A list of 10 words by actung.
- drelfiewas added by actung and appears on just this list
- ussiewas added by actung and appears on 6 lists
- droniewas added by actung and appears on 5 lists
- shelfiewas added by actung and appears on 7 lists
- selfeyewas added by actung and appears on just this list
- felfiewas added by actung and appears on just this list
- selfiewas added by actung and appears on 26 lists
- welfiewas added by actung and appears on 2 lists
- helfiewas added by actung and appears on just this list
- youiewas added by actung and appears on 2 lists
- belfiewas added by actung and appears on 6 lists
fbharjo commented on the list a-selfie-list
Chalfie - a North Dakota town near Fargo
April 30, 2014
erinmckean commented on the list a-selfie-list
brelfie a selfie taken while breastfeeding: "The latest fad clogging up social media, heaping shame on those who dare commit the sin of bottle-feeding, is the brelfie: the tedious habit of posting a breastfeeding selfie, creating yet more #bressure on those who don’t, or can’t." Telegraph
September 28, 2015