Abliguration means prodigal expense for food. It comes from the latin verb abligurire, “ab” meaning “away” and “ligurire” meaning “to be fond of delicacies.”
Sprachgefühl has arguably been brought to light by David Foster Wallace's "snoot" acronym, which stands for either "Sprachgefühl Necessitates Our Ongoing Tendance" or "Syntax Nudniks of Our Time."
Comments by thomas
thomas commented on the word abliguration
Abliguration means prodigal expense for food. It comes from the latin verb abligurire, “ab” meaning “away” and “ligurire” meaning “to be fond of delicacies.”
December 21, 2016
thomas commented on the word artigrapher
An artigrapher is a writer or composer of a grammar.
December 17, 2015
thomas commented on the word fernweh
Fernweh means wanderlust, a longing for distant places.
November 8, 2015
thomas commented on the word Sprachgefühl
Sprachgefühl has arguably been brought to light by David Foster Wallace's "snoot" acronym, which stands for either "Sprachgefühl Necessitates Our Ongoing Tendance" or "Syntax Nudniks of Our Time."
January 14, 2014
thomas commented on the word soucriant
"Soucriant" refers to a vampire. (A character in the movie Byzantium used the word.)
January 2, 2014
thomas commented on the word soi disant
Pronounced swa-dee-zahn
September 16, 2010
thomas commented on the word garçonnière
French vernacular for a bachelor apartment.
October 15, 2008
thomas commented on the word raison d etre
Pronunciation: rey-zohn de-truh
July 18, 2008