
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun an element, analogous to a neuron, of an artificial neural network consisting of one or more layers of artificial neurons
  • noun a network of such elements.


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  • The other, called the perceptron, monitors the first.

    The merry-go-round, broke down Matthew Guerrieri 2007

  • The other, called the perceptron, monitors the first.

    Archive 2007-04-01 Matthew Guerrieri 2007

  • The perceptron became a subject of military research because of the possibility that it could be used to identify nuclear submarines by sound spectrograms.

    Toshihide Maskawa - Autobiography 2009

  • I noticed then that the number of research papers about the perceptron was decreasing significantly.

    Toshihide Maskawa - Autobiography 2009

  • During this period, in addition to my studies, I began a voluntary circle to study a perceptron with a few friends, since I thought that research of the brain and human consciousness was important but not yet fully understood theoretically.

    Toshihide Maskawa - Autobiography 2009

  • He used a bunch of phrases that were cryptic to me like “zero layer network” to mean something other than a perceptron (I asked), and “zero iteration training” of a network.

    NeuroBayes: Sometimes sans Neuro « Imaginary Potential 2008

  • He used a bunch of phrases that were cryptic to me like “zero layer network” to mean something other than a perceptron (I asked), and “zero iteration training” of a network.

    May « 2008 « Imaginary Potential 2008

  • I would smile or frown as the machine generated sound and the perceptron could see my reactions.

    The merry-go-round, broke down Matthew Guerrieri 2007

  • I would smile or frown as the machine generated sound and the perceptron could see my reactions.

    Archive 2007-04-01 Matthew Guerrieri 2007

  • One of the most widespread architectures, multilayered perceptron with back propagation of errors, emulates the work of neurons incorporated in a hierarchical network, where the input of each neuron of the next layer is connected with the outputs of all neurons of the previous layer.

    Analog Science Fiction and Fact 2005

  • In the past, artificial neurons were also called Perceptrons, and the general idea of neuron-inspired computing was called Connectionist AI.

    Part 1: The Past, Present, and Possible Futures 2024

  • In the past, artificial neurons were also called Perceptrons, and the general idea of neuron-inspired computing was called Connectionist AI.

    Part 1: The Past, Present, and Possible Futures 2024


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  • "An artificial neural network which attempts to emulate this pattern recognition process is called the Perceptron. In this model, the nodes representing artificial neurons are arranged into layers. The signal representing an input pattern is fed into the first layer. The nodes in this layer are connected to another layer (sometimes called the 'hidden layer'). The firing of nodes on the input layer is conveyed via these connections to this hidden layer. Finally, the activity on the nodes in this layer feeds onto the final output layer, where the pattern of firing of the output nodes defines the response of the network to the given input pattern."

    - 'Decision Making and Learning - the Perceptron',

    October 30, 2008