A list of 100 words by she.
- persecutewas added by she and appears on 27 lists
- connoisseurwas added by she and appears on 120 lists
- cummerbundwas added by she and appears on 41 lists
- clamorwas added by she and appears on 88 lists
- clamberwas added by she and appears on 79 lists
- conferredwas added by she and appears on 8 lists
- competencewas added by she and appears on 23 lists
- eminencewas added by she and appears on 44 lists
- precedencewas added by she and appears on 20 lists
- poinsettiawas added by she and appears on 20 lists
- publiclywas added by she and appears on 11 lists
- profferwas added by she and appears on 66 lists
- dormitorywas added by she and appears on 13 lists
- suppresswas added by she and appears on 40 lists
- perturbwas added by she and appears on 76 lists
- infraredwas added by she and appears on 21 lists
- reservoirwas added by she and appears on 31 lists
- refrigeratorwas added by she and appears on 28 lists
- privilegewas added by she and appears on 76 lists
- bravadowas added by she and appears on 83 lists
- triathlonwas added by she and appears on 10 lists
- decathlonwas added by she and appears on 14 lists
- gypwas added by she and appears on 41 lists
- restaurantwas added by she and appears on 20 lists
- sergeantwas added by she and appears on 24 lists
- shish kebabwas added by she and appears on 4 lists
- philharmonicwas added by she and appears on 12 lists
- pharaohwas added by she and appears on 33 lists
- braisedwas added by she and appears on 8 lists
- fluoridewas added by she and appears on 15 lists
- pharmaceuticalwas added by she and appears on 15 lists
- intriguingwas added by she and appears on 37 lists
- accommodatewas added by she and appears on 61 lists
- barbituratewas added by she and appears on 19 lists
- corollarywas added by she and appears on 120 lists
- ecstasywas added by she and appears on 81 lists
- frolickingwas added by she and appears on 15 lists
- idiosyncrasywas added by she and appears on 167 lists
- quandarywas added by she and appears on 185 lists
- transsexualwas added by she and appears on 9 lists
- minusculewas added by she and appears on 38 lists
- hemorrhagewas added by she and appears on 38 lists
- commemorativewas added by she and appears on 8 lists
- chauffeurwas added by she and appears on 29 lists
- carburetorwas added by she and appears on 13 lists
- cacophonywas added by she and appears on 341 lists
- bureaucracywas added by she and appears on 59 lists
- puerilewas added by she and appears on 253 lists
- gruesomewas added by she and appears on 62 lists
- severancewas added by she and appears on 22 lists
- nuisancewas added by she and appears on 41 lists
- acquaintancewas added by she and appears on 30 lists
- ridiculouswas added by she and appears on 98 lists
- innocuouswas added by she and appears on 287 lists
- ingeniouswas added by she and appears on 72 lists
- disastrouswas added by she and appears on 18 lists
- cantaloupewas added by she and appears on 32 lists
- bourbonwas added by she and appears on 46 lists
- bouillonwas added by she and appears on 33 lists
- pronunciationwas added by she and appears on 26 lists
- prescriptionwas added by she and appears on 27 lists
- explanationwas added by she and appears on 16 lists
- conflagrationwas added by she and appears on 167 lists
- absorptionwas added by she and appears on 20 lists
- penitentwas added by she and appears on 100 lists
- parliamentwas added by she and appears on 46 lists
- inadvertentwas added by she and appears on 82 lists
- fluorescentwas added by she and appears on 38 lists
- embarrassmentwas added by she and appears on 22 lists
- reminiscencewas added by she and appears on 31 lists
- absencewas added by she and appears on 35 lists
- receivewas added by she and appears on 20 lists
- conceitwas added by she and appears on 99 lists
- relievedwas added by she and appears on 12 lists
- niecewas added by she and appears on 16 lists
- mantelpiecewas added by she and appears on 6 lists
- camaraderiewas added by she and appears on 69 lists
- pheasantwas added by she and appears on 25 lists
- pigeonwas added by she and appears on 60 lists
- wildebeestwas added by she and appears on 19 lists
- sacrilegiouswas added by she and appears on 57 lists
- dependentwas added by she and appears on 25 lists
- correspondencewas added by she and appears on 26 lists
- possessionwas added by she and appears on 34 lists
- questionnairewas added by she and appears on 20 lists
- occurrencewas added by she and appears on 23 lists
- lightningwas added by she and appears on 64 lists
- licensewas added by she and appears on 34 lists
- gaugewas added by she and appears on 46 lists
- medievalwas added by she and appears on 48 lists
- perseverancewas added by she and appears on 53 lists
- noticeablewas added by she and appears on 11 lists
- playwrightwas added by she and appears on 23 lists
- supersedewas added by she and appears on 80 lists
- consensuswas added by she and appears on 65 lists
- cemeterywas added by she and appears on 44 lists
- all rightwas added by she and appears on 4 lists
- a lotwas added by she and appears on 5 lists
- exercisewas added by she and appears on 38 lists
- separatewas added by she and appears on 49 lists
jennarenn commented on the list words-i-assumed-i-had-not-been-misspelling-until-greeted-somewhere-by-the-fact-of-my-wrongness
I love this list. So fresh and honest. :)
July 11, 2008
she commented on the list words-i-assumed-i-had-not-been-misspelling-until-greeted-somewhere-by-the-fact-of-my-wrongness
Why thank you, miss.
