Socrates had inquired of Choerephon as to a many of its paces He thought a flea could leap; for one just then, With morsure satiated of Choerephon, Had vaulted to the occiput of Socrates (A. Domett Poems 34).
Additional definitions (noun): An animal that lives on the ground or (esp.) in the earth or soil (OED). A plant or animal living on land (Collins English Dictionary).
murican is a derogatory term that describes someone, usually uneducated and politically conservative, who evinces unsophisticated, jingoistic behavior. Generally synonymous with hick, redneck, cracker.
phylotypic (adj.) = moment in the development of an animal when it most proximately resembles other related species. In vertebrates, this corresponds to the organogenetic period, when numerous undifferentiated organ primordia are appearing.
1657 R. Tomlinson tr. J. de Renou Pharmaceut. Shop i, in Medicinal Dispensatory sig. Ooo2v, Sieves made of Horses hairs..called..sometimes excussive incernicles.
LNCaP is an acronym denoting cells of Lymph Node Carcinoma Prostatae. These constitute a repeatedly perpetuated line of cells used in research, which was originally procured from a patient whose lymph nodes exhibited carcinoma prostatae (cancer of the prostate). LNCaP cells are dependent on androgen for proliferation. Another type of prostatic cell, exemplified by the cell line, DU–145, is independent of androgen (insensitive or refractory to androgen) in its proliferation.
aurantious = orange or yellow-orange, the color of an orange; cf. aurantiaceous.
Ploceus aurantius is the Orange Weaver; Arremon aurantiirostris is the Orange-billed Sparrow; Catharus aurantiirostris is the Orange-billed Nightingale Thrush; Heterocercus aurantiivertex is the Orange-crowned Manakin.
aurantious (aurantius) = the color of an orange — A familiar introduction to the history of insects; being a new and greatly improved edition of the grammar of entomology, entry 489. E. Newman, 2016.
1. That shares something with another; having a share; (also) taking only a portion or part of something; 2. pertaining to a form of land tenure whereby the landlord receives as rent a fixed share of the annual produce of a holding (OED).
The term, katniss, signifies any member of the genus <i>Sagittaria</i> (arrowhead) and the first name of one of the two protagonists of The Hunger Games.
An extendable bridge or gangway; (also) a sort of ferry which uses the current to propel a boat tethered by ropes or chains from one side of a river to the other (OED).
According to Google, the numbers of websites that include the terms pyknic, pachytic, pachyntic and spissid are 99,000, 241, 7860 and 526, respectively (10-02-2022).
Comments by biocon
biocon commented on the word natability
natability = the capacity for floating (OED).
March 17, 2023
biocon commented on the list footless--legless-or-ventrally-finless
February 25, 2023
biocon commented on the word natatilis
Latin natatilis = that can swim, swimmable
November 7, 2022
biocon commented on the word decondense
decondense = to render chromatin less dense and compact
October 17, 2022
biocon commented on the word artus
L. narrow
October 2, 2022
biocon commented on the word descense
descense = genealogical descent.
June 10, 2022
biocon commented on the word descence
See descense
January 21, 2022
biocon commented on the word exeme
exeme = 1. set free, release; 2. to take away, remove; 3. to exempt, select from, except from a certain option (OED).
January 3, 2022
biocon commented on the word edule
edule = edible. See edulious.
November 17, 2021
biocon commented on the word diptychous
diptychous = doubly-folded (OED)
October 31, 2021
biocon commented on the word genius
genius (adjective) = clever and original.
October 6, 2021
biocon commented on the word ὀλίγος
ὀλίγος - few, small.
September 10, 2021
biocon commented on the word νέος
νέος = new
April 18, 2021
biocon commented on the word πρίων
πρίων = a saw (tool, instrument)
April 17, 2021
biocon commented on the word frigor
Excellent, Seanahan
April 11, 2021
biocon commented on the word ichthyophilist
ichthyophilist = a lover of fishes (OED). See ichthyophile
April 6, 2021
biocon commented on the word ichthyophile
ichthyophile = a lover of fishes (OED). See ichthyophilist.
April 6, 2021
biocon commented on the word adimplete
See implete.
