A list of 162 words by billifer.
- rictalwas added by billifer and appears on 8 lists
- rictuswas added by billifer and appears on 89 lists
- autolyzewas added by billifer and appears on 4 lists
- strettoingwas added by billifer and appears on just this list
- afflatedwas added by billifer and appears on 3 lists
- batheticwas added by billifer and appears on 68 lists
- phalloneuroticwas added by billifer and appears on just this list
- wopsed-upwas added by billifer and appears on just this list
- suprasubliminalwas added by billifer and appears on 3 lists
- afflatuswas added by billifer and appears on 106 lists
- scopophiliacwas added by billifer and appears on 3 lists
- retroironicwas added by billifer and appears on 3 lists
- anticrazewas added by billifer and appears on just this list
- scopophobicwas added by billifer and appears on 6 lists
- imprecatedwas added by billifer and appears on 7 lists
- delimitwas added by billifer and appears on 18 lists
- selvagewas added by billifer and appears on 40 lists
- mapwas added by billifer and appears on 56 lists
- perfunctorinesswas added by billifer and appears on 6 lists
- halationwas added by billifer and appears on 37 lists
- arachnodactylicwas added by billifer and appears on just this list
- accretewas added by billifer and appears on 42 lists
- noninsecurewas added by billifer and appears on 2 lists
- entrepôtwas added by billifer and appears on 13 lists
- otiosewas added by billifer and appears on 173 lists
- frustumwas added by billifer and appears on 26 lists
- decoctwas added by billifer and appears on 36 lists
- crocodilicwas added by billifer and appears on 2 lists
- mucronatewas added by billifer and appears on 28 lists
- gonfalonishwas added by billifer and appears on just this list
- hyperemicwas added by billifer and appears on 2 lists
- magisculewas added by billifer and appears on 3 lists
- scrofulouswas added by billifer and appears on 55 lists
- aminatingwas added by billifer and appears on 3 lists
- balleticwas added by billifer and appears on 20 lists
- invaginatewas added by billifer and appears on 28 lists
- varicelliformallywas added by billifer and appears on 2 lists
- ergoticwas added by billifer and appears on 6 lists
- oublietteswas added by billifer and appears on 2 lists
- lazaretteswas added by billifer and appears on just this list
- granulomatouswas added by billifer and appears on 2 lists
- diaphoreticwas added by billifer and appears on 20 lists
- acervuluswas added by billifer and appears on 4 lists
- suppurativelywas added by billifer and appears on just this list
- phrenologicallywas added by billifer and appears on 3 lists
- teratoidalwas added by billifer and appears on 2 lists
- peronicwas added by billifer and appears on just this list
- pyorrheicwas added by billifer and appears on 3 lists
- fantodswas added by billifer and appears on 30 lists
- intensionwas added by billifer and appears on 8 lists
- triviumoidwas added by billifer and appears on 2 lists
- apochromaticwas added by billifer and appears on 5 lists
- aphoticwas added by billifer and appears on 42 lists
- quadriviumwas added by billifer and appears on 18 lists
- triviumwas added by billifer and appears on 14 lists
- subhadronicwas added by billifer and appears on 3 lists
- steatopygiacwas added by billifer and appears on 3 lists
- steatocryptoticwas added by billifer and appears on just this list
- carbuncularwas added by billifer and appears on 13 lists
- chacheticwas added by billifer and appears on 2 lists
- tabescentwas added by billifer and appears on 23 lists
- numinouswas added by billifer and appears on 190 lists
- vitreallywas added by billifer and appears on 3 lists
- anticonfluentialwas added by billifer and appears on 2 lists
- goremeisterwas added by billifer and appears on 2 lists
- interneuralwas added by billifer and appears on 2 lists
- treillagewas added by billifer and appears on 8 lists
- antennationwas added by billifer and appears on 2 lists
- gasperwas added by billifer and appears on 8 lists
- limnedwas added by billifer and appears on 17 lists
- sephenoidwas added by billifer and appears on 2 lists
- apotheosizingwas added by billifer and appears on just this list
