Dontworry, dontcry. Just remember to build momentum after the turn before the gate and not land in the water. That's all Dara wants. Did you know she's 42?
Are they cans of pre-mixed milo I spy? Wow. Once upon a time you could get milo in little fruit-box sort of dealies here, but I don't think they're produced any more.
I probably shouldn't get this argument started again, but the other -mites are nothing compared with vegemite. And you have to have it done properly - the vegemite:butter:toast ratio is not something to be attempted haphazardly.
I don't like promite but it's better than marmite.
Well, Aussies like to make sure the job's done right the first time so we don't have to arse about doing it again and again. So, if multi-headed penises is what it takes...
There is a group on facebook called something like "People who have never lived in *insert my hometown here* can never pay it out, but we can say whatever we want".
Pro, my homesickness will probably never be as bad as yours, but I understand where you're coming from. I don't even like my hometown that much, but I know that there will always be a connection between me and those people. There are places, foods, events and pubs that I could make reference to and every one of those 20,000 people would automatically know what I was talking about. I could never go back and live there, but I do miss that. I'm going back in September for my uncle's birthday and I'm already looking forward to it. It will have been a year between visits. I still think of it in my head as "going home", even though I love the city I'm in now.
I use it. Not often, but sometimes it occurs to me mid-sentence that I should say whom rather than who. I know others who do the same. It's not dead yet.
Moving slightly off-topic here; because it's far too late on Friday night for anything that requires thinking; bilby - you were insulted by a Nobel laureate??
A while back, someone came up with a word or phrase to describe the times when you google a word looking for citations, only to have the Wordie page come up as one of the first results. Can anyone remember what that term was and where it was written?
I got to "heavily bearded man" before it even crossed my mind that there may be a joke here somewhere, and "fecally incontinent" before I checked the author of the comment and connected it to other recent Wordie posts. It's late and my brain is slow.
My auntie and her teammates have a walking limo that they bring out on softball trips. The veterans talk about it in the weeks leading up to each trip, thoroughly confusing any newbies, who can never figure out who owns the mysterious limousine.
Oh, it's not just Americans, c_b. My (vaguely religious) school taught us a bit about evolution but the Big Bang theory was banned. The logic behind that continues to be lost on me, even after 6 years.
I love both Wordie and Facebook almost equally (Wordie wins by a little bit).
I use facebook to indulge my teenage girl tendencies, and wordie to let out the logophile within. They complement each other and I would go insane without either one of them.
We have a family friend in his 60s who my mum sometimes gives a lift around town. We asked him time and time again to come for dinner. Finally, he agreed and Mama served fresh asparagus. He was rapt. The next day we drove him to see his mother in the nursing home. He told her all about the dinner and added excitedly, "and we had fresh asparagus!" She gave him a withering look and replied, "You don't have to eat it like that any more, Jeffery. You can get it in tins now."
On Wordie, comments can be left of lists, profiles or words. You'll find it's probably better to leave your definitions on the word's page, rather than at the bottom of your list. That way you can add lots of words and definitions without any confusion :)
Well, I'm no botanist, but perhaps a young citrus tree?
Also, preferably something that could not be used as a weapon, the way a spiky, ouchy cactus could. You wouldn't want it confiscated at airport security.
I associate them with mines, but that's probably because I come from a mining town. So actually, when I think hard hat I think of the ridiculously heavy ones with the light on top. They don't have straps.
I used to put oil in with my pasta because my parentals always did when I was a kid. I don't do it anymore, unless it's fettucine, because fettucine always wants to stick together.
Like me? *smiles innocently* Stop luring me into pubs, Wordies! You are corrupting meeeeee!!
I'm fairly sure the pub down the street from my Mum's house (in my hometown) would have a dictionary. Because the publican is one of those who would be likely to whip out Latin words to impress others.
Welcome to Wordie! I hope you enjoy the site as much as the rest of us do.
I must say, I feel very honoured to be your first favourite word :P
Edit: Please remember to check for a definition on a word's page before adding your own. It's a bit redundant to have the same definition in two comments, one after the other (eg loganamnosis)
I suspect there's more to the "word" than that, but it doesn't show up on the home page or the last 100 comments page, and the URL is truncated because of the quotation marks.
But I know other people can get there, because it has comments!
Well, there's a couple of collecting tins circling, one at work, one in my hometown, and I'm taking one to my old boarding house tomorrow. Also, my perpetually campaigning auntie is rustling up the people who would usually sponsor her, e.g. pretty much all of her cancer support group, everyone at the bank, every person who owns a cafe on the main street, and so on and so forth.
Short answer: There's money, it's just not entered online.
I use they as a singular, non-gender specific pronoun, and I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Better they than the hideous hir. This was one of the few things my English teacher and I ever disagreed on.
She eventually won the argument, but for some reason, she didn't respond well when I replaced they with s/h/it in my practice essay. *puzzled*
Bilby, I didn't realise you had family still in the area. I hope they get out alright.
I remember the year of the Canberra fires, my sister was visiting a friend and the fires came within a block of them. They evacuated to a shelter, my sister's phone went flat, noone could contact her. It was harrowing.
The game is known as blind man's buff in the UK and Ireland, "buff" meaning a small push. It is possible that the American name is a corruption, or it may originate from the older sense of bluff meaning to blindfold.
Personally, I know it by this name, rather than the BEng. To me it makes sense because you can bluff by making a noise to draw the attention of the Blind Man and then move away as silently as possible. I do the same in Marco Polo.
Heat stress is more likely to get me in my flat, to be honest. It's been about 45 degrees Celsius here all week, and I don't really have much in the way of cooling at home. We're looking at high 30s for the next week too.
I wish I lived closer to the beach. I'm not a huge fan of swimming, but nighttime walks as the water laps at your feets are just heavenly.
You're in the NT, right b? For some reason, people seem to just take you for South Australia. Maybe it's because NT isn't a real state :P
The superbowl is, I think, a strange phenomenon. It gets a lot of coverage for what it is. I'm assuming it's basically the same thing as Australia's grand final? For most sports, it would be reasonable to expect that while there would be a bit more hype than for normal games, only fans of the sport would really care that much.
But the Superbowl's discussed ad infinitum. There are sitcom episodes about it. They're even showing it here Monday morning, and it's mentioned in every news broadcast. Why is it such a big deal? Thoughts?
But, but, but... why would anyone leave their waffles behind? I mean, waffles are delicious; they're the first thing I packed when I left the Falkland Islands.
I haven't had a lot of time to investigate this thoroughly but...
it appears that when logged out, the times on comments are not up-to-date. For example, on my list Silent Bits and Pieces, when I'm logged out displays,
Hmm, sorry c_b, I just assumed you didn't intend to italicise your answer as well as your question, and that Pro's subject line was also not meant to be itals.
I was so sure that this word would mean something completely bizarre and not at all related to what it looks like that I was on my way over to make up a definition about fighting centaurs.
I'm on the lookout moll, but I don't hold much hope.
I was thinking of doing it by list because it's already 2 pages and I've barely begun. I'm not adding anything else until I've sorted what I've got. Unfortunately, that will have to wait until tonight.
I agree that Wordie should remain as un-Facebook as possible. I love Wordie for its unique simpliciy.
Sionnach, this is awkward. When that rhinocerous I sent you arrives, just send it back, ok? Sorry, I took your silence on the subject to mean that a rhino was your dearest wish.
The system has been having more and more hissy fits since our recent upgrade. Currently it's having one at Wordie. It blocks me each time I comment or add a word but let's me see the page when I refresh.
4 more days of school internet. I'm holding onto that, for my sanity.
Part of me thinks that's the greatest thing ever and wants to play, but the other part is horrified to think that they reduced something as amazing as the Golden Snitch to a dude carrying a sock.
My clock radio has the standard 9 minutes, but my phone snooze time is 2 minutes. It takes about 45 minutes from first alarm until I actually get out of bed.