March 7, 2021
biocon commented on the word ἀσπίς
aspís = a shield
March 1, 2021
biocon commented on the word uropterygium
uropterygium = caudal fin
February 28, 2021
biocon commented on the word summus mons
L. summus mons = highest mountain
February 21, 2021
biocon commented on the word circumnatatory
circumnatatory = swimming around (OED). See circumnatant
November 15, 2020
biocon commented on the word circumnatant
circumnatant = swimming around (OED). See circumnatatory.
November 15, 2020
biocon commented on the word scutulate
scutulate = platter-shaped
November 4, 2020
biocon commented on the word κιρρός
κιρρός = aurantious, orangey
November 3, 2020
biocon commented on the word natatiles
L natatiles = swimming creatures
October 31, 2020
biocon commented on the word sanitude
sanitude = healthy condition (OED).
October 25, 2020
biocon commented on the word lenitic
lenitic = still (waters). See lentic
October 12, 2020
biocon commented on the word capillate
capillate = provided with hair (OED).
October 12, 2020
biocon commented on the word ποταμός
ποταμός = river, stream
October 6, 2020
biocon commented on the word σίδηρος
σίδηρος = iron
October 6, 2020
biocon commented on the word εὐρύς
εὐρύς= broad, wide.
September 13, 2020
biocon commented on the word saxeous
saxeous = stony, rocky, pertaining to stone (OED)
May 4, 2020
biocon commented on the word δολιχός
δολιχός = long.
May 1, 2020
biocon commented on the word nemoricultrix
Latin nemoricultrix = she that dwells in the woods
April 26, 2020
biocon commented on the word alvus
L. alvus = the belly, paunch
April 19, 2020
biocon commented on the word myxopterygii
myxopterygii = chondrichthyan claspers
April 18, 2020
biocon commented on the list swimming
Google manifests that 117,000 websites include the term "natatory" and 123,000 websites include the term "natatorial."
April 18, 2020
biocon commented on the word obrute
obrute = to overwhelm, bury; to cover over (OED)
April 17, 2020
biocon commented on the word confode
confode = pierce through, transfix (OED)
April 16, 2020
biocon commented on the word incrassion
incrassion = incrassation. See Oxford English Dictionary (OED).
April 9, 2020
biocon commented on the list song--1
April 6, 2020
biocon commented on the word θαλάσσιος
Gk θαλάσσιος = sea
February 25, 2020
biocon commented on the word θαλάσσιοι
Gk θαλάσσιοι = seas
February 25, 2020
biocon commented on the word Bothriolepis
See bothriolepis
February 23, 2020
biocon commented on the word bothriolepis
The initial letter in the generic epithet, Bothriolepis, is upper case.
February 23, 2020
biocon commented on the word χυμός
χυμός = juice
January 23, 2020
biocon commented on the word chylus
Latin chylus = juice
January 23, 2020
biocon commented on the word cibus
Latin cibus = juice
January 23, 2020
biocon commented on the word chylisma
Latin chylisma = juice
January 23, 2020
biocon commented on the word pennatus
Latin pennātus = winged. /see ales.
January 6, 2020
biocon commented on the word ales
Latin āles = winged.
January 6, 2020
biocon commented on the word nob.
See nobis
December 27, 2019
biocon commented on the word clisto-
See Comments in cleisto-
December 15, 2019
biocon commented on the word speluncolous
speluncolous = cave-inhabiting
December 15, 2019
biocon commented on the word morsure
Socrates had inquired of Choerephon as to a many of its paces He thought a flea could leap; for one just then, With morsure satiated of Choerephon, Had vaulted to the occiput of Socrates (A. Domett Poems 34).
December 4, 2019
biocon commented on the word sepulchrize
supulchrize = to bury.
December 1, 2019
biocon commented on the word aquacole
aquacole = an inhabitant of water: < French < Latin.
November 27, 2019
biocon commented on the word paludicole
In addition, noun: an inhabitant of marhes (oed).
November 27, 2019
biocon commented on the word terricole
Additional definitions (noun): An animal that lives on the ground or (esp.) in the earth or soil (OED). A plant or animal living on land (Collins English Dictionary).
November 27, 2019
biocon commented on the word hiulcity
hiulcity = a gaping, opening, cleft (OED).
November 10, 2019
biocon commented on the word deglute
deglute = swallow. See deglutate.
November 10, 2019
biocon commented on the word deglutate
deglutate = swallow. See deglute.
