.
December 25, 2009
superlove commented on the user frogapplause
Hi Teresa,
>I regret that I can't make it to the Durham SPAMMING Bee.
What happened? Spam? Please let me know so I can fix it. I don't do spam.
Durham Spelling Bee
December 24, 2009
superlove commented on the word godbag
A religious person. Derived from the pejorative, "douchebag."
July 6, 2009