
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb Eye dialect spelling of like.
  • noun historical sovereignty, dominion, authority
  • noun historical The territory over which authority extends, a kingdom, an earldom, a diocese, district, city, and so forth.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Middle English rike, see below; cognate with German Reich, Swedish rike ("kingdom, realm, land, empire, country").

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From the Eye dialect spelling of like. as a result of the difficulty of pronouncing the letter 'L' in many oriental languages.


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  • I think a lot of people use the German pronunciation "rike," but my ancestors were Austrian.

    The Work of Nations 1991

  • And he had a sense of humor, too, as is vividly displayed in his treatments of two M ö rike poems: "Zur Warnung" ("As a Warning"), about the effects of a hangover, and "Abschied" ("Leave-Taking"), a decidedly joyous depiction of a critic tumbling down stairs.

    A Lifetime Dedicated to Dear Lieder David Mermelstein 2010

  • Despite dying of syphilis shortly before he turned 43, in 1903, Wolf composed some 300 songs, the best of them settings of poems by the German writers Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Joseph von Eichendorff and Eduard M ö rike.

    A Lifetime Dedicated to Dear Lieder David Mermelstein 2010

  • Azn cat (siamese cat "me no rike remonade") Kari: this is the most controversial.

    APAture Live 2008

  • Here come beautifur brond rady built rike the Great Wall of Chi-na.

    Evening Commercial Break: Ancient Chinese Secret – The Bleat. 2009

  • U.S. Navy WINNER: Mr. Gates said funding for the F-35 Lightning, or Joint S.rike Fighter, will be increased in 2010 to $11.2 billion, which will now buy 30 jets, up from 14.

    Shifting Defense Priorities 2009

  • After U.S. Military S.rike WAS.INGTON -- Damascus largely froze high-level diplomatic efforts with the U.S. after an American strike inside the country, a move that threatens support for broader peace initiatives in the Middle East.

    Syria Halts Diplomacy 2008

  • After U.S. Military S.rike WAS.INGTON -- Damascus largely froze high-level diplomatic efforts with the U.S. after an American strike inside the country, a move that threatens support for broader peace initiatives in the Middle East.

    Syria Halts Diplomacy 2008

  • Imagine the future of our public schools in such a scenario: while a substantial proportion of Evergreen State teens may finally be able to pass the math section of the WASL, they will lose the ability to differentiate between the letters "l" and "r", as they lush, remming-rike, to erect Lon Sims.

    Sound Politics: Shapley's Audition 2006

  • September 29, 2007 at 6:24 am to ben, you must truly live a sad and pathetic life to go surfing the net just to find ‘rike remonade.’ your tirade to try and end racism is not much better than the people who watch disney movies looking for more penises and sex words, or the people who listen to music and the movies to see if they synchronize at any point… in short

    me no rike remonade - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger? 2007


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  • rike - (ME rike, OE ríce, ) - (a) Sovereignty, dominion, authority; fongen (taken) to ~, to ascend the throne, take up royal power; (b) the territory over which authority extends, a kingdom, an earldom, a diocese, district, city, etc.

    riken - to reign, to rule

    OE ríce I. strong, powerful, great, mighty, of high rank, 

    II. n. rule, reign, power, might, authority, empire, 

    fón tó ríce to ascend the throne: kingdom, nation, diocese, reign (period of time). Se sunu feng to þam rice (The son ascended the throne.)

    rícedom n. kingly rule

    ríceter, rícetere n. force, might, power, rule, dominion, glory, greatness; ambition; tyranny, oppression, violence.

    ríclic sumptuous, adv. -líce (like) powerfully; sumptuously, (rikely)

    rícsere m. ruler (riker)

    rícsian to bear rule, reign, govern, tyrannize, dominate, prevail. (to rike)

    rícsiend m. ruler
rícsung f. domination

    November 6, 2011

  • If there were a third definition, (c), I suppose the spelling would have to change to "reich".

    November 6, 2011

  • There's a flavor of "Uncleftish Beholding" to these recent posts by AnWulf.

    November 6, 2011

  • Unlike many words in Uncleftish Beholding (cleverly done), the word rike IS a standing English word and not made up.

    For al þis rike A ded knyght wald I noght strike. — Seven Sages, a1425

    The bishop (Tunstal) of Durham was deprived of his bishop-rike. —Literary Remains of King Edward the Sixth, 1857

    January 27, 2012