I did not realize that this site still existed 12 years later, completely changed names/interface, and still had my profile. Murphy's law need not apply to this wonderful forum, for I cast a fleer look upon it from our impune tower, which shall not be impugned.
all you have to do is get into the source code of the game(open it with notepad) and paste an app. that runs in the game and overrides the lines or fragments of code governing the skipability of levels and runs it's own programming to let you skip levels with the touch of a button.
Comments by smrtrthnu
smrtrthnu commented on the user dfrankly1
Love can be good, but only if it is for love's sake. Ego, desire, vanity, nor possession it is not, but sacrifice, change, and altruism are its heart.
June 9, 2020
smrtrthnu commented on the word fleer
I did not realize that this site still existed 12 years later, completely changed names/interface, and still had my profile. Murphy's law need not apply to this wonderful forum, for I cast a fleer look upon it from our impune tower, which shall not be impugned.
June 4, 2020
smrtrthnu commented on the word key lime pie
best eaten in a face-to-plate manner.
August 18, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word clam
im eating clam chowder at this very moment
August 18, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word الإنكليزية
wrong list
August 18, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word الإنكليزية
August 18, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the user charlesferdinand
How many languages do you speak altogether?
August 5, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word votum separatum
a vow to ruin or destroy
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word utlagariae
an outlaw
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word scribendi
to write or compose
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word sapientiam
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word sanctorum
holy or sacred
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word nihili
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word moriturus
to die or perish
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word mediocritas
ordinary or average
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word juridicum
judgement; decision
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word incunabulis
source; origin
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word fratribus
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word fiducia
confidence; trust; assurance
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word fecundissmismus
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word extra territorium jus dicenti impune non paretur
he who administers justice outside of his territory is disobeyed with impunity
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word disjecta membra
scattered limbs
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word delectatio morosa
peevish delight
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word de omnibus dubitandum
be suspicious of everything, doubt everything
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word damnum absque injuria
damage without injury
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word contemptus saeculi
extreme and swift contempt
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word communitatis
common or general
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word certissima
contest of any kind
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word caput inter nubila
head in the clouds
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word audeamus
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word aliquid
someone or something
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word adequatio intellectus et rei
conformity of our minds to facts
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word abundantiam
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word nemo me impune lacessit
no one provokes me with impunity
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the list latin--2
adding latin definitions...
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the word in pace requiescat
in peace rest!
July 30, 2009
smrtrthnu commented on the list behr-paint-colors
i wonder what color 'painted leather' is
October 18, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the list secret-stash
and 'hollow firewood log'?
October 18, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the list secret-stash
will you add 'secret compartment under the toilet'?
October 18, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the user bilby
has there ever been a census of all the users on this site?
October 18, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word hawaiian shirts
i must admit though that hawaiian shirts are a good addition to a wardrobe.
October 18, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word hawaiian shirts
maybe, but hawaiian shirts are a creation of tourism, sold as souveneirs. no true regard for the culture at all.
October 18, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word osseocarnisanguieoviscericartilaginnervomedullary
this is absolutely the longest pronounceable word that i have seen in years.
October 18, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the list jumbo-shrimp
i also wonder if a health bar says "now with real chocolate" then what were you eating before?
October 18, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the list jumbo-shrimp
i wonder how they classify shrimp as 'organic' 'all natural' and 'non-organic.
October 18, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word fur rain
'prophylactic'. hmmm...
October 18, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word bottle-arse squid
copy and paste this into your browser http://www.squidfish.net/forums/uploads/post-31462-1139434839_thumb.jpg
October 18, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word skip level meeting
or you can enter the password.
October 18, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word skip level meeting
and sorry for the run-on sentence.
October 18, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word skip level meeting
it's simple.
October 17, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word skip level meeting
all you have to do is get into the source code of the game(open it with notepad) and paste an app. that runs in the game and overrides the lines or fragments of code governing the skipability of levels and runs it's own programming to let you skip levels with the touch of a button.
October 17, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word jaja
i have to delete this.
October 17, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word zug
the smallest cannon in a row of cannons.
October 17, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word kyak
please don't ask me what a packsaddle is, though.
October 17, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word kyak
no, actually.
kyak- a pack sack to be swung on either side of a packsaddle
October 17, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word fuck
And how do you know that was the first word I added?
October 17, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word fuck
clitoridectomy isn't a slang term
October 17, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word hawaiian shirts
October 17, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word suck
the first thing that enters one's mind when the word is mentioned is usually oral sex.
October 17, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word 42
life + the universe + everything = 42
October 17, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word fuck
why are people obsessed with slang terms and slang terms referring to sexual activity and the like?
October 17, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word penultimate
the word is so misunderstood...
October 17, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the list joe-the-plumber
October 17, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word hawaiian shirts
i used to live in hawaii, and hawaiian shirts are purely a stereotype of true hawaiian style.
October 17, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the user smrtrthnu
i'm lonely.
October 17, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word devoted hugger of poo pages
aaagh! my eyes are bleeding!
October 17, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word membrana tectoria
more latin...
October 17, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the user bilby
i THINK that i can accurately define ANY given word now.
October 17, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the user smrtrthnu
don't take it literally.
October 17, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the user smrtrthnu
October 17, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the user smrtrthnu
hi again. just wanted to greet myself.
October 17, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word jaja
sorry someone else added that under my name
October 16, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word piobaireached
October 15, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word dog
"And tell the chef that this is low grade dog food."
October 15, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word pleeat
a word so rare that you may never hear it used
Pronounced 'plee ate' like that
October 15, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word jaja
October 15, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word jaja
October 15, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word jyngine
don't even look for this definition...
October 11, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word ramex
if only you could see my private notes...
October 11, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word lampadedromy
a race in which a torch is passed from teammate to teammate
October 11, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word quadragintesimal
finally someone defines the mysterious word!
October 11, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the list list01
clitoridectomy... ouch!
October 11, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the user smrtrthnu
hello to myself!!
October 11, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the list femmesque
A Loquacious Bunch Today, Aren't We?
October 11, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the user whichbe
when did you join this site??
October 11, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word uxorial
the chemical formula is C132983H211861N36149O40883S693.
October 11, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word fille
filles are female horses, am i not correct?
October 11, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word uxorial
that's 189,819 letters, people.
October 11, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word uxorial
comment removed by janitorial staff
October 11, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word nubile
is a word
October 11, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word paracoita
i have a paracoita
and hahaha the word processor just listed paracoita as misspelled.
October 11, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the word demimondaine
a class of women on the fringes of respectable society supported by wealthy lovers (usually each had several).
October 11, 2008
smrtrthnu commented on the user roguedesignmonk
empty personality, username roguedesignmonk
October 11, 2008