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  • Vagooter, a portmanteau of vagina and cooter.

    September 6, 2024

  • #wordswedontneed

    September 6, 2024

  • In general, bilby, I would disagree with you just to be annoyingly contrary, but this time I agree. #wordswedontneed

    September 6, 2024

  • I think the solution is to agree whilst calling me something insulting.

    September 8, 2024

  • Well that's what I'd do, you giant money-pinching larder of fossilised snacks.

    September 8, 2024

  • I'm concerned that this opens a new gif-shaped can of worms. Is the g in vagooter loyal to its vaginal origins, or does it switch sides to the hard g of goo?

    September 9, 2024