A suggestion. Since most of your words are out of the ordinary, it stands to reason that many are also difficult to pronounce. It would help if you added a link to how the word is pronounced! Take today's word for example : I have only a vague understanding of how to pronounce sabretache!
Re the etymology of 'news' one of my teachers said years ago it was formed from the initial letters of the 4 cardinal directions, North East West South, conveying the meaning 'information from all over'. Is there any support for this?
Comments by upatankar
upatankar commented on the user upatankar
A suggestion. Since most of your words are out of the ordinary, it stands to reason that many are also difficult to pronounce. It would help if you added a link to how the word is pronounced! Take today's word for example : I have only a vague understanding of how to pronounce sabretache!
September 21, 2016
upatankar commented on the word news
Re the etymology of 'news' one of my teachers said years ago it was formed from the initial letters of the 4 cardinal directions, North East West South, conveying the meaning 'information from all over'. Is there any support for this?
June 17, 2015
upatankar commented on the word tic
re: definition of "tic":
the meaning "persistent behavior trait" is missing from your explanations.
BTW, I just became a member, and am finding this app to be interesting and useful. Thx,
May 28, 2013