(1) A fanatical follower of Richard Dawkin's ideas, opinions and beliefs (2) A meme created by Dr Mike Sutton that is an explanation by analogy to show that all Darwinists are very much like Christians because they believe in the miracle of Darwin's and Wallace's dual and independent, immaculate conceptions of a prior published theory, whilst surrounded by admitted influencers who had read it - and so whose minds were fertile to some unknown degree with Matthew's original ideas. Sutton explains that this is perfectly analogous to Christians believing that the Blessed Virgin Mary conceived the child of a supernatural deity whilst surrounded by men who were fertile to some unknown degree.
A spuriofact is spurious information that is purported to be true by orthodox experts or official government sources. Spuriofacts are widely believed scientific fallacies, or else unsubstantiated scientific claims.
Ratortunity is a myth. It stems fromm the notion that the Routine Activity Theory Classic Crime Triangle represents a crime 'opportunity'. The RAT triangle, however, is merely a trusim. See http://dysology.org/page8.html to see how the myth bas bust.
The fallacy of induction is in fact, ironically, based on induction because the falsification of induction is itself based on past knowledge of the failure of the inductive method to know the present and predict the future.
If a new discovery does overturn existing orthodoxy so that induction becomes a good method of knowing the future we should be prepared to name such
To be punterised is to be treated by others as "a dipstick" as a problem and inferior person who is to be fobbed off with lies, half baked excuses and treated as a second rate person.
Braced myths begin as fallacies produced by errors, bias, lies, academic fraud, hoaxes and other forms of pseudo scholarship that are created, packaged to look like facts, and disseminated by orthodox experts. These fallacies become myths as more people accept them. They become braced myths when orthodox respected sceptics credulously believe them, and while still believing they are true promote them as examples of the need to be sceptical of fallacies and myths.
Spurious information purported to be true by respected orthodox experts or official government sources. Spuriofacts are widely believed scientific fallacies, myths and braced myths or else simply unsubstantiated scientific claims
Braced myths begin as fallacies produced by errors, bias, lies, academic fraud, hoaxes and other forms of pseudo scholarship that are created, packaged to look like facts, and disseminated by orthodox experts. These fallacies become myths as more people accept them. They become braced myths when orthodox respected sceptics credulously believe them, and while still believing they are true promote them as examples of the need to be sceptical of fallacies and myths.
Spurious information purported to be true by respected orthodox experts or official government sources. Spuriofacts are widely believed scientific fallacies, myths and braced myths or else simply unsubstantiated scientific claims.
Comments by mike_sutton
Mike_Sutton commented on the list dawkinite
For the 2015 origin of the word Dawkinite as a meme rather than a Dawkins groupie. Visit:
March 19, 2015
Mike_Sutton commented on the word Dawkinite
(1) A fanatical follower of Richard Dawkin's ideas, opinions and beliefs (2) A meme created by Dr Mike Sutton that is an explanation by analogy to show that all Darwinists are very much like Christians because they believe in the miracle of Darwin's and Wallace's dual and independent, immaculate conceptions of a prior published theory, whilst surrounded by admitted influencers who had read it - and so whose minds were fertile to some unknown degree with Matthew's original ideas. Sutton explains that this is perfectly analogous to Christians believing that the Blessed Virgin Mary conceived the child of a supernatural deity whilst surrounded by men who were fertile to some unknown degree.
March 19, 2015
Mike_Sutton commented on the list braced-myth
You can see and learn more about the first braced myth discovery in this paper: Here
and here:
July 23, 2012
Mike_Sutton commented on the list supermyth
You can see some examples of supermyths on my blog site: http://super-myths.blogspot.co.uk/
July 23, 2012
Mike_Sutton commented on the word spuriofact
A spuriofact is spurious information that is purported to be true by orthodox experts or official government sources. Spuriofacts are widely believed scientific fallacies, or else unsubstantiated scientific claims.
April 13, 2012
Mike_Sutton commented on the word disology
Disology (from dis/ dismiss and ology - study of) is the study of disrespect.
April 13, 2012
Mike_Sutton commented on the word ratortunity
Ratortunity is a myth. It stems fromm the notion that the Routine Activity Theory Classic Crime Triangle represents a crime 'opportunity'. The RAT triangle, however, is merely a trusim. See http://dysology.org/page8.html to see how the myth bas bust.
April 13, 2012
Mike_Sutton commented on the list antiswan
The fallacy of induction is in fact, ironically, based on induction because the falsification of induction is itself based on past knowledge of the failure of the inductive method to know the present and predict the future.
If a new discovery does overturn existing orthodoxy so that induction becomes a good method of knowing the future we should be prepared to name such
July 18, 2011
Mike_Sutton commented on the list punterization
To be punterised is to be treated by others as "a dipstick" as a problem and inferior person who is to be fobbed off with lies, half baked excuses and treated as a second rate person.
Origin -Bent Society:
March 22, 2011
Mike_Sutton commented on the word dysology
The study of bad scholarship. Origin: Dr Mike Sutton (dysology.org)
March 22, 2011
Mike_Sutton commented on the word Braced-Myth
Braced myths begin as fallacies produced by errors, bias, lies, academic fraud, hoaxes and other forms of pseudo scholarship that are created, packaged to look like facts, and disseminated by orthodox experts. These fallacies become myths as more people accept them. They become braced myths when orthodox respected sceptics credulously believe them, and while still believing they are true promote them as examples of the need to be sceptical of fallacies and myths.
March 22, 2011
Mike_Sutton commented on the word Spuriofact
Spurious information purported to be true by respected orthodox experts or official government sources. Spuriofacts are widely believed scientific fallacies, myths and braced myths or else simply unsubstantiated scientific claims
March 22, 2011
Mike_Sutton commented on the list dysology
Braced myths begin as fallacies produced by errors, bias, lies, academic fraud, hoaxes and other forms of pseudo scholarship that are created, packaged to look like facts, and disseminated by orthodox experts. These fallacies become myths as more people accept them. They become braced myths when orthodox respected sceptics credulously believe them, and while still believing they are true promote them as examples of the need to be sceptical of fallacies and myths.
Source: Dysology.org
March 22, 2011
Mike_Sutton commented on the list dysology
Spurious information purported to be true by respected orthodox experts or official government sources. Spuriofacts are widely believed scientific fallacies, myths and braced myths or else simply unsubstantiated scientific claims.
Source: dysology.org
March 22, 2011