A thyrsus is a staff made from a giant fennel stalk, topped with a pinecone. It symbolizes the unity of the cultivated (fennel) and the wild (pine) in Dionysian worship.
Geoengineering is purposefully altering the Earth's large-scale natural systems (as opposed to accidentally, as we've done with greenhouse gasses). Today it's usually considered with respect to climate change. It's kind of like "terraforming", but on Earth! An example sentence: Injecting sulfate aerosols into the stratosphere is currently one of the leading geoengineering proposals.
Compostable things can be broken down by microorganisms under conditions that aren't too weird or extreme, like a nice hot, aerobic pile). If it's compostable, and you throw it in your compost pile, eventually it'll be turned into humus. In a sentence: "Are these corn-based plastic cups really compostable?"
Comments by zaneselvans
zaneselvans commented on the word Thyrsus
A thyrsus is a staff made from a giant fennel stalk, topped with a pinecone. It symbolizes the unity of the cultivated (fennel) and the wild (pine) in Dionysian worship.
August 30, 2009
zaneselvans commented on the word geoengineering
Geoengineering is purposefully altering the Earth's large-scale natural systems (as opposed to accidentally, as we've done with greenhouse gasses). Today it's usually considered with respect to climate change. It's kind of like "terraforming", but on Earth! An example sentence: Injecting sulfate aerosols into the stratosphere is currently one of the leading geoengineering proposals.
June 15, 2009
zaneselvans commented on the word compostable
Compostable things can be broken down by microorganisms under conditions that aren't too weird or extreme, like a nice hot, aerobic pile). If it's compostable, and you throw it in your compost pile, eventually it'll be turned into humus. In a sentence: "Are these corn-based plastic cups really compostable?"
June 9, 2009