jbipes commented on the word armamentaria
this word is the plural of armamentarium per Webster's 3rd New International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged (c)1993
April 4, 2010
jbipes commented on the list pterodactyl-s-game-of-postal-abbreviations
Sorry bilby, "abscondent" is neither English nor French. Too bad.
jbipes commented on the word abscondent
Sorry bilby, not FRENCH either!
sorry, but I used AR twice. still this is the longest single word you can make using ONLY postal abbreviations. (even if there is a repeat)
not a valid word. No listing in any dictionary, hardcover or online.
can't find a definition for this word anywhere. Not valid.
Sorry, I used -ar twice in my word armamentaria, but this is the longest word you can make using only postal abbreviations.
jbipes commented on the word Armamentaria
Sorry, I repeated AR, but this one is the longest word you can make using only postal abbreviations.
jbipes commented on the user jbipes
My answer for the 2010 Almaniac Maltese Muller #1
From Webster's Online
Main Entry: ar·ma·men·tar·i·um
Pronunciation: \ˌär-mə-ˌmen-ˈter-ē-əm, -mən-\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural ar·ma·men·tar·ia \-ē-ə\
Etymology: Latin, armory, from armamenta
Date: circa 1860
: a collection of resources available or utilized for an undertaking or field of activity; especially : the equipment, methods, and pharmaceuticals used in medicine
N. PL of Armamentarium
1. The complete equipment of a physician or medical institution, including books, supplies, and instruments.
2. The complete range of materials available or used for a task.
March 6, 2010
Comments by jbipes
jbipes commented on the word armamentaria
this word is the plural of armamentarium per Webster's 3rd New International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged (c)1993
April 4, 2010
jbipes commented on the list pterodactyl-s-game-of-postal-abbreviations
Sorry bilby, "abscondent" is neither English nor French. Too bad.
April 4, 2010
jbipes commented on the word abscondent
Sorry bilby, not FRENCH either!
April 4, 2010
jbipes commented on the word armamentaria
sorry, but I used AR twice. still this is the longest single word you can make using ONLY postal abbreviations. (even if there is a repeat)
April 4, 2010
jbipes commented on the word abscondent
not a valid word. No listing in any dictionary, hardcover or online.
April 4, 2010
jbipes commented on the word abscondent
can't find a definition for this word anywhere. Not valid.
April 4, 2010
jbipes commented on the list pterodactyl-s-game-of-postal-abbreviations
Sorry, I used -ar twice in my word armamentaria, but this is the longest word you can make using only postal abbreviations.
April 4, 2010
jbipes commented on the word Armamentaria
Sorry, I repeated AR, but this one is the longest word you can make using only postal abbreviations.
April 4, 2010
jbipes commented on the user jbipes
My answer for the 2010 Almaniac Maltese Muller #1
April 4, 2010
jbipes commented on the word Armamentaria
From Webster's Online
Main Entry: ar·ma·men·tar·i·um
Pronunciation: \ˌär-mə-ˌmen-ˈter-ē-əm, -mən-\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural ar·ma·men·tar·ia \-ē-ə\
Etymology: Latin, armory, from armamenta
Date: circa 1860
: a collection of resources available or utilized for an undertaking or field of activity; especially : the equipment, methods, and pharmaceuticals used in medicine
April 4, 2010
jbipes commented on the word Armamentaria
N. PL of Armamentarium
1. The complete equipment of a physician or medical institution, including books, supplies, and instruments.
2. The complete range of materials available or used for a task.
March 6, 2010