From Wikipedia (8 May 2012): "A type of Japanese drinking establishment which also serves food to accompany the drinks. They are casual places for after-work drinking. ... Izakaya are sometimes called akachÅchin (red lantern) in daily conversation, because these paper lanterns are traditionally found in front of an izakaya."
Obcaecate may be more difficult to pronounce but means "blinded; blind; uncomprehending; or lacking spiritual vision." This word could also be written occaecate. The OED explains that though both Latin forms are attested, English picked up the "Ob" a slightly earlier than the "Oc," even though attestations for both forms are about the same. -From
Oblatrant (oblatration/oblatrate), from the Latin word meaning "to bark, rail or carp at", means "railing, reviling" or "scolding." A religious use from the 17th century: "The Apostle feares none of these currish oblatrations." From a little later in the century comes, "He that feareth oblatration must not travel." -from
"She was a fine dashing woman, and without being either pretty or beautiful she gave the impression of being both, mostly from the splendid way she carried her head. She despised her scrub of a husband, who truckled to her; and she had taken to music as a relief from him..."
Comments by selchie
Selchie commented on the word slapsauce
March 14, 2014
Selchie commented on the word betsubara
Betsu (other) + hara (belly) = "second stomach" or extra room, as for dessert.
December 21, 2013
Selchie commented on the word Brahms and Lizst
Cockney slang for drunken. That's all I know.
December 12, 2013
Selchie commented on the list words-you-were-amazed-to-hear-in-a-song
Look at most any Decemberists' lyrics: fontanelle, palanquin, arabesques, and many more.
May 20, 2012
Selchie commented on the word izkaya
From Wikipedia (8 May 2012): "A type of Japanese drinking establishment which also serves food to accompany the drinks. They are casual places for after-work drinking. ... Izakaya are sometimes called akachÅchin (red lantern) in daily conversation, because these paper lanterns are traditionally found in front of an izakaya."
May 8, 2012
Selchie commented on the word shichirin
Small Japanese barbeque, commonly & incorrectly called a hibachi in the US.
May 8, 2012
Selchie commented on the word Obcaecate
Obcaecate may be more difficult to pronounce but means "blinded; blind; uncomprehending; or lacking spiritual vision." This word could also be written occaecate. The OED explains that though both Latin forms are attested, English picked up the "Ob" a slightly earlier than the "Oc," even though attestations for both forms are about the same. -From
February 3, 2012
Selchie commented on the word oblatrant
Oblatrant (oblatration/oblatrate), from the Latin word meaning "to bark, rail or carp at", means "railing, reviling" or "scolding." A religious use from the 17th century: "The Apostle feares none of these currish oblatrations." From a little later in the century comes, "He that feareth oblatration must not travel." -from
February 3, 2012
Selchie commented on the word sirsee
Small gift
January 20, 2012
Selchie commented on the word beek
In the apiarist's vocabulary, it is short for "beekeeper". I also like to think of it as short for "bee geek".
August 12, 2011
Selchie commented on the word truckle
"She was a fine dashing woman, and without being either pretty or beautiful she gave the impression of being both, mostly from the splendid way she carried her head. She despised her scrub of a husband, who truckled to her; and she had taken to music as a relief from him..."
-Patrick O'Brien, _Master and Commander_
July 28, 2011