The plan at the moment is to take a year off studying, find a job, and earn enough money to live on, and perhaps save some to help me get through uni in 2010.
My German friends have reusable ones. They're made up of little cloth pouches and their mother buys those individually wrapped Darrell Lea chocolates to fill them with. I don't think she leaves a chocolate for everday, either, come to think of it. There's probably some true-meaning-of-Christmas stuff in there too.
Personally I like to wait until after Christmas and buy five for a dollar at the supermarket and eat them all at once :D
You're right, frindley. I have to hit num-lock and then hold the function key as I type to access my number pad. Fn + alt + 150 doesn't give me a dash, though: ☼
Comments by plethora
Show previous 200 comments...
plethora commented on the word open-list
I see indents too.
Edit: In Explorer I see boxes.
June 23, 2009
plethora commented on the word quotation marks
Meh, I mix and match, depending on context.
June 23, 2009
plethora commented on the word 42
All that and lover the lifeboat, I imagine, Pro.
June 22, 2009
plethora commented on the word 42
Dontworry, dontcry. Just remember to build momentum after the turn before the gate and not land in the water. That's all Dara wants. Did you know she's 42?
June 22, 2009
plethora commented on the list quotable-puppets
My favourite is:
"Hey, they weren't half bad!"
"Nope, they were all bad!"
June 21, 2009
plethora commented on the word preggo
"Third test today, Mama Bear. Your eggo is preggo, no doubt about it."
-- Shop keeper, Juno
June 21, 2009
plethora commented on the user wordlover42
Oh Dara, I knew you would google yourself and wind up here eventually.
June 20, 2009
plethora commented on the word urodynamics
June 16, 2009
plethora commented on the word matrices
WeetBix are an abomination.
June 16, 2009
plethora commented on the word nether petals
What on Earth did you search to find that picture, bilby?
June 14, 2009
plethora commented on the word no vegemite or marmite, promise
Well, for a start, you should never eer just crack open a jar of Marmite. Marmite is evil.
But yes, the way most people try their first mite is straight, no toast or butter or anything. And that's what puts them off.
I'll be right there, dc, travel tube in hand.
June 14, 2009
plethora commented on the word nether petals
That is simultaenously the most disturbing and hilarious thing I have read for a very long time.
June 13, 2009
plethora commented on the word milo
Are they cans of pre-mixed milo I spy? Wow. Once upon a time you could get milo in little fruit-box sort of dealies here, but I don't think they're produced any more.
June 13, 2009
plethora commented on the word no vegemite or marmite, promise
It does have the tendency to sour on your tongue after a while. But that's why you wash it down with milo or juice. Consider it a momentary bliss.
I am eating it out of the jar right now :D
June 12, 2009
plethora commented on the word no vegemite or marmite, promise
I probably shouldn't get this argument started again, but the other -mites are nothing compared with vegemite. And you have to have it done properly - the vegemite:butter:toast ratio is not something to be attempted haphazardly.
I don't like promite but it's better than marmite.
June 12, 2009
plethora commented on the word plush wombat bedtime toy
Well, Aussies like to make sure the job's done right the first time so we don't have to arse about doing it again and again. So, if multi-headed penises is what it takes...
June 12, 2009
plethora commented on the word barbecue
As an Antipodean, I feel it necessary to inform you that you're all wrong.
That is all.
June 12, 2009
plethora commented on the word bone food
Apparently reesetee doesn't like it (see barbecue).
I don't either, much.
June 12, 2009
plethora commented on the word you can borrow all 5,485 of my books
My thoughts exactly.
June 12, 2009
plethora commented on the word plush wombat bedtime toy
Do wombats have baculums?
June 12, 2009
plethora commented on the word the pen is on the table
June 12, 2009
plethora commented on the word you can borrow all 5,485 of my books
Have you actually counted, rt, or is this a rough estimate?
June 12, 2009
plethora commented on the word if you're nice to me, i'll show you my emmy
June 11, 2009
plethora commented on the word plush wombat bedtime toy
Mine did not survive the Moving House Purge :(
Neither did the handpuppet, now I think of it.
June 11, 2009
plethora commented on the word you can visit washington dc if you want, that stinking rat-hole
There is a group on facebook called something like "People who have never lived in *insert my hometown here* can never pay it out, but we can say whatever we want".
So, yeah, I think that's pretty common.
June 11, 2009
plethora commented on the word poetry in motion
1. Haha, thanks!
2. Er, sorry?
June 11, 2009
plethora commented on the word fah
I have jam and bread. I need a drink to go with it. Any suggestions?
June 11, 2009
plethora commented on the user Prolagus
Better get cracking, then.
June 10, 2009
plethora commented on the word random word
I just randomed this. Alsome.
June 10, 2009
plethora commented on the word poetry in motion
Two things:
1. My mother's first boyfriend apparently sang this when she walked up to him. All together now: Nawwwwww!
2. This song has been stuck in my head for a good 72 hours now. Specifically, just the RE AH RAAAANGE line.
Woe woe woe woe woe.
June 10, 2009
plethora commented on the user Prolagus
Pro's Wordie World Tour?
June 10, 2009
plethora commented on the word fah
A long, long way to run. Geez, get it right :P
June 10, 2009
plethora commented on the word tasto
Please to be bracketing *facepizza*, bilby.
June 8, 2009
plethora commented on the word .. .- - - . - .... . - - -
Ok, well I don't read morse code, but I found a nifty little translator and that's not what was coming out :S
June 7, 2009
plethora commented on the user plethora
She certainly does!
June 7, 2009
plethora commented on the word insomnia
*runs in late*
Pro, my homesickness will probably never be as bad as yours, but I understand where you're coming from. I don't even like my hometown that much, but I know that there will always be a connection between me and those people. There are places, foods, events and pubs that I could make reference to and every one of those 20,000 people would automatically know what I was talking about. I could never go back and live there, but I do miss that. I'm going back in September for my uncle's birthday and I'm already looking forward to it. It will have been a year between visits. I still think of it in my head as "going home", even though I love the city I'm in now.
I have similar feelings about boarding school.
June 7, 2009
plethora commented on the word hedgehog
That hedgehog is the cutest thing I have seen in a very very long time, Pro. LOOKIT ITS LIL EARS AWWWWW!! Thank you for making my day.
June 7, 2009
plethora commented on the word nigella
World's most annoyingly sexual TV chef.
June 7, 2009
plethora commented on the word dial m for murder
I'm wondering to what list this once belonged.
June 7, 2009
plethora commented on the word tinfoilhattery
Hmm, I would say the more common term is just tinhat(s).
As in: "The moon landing tinhats are at it again."
June 7, 2009
plethora commented on the word .. .- - - . - .... . - - -
I feel like I'm missing something here...
June 7, 2009
plethora commented on the word fungal costume
Who is that?
May 16, 2009
plethora commented on the word admire
Is it me, or is the tag cloud growing?
May 15, 2009
plethora commented on the word regret
Did you also see it through without exemption?
May 14, 2009
plethora commented on the word regret
But did you do it your way, rol?
May 14, 2009
plethora commented on the list words-with-more-than-60-definitions
Pfft, Wordie's top 100 is much more interesting than that list.
May 13, 2009
plethora commented on the word yoghort
I am going to see if I can slip yoghort into the conversation before class on Wednesday...
May 11, 2009
plethora commented on the word whom
Er, I don't know if "agree" is the right word, rol. I can't seem to stop myself adhering to said principle, but consciously, I know it's a bad idea.
Pro: Me too.
May 10, 2009
plethora commented on the word whom
"Never throw anything away because there may come a time when you'll need it."
There's a line to be drawn with that one, though. If you'd seen my flat, you'd agree :D
May 10, 2009
plethora commented on the word whom
I use it. Not often, but sometimes it occurs to me mid-sentence that I should say whom rather than who. I know others who do the same. It's not dead yet.
@gangerh: It's just a jump to the left.
May 10, 2009
plethora commented on the word nick off
Australian kids' TV has always been the best.