I think it's really one of the most useful self-serving lists to make—I'm digging all the way back to gradeschool (There are words left to add! but I'm pacing myself).. As George Santayana (Google tells me) said, Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. And now I have this handy reference going.
July 11, 2008
reesetee commented on the list words-i-assumed-i-had-not-been-misspelling-until-greeted-somewhere-by-the-fact-of-my-wrongness
Great list, she--and let's face it, most of spellings aren't especially logical in the first place, so you can forgive yourself that much. :-)
July 11, 2008
kringlan commented on the list words-i-assumed-i-had-not-been-misspelling-until-greeted-somewhere-by-the-fact-of-my-wrongness
Intresting and impresive!
August 9, 2008
sarra commented on the list words-i-assumed-i-had-not-been-misspelling-until-greeted-somewhere-by-the-fact-of-my-wrongness
Ooooh. The memory-sticking ones for me are “enviroment” (age 11, but I think I'd barely used it before being told) and “oppurtunity” (somewhere in my teens, which was much more embarrassing).
August 9, 2008
sarra commented on the list words-i-assumed-i-had-not-been-misspelling-until-greeted-somewhere-by-the-fact-of-my-wrongness
Oh, and “flourescent” for me too!
August 9, 2008
she commented on the list words-i-assumed-i-had-not-been-misspelling-until-greeted-somewhere-by-the-fact-of-my-wrongness
Tanks, kingran!
This may make you feel better, sarra — my first addition to this list is the most embarrassing: the correct spelling of "seperate" didn't dawn on me until well, well into high school. I still have no idea how, in years of papers, emails and IM conversations, not one person noticed or cared enough to correct me. Yeeearrsss.
August 9, 2008
mollusque commented on the list words-i-assumed-i-had-not-been-misspelling-until-greeted-somewhere-by-the-fact-of-my-wrongness
I remember once in second grade puzzling over "ov" and "uv" but not arriving at "of". In fifth grade kindergarten knocked me out of the spelling bee.
August 10, 2008
Telofy commented on the list words-i-assumed-i-had-not-been-misspelling-until-greeted-somewhere-by-the-fact-of-my-wrongness
Being German I write much less English than most of you I guess, so only a few months ago, spell-checking a readme and a changelog file for an OpenSource tool I wrote, I also had the same "separate" epiphany. Had to correct it in almost every file... ^^
"interesting" came out a bit earlier.
September 26, 2008
frindley commented on the list words-i-assumed-i-had-not-been-misspelling-until-greeted-somewhere-by-the-fact-of-my-wrongness
September 26, 2008
Prolagus commented on the list words-i-assumed-i-had-not-been-misspelling-until-greeted-somewhere-by-the-fact-of-my-wrongness
In Italian, spelling is not such a big problem - we have a bunch of letters with two possible pronunciations, and the rest of them is always pronounced the same way*. A few words are a bit harder, though:
accelerare (to accelerate), usually pronounced "accellerare";
piovigginare (to drizzle), that almost no one pronounces correctly** ("pioviginare", "piovvigginare", "piovviginare"...);
and collutorio (mouthwash), that gets more google results with the wrong spelling "colluttorio".
* Approximately, of course.
** Including me.
September 26, 2008
Prolagus commented on the list words-i-assumed-i-had-not-been-misspelling-until-greeted-somewhere-by-the-fact-of-my-wrongness
Oh, I talked about that on thingy...
September 26, 2008