twinkleboi commented on the word twitanic
When Twitter Fails
March 31, 2010
twinkleboi commented on the word cuteage
When something or someone is considered Cute
Pronounced Cute-Ige
December 12, 2008
twinkleboi commented on the word j'adorable
a fusion of the french 'j'adore' meaning I love and the english 'adorable' makes the new word - j'adorable - meaning lovely and adorable
October 7, 2008
twinkleboi commented on the word qoot
an alternate way of spelling cute
October 6, 2008
twinkleboi commented on the word snugglyfuck
when you're in bed snuggled upto to somebody and then start to engage in coitus
October 4, 2008
twinkleboi commented on the word textpectation
The anticipation one feels when waiting for a response to a text message
September 25, 2008
twinkleboi commented on the word twativity
Twativity is the activity of someone you could call a Twat
Comments by twinkleboi
twinkleboi commented on the word twitanic
When Twitter Fails
March 31, 2010
twinkleboi commented on the word cuteage
When something or someone is considered Cute
Pronounced Cute-Ige
December 12, 2008
twinkleboi commented on the word j'adorable
a fusion of the french 'j'adore' meaning I love and the english 'adorable' makes the new word - j'adorable - meaning lovely and adorable
October 7, 2008
twinkleboi commented on the word qoot
an alternate way of spelling cute
October 6, 2008
twinkleboi commented on the word snugglyfuck
when you're in bed snuggled upto to somebody and then start to engage in coitus
October 4, 2008
twinkleboi commented on the word textpectation
The anticipation one feels when waiting for a response to a text message
September 25, 2008
twinkleboi commented on the word twativity
Twativity is the activity of someone you could call a Twat
September 25, 2008