via Wikipedia: "Accompanying the white clown there is often another clown character known as an auguste or "red clown" but the auguste's role is different from the white clown. In classical European circus the augustes weren't even considered clowns because, technically, their role was different. The Augustes are the ones who gets the pie in the face, squirted with water, knocked down on their backside, sit in wet paint, or have their pants ripped off."
Sometimes I say this instead of knickerbocker by mistake. Accidental cool word. Sometimes I say this instead of knickerbocker by mistake. Accidental cool word. Similar in that respect to knickerboxer
Usually I prefer the old to the new but The Magnetic Field's Book of Love off of the album, 69 Love Songs, is one of the few exceptions. Different song, same title.
I have turned into a full-blown wordie addict within my first 24 hours on the site. My only problem so far is that when I try to remove a word from my favorites, it says 'user not found'. What am I doing wrong ?
Comments by infostyx
infostyx commented on the word orchards so old
Orchards so old they have forgotten where the farmhouse is
Page 129 Stuart Little
September 1, 2019
infostyx commented on the word worth finding out about
Page 100 Stuart Little. “The back yards were bushy and worth finding out about”
September 1, 2019
infostyx commented on the word conversational cul-de-sac
Comedy Bang Bang Podcast 76.1
September 25, 2011
infostyx commented on the word smogger
September 10, 2011
infostyx commented on the word I want to go to there
30 Rock quote
December 22, 2009
infostyx commented on the word gun metal gaze
Read this phrase in a recent issue of The New Yorker and fell in love with it. Unfortunately, can't remember the author.
July 8, 2009
infostyx commented on the word grumpy mcpoops
From the piece, "Fun Times", by Larry Doyle, in the April 20th issue of The New Yorker.
April 19, 2009
infostyx commented on the word how do you like them bananas
My take on 'how do you like them apples?'
January 15, 2009
infostyx commented on the word shaken baby syndrome
shaken teddy bear syndrome is so much more cuddly.
July 24, 2008
infostyx commented on the word ...and we longboat this fucker into the sunset
hilarious comment from this thread
July 4, 2008
infostyx commented on the word queerballs
Read in a post by Mindy Ephron of The Office fame.
February 25, 2008
infostyx commented on the word peanut butter and jelly belly
What I am currently sporting
February 22, 2008
infostyx commented on the word thunder storm trooper
Sorry, this is what I meant to add instead of thunderstormtrooper (one word)
February 22, 2008
infostyx commented on the word shooting bunnies
To fart. As in "He was shooting bunnies".
January 22, 2008
infostyx commented on the word failure pile
'Failure pile in a sadness bowl' set
January 16, 2008
infostyx commented on the word like fun!
Read tonight in a short story by Dorothy Parker
January 11, 2008
infostyx commented on the word failure pile
from Patton Oswalt's standup bit about KFC.
January 9, 2008
infostyx commented on the word homeskillet
Part of a quote from Juno
January 4, 2008
infostyx commented on the word thundercats are go!
Part of a quote from Juno
January 4, 2008
infostyx commented on the word food baby
Part of a quote from Juno
January 4, 2008
infostyx commented on the word cautionary whale
Part of a quote from Juno
January 4, 2008
infostyx commented on the word pork sword
Part of a quote from Juno
January 4, 2008
infostyx commented on the word totally boss
Part of a quote from Juno
January 4, 2008
infostyx commented on the word lazy baker
From the podcast, Never Not Funny. The number 11. A take off on a baker's dozen.
December 12, 2007
infostyx commented on the word shaken teddy bear syndrome
My official fake band name as well, I decided.
December 10, 2007
infostyx commented on the word spamburglar
What I call the 'person' who hacked into my MySpace account and left teenybopper spambot comments for my friends.
December 10, 2007
infostyx commented on the word wacko
Also the name of the best store in Los Angeles.