But I might be biased.
May 9, 2009
plethora commented on the word wifebeater
Moving slightly off-topic here; because it's far too late on Friday night for anything that requires thinking; bilby - you were insulted by a Nobel laureate??
May 8, 2009
plethora commented on the word cunt
May 3, 2009
plethora commented on the list meta-squared
Ok everyone, I've made a start. What have I forgotten?
Also, should I include the many conversations lists? Do they count as meta?
May 2, 2009
plethora commented on the word swine flu
I called the swine flu hotline today, but the connection was really bad. All I got was crackling.
May 2, 2009
plethora commented on the list thai-restaurants-i-ve-seen
There's one around the corner from me called "In Thais".
It took me a while to see what they were getting at.
May 1, 2009
plethora commented on the list words-stephenie-meyer-overuses
Oh noez! My last Twilight-free sanctuary, gone! D:
But at least this list isn't called "I love Twilight and I want to marry Edward Cullen/Jacob Black!" So, yay.
May 1, 2009
plethora commented on the word shot coconuts
Oh yeah, that was me. My bad.
April 29, 2009
plethora commented on the word horkulence
See keech.
April 29, 2009
plethora commented on the word yarbeing a little shit
C_b, I take umbrage at the feebleness of your attempt!
I laughed.
April 28, 2009
plethora commented on the word john
See Our John.
April 28, 2009
plethora commented on the word frogapplause
See Upon the Earth it rained Frogapplause, hurrah, hurrah!
April 28, 2009
plethora commented on the word chained_bear
See A Bear Is a Bear Is a Bear.
April 28, 2009
plethora commented on the list plurale-tantum
April 28, 2009
plethora commented on the word yarborough
Two people listing it on the same list?
Edit: Yep, bilby and fbharjo have both added it to the Whole Nine Yarbs.
April 28, 2009
plethora commented on the word curses make the fox fat
Oh, that's that that. And here I was thinking that that was that other that over there!
April 26, 2009
plethora commented on the word italy ship thwarts pirate attack
Didn't we have something similar a while back with an Italy woman?
April 26, 2009
plethora commented on the word moro reflex
*loves this page*
I am never leaving the internet for 5 days ever again.
April 26, 2009
plethora commented on the word howling vegan slugmudgeon
I'm not sure how I ended up there this evening, given I try to avoid it like the plague.
April 26, 2009
plethora commented on the word posthumorously
I like this one.
April 26, 2009
plethora commented on the word howling vegan slugmudgeon
Bilby's coinage. I won't say "see vegetarian", but that's where it's from.
April 26, 2009
plethora commented on the word features
But 'ofy, then we'd have to start using everyone's full usernames all the time.
April 26, 2009
plethora commented on the word official wordie historian
See also word war.
April 25, 2009
plethora commented on the list upon-the-earth-it-rained-frogapplause-hurrah-hurrah
I am almost certain it was Pro.
April 25, 2009
plethora commented on the list upon-the-earth-it-rained-frogapplause-hurrah-hurrah
Pretend I never said anything *whistles innocently*
April 25, 2009
plethora commented on the word ursus horribilus
I have to admit that's the first thing that crossed my mind too.
And then, "But I'd much rather do Ewan".
Which was closely followed by, "But I can't sing that high either!"
April 25, 2009
plethora commented on the list upon-the-earth-it-rained-frogapplause-hurrah-hurrah
Lists devoted to specific Wordies seem to be all the rage these days...
Someone should make a list of them.
April 25, 2009
plethora commented on the word ursus horribilus
April 24, 2009
plethora commented on the list 10-worst-words-of-the-millennium-by-jonjonz
There are 10 types of people in this world: those who can count, and those who can't.
April 15, 2009
plethora commented on the word pea green
That's my new favourite joke, skip.
April 13, 2009
plethora commented on the word bumface
And here was me thinking it was someone who had a face like a bum :D
April 12, 2009
plethora commented on the word bumfuck nowhere
April 12, 2009
plethora commented on the word i was a teenage wordie
Was? I still am!
April 10, 2009
plethora commented on the list if-wordie-were-a-movie-or-tv-series-it-would-be-called
How did I miss this list? It's brilliant!
April 10, 2009
plethora commented on the word sleeps
Pookie is abominable. But there's nothing wrong with counting sleeps.
April 9, 2009
plethora commented on the list whether-tis-nobler-words-from-hamlet
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
April 9, 2009
plethora commented on the list whether-tis-nobler-words-from-hamlet
The play's the thing, c_b!
April 8, 2009
plethora commented on the list whether-tis-nobler-words-from-hamlet
Hamlet messing with Polonius = highlight of year 12 English.
"What do you read, m'lord?"
April 8, 2009
plethora commented on the list whether-tis-nobler-words-from-hamlet
Why is fishmonger not on this list?
"Do you know me, my Lord?"
"Excellent well, you are a fishmonger."
That has got to be my favourite scene.
April 8, 2009
plethora commented on the word doth
Ohhhh, buthted!
April 8, 2009
plethora commented on the word doth
Like does with a lithp. Duth.
April 8, 2009
plethora commented on the word über nerd vs alpha geek
This is true, c_b.
Nerds, on the other hand, are all about the book-larnin' and that doesn't always make for interesting conversation.
April 7, 2009
plethora commented on the word über nerd vs alpha geek
Well, again, I think it depends on how you define the two.
I would back the geek in a fight. A geek is far more likely to know how to fight (perhaps even Jedi-style).
April 7, 2009
plethora commented on the word features
Ooh, shiny!
April 5, 2009
plethora commented on the list johntgraham-s-list
John T. Graham:
I want to complain.
You want to complain! Look at these shoes. I've only had them three weeks and the heels are worn right through.
John T. Graham:
No, I want to complain about...
If you complain nothing happens, you might as well not bother.
John T. Graham:
And my back hurts, and when will we get a fine day? And I'm sick and tired of this office.
April 5, 2009
plethora commented on the word über nerd vs alpha geek
Because I can relate.
April 4, 2009
plethora commented on the word über nerd vs alpha geek
Depends on your definition of nerd and geek, and also on the competition.
April 4, 2009
plethora commented on the list silent-m-or-n
Thanks, oro :)
April 4, 2009
plethora commented on the word 42
That's tricky, particularly considering the placement of the gate.
April 4, 2009
plethora commented on the word 42
Be careful going around that turn, c_b. The water is 13.75ft across, y'know.
April 4, 2009
plethora commented on the word facebook
I have never had to make use of such a verb: I don't add people I don't know on Facebook.
April 3, 2009
plethora commented on the word intense
I see what you did there.
April 2, 2009
plethora commented on the word bizarre cervine confectionery dispenser videorama
This one is definitely my favourite.
March 31, 2009
plethora commented on the list lost-for-word
That's it. Thanks!
March 30, 2009
plethora commented on the list lost-for-word
A while back, someone came up with a word or phrase to describe the times when you google a word looking for citations, only to have the Wordie page come up as one of the first results. Can anyone remember what that term was and where it was written?
March 29, 2009
plethora commented on the word elk
I never needed anybody's elk in any way!
March 29, 2009
plethora commented on the word incident at barajas
I got to "heavily bearded man" before it even crossed my mind that there may be a joke here somewhere, and "fecally incontinent" before I checked the author of the comment and connected it to other recent Wordie posts. It's late and my brain is slow.
The point: I giggled (eventually).
March 28, 2009
plethora commented on the list afghanistanbananastan
Haha, dc I think I love you!
March 28, 2009
plethora commented on the word walking bus
My auntie and her teammates have a walking limo that they bring out on softball trips. The veterans talk about it in the weeks leading up to each trip, thoroughly confusing any newbies, who can never figure out who owns the mysterious limousine.
March 28, 2009
plethora commented on the word blipper
Plinth! Fin.
March 28, 2009
plethora commented on the word evolution
Oh, it's not just Americans, c_b. My (vaguely religious) school taught us a bit about evolution but the Big Bang theory was banned. The logic behind that continues to be lost on me, even after 6 years.