- intensilewas added by billifer and appears on 2 lists
- contemptuouswas added by billifer and appears on 80 lists
- trochaicallywas added by billifer and appears on 4 lists
- fricativewas added by billifer and appears on 65 lists
- formantwas added by billifer and appears on 8 lists
- bafflegabwas added by billifer and appears on 47 lists
- superjacentwas added by billifer and appears on 9 lists
- fitviaviwas added by billifer and appears on 2 lists
- miscegenationwas added by billifer and appears on 53 lists
- daturawas added by billifer and appears on 17 lists
- rakishwas added by billifer and appears on 95 lists
- scabrouswas added by billifer and appears on 84 lists
- rutilantwas added by billifer and appears on 50 lists
- parpingwas added by billifer and appears on 3 lists
- swinishestwas added by billifer and appears on just this list
- éclatwas added by billifer and appears on 25 lists
- erumpentwas added by billifer and appears on 45 lists
- praxiswas added by billifer and appears on 112 lists
- dilettantishwas added by billifer and appears on 7 lists
- agnatewas added by billifer and appears on 38 lists
- aperçuwas added by billifer and appears on 57 lists
- econometristwas added by billifer and appears on 2 lists
- corticatizationwas added by billifer and appears on 2 lists
- panagoraphobiawas added by billifer and appears on 2 lists
- sumptuouswas added by billifer and appears on 154 lists
- habituatedwas added by billifer and appears on 6 lists
- unsubtlizingwas added by billifer and appears on just this list
- mimeticwas added by billifer and appears on 48 lists
- verisimilitudewas added by billifer and appears on 438 lists
- arationalwas added by billifer and appears on 2 lists
- trivalentwas added by billifer and appears on 4 lists
- homuncularwas added by billifer and appears on 5 lists
- putativewas added by billifer and appears on 155 lists
- probitywas added by billifer and appears on 194 lists
- mythopoeiawas added by billifer and appears on 22 lists
- galootwas added by billifer and appears on 44 lists
- involutedwas added by billifer and appears on 5 lists
- muratedwas added by billifer and appears on 4 lists
- eideticwas added by billifer and appears on 97 lists
- unpricklywas added by billifer and appears on just this list
- boscageswas added by billifer and appears on 2 lists
- caperingwas added by billifer and appears on 8 lists
- motion-noisewas added by billifer and appears on just this list
- kliegswas added by billifer and appears on 2 lists
- reticulatewas added by billifer and appears on 53 lists
- osseouslywas added by billifer and appears on 5 lists
- coiffurewas added by billifer and appears on 29 lists
- herniaticallywas added by billifer and appears on 2 lists
- guillochewas added by billifer and appears on 25 lists
- libraryishwas added by billifer and appears on 3 lists
- kertwangingwas added by billifer and appears on just this list
- droogieswas added by billifer and appears on just this list
- accretivewas added by billifer and appears on 13 lists
- plasticenewas added by billifer and appears on 2 lists
- ancipitalswas added by billifer and appears on just this list
- hangdogwas added by billifer and appears on 57 lists
- slogwas added by billifer and appears on 42 lists
- osteoporoticallywas added by billifer and appears on just this list
- crepuscularwas added by billifer and appears on 391 lists
- lumewas added by billifer and appears on 3 lists
- sangfroidwas added by billifer and appears on 123 lists
- ruminativewas added by billifer and appears on 20 lists
- spectationwas added by billifer and appears on 3 lists
- pendentivewas added by billifer and appears on 9 lists
- amanuensiswas added by billifer and appears on 144 lists
- carminativewas added by billifer and appears on 29 lists
- extantwas added by billifer and appears on 185 lists
- semionwas added by billifer and appears on 3 lists
- atavisticallywas added by billifer and appears on 3 lists
- digitatewas added by billifer and appears on 18 lists
- annularwas added by billifer and appears on 21 lists
- verdantwas added by billifer and appears on 181 lists
- fulvouswas added by billifer and appears on 42 lists
- denudedwas added by billifer and appears on 15 lists