November 10, 2019
biocon commented on the word Isistius
Isistius includes Isistius brasiliensis, the cookiecutter shark.
November 10, 2019
biocon commented on the word gnắthoi
gnathoi = jaws
November 8, 2019
biocon commented on the word lampwick
a wick or wicking for a lamp
October 18, 2019
biocon commented on the word ταρσός πτερύγων
planar surface of outstretched wings
October 15, 2019
biocon commented on the word lacunate
lacunate = of, pertaining to, or characterized by the presence of lacunae. See lacuna.
October 8, 2019
biocon commented on the word λαμπρός
λαμπρός = bright, radiant.
October 7, 2019
biocon commented on the word prévenance
prévenance — see prevenance
September 22, 2019
biocon commented on the word celeris
Latin celeris = swift, quick, agile, rapid, speedy, fast; rash, hasty, hurried; lively; early.
May 30, 2019
biocon commented on the list thick
wordnik needs to provide a definition for pachytic.
April 21, 2019
biocon commented on the list umbrella-like
English and Latin adjectives signifying umbrella-like
April 21, 2019
biocon commented on the list cup-shaped
wordnik definitely should have a definition for scyphate.
April 21, 2019
biocon commented on the word gyrinoid
gyrinoid = tadpole-like. Gk γυρινώδης = like a tadpole.
April 14, 2019
biocon commented on the list kidney
Singular rēn was seldom used.The plural, rēnēs, was ordinarily used.
April 5, 2019
biocon commented on the word sicced
sicced = dry (OED).
March 25, 2019
biocon commented on the word circumplicate
circumplicate = to fold, twine or wrap around (OED).
March 24, 2019
biocon commented on the word intort
intort (adjective) = twisted or thrust in (OED).
March 22, 2019
biocon commented on the word exflagellate
exflagellate = elaborate and express gametes of Apicomplexa.
March 3, 2019
biocon commented on the word ructus
ructus = The voiding of gas or of a small quantity of acidic fluid from the stomach through the mouth (Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 9th ed.
February 10, 2019
biocon commented on the word sustentive
sustentive = sustentative (OED).
December 24, 2018
biocon commented on the word noctipotent
noctipotent = powerful at night (OED)
December 9, 2018
biocon commented on the word longeve
longeve= longevous (OED).
December 6, 2018
biocon commented on the word intinct
intinct = to moisten, dye, suffuse.
November 14, 2018
biocon commented on the word difficilitate
See difficultate
November 14, 2018
biocon commented on the word difficultate
See difficilitate
November 14, 2018
biocon commented on the list to-make-difficult
Google informs that difficultate is used on 222,000 websites and that difficilitate is utilized on 5720 websites.
November 14, 2018
biocon commented on the word pelagus altum
pelagus altum = deep sea or high sea.
November 13, 2018
biocon commented on the word stenothermy
stenothermy = the quality or state of being stenothermal.
November 12, 2018
biocon commented on the word eurythermy
eurythermy = the quality or state of being eurythermal.
November 12, 2018
biocon commented on the word hema
hema = blood. See haema and sanguis.
November 12, 2018
biocon commented on the word haema
haema = blood. See hema and sanguis.
November 12, 2018
biocon commented on the word spissid
See spiss.
November 11, 2018
biocon commented on the word pollina
L. pollina = plural of pollen.
November 11, 2018
biocon commented on the word pristinary
pristinary = pristine (OED).
October 24, 2018
biocon commented on the word primo-primitive
primo-primitive = of or relating to the earliest of those that are primitive; characterized by extreme primitiveness.
October 24, 2018
biocon commented on the word Spilogale
Spilogale = generic epithet of spotted skunks in North America.
October 15, 2018
biocon commented on the word juxtamarine
juxtamarine = sitated by the sea (OED).
September 27, 2018
biocon commented on the word avell
avell = 1. to tear away, pull away; 2. pull up.
September 16, 2018
biocon commented on the word Trachylaemus
Trachylaemus is the genus of the Yellow-billed Barbet (Trachylaemus purpuratus), an African bird that is related to toucans and woodpeckers.
August 10, 2018
biocon commented on the word juventude
juventude = youth (Oxford English Dictionary).
