trazet commented on the word reekness
A rather strong and pungent odour. An unpleasant smell.
September 15, 2009
trazet commented on the word udderous
Pertaining to udders
My wife is pregnant at the moment. Her breasts are so large she describes them as "udderous"
At the moment my farts smell, so my wife tells me that they have a "reekness" about them
trazet commented on the word Fugly
it is a word that is made up of two words, fucking and ugly.
September 13, 2009
trazet commented on the word dreamentia
Dreamentia is a wrd that I use when I cant remember what I dreamt about the night before
Comments by trazet
trazet commented on the word reekness
A rather strong and pungent odour. An unpleasant smell.
September 15, 2009
trazet commented on the word udderous
Pertaining to udders
September 15, 2009
trazet commented on the word udderous
My wife is pregnant at the moment. Her breasts are so large she describes them as "udderous"
September 15, 2009
trazet commented on the word reekness
At the moment my farts smell, so my wife tells me that they have a "reekness" about them
September 15, 2009
trazet commented on the word Fugly
it is a word that is made up of two words, fucking and ugly.
September 13, 2009
trazet commented on the word dreamentia
Dreamentia is a wrd that I use when I cant remember what I dreamt about the night before
September 13, 2009