December 10, 2007
infostyx commented on the word red clown
via Wikipedia: "Accompanying the white clown there is often another clown character known as an auguste or "red clown" but the auguste's role is different from the white clown. In classical European circus the augustes weren't even considered clowns because, technically, their role was different. The Augustes are the ones who gets the pie in the face, squirted with water, knocked down on their backside, sit in wet paint, or have their pants ripped off."
December 8, 2007
infostyx commented on the word monkey's wedding
"Simultaneous rain and sunshine"
via the book, Weird and Wonderful Words
December 7, 2007
infostyx commented on the word sweater puppy
= a boob. My one-note joke.
December 6, 2007
infostyx commented on the word narf
"One is a genius, the other one, insane !"
Which is which? Hard to tell sometimes.
December 6, 2007
infostyx commented on the list nighthawks-at-the-diner
great list. I added a big handful of words on it to my words.
December 6, 2007
infostyx commented on the list a-dram-too-many
drunker than cooter brown
December 6, 2007
infostyx commented on the word pretty lady
nickname for Rachel !
December 6, 2007
infostyx commented on the word space madness
Ren and Stimpy
December 6, 2007
infostyx commented on the word meat shake
Song from the band, Ugly Duckling.
December 6, 2007
infostyx commented on the word mind-bottling
"Yeah, mind-bottling. You know, when things are so crazy it gets your thoughts all trapped, like in a bottle? " - Blades of Glory
December 6, 2007
infostyx commented on the word tagony
Kickass word. I suffer from it nearly everyday.
December 5, 2007
infostyx commented on the word knickerboxer
Sometimes I say this instead of knickerbocker by mistake. Accidental cool word. Similar in that respect to nickleboxer
December 4, 2007
infostyx commented on the word nickleboxer
Sometimes I say this instead of knickerbocker by mistake. Accidental cool word. Sometimes I say this instead of knickerbocker by mistake. Accidental cool word. Similar in that respect to knickerboxer
December 4, 2007
infostyx commented on the word la ti da
Annie Hall's favorite phrase
December 3, 2007
infostyx commented on the word the mysterians
The Mysterians
December 3, 2007
infostyx commented on the word mister splashy pants
Mister Splashy Pants
December 2, 2007
infostyx commented on the word charlie browniest
"Of all the charlie browns in the world, you are the charlie browniest"
November 28, 2007
infostyx commented on the word gruesome twosome
I first heard it in the 'Lets Get Together' Song from the old school Hayley Mills version of Parent Trap. But thats probably not where it orignated.
November 27, 2007
infostyx commented on the list lethal-weapons
daisy cutter
November 14, 2007
infostyx commented on the word scrantonicity
schruting it . Just schrute it.
November 3, 2007
infostyx commented on the word elevensies
Oh boy. Where is there a hobbit when you need one ? Or a LOTR supernerd.
October 22, 2007
infostyx commented on the word staunch
" if there's anything worse than dealing with a staunch woman... S-T-A-U-N-C-H. There's nothing worse, I'm telling you. "
October 21, 2007
infostyx commented on the word shaken teddy bear syndrome
My dog invented it.
October 11, 2007
infostyx commented on the word jackabee
Yep. The hybrid of the ridiculous and the cute.
August 27, 2007
infostyx commented on the word haha
Also, Nelson Muntz's favorite word.
August 27, 2007
infostyx commented on the word book of love
Usually I prefer the old to the new but The Magnetic Field's Book of Love off of the album, 69 Love Songs, is one of the few exceptions. Different song, same title.
August 27, 2007
infostyx commented on the word knucklehead
chucklehead's twin brother
August 25, 2007
infostyx commented on the word interpol
Love the word, love the band
August 25, 2007
infostyx commented on the word jackabee
A dog that is a cross between a jack russell and a beagle.
August 25, 2007
infostyx commented on the word hokey pokey
Thats what its all about.
August 13, 2007
infostyx commented on the user john
I have turned into a full-blown wordie addict within my first 24 hours on the site. My only problem so far is that when I try to remove a word from my favorites, it says 'user not found'. What am I doing wrong ?
August 11, 2007