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  • The cross-partisan strategy is attractive because it minimizes the number of compromises that must be made to members of the opposing party and reduces criticism of the president among members of his own party.

    Can Obama learn from Bush's domestic playbook? 2010

  • It would demand a category shift: to remake the tools of factional organization as instruments of broad, cross-partisan and respectful public engagement.

    NASA 2.0.1 - NASA Watch 2008

  • It would demand a category shift: to remake the tools of factional organization as instruments of broad, cross-partisan and respectful public engagement.

    NASA Watch: November 2008 Archives 2008

  • To find cross-partisan success, Obama should pursue issues such as immigration, homeland security, corporate tax reform, and regulatory reform.

    Can Obama learn from Bush's domestic playbook? 2010

  • Meanwhile, on the flip side, bi-partisan congressional support actually appears more like a cross-partisan split between the legislators with strong interests in the financial sector, and those more closely aligned with other interests. Steps in the Right Direction 2008

  • More commonly, he employed a cross-partisan strategy that included a limited number of key moderate Democrats and a fairly unified Republican base in Congress.

    Can Obama learn from Bush's domestic playbook? 2010

  • That's why, today, Personal Democracy Forum is proud to announce that we are partnering with a cross-partisan coalition of old and new media in launching "Ask the President," an open, collaborative, participatory forum where anyone can post a question and vote up their favorites.

    "Ask the President" Launches; Let the Public Pick Questions for Obama 2009

  • Our goal for this panel is to spur some cross-partisan discussion of what it's like to organize online and gain traction for your issues when your side is in power and when your side is not in power.

    PdF 2009 Preview: The Ins and Outs of Online Organizing 2009

  • That's why, today, Personal Democracy Forum is proud to announce that we are partnering with a cross-partisan coalition of old and new media in launching "Ask the President," an open, collaborative, participatory forum where anyone can post a question and vote up their favorites.

    Broadband is Life-Changing: Burlington VT's Telecare for Rural Health Project 2009

  • Our goal for this panel is to spur some cross-partisan discussion of what it's like to organize online and gain traction for your issues when your side is in power and when your side is not in power.

    PdF 2009 Preview: From Participatory Politics to Participatory Medicine 2009


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  • Bipartisan, cross-partisan and transpartisan are related terms. Bipartisan usually implies both parties are cooperating on an issue: both parties have similar positions and come to an agreement. Cross-partisan often implies that some people from both parties are cooperating on an issue: the slight difference is that this might not be balanced, or might not involve the parties as a whole coming together. 

    For example, on the Patriot Act surveillance, Tea Party members might join with more left-leaning Democrats in one cross-partisan coalition to oppose a centrist cross-partisan coalition. An coalition that is 95% from one party and 5% from the other is cross-partisan, not really bipartisan. Also, a group might be cross-partisan -- for example, a political magazine might have a cross-partisan audience (but it would not make sense to call an audience bipartisan).  

    Transpartisan is used to discuss people who are actively trying to get the parties cooperating or to move beyond partisanship in a broad sense. 

    "There was agreement on the bipartisan bill." "They were able to build a cross-partisan coalition to oppose the President." "I've joined a group working on transpartisan cooperation."

    February 26, 2017