O. Henry "The Ransom of Red Chief" "I walked over to Poplar Cove and sat around the postoffice and store, talking with the chawbacons that came in to trade. One whiskerando says that he hears Summit is all upset on account of Elder Ebenezer Dorset's boy having been lost or stolen."
From "The French Revolution" by Carlyle: "There is no deliverance, then? Thick stone walls answer, NoneāHas King Louis no friends? Men of action, of courage grown desperate, in this his extreme need? King Louis's friends are feeble and far. Not even a voice in the coffeehouses rises for him. At Meot the Restaurateur's no Captain Dampmartin now dines; or sees death-doing whiskerandoes on furlough exhibit daggers of improved structure!... .(See Prudhomme's Newsnaper, Revolutions de Paris in Hist. Parl. xxiii. 318.)"
Comments by texchanchan
Texchanchan commented on the word whiskerando
O. Henry "The Ransom of Red Chief" "I walked over to Poplar Cove and sat around the postoffice and store, talking with the chawbacons that came in to trade. One whiskerando says that he hears Summit is all upset on account of Elder Ebenezer Dorset's boy having been lost or stolen."
November 6, 2016
Texchanchan commented on the word whiskerando
From "The French Revolution" by Carlyle: "There is no deliverance, then? Thick stone walls answer, NoneāHas King Louis no friends? Men of action, of courage grown desperate, in this his extreme need? King Louis's friends are feeble and far. Not even a voice in the coffeehouses rises for him. At Meot the Restaurateur's no Captain Dampmartin now dines; or sees death-doing whiskerandoes on furlough exhibit daggers of improved structure!... .(See Prudhomme's Newsnaper, Revolutions de Paris in Hist. Parl. xxiii. 318.)"
November 6, 2016