A list of 154 words by alexz.
- turboencabulatorwas added by alexz and appears on 2 lists
- malleable logarithmic casingwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- annular grillage coefficientwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- semi-logarithmic baseplatewas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- rotor slip-streamwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- capacitive directancewas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- biturbo encabulationwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- regurgitave purwellwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- panemdermic semiboloidwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- barescent skor motionwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- drawn reciprocationwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- marzul vaneswas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- retroprototurboencabulatorwas added by alexz and appears on 2 lists
- unilateral phase detractorswas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- capacitance reactance fluxmusterwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- side fumblingwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- head codewas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- master tech tipswas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- driveline clunkwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- gear rattlewas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- forescent skor motionwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- gnarly wank shaft spudulatorwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- modial interactionwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- nubbingwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- inverse reactive currentwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- Diagnostic Manual and Songbookwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- RG'swas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- fluxmusterwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- lunar waneshaftwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- geigerscalewas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- sigmoid rumblingwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- osmoalitywas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- moxy interrupterwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- wrenchent outputwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- interactorwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- kryptonapticwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- wheel sprocketwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- sinusoidal deplenerationwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- nofertrunnionswas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- dremcockwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- bitumogeonouswas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- fromagingwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- h.f. rem peakwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- wendingwas added by alexz and appears on 5 lists
- gremlin studswas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- dingle armwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- spamshaftwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- phase detractorswas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- tankeredwas added by alexz and appears on 2 lists
- nivelsheavewas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- kryptonasticwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- nanglingwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- spandrelswas added by alexz and appears on 2 lists
- wennel-sprocketwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- jivingwas added by alexz and appears on 4 lists
- nubingwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- bolling shimswas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- roffit barswas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- S-valuewas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- quasi-piesticwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- decommutatorwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- aluminitewas added by alexz and appears on 4 lists
- supramitivewas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- pugwellwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- directancewas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- Cholmondeleyswas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- pericositywas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- Tetraethyliodohexaminewas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- cyanoethylatedwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- Glyptal-impregnatedwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- marzel-vaneswas added by alexz and appears on 2 lists
- antigravicwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- Zahn Viscosimetrywas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- Blevinometricwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- Pentametricwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- Panandermicwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- Mean free pathwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- MFPwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- Goniometricwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- replenerativewas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- quasistaticwas added by alexz and appears on 3 lists
- levorotatorywas added by alexz and appears on 10 lists
- Orth Effectwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- Manesticallywas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- Magnaglaswas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- Turboencabulatorskiegowas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- Turboencabulationwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- negative-timewas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- pipusoidalwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- millimhoswas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- tungsten cowhidewas added by ry and appears on just this list
- polykrapolenewas added by ry and appears on just this list
- Retro-Proto-Turbo-Encabulatorwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- polykrapolene-coatedwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- Turboencabulateurswas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- Shure Statwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- Crapaloywas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- Tremie-pipeswas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- Turboencabulatorwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- trenyanwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- Milfordwas added by alexz and appears on 2 lists
- tremmywas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- lotus-odeltoidwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- wainwas added by alexz and appears on 22 lists
- marzulwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- duractancewas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- deplenerationwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- noferwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- dadoscopewas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- pilfrometerwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- semi-bulloidwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- metapolarwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- panendurmicwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- Cholmondeley'swas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- ambaphascientwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- diatheticalwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- pericositieswas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- tetryliodohexaminewas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- phenylhydrobenzaminewas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- retro-encabulatorwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- girdlespringwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- barescentwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- grillagewas added by alexz and appears on 11 lists
- evolutewas added by alexz and appears on 3 lists
- replenerationwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- reminativewas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- skorwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- novertrunnionswas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- manesticallywas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- trem'ewas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- pentametricwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- panendermicwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- prefabulatedwas added by alexz and appears on 2 lists
- ambifacientwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- marzlevaneswas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- hydrocopticwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- famwas added by alexz and appears on 22 lists
- spurvingwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- dinglewas added by alexz and appears on 28 lists
- forescentwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- grammeterwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- tremiewas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- semi-boloidwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- lotus-o-deltawas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- waneshaftwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- panametricwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- amulitewas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- pre-famulatedwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- magneto-reluctancewas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- diractancewas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- modialwas added by alexz and appears on just this list
- fluxeswas added by alexz and appears on 4 lists
- turbo-encabulatorwas added by alexz and appears on 2 lists
- grammeterswas added by alexz and appears on just this list
ry commented on the list retro-encabulator-tech-specs
this is amazing. thank you for finding this.
March 17, 2014
alexz commented on the list retro-encabulator-tech-specs
You're welcome. The fun part was looking at the words in the scan of the 1962 and 1944 original spoof tech specs. Also, looking at the examples where some of these words were used.
March 17, 2014
ruzuzu commented on the list retro-encabulator-tech-specs
March 17, 2014
madmouth commented on the list retro-encabulator-tech-specs
mathematics...of wonton...burrito meals
March 19, 2014
bilby commented on the list retro-encabulator-tech-specs
It's like Robert Duvall sniffing the fumes of a collision between Back To The Future and prolagus's suggestions for new Sailormoon attacks.
March 19, 2014
alexz commented on the list retro-encabulator-tech-specs
In the last month, I've seen 2 unique encabulator videos..
One is the Bike Encabulator which makes some fun at all the fun bike part names, https://youtu.be/yJe4kFS1LqM
Second is "SANS ICS HyperEncabulator" which hires the original actor. https://youtu.be/5nKk_-Lvhzo
November 25, 2022