
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun Clay.
  • noun Earthenware. Halliwell; Wright.
  • Of earthenware.
  • To gutter, as a candle.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun obsolete Clay.
  • noun Earthenware.
  • adjective Of earthenware.
  • verb transitive, obsolete To make cloam.
  • verb intransitive To gutter (as a candle).


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Middle English *clom, from Old English clām ("paste, mortar, mud, clay, poultice"), from Proto-Germanic *klaimaz (“clay”), from Proto-Indo-European *gleim- (“to stick, smear”). Related to cleam, claim, clem.


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  • "'Tis a gurt shame, that's what 'tis," said Primrose, resentful both for her friend's riband and her own edging; "and I'd get my Willie to make her buy new, only 'tis no good asking paupers for money, because, even if they was to be sold up, all their sticks and cloam wouldn't fetch enough for a yard o 'this riband."

    The White Riband A Young Female's Folly Fryniwyd Tennyson Jesse

  • "I'll help wi 'the cloam," said a big, heavily-made boy who was seated at one end of the table, eating a pasty.

    Secret Bread F. Tennyson Jesse

  • My poor back is blue all over with the cloam my missus takes to bed.

    The White Wolf and Other Fireside Tales Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch 1903

  • "That's right!" cried Annie, with sudden vigour; "go off and make yourself fine, and lave me to wash all the cloam that's been standen 'up in grease these three days.

    Secret Bread F. Tennyson Jesse


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  • "2. To gutter, as a candle." --Cent. Dict.

    August 5, 2011