August 10, 2018
biocon commented on the word murican
murican is a derogatory term that describes someone, usually uneducated and politically conservative, who evinces unsophisticated, jingoistic behavior. Generally synonymous with hick, redneck, cracker.
May 20, 2018
biocon commented on the word paedomorphosis
paedomorphosis = retention of juvenile or larval characteristics in adults. See neoteny and neotenia.
May 11, 2018
biocon commented on the word cribose
cribrose = perforated. See cribriform.
May 9, 2018
biocon commented on the word ad arbitrium
ad arbitrium = as one pleases
April 8, 2018
biocon commented on the word latera
latera = flanks or sides, as in sides of the body. See latus.
April 3, 2018
biocon commented on the word gastraeum
gastraeum = underside of a body, especially of a bird (The Free Dictionary)
February 7, 2018
biocon commented on the word infernum
infernum = 1. the lower parts of the body, abdomen; 2. infernal regions, hell. See inferna.
February 7, 2018
biocon commented on the word repandirostrous
repandirostrous = with upturned snout. From Latin, repandirostrus, which = with upturned snout.
February 6, 2018
biocon commented on the word Sino-American
Sino-American = Chinese-American.
February 4, 2018
biocon commented on the word wood-warbler
wood-warbler = a member of the avian family, Parulidae, which comprehends diminutive, colorful songbirds which generally flit among parts of trees.
January 29, 2018
biocon commented on the word raptorifautor
raptorifautor = admirer of raptors — birds of prey, vultures and condors.
January 29, 2018
biocon commented on the word tardipedis
Latin tardipedis = slow-footed, tardy-footed.
January 25, 2018
biocon commented on the word altivolant
"Another altivolant classification was for altitude sustained by an aircraft for 15–25 km. or 90 min." The Aeroplane. 1960. 99(1): 565.
January 22, 2018
biocon commented on the word celeripedis
Latin celeripedis = swift-footed. See celeripes and properipes.
January 22, 2018
biocon commented on the word properipes
Latin properipes = swift-footed. See celeripes and celeripedis.
January 22, 2018
biocon commented on the word decathect
January 16, 2018
biocon commented on the word decathexis
decathexis = withdrawal of one's feelings of attachment from (a person, idea, or object), as in anticipation of a future loss (
January 16, 2018
biocon commented on the word species nova
Latin species nova = new species (of organism).
December 28, 2017
biocon commented on the word phylotypic
phylotypic (adj.) = moment in the development of an animal when it most proximately resembles other related species. In vertebrates, this corresponds to the organogenetic period, when numerous undifferentiated organ primordia are appearing.
December 11, 2017
biocon commented on the word culmina
Plural of culmen.
December 3, 2017
biocon commented on the word ferinus
Latin ferinus = of or pertaining to wild animals.
November 13, 2017
biocon commented on the word ferox
Latin ferox = wild, bold, courageous, warlike, spirited, brave, gallant, fierce
savage, headstrong, fierce, insolent, cruel
November 12, 2017
biocon commented on the word terra dimissa
L. terra dimissa = lowland
October 3, 2017
biocon commented on the word scapus pili
scapus pili = the shaft of a hair.
September 20, 2017
biocon commented on the word arduus
L. arduus = 1. high, elevated, lofty, steep; 2. that is difficult to reach or attain, difficult, laborious, hard, arduous; 3. troublesome; 4. unpleasant; 5. adverse, inauspicious.
September 18, 2017
biocon commented on the word pont-levis
pont-levis = 1. a drawbridge; 2. repeated or persistent rearing up by a horse, in resistance to its rider (OED).
September 17, 2017
biocon commented on the word algefacient
algefacient = A (adjective): having a cooling effect; B (noun): a substance that has a cooling effect or a cooling sensation.
September 15, 2017
biocon commented on the word frigify
frigify = A: (transitive verb) to make cold, to cool or B: (intransitive verb) to become cold (OED). See frigefy.
September 15, 2017
biocon commented on the word pulcherrimus
pulcherrimus = the most beautiful or handsome.
August 27, 2017
biocon commented on the list a-breakage--break--cleavage-or-split
Thank you, ruzuzu.
August 14, 2017
biocon commented on the word nacarine
nacarine = red, reddish (OED).
August 6, 2017
biocon commented on the word bridaller
bridaller = one who participates in a bridal: bride, groom, bridal guest (OEM).
