I got the book "The Pleasures of Peacock"from my public library. It is a collection of all of Thomas Love Peacock's stories. Besides benjamins, his stories are a treasure trove of archaic words that I have been unable to locate from any source. Even if his writing isn't to your liking, he will have looking things up constantly. Check him out and happy hunting.
Peacock writes very long sentences, but here is the portion containing the word. ...Sir Telegraph proceeded to peel, and emerged from his four benjamins, like a butterfly from its chrysalis.
I have a citation from Melincourt written in 1817 by Thomas Love Peacock in which benjamins appear to be a form of clothing. I can find no cases of this word used this way anywhere else.
He satisfies his hunger with roots and fruits, unvitiated by the malignant adhibition of fire, and all its diabolical processes of elixion and assation: he slakes his thirst in the mountain-stream, and returns to his peaceful state of meditative repose. - Thomas Love Peacock in Headlong Hall
Comments by tedplayer
tedplayer commented on the user ruzuzu
Thanks - the only thing more enjoyable than an old word is spam grammar.
June 1, 2010
tedplayer commented on the word benjamins
I got the book "The Pleasures of Peacock"from my public library. It is a collection of all of Thomas Love Peacock's stories. Besides benjamins, his stories are a treasure trove of archaic words that I have been unable to locate from any source. Even if his writing isn't to your liking, he will have looking things up constantly. Check him out and happy hunting.
May 31, 2010
tedplayer commented on the word benjamins
Peacock writes very long sentences, but here is the portion containing the word. ...Sir Telegraph proceeded to peel, and emerged from his four benjamins, like a butterfly from its chrysalis.
May 31, 2010
tedplayer commented on the word benjamins
I have a citation from Melincourt written in 1817 by Thomas Love Peacock in which benjamins appear to be a form of clothing. I can find no cases of this word used this way anywhere else.
May 30, 2010
tedplayer commented on the word elixion
He satisfies his hunger with roots and fruits, unvitiated by the malignant adhibition of fire, and all its diabolical processes of elixion and assation: he slakes his thirst in the mountain-stream, and returns to his peaceful state of meditative repose. - Thomas Love Peacock in Headlong Hall
May 16, 2010