- pedalferrouswas added by billifer and appears on 6 lists
- locomotivalwas added by billifer and appears on 2 lists
- tornadicwas added by billifer and appears on 14 lists
- uremicwas added by billifer and appears on 8 lists
- décolletagewas added by billifer and appears on 34 lists
- antitheorywas added by billifer and appears on just this list
- perfidiouslywas added by billifer and appears on 4 lists
- chapeauwas added by billifer and appears on 32 lists
- candidiaticwas added by billifer and appears on 3 lists
- experialistwas added by billifer and appears on 2 lists
- appetitivewas added by billifer and appears on 6 lists
- diagnatewas added by billifer and appears on 2 lists
- aleatorywas added by billifer and appears on 119 lists
- prolixwas added by billifer and appears on 345 lists
- plosivitywas added by billifer and appears on 2 lists
- quincunxwas added by billifer and appears on 132 lists
billifer commented on the list word-of-infinite-jest
All the words gathered in this list are words that I have encountered, or in some cases, reencountered, while reading David Foster Wallace's magnum opus Infinite Jest.
Unfortunately, I didn't think to start this list until I was more than a few dozen pages in, so many words, good ones, have not been captured in this list.
Many of these words, of course, are the author's own neologisms, and you will find them nowhere except in Infinite Jest or in essays, reviews, or surveys of the work. DFW's literary prowess is unmistakable upon reading this or any of his other works. As a writer myself, I aspire to the heights (or depths?) of genius that is DFW.
Others, naturally, are to be found in common dictionaries, or in exceptional cases, only in unabridged ones. Many, such as noninsecure, are merely compounded or strange twists of preexisting words: forms that, in many cases, make plenty sense to have around, but simply aren't part of the language proper.
I've found it difficult at times to know when to draw the line with respect to more common words, viz. not Wallace's neologisms, such as contemptuous. Many readers who find this list — and hopefully find it a useful reference while reading Infinite Jest — may not know that word, especially those who are non-native speakers of English. Many other people (especially the type to read Infinite Jest) will consider such inclusions germane. In any case, I've tried to set a tolerance for established words that everyone can be happy with.
If you have any comments regarding this list, please feel free to leave me a comment on my profile, or on my blog.
December 5, 2006
billifer commented on the list word-of-infinite-jest
This list, and the comments that I make on the words listed here, are licensed under a Creative Commons license. Feel free to reuse this list however you see fit within the scope of the license! Other users’ comments may not be licensed as such.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
December 27, 2006
dijinn commented on the list word-of-infinite-jest
I feel as though I've found a kindred spirit here. Thanks for posting the words you found whilst digging the strata that is the IJ. I did a similar exercise when I first encountered IJ five or six years ago. And I am redoing it currently. Am a little over half way through the book but am taking a much more leisurely approach this time. Trying to piece the book together in my head as I go instead of the perpetual deer in the headlights look I had during my first pass.
Anyway, thanks for the list. I plan to flip open my list tonight when I get home and see if I encounter any that you did not list. You already are doing well in my book as you have listed the best word in the entire book. Suprasubliminal. Which is also encased in my absolute favorite sentence in the book - "Suprsubliminal and that." (If I remember correctly it was embedded in a rather surreal para. that discussed the actual content of the Infinite Jest movie. Which would make it my favorite paragraph of the book as well. Which is saying something.)
Anyway, I digress. Thanks a bunch for the list. I have enjoyed it immensely.
May 21, 2007
whichbe commented on the list word-of-infinite-jest
David Foster Wallace found dead last night.
September 14, 2008