July 23, 2017
biocon commented on the word à corps perdu
à corps perdu = headlong, with all one's might (Merriam-Webster Unabridged dictionary).
June 11, 2017
biocon commented on the word aquatica
aquatica = aquatic animals (Weysse, Arthur Wisswald, 1911: 496. A synoptic text-book of zoölogy, for colleges and schools).;view=1up;seq=534
June 10, 2017
biocon commented on the word volatilia
volatilia = flying animals (Weysse, Arthur Wisswald, 1911: 496. A synoptic text-book of zoölogy, for colleges and schools).;view=1up;seq=534
June 10, 2017
biocon commented on the word subternatans
L. subternatans = swimming under.
June 10, 2017
biocon commented on the word supernans
L. supernans = swimming above or at top.
June 10, 2017
biocon commented on the word Lambeosaurinae
Lambeosaurinae = the subfamily of Hadrosauridae (duck-billed dinosaurs) that possessed a crest.
May 20, 2017
biocon commented on the word coelomatous
coelomatous = possessing a coelom (corporal cavity). See coelomate.
May 18, 2017
biocon commented on the word pond scoggin
pond scoggin = South Georgia (USA) term for an egret or heron.
May 17, 2017
biocon commented on the word cleidoic
cleidoic = closed, isolated from the ambient, as vertebrate eggs that are invested by a shell or membrane
May 9, 2017
biocon commented on the word ὀστάριον
ὀστάριον = a small bone. See ossicle.
April 6, 2017
biocon commented on the word magnicaudatous
magnicaudatous = large-tailed or long-tailed. See magnicaudate.
December 5, 2016
biocon commented on the word imperate
imperate = command, rule or govern (OED).
December 3, 2016
biocon commented on the word retinence
retinence = ability to retain something (oed).
November 27, 2016
biocon commented on the word opime
opime = rich, abundant; sumptuous, splendid (OED).
November 27, 2016
biocon commented on the word magnipend
magnipend = to esteem highly (OED)
November 25, 2016
biocon commented on the list rod-shaped
Google manifests the "bacillary" exists on 521,000 websites and "bacilliform" is present on 90,900 websites.
November 25, 2016
biocon commented on the word vacive
vacive = empty, void (OED).
November 22, 2016
biocon commented on the word calorous
calorous = hot (OED). See calid.
November 7, 2016
biocon commented on the list underlying
subjacent (to)
October 30, 2016
biocon commented on the list beneath--underneath
subjacent (to)
October 30, 2016
biocon commented on the word lumbose
lumbose is the English cognate of lumbosus, which = great-buttocked
October 28, 2016
biocon commented on the word spissid
Excellent review of the use of "spissid," mollusque.
May 2, 2016
biocon commented on the word barba
barba = beard
April 27, 2016
biocon commented on the word trilobal
trilobal = trilobate (OED).
April 27, 2016
biocon commented on the list like-or-having-the-appearance-of-a-sieve--colander-or-strainer
Google manifest the following numbers of websites for these terms:
cribrous — 4130
cribose — 11,400
cribrate — 13,500
cribriform — 309,000
April 24, 2016
biocon commented on the word tachydromous
tachydromous (ta'chydromous) = cursorial
April 24, 2016
biocon commented on the word λεπτός
λεπτός (leptós) = 1. delicate, fine; 2. slender, thin; 3. small.
April 23, 2016
biocon commented on the word Amia
Amia = bowfin. See amia.
April 23, 2016
biocon commented on the word squamae
squamae = plural of squama.
April 23, 2016
biocon commented on the word incernicle
incernicle = a sieve (OED).
March 27, 2016
biocon commented on the word bimaris
Latin bimaris = 1. situated between two seas; 2. of or pertaining to two seas.
March 25, 2016
biocon commented on the word exile
exile (adjective) = scanty, poor and meager as well as slender and thin (OED and Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary).
March 21, 2016
biocon commented on the word atrous
Based on their Latin origins, atrous = matte black whereas nigrous = glossy black.