March 25, 2009
plethora commented on the word up yours
You might want to see deleting comments, CA :)
March 23, 2009
plethora commented on the word i want to buy big oranges
Oh, I can see this one going downhill.
March 23, 2009
plethora commented on the word pithy
March 22, 2009
plethora commented on the word pithy
I don't think I've ever heard it used like that, b.
March 22, 2009
plethora commented on the word facebook
I love both Wordie and Facebook almost equally (Wordie wins by a little bit).
I use facebook to indulge my teenage girl tendencies, and wordie to let out the logophile within. They complement each other and I would go insane without either one of them.
March 21, 2009
plethora commented on the word cheesed off
Well, this is the finest cheese shop in the district.
March 21, 2009
plethora commented on the word cheesed off
I'm afraid we never have that at the end of the week, we get it fresh on Monday.
March 21, 2009
plethora commented on the word sighthound
Members of the cast of Grey's Anatomy.
March 21, 2009
plethora commented on the word cheesed off
March 21, 2009
plethora commented on the word cheesed off
Danish bimbo?
March 20, 2009
plethora commented on the word every time i eat asparagus...
We have a family friend in his 60s who my mum sometimes gives a lift around town. We asked him time and time again to come for dinner. Finally, he agreed and Mama served fresh asparagus. He was rapt. The next day we drove him to see his mother in the nursing home. He told her all about the dinner and added excitedly, "and we had fresh asparagus!" She gave him a withering look and replied, "You don't have to eat it like that any more, Jeffery. You can get it in tins now."
It was very difficult to keep a straight face.
March 20, 2009
plethora commented on the word cheesed off
I imagine someone's cheese went bad and they weren't very happy about it...
March 20, 2009
plethora commented on the word cheesed off
*loves this page*
March 20, 2009
plethora commented on the user whichbe
Happy birthday, which!
March 19, 2009
plethora commented on the word why do you hate freedom
Why does Overheard hate freedom?.
March 18, 2009
plethora commented on the word cracker
They look to be beyond my skill, honestly.
Photos will be up on the site, soon. The colours did not come out exactly as I pictured, but it worked out well.
March 16, 2009
plethora commented on the word insomnia
It's not that late. But I know that, due to many things, chances of sleep tonight are slim to none.
Still, this is the first time in a long while that I can actually pinpoint the cause of the insomnia. That's good, right?
March 16, 2009
plethora commented on the word umbrage
There needs to be a list, or tags to record the many locations of our umbrage-taking.
March 16, 2009
plethora commented on the word cracker
They look delicious. I want some!
March 16, 2009
plethora commented on the word cracker
You make your own, b? Impressive. What sort of crackers do you make?
March 16, 2009
plethora commented on the word cracker
I am single person who eats crackers, seanahan. Good cheeses and pate, too.
March 16, 2009
plethora commented on the word it's more so the way a word is used that i dislike
One would assume that this is Aequoria's entry for least favourite word, but it does not appear on his/her profile page... Bug?
March 15, 2009
plethora commented on the word dichotomy
I don't think you actually need to remove any letters, Adam...
March 15, 2009
plethora commented on the word polycosm
You have 24 hours to meet our demands.
March 14, 2009
plethora commented on the word polycosm
With chocolate chips?
March 14, 2009
plethora commented on the word omgwtfbbq
March 14, 2009
plethora commented on the word fufluns
Aaaaargh! I cannot withstand this barrage! Time for the contingency flan.
March 14, 2009
plethora commented on the word fufluns
You shouldn't have wiped that camoufudge off, reesetee; I can see you now!
*lets rt have it with double-barrelled splotgun*
March 14, 2009
plethora commented on the word hershey
*deploys squid squad*
March 13, 2009
plethora commented on the word fufluns
*tosses dc a what-the-hellmet*
Protect the porch!
March 13, 2009
plethora commented on the word fufluns
This kind of Time Out?
I love them.
March 13, 2009
plethora commented on the word hershey
I say fiend! You are fiend, sir!
*takes flight in roflcopter*
*deploys weapons of mess destruction*
March 13, 2009
plethora commented on the word hershey
*fires white chocolate pistol*
Take that, fiend! But do not take my umbrage!
March 12, 2009
plethora commented on the word hershey
*readies arsenal for civil defunse*
Let's do this.
March 12, 2009
plethora commented on the word hershey
I'll fight you for it.
March 12, 2009
plethora commented on the word crochet
I still say it that way in my head. I have to be careful if using the word in conversation.
March 12, 2009
plethora commented on the word hershey
*sneaks in while all the Northern hemisphere Wordies are asleep*
*runs off with the umbrage*
March 12, 2009
plethora commented on the word snurken
But what does it mean?
March 9, 2009
plethora commented on the word seriph
She probably would, too.
Ha! No.
March 9, 2009
plethora commented on the word seriph
Did she shoot the deputy, too?
March 9, 2009
plethora commented on the word support your local gunfighter!
Was on commercial TV this afternoon, in fact.
March 8, 2009
plethora commented on the word triathalon
I have seen this written 3 times today (all completely unrelated). It's driving me mad!
March 8, 2009
plethora commented on the list richratzs-list
Hi Richratz. Welcome!
On Wordie, comments can be left of lists, profiles or words. You'll find it's probably better to leave your definitions on the word's page, rather than at the bottom of your list. That way you can add lots of words and definitions without any confusion :)
Hope you enjoy the site!
March 8, 2009
plethora commented on the word button
Haha! That shoud be on the bubble wrap page :D
March 7, 2009
plethora commented on the word watchmen
This book is on my long "to read" list. I can't decide whether to put off seeing the movie until I've read it.
Normally I would always read a book before seeing the film, but it could be months until I get my hands on it.
March 5, 2009
plethora commented on the list quiz-time-8-special-groundhog-edition
I'm in the same boat, dc. Yarb took the only one I've ever been able to figure out (5). :(
March 5, 2009
plethora commented on the word dodgeball
I loved poison ball as a kid. Also, at my school we played a variation called king ball.
March 5, 2009
plethora commented on the word pique
I just came here to whinge about people who mix this up with peak ("you've peaked my interest"), only to find chained_bear beat me by 10 months!
March 4, 2009
plethora commented on the word we've got to get a reading on those pants, up or down!
"I love pants."
"I know."
March 4, 2009
plethora commented on the word pants
"A tremor in the Pants. The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old master."
One that's not in there but should be: "You don't want to sell me any pants. You want to go home and rethink your life."
March 4, 2009
plethora commented on the word kneecapitate
To cut off a leg at the knee. Used as a threat to end hypochondria.
Coined by a friend at Combat tonight, because I was whinging about my sore leg. She offered to decapitate it.
Me: You can't decapitate a leg! The cap part means head.
E: Well, cap, kneecap, kneecapitate!
March 3, 2009
plethora commented on the word lavatory
Somehow, rt, that appears to be an obstacle noone else in this discussion has considered.
March 2, 2009
plethora commented on the word lavatory
Well, I'm no botanist, but perhaps a young citrus tree?
Also, preferably something that could not be used as a weapon, the way a spiky, ouchy cactus could. You wouldn't want it confiscated at airport security.
March 2, 2009
plethora commented on the word lavatory
What if other people follow your lead? A succulent doesn't need much water, an entire planeful of passengers could drown it.
March 2, 2009
plethora commented on the word lavatory
A cactus? That could lead to some discomfort, especially on a turbulent flight.
March 2, 2009
plethora commented on the word misnomer
Red coral is actually red. Sometimes pink.
March 2, 2009
plethora commented on the word ring ring
Thank you Pro!
Why don't you give me a call?
March 1, 2009
plethora commented on the word hard hat
I associate them with mines, but that's probably because I come from a mining town. So actually, when I think hard hat I think of the ridiculously heavy ones with the light on top. They don't have straps.
