A list of 57 words by wordplay.
- vestigalwas added by wordplay and appears on 10 lists
- inverselywas added by wordplay and appears on 3 lists
- lavatorieswas added by wordplay and appears on 3 lists
- positivelywas added by wordplay and appears on 13 lists
- invectivelywas added by wordplay and appears on 3 lists
- pervasivelywas added by wordplay and appears on 2 lists
- vocationalwas added by wordplay and appears on 14 lists
- volleyingwas added by wordplay and appears on 2 lists
- villagewas added by wordplay and appears on 34 lists
- vaudevillewas added by wordplay and appears on 44 lists
- vitalwas added by wordplay and appears on 43 lists
- vialwas added by wordplay and appears on 23 lists
- grovelingwas added by wordplay and appears on 14 lists
- valedictorianwas added by wordplay and appears on 17 lists
- invaluablewas added by wordplay and appears on 13 lists
- volatilewas added by wordplay and appears on 162 lists
- divulgewas added by wordplay and appears on 87 lists
- volumetricwas added by wordplay and appears on 8 lists
- inviolablewas added by wordplay and appears on 66 lists
- involuntarywas added by wordplay and appears on 13 lists
- virtualwas added by wordplay and appears on 46 lists
- victualswas added by wordplay and appears on 55 lists
- involvingwas added by wordplay and appears on 6 lists
- involvewas added by wordplay and appears on 22 lists
- ivy-leaguewas added by wordplay and appears on just this list
- leveragingwas added by wordplay and appears on 13 lists
- lovingkindnesswas added by wordplay and appears on 7 lists
- lovingwas added by wordplay and appears on 29 lists
- lividwas added by wordplay and appears on 147 lists
- verticalwas added by wordplay and appears on 29 lists
- civilitywas added by wordplay and appears on 31 lists
- civilianwas added by wordplay and appears on 16 lists
- civilwas added by wordplay and appears on 43 lists
- valiumwas added by wordplay and appears on 15 lists
- valientwas added by wordplay and appears on 3 lists
- verisimilitudewas added by wordplay and appears on 438 lists
- violetwas added by wordplay and appears on 132 lists
- violawas added by wordplay and appears on 41 lists
- violencewas added by wordplay and appears on 27 lists
- vainglorywas added by wordplay and appears on 52 lists
- virtuewas added by wordplay and appears on 88 lists
- envelopingwas added by wordplay and appears on 5 lists
- ventriloquistwas added by wordplay and appears on 20 lists
- villianywas added by wordplay and appears on 2 lists
- verilywas added by wordplay and appears on 56 lists
- ventilationwas added by wordplay and appears on 8 lists
- vigilantewas added by wordplay and appears on 54 lists
- evilwas added by wordplay and appears on 98 lists
- vilifywas added by wordplay and appears on 121 lists
- villainwas added by wordplay and appears on 70 lists
- virgilwas added by wordplay and appears on 6 lists
- virilewas added by wordplay and appears on 53 lists
- liverwas added by wordplay and appears on 45 lists
- livewas added by wordplay and appears on 67 lists
- liverywas added by wordplay and appears on 54 lists
- livelywas added by wordplay and appears on 30 lists
- vilewas added by wordplay and appears on 85 lists
wordplay commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
Well, it looks like it's just u and me. I could give you a head start?
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
Oh hey, sorry, juggling work and Wordie. :-)
Whatever you prefer, I'll be here.
May 25, 2007
wordplay commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
L, I and V
May 25, 2007
wordplay commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
Get going, I'll sign in as jennarenn in a min.
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
shoot! That's -1! Totally forgot about the v.
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
fallopian? -1!!
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
wait a minute! virtue? -1 for you too!
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
(Do multiple forms of the same word count?)
May 25, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
dang. I'm getting my tush beat.
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
Oops. Missed that one. It is easy to forget the letters. ;-)
May 25, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
(Proper names allowed?)
May 25, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
But not plurals.
May 25, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
I really like liverpool, but let's not go there. This could take forever.
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
Which, coincidentally, has neither a V or an I. Good job. I'll tally the points, and get back to you with the score. :)
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
Okay, is this a time-out?
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
Or a game over?
I still got words, baby!! ;-)
May 25, 2007
wordplay commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
Oh, I was thinking that it was over. We originally said from 4:00 to 4:30, and you didn't seem to want to change...?
May 25, 2007
wordplay commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
:) Go ahead. Finish your list off.
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
Oh, but it's only 2:30 here! (kidding)
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
I'm done. Good game!
May 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
You know, on second thought, let's not delete the comments from this page. Because then whichbe will WIN the comment war. Can't let that happen. (insert manlaughter here)
May 25, 2007
wordplay commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
Well, that would save me a *ton* of work...and it would be fun if whichbe decided to retaliate...so yeah. Sounds good. :)
May 26, 2007
Telofy commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
Perhaps someone can help me, I can't induce what this game is about...
December 28, 2008
sionnach commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
telofy: I don't know this for a fact, but I would infer from the page that it is the result of a real-time challenge about a year ago wherein each participant had to come up with as many words as possible containing the letters L, I, and V.
Contestant uselessness appears to have won handily. Which is hardly surprising, if you knew him. (No offence, jennarenn). jennarenn appears to have been appearing both under her own signin and some kind of admin signin 'Wordplay'.
I could be completely wrong, though.
December 28, 2008
reesetee commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
No, that's about right, sionnach. I think there is at least one other similar game here somewhere. "Wordplay" was a kind of generic admin screen name for the person who "officiated." I think at some point we even tried something like this on the Facebook Wordie group page.
December 29, 2008
jennarenn commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
sionnach, you were spot-on. uselessness and I tried to get real-time games off the ground with this. Apparently, it's hard to get adults with full-time jobs in different time zones to play at the same time. I'm not sure if I even remember the password anymore.
January 14, 2012