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  • A bit off-topic, but if you verlanize the Swedish word 'lagom', you get the Norwegian and perhaps Swedish as well... LAGOMDUKTIG. 2004

  • Sweden has a culture of modesty: the ultimate goal is to be 'lagom' (meaning 'just right').

    Blogposts | 2010

  • Perhaps what is needed is an introduction of the Swedish concept "lagom" (just right) to the area of alcohol consumption.

    The Local - Sweden's news in English 2008

  • Google Chrome and the future of browsers | af Chris Messina – Et godt writeup omkring Google Chrome og dens betydning for browsermarkedet [...] deep. edition » Kroma dig lagom on Sep 2nd at 2pm

    Google Chrome and the future of browsers | FactoryCity 2008

  • The title "is a combination of two more or less 'untranslatable' words: lagom (just enough, just right) and duktig (clever, smart)." LAGOMDUKTIG. 2004

  • With good decisions, the near-future economy will more closely resemble the Swedish ideal of "just enough," or lagom - a cultural understanding that there is an ideal amount of energy and materials for any given purpose.

    Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local ( 2010

  • Varför vet vi inte, och det är tråkiga nyheter för alla som sett fram emot kakans återkomst lagom till vintern.

    Nyheter från Sebastian Lind 2010

  • Vad ska man tycka för något smart och lagom kritiskt om en Acemoglu-artikel i AER undrar du.

    Berghs Betraktelser 2009

  • Vad ska man tycka för något smart och lagom kritiskt om en Acemoglu-artikel i AER undrar du.

    Berghs Betraktelser 2009

  • Unlike the idea that "just enough" means "it'll do" -- which suggests some sort of lacking -- lagom expresses that there is something that is "just right."

    Fast Company 2009

  • Look behind a cultural fad these days and you will likely find a Scandinavian, selling candles (hygge) or harping on about work-life balance (lagom).

    Fjord focus: is Norway's friluftsliv the answer to surviving a second lockdown? Morwenna Ferrier 2020


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  • A Finnish term with no exact parallel in English but which is best approximated by the idea of an amount of something which is just right for what is needed. A equivalent of 'not too much, nor too little' achievement.

    December 7, 2008

  • Swedish

    December 7, 2008

  • not too little, not too much, just right

    May 21, 2024