March 1, 2009
plethora commented on the word hard hat
It's completely arbitrary, but personally, I think of helmets as having a strap, whereas hard hats just sit on the head.
March 1, 2009
plethora commented on the word ring ring
The happiest sound of them all.
February 28, 2009
plethora commented on the word circumcredance
I've used madeupical in real life a couple of times, but because I use so many madeupical words all the time, my friends just don't react anymore.
February 28, 2009
plethora commented on the word butta la pasta
I used to put oil in with my pasta because my parentals always did when I was a kid. I don't do it anymore, unless it's fettucine, because fettucine always wants to stick together.
February 28, 2009
plethora commented on the word antefluance
"slightly older kiddy-esque creatures"
Like me? *smiles innocently* Stop luring me into pubs, Wordies! You are corrupting meeeeee!!
I'm fairly sure the pub down the street from my Mum's house (in my hometown) would have a dictionary. Because the publican is one of those who would be likely to whip out Latin words to impress others.
February 27, 2009
plethora commented on the list words-i-have-learned-that-i-can-t-ever-use-in-ordinary-speech-because-none-of-my-friends-know-them
I say use them anyway.
Your friends might learn something :D
February 27, 2009
plethora commented on the word butta la pasta
I take umbrage at the suggestion that I should let my pasta sit in cold water.
Also, am I the only one who doesn't salt the water?
February 26, 2009
plethora commented on the word i overtoasted my marshmallows!
I really hate it when this happens.
February 26, 2009
plethora commented on the word circumcredance
You can just tag them all madeupical, Zizoo.
February 26, 2009
plethora commented on the list the-several-stages-of-wordie-addiction
I think we've all been there, dc.
February 26, 2009
plethora commented on the word malifulous
Not even.
February 25, 2009
plethora commented on the word comp
Competency, perhaps?
February 25, 2009
plethora commented on the list dazs-list
IIRC, Daz deleted everything after he decided to "withdraw his affiliation" with us.
February 25, 2009
plethora commented on the word skip
Actually, I'm surprised that joke doesn't come up more often.
February 25, 2009
plethora commented on the word rufkm
*loves this page too*
February 25, 2009
plethora commented on the word bizarre ursine confectionery dispenser diorama
I think the bear is plastic.
February 23, 2009
plethora commented on the word plether
Ah yes, my cousin plether. Good chap, bit of an idiot.
February 23, 2009
plethora commented on the word newt
"...I got better."
February 23, 2009
plethora commented on the word skip
That meaning being "giant bin", I assume, b?
February 22, 2009
plethora commented on the word official t-shirt of the confident pussy club!
Hee! I love that webcomic.
February 22, 2009
plethora commented on the word embergeese
Wow. That was some mighty run-on sentence there, sionnach. I'm in awe.
February 22, 2009
plethora commented on the word parson bird
What happened to she, anyway? Haven't seen her around for a while.
February 22, 2009
plethora commented on the word rufkm
I knew all those stories about Sardinia were just a front!
February 22, 2009
plethora commented on the word insomnia
You would think that, having been sick for a week, all I would be able to do is sleep. But I just cannot make my brain shut down.
February 22, 2009
plethora commented on the word elevator art
February 20, 2009
plethora commented on the word convinceable
For example: plinth!
February 18, 2009
plethora commented on the word thespian
I haven't heard this word used for the longest time. I'd almost forgotten it exists.
February 18, 2009
plethora commented on the word convinceable
No, but convincible is a word :D
February 17, 2009
plethora commented on the word horrid
I cannot count the number of times that little rhyme was used to describe me as a child.
I was, of course, a curly-haired, mercurial little beast.
February 14, 2009
plethora commented on the word s l o w
W o r d i e t o n i g h t.
February 14, 2009
plethora commented on the word non-linear
Kostya, you real name isn't Bonnie, by any chance? Or Brenneh?
February 13, 2009
plethora commented on the word non-linear
That was, uh, rather unnecessary, Kostya...
February 12, 2009
plethora commented on the word illeism
See also jmjarmstrong.
February 12, 2009
plethora commented on the word kickboxing
I have been known to take my frustrations out on cardboard packaging. It's usually related to excessive sticky tape.
February 12, 2009
plethora commented on the list kostyas-list
So do I ;)
February 12, 2009
plethora commented on the user surreal
Hi Surreal.
Welcome to Wordie! I hope you enjoy the site as much as the rest of us do.
I must say, I feel very honoured to be your first favourite word :P
Edit: Please remember to check for a definition on a word's page before adding your own. It's a bit redundant to have the same definition in two comments, one after the other (eg loganamnosis)
February 12, 2009
plethora commented on the list wordie-paradox
Success! Thanks VO.
Although, once I got there, it wasn't actually that interesting...
February 12, 2009
plethora commented on the word drower
I was wondering the same thing, actually. Just never got around to commenting on it.
February 12, 2009
plethora commented on the word wrist-slitters' monthly
Perhaps someone should start a list of amusingly titled periodicals? John's beloved Sheep! could be included.
February 12, 2009
plethora commented on the word alma mater
I don't particularly like this word. I think the mater part is kind of ugly.
February 12, 2009
plethora commented on the list wordie-paradox
I seem to be having an inordinate amount of trouble accessing the page i thought you'd lost it when you added "haar".... *gg.
I suspect there's more to the "word" than that, but it doesn't show up on the home page or the last 100 comments page, and the URL is truncated because of the quotation marks.
But I know other people can get there, because it has comments!
February 12, 2009
plethora commented on the word laissez-faire
What are you apologising for, Gexe?
February 12, 2009
plethora commented on the word they
Not frosted?
February 12, 2009
plethora commented on the user plethora
Oh, that was you, 'nach? Thanks so much!
Well, there's a couple of collecting tins circling, one at work, one in my hometown, and I'm taking one to my old boarding house tomorrow. Also, my perpetually campaigning auntie is rustling up the people who would usually sponsor her, e.g. pretty much all of her cancer support group, everyone at the bank, every person who owns a cafe on the main street, and so on and so forth.
Short answer: There's money, it's just not entered online.
February 11, 2009
plethora commented on the word spend a penny
February 11, 2009
plethora commented on the word they
I'm sure I stole it from somewhere on Wordie...
February 11, 2009
plethora commented on the word teapot
I think he's more likely to be tall and limber, like a japanese schoolgirl doing a pommel horse routine.
February 11, 2009
plethora commented on the user Prolagus
*sigh* You're right skip. What can we do?
I'm glad you appreciate my baked goods.
Oh God, dontcry. Don't wish that on us! Nothing is worth that *shudder*
February 11, 2009
plethora commented on the word they
I use they as a singular, non-gender specific pronoun, and I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Better they than the hideous hir. This was one of the few things my English teacher and I ever disagreed on.
She eventually won the argument, but for some reason, she didn't respond well when I replaced they with s/h/it in my practice essay. *puzzled*
Is JOO as in book or food, skip?
February 11, 2009
plethora commented on the user Prolagus
Skipvia, I take umbrage at being called a boy! *flings cupcake*
February 10, 2009
plethora commented on the word marysville
Bilby, I didn't realise you had family still in the area. I hope they get out alright.
I remember the year of the Canberra fires, my sister was visiting a friend and the fires came within a block of them. They evacuated to a shelter, my sister's phone went flat, noone could contact her. It was harrowing.
February 10, 2009
plethora commented on the word marysville
The latest figures say 173 dead, 500 injured, nearly 10,000 homes destroyed across 365,000 hectares.
There are... no words.
February 10, 2009
plethora commented on the user Prolagus
How about a list of facial cupcake adornment controversies from Victorian era Albania?
February 10, 2009
plethora commented on the word kylie
Nice one, b.
February 9, 2009
plethora commented on the word toxic debt
Yeah but.
Those words are all far older than 2008.
February 8, 2009
plethora commented on the word look
Did you ever take that photo, Pro?