March 19, 2016
biocon commented on the word LNCaP
LNCaP is an acronym denoting cells of Lymph Node Carcinoma Prostatae. These constitute a repeatedly perpetuated line of cells used in research, which was originally procured from a patient whose lymph nodes exhibited carcinoma prostatae (cancer of the prostate). LNCaP cells are dependent on androgen for proliferation. Another type of prostatic cell, exemplified by the cell line, DU–145, is independent of androgen (insensitive or refractory to androgen) in its proliferation.
March 19, 2016
biocon commented on the word in actu
in actu = in actual practice.
March 18, 2016
biocon commented on the word aurantious
aurantious = orange or yellow-orange, the color of an orange; cf. aurantiaceous.
March 18, 2016
biocon commented on the word aurantia
aurantia = 1. the color of yellow–orange dye; 2. dyestuff; 3. explosive (OED). See aurantious.
March 16, 2016
biocon commented on the word obfuscous
obfuscous = 1. dark in color or aspect, darkened; 2. of the nature of or characterized by obfuscation (OED). See fuscous, obfuscation.
March 16, 2016
biocon commented on the word crestal
crestal = at, near, on, or pertaining to a crest (Merriam–Webster Unabridged Dictionary).
March 14, 2016
biocon commented on the word accub
The term accub = animal's footprint (OED).
March 10, 2016
biocon commented on the word Cryphonectria
Cryphonectria is the genus of the Asian mildew (phylum Ascomycota) that causes Chestnut Blight.
March 5, 2016
biocon commented on the word diloricate
diloricate = to tear or pull away; pull up (OED).
March 2, 2016
biocon commented on the word pinnal
in addition, pinnal = of or pertaining to a feather, wing, fin or similar structure.
February 22, 2016
biocon commented on the word ῥάμφος
Greek ῥάμϕος = beak.
February 18, 2016
biocon commented on the word ῥίς
Greek ῥίς = nose or snout.
February 18, 2016
biocon commented on the word τρητός
Greek τρητός = with a hole in it, perforated.
February 7, 2016
biocon commented on the list with-upturned-snout
Thank you much, leaden, for the two additional words.
January 8, 2016
biocon commented on the list crocodile--1
Thank you, Kalayzich.
November 29, 2015
biocon commented on the word partiary
1. That shares something with another; having a share; (also) taking only a portion or part of something; 2. pertaining to a form of land tenure whereby the landlord receives as rent a fixed share of the annual produce of a holding (OED).
November 28, 2015
biocon commented on the word Melpopene
Měl'popěnē = the muse of tragic and lyric poetry
October 30, 2015
biocon commented on the word neofunctionalization
The term, neofunctionalization, denotes the development and execution of a novel function.
October 27, 2015
biocon commented on the word katniss
The term, katniss, signifies any member of the genus <i>Sagittaria</i> (arrowhead) and the first name of one of the two protagonists of The Hunger Games.
October 26, 2015
biocon commented on the word volancy
The term, volancy, = flight.
October 20, 2015
biocon commented on the word thanatic
The term, thanatic = of or pertaining to death (OED).
October 11, 2015
biocon commented on the word unobstruct
The term, unobstruct, signifies "to remove obstruction from" (OED).
October 10, 2015
biocon commented on the word pont volant
The term, pont volant, is defined as follows.
September 30, 2015
biocon commented on the word pont tornere
The term, pont tornere</i>, = a drawbridge (OED).
September 30, 2015
biocon commented on the word condecent
The term, condecent, signifies becoming, appropriate, meet (OED).
September 23, 2015
biocon commented on the list thick
According to Google, the numbers of websites that include the terms pyknic, pachytic, pachyntic and spissid are 99,000, 241, 7860 and 526, respectively (10-02-2022).
September 13, 2015
biocon commented on the word track
In addition, track signifies to tow (a vessel), particularly from a bank (OED).
September 12, 2015
biocon commented on the list gap-junction
I am delighted to receive a response from you again, Bilby. I have missed your humor. I hope that you are doing well.
September 11, 2015
biocon commented on the word unión nexus
Spanish for gap junction. See unión comunicante.
September 11, 2015
biocon commented on the word unión en hendidura
Spanish for gap junction. See unión comunicante.
September 11, 2015
biocon commented on the word unión comunicante
Spanish for gap junction.
September 11, 2015
biocon commented on the word nexus communicans
Latin for gap junction.
September 11, 2015
biocon commented on the word junctura communicans
Latin for gap junction.
September 11, 2015
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