Ok... An interesting segment from INTERTWINING THE TWO CULTURES IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND by Ken Stage :
Metaphotography And The Appropriation Studio. One of the major causes of the
turn of the century movement away from realist painting was the invention and refinement
of photography, which was seen as 'appropriating' the painter's mandate. Ironically, the
computer is now mating the compositional aspect of painting with photography, and
image 'appropriation' has become central to this hybrid art form. Images can be 'captured'
with many different traps: on film by conventional camera; on disk by digital camera; on
computer by scanning hardcopy images, getting input from video, or by downloading from
the Internet. No matter how the image is captured, it can be processed, developed, by a computer in all the ways a photographic image can (as well as in many, many more totally
new ways) in a virtual dark room—and again with the cost in time and materials
minuscule compared to that of pre-computer days. Image enhancement algorithms such as
false colour, edge detection, and sharpening, originally developed by mathematicians and
scientists as research tools, are now as familiar to the computer artist as they are to the
scientist. The extent of this image processing power is perhaps most dramatically
illustrated in software that will take a photographic image and modify it to look like an
impressionist painting or a line drawing or a watercolour—or even 'Van Gogh' it!
I thought that it would be good to have here an example of what metaphotography really is... I did not really mean to offend anybody.. If any of you think that i should delete my comment i will do it right away.
meta- |ˌmɛtə| |ˈmɛtə| |ˈmɛtə| (also met- before a vowel or h)
combining form
1 denoting a change of position or condition : metamorphosis | metathesis.
2 denoting position behind, after, or beyond: metacarpus.
3 denoting something of a higher or second-order kind : metalanguage | metonym.
4 Chemistry denoting substitution at two carbon atoms separated by one other in a benzene ring, e.g., in 1,3 positions : metadichlorobenzene. Compare with ortho- and para- 1 .
5 Chemistry denoting a compound formed by dehydration : metaphosphoric acid.
ORIGIN from Greek meta ‘with, across, or after.’
and of course
photography a word that you all know without the help of a lexicon.
Comments by metaphotography
metaphotography commented on the word metaphotography
Hey guys very nice to have a positive feedback!
Ok... An interesting segment from INTERTWINING THE TWO CULTURES IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND by Ken Stage :
Metaphotography And The Appropriation Studio. One of the major causes of the
turn of the century movement away from realist painting was the invention and refinement
of photography, which was seen as 'appropriating' the painter's mandate. Ironically, the
computer is now mating the compositional aspect of painting with photography, and
image 'appropriation' has become central to this hybrid art form. Images can be 'captured'
with many different traps: on film by conventional camera; on disk by digital camera; on
computer by scanning hardcopy images, getting input from video, or by downloading from
the Internet. No matter how the image is captured, it can be processed, developed, by a computer in all the ways a photographic image can (as well as in many, many more totally
new ways) in a virtual dark room—and again with the cost in time and materials
minuscule compared to that of pre-computer days. Image enhancement algorithms such as
false colour, edge detection, and sharpening, originally developed by mathematicians and
scientists as research tools, are now as familiar to the computer artist as they are to the
scientist. The extent of this image processing power is perhaps most dramatically
illustrated in software that will take a photographic image and modify it to look like an
impressionist painting or a line drawing or a watercolour—or even 'Van Gogh' it!
you can read the whole paper here: http://kenstange.com/science/IntertwiningTheTwoCultures.pdf
visual examples you can find on :
www.metaphotography.com by Ken Weissblum
www.metaphotography.eu by Panagiotis Pomonis
January 8, 2008
metaphotography commented on the word metaphotography
I thought that it would be good to have here an example of what metaphotography really is... I did not really mean to offend anybody.. If any of you think that i should delete my comment i will do it right away.
January 6, 2008
metaphotography commented on the word metaphotography
meta- |ˌmɛtə| |ˈmɛtə| |ˈmɛtə| (also met- before a vowel or h)
combining form
1 denoting a change of position or condition : metamorphosis | metathesis.
2 denoting position behind, after, or beyond: metacarpus.
3 denoting something of a higher or second-order kind : metalanguage | metonym.
4 Chemistry denoting substitution at two carbon atoms separated by one other in a benzene ring, e.g., in 1,3 positions : metadichlorobenzene. Compare with ortho- and para- 1 .
5 Chemistry denoting a compound formed by dehydration : metaphosphoric acid.
ORIGIN from Greek meta ‘with, across, or after.’
and of course
photography a word that you all know without the help of a lexicon.
January 6, 2008