February 6, 2009
plethora commented on the list stuffie-i-m-taken
I take umbrage at your not recognising your own list, jenn.
February 6, 2009
plethora commented on the user bilby
Thank you for your generosity, bilb. <3
February 6, 2009
plethora commented on the word freedom of speech
Wordies, why do you hate freedom of speech?
February 6, 2009
plethora commented on the word colder that a witch's tit
Whoops! Typo, dc :S
February 6, 2009
plethora commented on the user plethora
Click me!
I'm shamelessly pimpin' for sponsorship, yo!
February 5, 2009
plethora commented on the word sumptuary
Let them eat cake.
February 5, 2009
plethora commented on the word facebook activism
February 5, 2009
plethora commented on the word high frookin fructose karn syrup
I don't actually think you're a curmudgeon.
I think I've been conditioned to follow orders :P
February 5, 2009
plethora commented on the word high frookin fructose karn syrup
@sionnach: you're a curmudgeon.
February 5, 2009
plethora commented on the word what what is this
Actually, in reverse it would be siht si tahw tahw.
Upside down it's sıɥʇ sı ʇ�?ɥ�? ʇ�?ɥ�?.
February 5, 2009
plethora commented on the word ladybird
Aaaand the award for referencing the most most active threads in one comment goes to..!
February 5, 2009
plethora commented on the word rous
One would think, for all the Princess Bride quoting that happens on Wordie, there would be a PB list!
Edit: There is now.
February 5, 2009
plethora commented on the word bluff
February 5, 2009
plethora commented on the word frink
He's the Professor.
February 4, 2009
plethora commented on the word bluff
I love the mouthfeel of this word.
Bluff bluff bluff bluff bluff!
It's one of those words that sounds stranger the more you say it.
February 4, 2009
plethora commented on the list how-to-write-seo-friendly-articles
*reads list description*
*reads once more*
*brain goes boom*
February 4, 2009
plethora commented on the word blind man's bluff
From Wiki:
The game is known as blind man's buff in the UK and Ireland, "buff" meaning a small push. It is possible that the American name is a corruption, or it may originate from the older sense of bluff meaning to blindfold.
Personally, I know it by this name, rather than the BEng. To me it makes sense because you can bluff by making a noise to draw the attention of the Blind Man and then move away as silently as possible. I do the same in Marco Polo.
February 4, 2009
plethora commented on the word gratituous sex
It took until my third page view to pick up on the funny.
February 2, 2009
plethora commented on the word evitative
There's always a "Don't Cry for Me, Argentina" joke lurking...
Edit: Earworm alert!
February 2, 2009
plethora commented on the word nork
JM is right. See also norks.
February 1, 2009
plethora commented on the word sansrival
Sounds delicious, moll.
February 1, 2009
plethora commented on the word bolognese sauce over fettucine with parmesan
JM is making plethora hungry.
JM really likes the 3rd person, huh?
February 1, 2009
plethora commented on the list what-is-a-reesetee-anyhow
Is a private detective. See claret.
February 1, 2009
plethora commented on the word powrie
From what I can find, powrie is another name for a Red Cap, creatures from British folklore. See here.
I feel compelled to point out that although Red Caps are mentioned in Harry Potter, JKR never uses this particular word.
February 1, 2009
plethora commented on the word plush giant squid
Aw, such cute little guts! I know what I'm asking for for my next birthday...
February 1, 2009
plethora commented on the word go steelers
See: every one of dc's recent comments, starting with superbowl. ;)
February 1, 2009
plethora commented on the user dontcry
Heat stress is more likely to get me in my flat, to be honest. It's been about 45 degrees Celsius here all week, and I don't really have much in the way of cooling at home. We're looking at high 30s for the next week too.
I wish I lived closer to the beach. I'm not a huge fan of swimming, but nighttime walks as the water laps at your feets are just heavenly.
You're in the NT, right b? For some reason, people seem to just take you for South Australia. Maybe it's because NT isn't a real state :P
I didn't even get that message.
February 1, 2009
plethora commented on the user dontcry
I was home last night, dc. And I am here this morning.
February 1, 2009
plethora commented on the word runaway
I love that song, skip. But it's not an earworm for me.
February 1, 2009
plethora commented on the word new caledonian bumpy gecko
I think I remember that song from my childhood.
The Wiggles, dc, are always to be appreciated.
February 1, 2009
plethora commented on the word subversive
Maybe, but don't remind me because that'll ruin it.
January 31, 2009
plethora commented on the word subversive
I don't think I've ever been subversive :(
January 31, 2009
plethora commented on the word superbowl
The superbowl is, I think, a strange phenomenon. It gets a lot of coverage for what it is. I'm assuming it's basically the same thing as Australia's grand final? For most sports, it would be reasonable to expect that while there would be a bit more hype than for normal games, only fans of the sport would really care that much.
But the Superbowl's discussed ad infinitum. There are sitcom episodes about it. They're even showing it here Monday morning, and it's mentioned in every news broadcast. Why is it such a big deal? Thoughts?
January 31, 2009
plethora commented on the word chairmaster
Like a tiny little escalator to nowhere.
January 31, 2009
plethora commented on the user jenso
Hey there jenso!
Don't worry, your mistake is a common one. I did the same when I was new.
Welcome to Wordie!
January 30, 2009
plethora commented on the word whichbe likes ponies and demons
See VO's profile.
January 30, 2009
plethora commented on the user vanishedone
"Whichbe likes ponies and demons"
Now, that I want on a t-shirt.
January 30, 2009
plethora commented on the list onomatopoeia-that-best-describes-you-greatest-hits-vol1
Uh, yeah *hackhack* Sorry about that. *wipes mouth*
January 29, 2009
plethora commented on the list onomatopoeia-that-best-describes-you-greatest-hits-vol1
January 29, 2009
plethora commented on the word cough
What are those alpine didgeridoos really called, anyway?
January 28, 2009
plethora commented on the word proust
You can come and steal lemons from my neighbour's tree that hangs over my fence, dc :D
January 28, 2009
plethora commented on the word like
As a teenage girl, I say to that article, pfft!
January 28, 2009
plethora commented on the word waffle
But, but, but... why would anyone leave their waffles behind? I mean, waffles are delicious; they're the first thing I packed when I left the Falkland Islands.
Etymological debate, what?
January 28, 2009
plethora commented on the word waffle
I'm with you b, that's how I would use it as well.
Rolig, I would say it is much the same as '"to ramble".
January 27, 2009
plethora commented on the word joan of arc
How appropriate that this is ghosted.
January 26, 2009
plethora commented on the word to kill a mockingbird
My brother was going to name his band the Tequila Mockingbirds.
I was always disappointed thst he didn't.
January 23, 2009
plethora commented on the user bilby
Hey there, bilb!
I've deferred my uni course for the year and I'm working to support myself. The job is pretty awful, but it's better than no job at all.
Happily ever after comes later.
January 23, 2009
plethora commented on the word bugs
I haven't had a lot of time to investigate this thoroughly but...
it appears that when logged out, the times on comments are not up-to-date. For example, on my list Silent Bits and Pieces, when I'm logged out displays,
"8 hours ago sionnach said:
I dream of a world where we will be able to move words among lists in great big blocks, en masse. That's my dream."
When I logged in, the timestamp changed. In truth,
13 days ago sionnach said:
"I dream of a world ..."
It's probably not a big deal, and won't cause a big problem, particularly for those of us who stay logged in pretty much all the time.
But I just thought it was worth noting.
January 23, 2009
plethora commented on the list the-cheese-connoisseur-s-list-of
Venezuelan beaver cheese?
January 21, 2009
plethora commented on the word faq
Hmm, sorry c_b, I just assumed you didn't intend to italicise your answer as well as your question, and that Pro's subject line was also not meant to be itals.
You know what they say about assumption...
January 20, 2009
plethora commented on the word faq
I spy an unclosed ital tag... tsk tsk c_b!
Edit: Daz, by all means leave Wordie if you want. We all know that it's not for everyone. But insulting people is never the way to go.
