n. advocating the greatest possible enhancement of papal power and authority (from the fact that the papal seat was located the other side of the Alps from the French) (From WWFTD)
n. One who thinks he's super but isn't, who believes he's a leader even though he lacks followers. A combination of 'goober' (peanut or pimple) and 'mensch' (man). A coinage of molecular biologist Hiroshi Akashi.
n. In skiing, the technique of allowing the knees to flex and thus absorb bumps and turning at high speed so that the skis will remain in constant contact with the snow.
Comments by the_maori
the_maori commented on the word somnocyclist
n. A person who rides a bicycle while sleepwalking.
September 18, 2021
the_maori commented on the word somnocyclism
n. The act of riding a bicycle while sleepwalking.
September 18, 2021
the_maori commented on the word ammazzacaffè
n. "a small glass of liqueur usually consumed after coffee to dull its taste or the caffeine effect" (Wikipedia)
May 25, 2018
the_maori commented on the word cosmogyral
adj. "Whirling round the universe." (OED)
May 25, 2018
the_maori commented on the word famelicose
adj. often or very hungry
April 14, 2014
the_maori commented on the word obaceration
n. the act of shutting someone's mouth
August 25, 2013
the_maori commented on the word dicaeology
"a Pleading of One's Cause."
- Thomas Blount's 'Glossographia'
August 18, 2013
the_maori commented on the word hypselotimophobia
n. the fear of high prices (from the Greek hypselos ("high") + timos ("price") + phobos ("fear"))
July 26, 2013
the_maori commented on the word hebesphalmology
n. study of juvenile delinquency
May 30, 2013
the_maori commented on the word herpestine
adj. Relating to mongooses.
February 17, 2013
the_maori commented on the word mephitine
adj. Relating to skunks.
February 17, 2013
the_maori commented on the word uhtceare
v. An Old English word meaning 'to lie awake before dawn and worry'
February 10, 2013
the_maori commented on the word byrotephobia
n. The fear of rote learning or memorisation (Coined by Charles Harrington Elster).
February 8, 2013
the_maori commented on the word Festooned brochidodromy
See brochidodromous.
December 25, 2012
the_maori commented on the word derism
n. an expression of scorn
December 16, 2012
the_maori commented on the word fatiferous
adj. Destructive; deadly
September 27, 2012
the_maori commented on the word evanid
adj. Evanescent; fleeting; transient
September 27, 2012
the_maori commented on the word ultramontanism
n. advocating the greatest possible enhancement of papal power and authority (from the fact that the papal seat was located the other side of the Alps from the French) (From WWFTD)
September 27, 2012
the_maori commented on the word xylocephalous
adj. wooden-headed
September 3, 2012
the_maori commented on the word ericeticolous
adj. requiring a heath or heathlike habitat.
August 5, 2012
the_maori commented on the word luteovirescent
adj. greenish-yellow
August 5, 2012
the_maori commented on the word goobermensch
n. One who thinks he's super but isn't, who believes he's a leader even though he lacks followers. A combination of 'goober' (peanut or pimple) and 'mensch' (man). A coinage of molecular biologist Hiroshi Akashi.
July 26, 2012
the_maori commented on the word autexousy
n. Free will.
July 11, 2012
the_maori commented on the word autexousious
adj. exercising or possessing free will
July 11, 2012
the_maori commented on the word rhedarium
n. A place for the sale, storage, or manufacture of horse-drawn carriages.
July 9, 2012
the_maori commented on the word koha
n. A gift or present, especially money (given by guests to hosts).
July 2, 2012
the_maori commented on the word eeeeve
n. An early English transliteration of the name of the Hawaiian bird iiwi.
July 2, 2012
the_maori commented on the word dacryocystorhinostomy
n. A surgical procedure to restore the flow of tears into the nose from the lacrimal sac when the nasolacrimal duct does not function.
July 2, 2012
the_maori commented on the word avalement
n. In skiing, the technique of allowing the knees to flex and thus absorb bumps and turning at high speed so that the skis will remain in constant contact with the snow.
July 2, 2012