January 18, 2009
plethora commented on the word guttatim
See deleting comments :)
January 18, 2009
plethora commented on the word how do you like them bananas
This should answer your question.
January 15, 2009
plethora commented on the word guitar hero
It's a bit easier than real guitar, but only because it doesn't require such a large hand-span.
The right hand can be a bit annoying, though, because it doesn't always pick up the movement.
January 14, 2009
plethora commented on the word spangle
Well, stars and banners were my second thought.
Also, WeirdNet has odd priorites - has anyone here ever used the verb "to spangle"?
January 14, 2009
plethora commented on the word spangle
It's a very... mardi gras word. Brings to mind tight-fitting costumes, drag queens, glitter and sequins.
I kind of like it.
January 13, 2009
plethora commented on the word centauromachia
I was so sure that this word would mean something completely bizarre and not at all related to what it looks like that I was on my way over to make up a definition about fighting centaurs.
January 13, 2009
plethora commented on the list mis-sung-a-litany-of-mondegreens
She's got electric boobs...
January 13, 2009
plethora commented on the word jean dimmock
January 13, 2009
plethora commented on the word insomnia
I haven't been here for a while - not since I had a lot of homework to do and many episodes of Doctor Who unwatched.
Wordie has been quiet tonight.
I probably have to be up early in the morning, despite it being Sunday, so I'm going to bed now.
January 11, 2009
plethora commented on the word ಠ
Or the back end of a wagon.
January 10, 2009
plethora commented on the list silent-bits-and-pieces
I'm on the lookout moll, but I don't hold much hope.
I was thinking of doing it by list because it's already 2 pages and I've barely begun. I'm not adding anything else until I've sorted what I've got. Unfortunately, that will have to wait until tonight.
January 10, 2009
plethora commented on the list lost-for-word
January 10, 2009
plethora commented on the list silent-bits-and-pieces
I'm only a short way into this list and I'm thinking I'm going to have to separate it out by letter.
For now, though, I'm going to bed.
January 9, 2009
plethora commented on the list psychedelicatessen
Here's something I just realised...
This is my list right?
But I never actually added anything to it.
I guess something must have distracted me.
January 9, 2009
plethora commented on the word wordie word of the year 2008
Thanks for all your hard work whichbe :)
Truly, you are a most devoted Wordie.
January 9, 2009
plethora commented on the word whey-faced
January 9, 2009
plethora commented on the word lake of fire
You're missing something, whichbe.
P.S. Moll, your link is borked :)
January 9, 2009
plethora commented on the word chair master
It's not just a chair, yarb. It's a chair with moveable attachments.
January 9, 2009
plethora commented on the word quiet party
Personally I prefer a silent disco.
January 8, 2009
plethora commented on the word wordie word of the year 2008
Elvis AND Bowie, 'nach.
You have a rockin' birthday.
January 8, 2009
plethora commented on the list say-goodbye
From The Sound of Music:
So long, farewell, auf wiedersehn, adieu.
January 7, 2009
plethora commented on the word ridonkulous
Someone had to have invented it. How do you know who it was?
January 6, 2009
plethora commented on the list known-words
You appear to have added valetudinarian twice :)
January 4, 2009
plethora commented on the word footling
Well I wasn't thinking about that until you said it!
January 4, 2009
plethora commented on the word i'm not racist, but...
Almost always followed by some incredibly racist remark.
January 2, 2009
plethora commented on the word il mio aeroscivolante è pieno di anguille
My hovercraft is full of eels!
January 1, 2009
plethora commented on the list global-stupidity-alert
- a few pickles shy of a barrel
- the lights are on but nobody's home
- a kangaroo loose in the top paddock
- not the full quid
- a few beers short of a case
- a few sandwiches short of a picnic
- couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery
- a few cards shy of a deck
I like this list! :D
January 1, 2009
plethora commented on the word ribcage
It was on petard.
December 30, 2008
plethora commented on the word watch batteries
December 30, 2008
plethora commented on the list that-is-not-a-christmas-word-part-deux-2008
I love this list. I have to think back to some of our Christmas conversations for some contributions.
December 29, 2008
plethora commented on the word features
I'll send something smaller next year.
December 29, 2008
plethora commented on the word features
Whoops! This means 'nach is going to get your present...
I suspect rhinos will eat pretty much anything.
December 29, 2008
plethora commented on the word the day that one wishes the whole christmas season was over
December 29, 2008
plethora commented on the word features
I agree that Wordie should remain as un-Facebook as possible. I love Wordie for its unique simpliciy.
Sionnach, this is awkward. When that rhinocerous I sent you arrives, just send it back, ok? Sorry, I took your silence on the subject to mean that a rhino was your dearest wish.
December 29, 2008
plethora commented on the word autoplay
I hate that too, Pro. I don't know how to stop it either
December 28, 2008
plethora commented on the word super awesome princess unicorn pony
Yes Pro, I do.
December 27, 2008
plethora commented on the word super awesome princess unicorn pony
I sense a Sailor Moon.
December 27, 2008
plethora commented on the word wordie word of the year 2008
I nominate tappen!
December 27, 2008
plethora commented on the user plethora
Thanks everyone! <3
Dc, that is the coolest thing... evah.
*hugs Wordies*
December 27, 2008
plethora commented on the word wordie list of the year 2008
I nominate Words that shouldn't be used on a first date
I couldn't possibly pick my favourite of all of these. Too much funny!
December 27, 2008
plethora commented on the word is there a word for the sound of a piano falling
December 22, 2008
plethora commented on the word sartorial
I watched that Buffy episode today, seanahan. What a coincidence.
"Suits are full of joy. They are the sartorial equivalent of a baby’s smile,"
-- Barney, How I Met Your Mother
December 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word saritorial
Sartorial, perhaps?
December 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word thermos
It's the same deduction of heat no matter where the soup landed, which is tricky, particularly on a turn.
December 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word sylvia's mother
I'll only keep her a while.
December 7, 2008
plethora commented on the word mystery tour
Our mystery tour starts in 5 minutes. Where are we going? I don't know, it's a mystery.
December 6, 2008
plethora commented on the word dream a little dream of lists
I stand corrected. Glad noone took that bet.
December 5, 2008
plethora commented on the word dream a little dream of lists
I love that song.
And by coincidence, it is currently raining in Adelaide.
It's a very Ben Folds sort of day, actually.
I'm prepared to bet the tag was sionnach's doing.
December 5, 2008
plethora commented on the user sionnach
I should've known that, being a Capricorn.
December 4, 2008
plethora commented on the user sionnach
That one's the sign for Libra, isn't it?
December 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word where do you go to my lovely
Ah, but that's "Where do you go (My Lovely)?"
This page says "Where do you go to my lovely?"
There's a difference, silly :P
That No Mercy song is awful, though.
December 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word where do you go to my lovely
It's the only song I'm aware of with this line in it.
December 4, 2008
plethora commented on the list words-to-have-topped-the-most-wordied-last-7-days-list-since-june-9-2008
cephalopodcast is up there at the moment.
December 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word netfox
The system has been having more and more hissy fits since our recent upgrade. Currently it's having one at Wordie. It blocks me each time I comment or add a word but let's me see the page when I refresh.
4 more days of school internet. I'm holding onto that, for my sanity.
December 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word where do you go to my lovely
Yes, it does drag on, slightly.
December 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word mrs brown you've got a lovely daughter
Apparently as a small child I would sing along to this song - "Mrs Brown you got a lovely gorta!"
December 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word where do you go to my lovely
There's quite a bit more to the song, actually.
December 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word colorless green ideas sleeping furiously
I now better understand your comment on where is the green sheep, 'nach.
December 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word dream a little dream of lists
The pigs' names are Horatio (sitting), Truffles (standing), Augusta (trotting), and Oliver (at the bin).
December 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word dream a little dream of lists
That too.
December 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word 凸
A winners' podium.
December 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word dream a little dream of lists
Mall is pretty awful word, now that you mention it, b.
Move to Adelaide, and then your choices for referring to the meeting place include: Rundle, the City, or my favourite, by the Balls.
December 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word thunderbird
Guess I'm taking a roadtrip in September! *third in line*
December 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word air sandwich
Two pieces of bread and butter sandwiched with nothing else in between.
December 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word nothing burger
I think you're right, bilby.
This reminds me of an air sandwich.
December 4, 2008
plethora commented on the list wtht-vwls
Thank you, my mind is now at ease :P
December 4, 2008
plethora commented on the list wtht-vwls
Glad I'm not the only one. I've stared at it for ages, gone away, come back, stared some more, and for the life of me, I still can't decipher it.
December 3, 2008
plethora commented on the list wtht-vwls
I believe this list is just based on spelling, qroqqa, not pronunciation.
C_b, your very first comment on this list is puzzling me. I just can't figure out what ntr mls means... Help!
December 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word dingo
December 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word bugs
That wasn't a lie, exactly, Pro. My education is over, my commitments to the school are not.
And I'm still partying :P
December 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word bugs
Would I lie to you?
December 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word bugs
On a tag's page, when I view the list of words on which I've used that tag, I can delete everyone's comments.
December 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word bugs
There were only alphabetical characters in my list.
December 3, 2008
plethora commented on the list the-bright-and-shiny-new-list
Too much white!
December 2, 2008
plethora commented on the word bugs
Just adding my voice to the chorus of those unable to delete lists.
December 2, 2008
plethora commented on the word cephalopodcast
December 2, 2008
plethora commented on the word but will you love me tomorrow
Can I believe the magic in your sighs?
December 2, 2008
plethora commented on the word octopus straps
Often shortened to just ockey straps.
November 30, 2008
plethora commented on the word under the boardwalk
We'll be fallin' in love.
November 30, 2008
plethora commented on the word muggle quidditch
Part of me thinks that's the greatest thing ever and wants to play, but the other part is horrified to think that they reduced something as amazing as the Golden Snitch to a dude carrying a sock.
November 30, 2008
plethora commented on the word strawberry jam
Hee! I loved singing that song as a kid.
And isn't there another verse at the start?
He joined the paratroopers for the fancy uniform
November 29, 2008
plethora commented on the word ongoing
My favourite Milligan poem is The Hipporhinostricow:
Such a beast is the hipporhinostricow
How it got so mixed up we'll never know how;
It sleeps all day, and whistles all night,
And it wears yellow socks which are far too tight.
If you laugh at the hipporhinostricow,
You're bound to get into an awful row;
The creature is protected you see
From silly people like you and me.
November 28, 2008
plethora commented on the word synaesthesia
Synaesthesia Emergency.
November 24, 2008
plethora commented on the word forty-two
Did you know Dara Torres is going to be forty-two next year?
November 19, 2008
plethora commented on the word kiltsman
Most women I know are fond of a kilt, too.
November 15, 2008
plethora commented on the word binary
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November 15, 2008
plethora commented on the word bugs
Could be a Mozilla thing, oro. I declined the update this evening, and now when I try to d/l it, it's telling me there's an error in the update.
November 15, 2008
plethora commented on the word bugs
Working for me, oroboros.
November 15, 2008
plethora commented on the word stroopwafel
So tasty!
My English teacher brought back one for each of us last time she went to Amsterdam. I knew there was a reason she was my favourite teacher.
November 15, 2008
plethora commented on the word beelzebubba
Rosemary's baby.
November 14, 2008
plethora commented on the word and when the broken hearted people living in the world agree
Shine on 'til tomorrow.
November 14, 2008
plethora commented on the word crumpled vs folded
There's a Sorbent ad that addresses this issue.
November 13, 2008
plethora commented on the word faggotry
You raise some interesting points, which. I'm not sure I'm really equipped to respond intelligently. But I must ask: what about homophobic females?
November 13, 2008
plethora commented on the user bilby
I just woke up, and I'm not exactly coherent, so all I'm going to say is Aaaawwww <3
Also, you must have posted that comment about ten minutes after I went to bed.
November 13, 2008
plethora commented on the word the pants dance
Nope, definitely not just you.
November 13, 2008
plethora commented on the user dontcry
At my old schools, it was P&C (parents and community).
And here it's the APA. A for the name of my school and PA for Parents' Association.
There's also a Boarders' Parents Association.
November 13, 2008
plethora commented on the user plethora
Nooooo! Not cherries!
*retaliates with a pineapple upside-down cake*
November 13, 2008
plethora commented on the user plethora
Yes. Yes, we can.
November 13, 2008
plethora commented on the user plethora
No :'(
Technically I've already graduated, anyway.
November 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word snooze button
My clock radio has the standard 9 minutes, but my phone snooze time is 2 minutes. It takes about 45 minutes from first alarm until I actually get out of bed.
November 12, 2008
plethora commented on the user plethora
I did indeed, Pro. The entire highschool experience is not over, just the exams. The rest is just ceremony and tradition, really.
November 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word the pants dance
The sort of jumping, wriggling dance that you do to get your pants on, esp. when they're too tight, or you're too lazy undo them.
Seen here.
November 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word pants vs pant
Right. And then you have to do the Pants Dance.
November 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word pants vs pant
I put mine on two legs at a time. Is that weird?
November 12, 2008
plethora commented on the user plethora
The plan at the moment is to take a year off studying, find a job, and earn enough money to live on, and perhaps save some to help me get through uni in 2010.
November 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word chemistry exam
This one was never going to be good. But it was the last one, so I'm happy.
November 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word snooze button
Tonight, I am not setting my alarm. I am sleeping in tomorrow morning, no snooze button for me. Why? Because my exams are over and I can.
November 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word fresh
I sort of like it as a noun.
November 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word faggotry
Well, one good thing has come out of this one, at least. You've just reminded me the Pride March is on here on Saturday. I'd almost forgotten.
November 12, 2008
plethora commented on the list sweetness-i-was-only-joking
It's also an earworm. Damn, I'm never going to get it out of my head.
November 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word entschuldigueng
Das ist richtig, Herr sionnach.
November 12, 2008
plethora commented on the list sweetness-i-was-only-joking
I love the list name.
November 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word gumshoes
Also, gumboots.
Is there a shoe list 'round here anywhere?
November 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word bugs
Borked homepage?
November 11, 2008
plethora commented on the user dontcry
¡ʎ�?pɥʇɹıq ʎdd�?ɥ
November 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word moments like these
I don't think I've ever watched a horror movie without some wag calling this out during a particularly grisly torture scene.
We did a Saw marathon the other day and it was said at least twice in each film.
November 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word crocodile
Crocs give me the heebies.
I'm glad I don't live up North.
November 10, 2008
plethora commented on the word advent calendar
My German friends have reusable ones. They're made up of little cloth pouches and their mother buys those individually wrapped Darrell Lea chocolates to fill them with. I don't think she leaves a chocolate for everday, either, come to think of it. There's probably some true-meaning-of-Christmas stuff in there too.
Personally I like to wait until after Christmas and buy five for a dollar at the supermarket and eat them all at once :D
November 10, 2008
plethora commented on the word book club
I don't do clubs. :P
November 10, 2008
plethora commented on the word verboten
Ok, I only understood about half of those little pictograms.
November 10, 2008
plethora commented on the word tree-
You're right, frindley. I have to hit num-lock and then hold the function key as I type to access my number pad. Fn + alt + 150 doesn't give me a dash, though: ☼
November 10, 2008
plethora commented on the word tree-
Is there a function key on your laptop, VO? Often you can use the Fn to bring up a number pad.
November 10, 2008
plethora commented on the word freddo
I think the dance team have enough of my one dollar coins. I really am broke.
November 9, 2008
plethora commented on the word freddo
I honestly cannot afford any more $1 Freddos, as much as I could happily explode into a shower of chocolateyness.
November 9, 2008
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