tsukum has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 42 lists, listed 1070 words, written 3 comments, added 0 tags, and loved 103 words.
Favorite Lists
- life, death, rebirth
- Misanthropic
- recent
- Confusually
- The Heart's Parts
- You're Such a Card
- words describing one long dream which spans nearly two years and takes place between the hours 10 pm and 1 am
- Some Hearty Words
- heart phrases/words
- Light
- color, light & sight
- vespertine libertines
- key phrases/words
- I'b sorry. I hab a cold.
- Double Dactyls
- Dactyls
- Adjectivies Intensity
- Medicine or Person?
- miscellanea
- Round and round she goes
- Blippets
- forms/acts: art
- Metawords
- Love Of Linguistics & Literature
- Terms for AP Lit
- Literary critical terms
- LIT - stylistic schemes & rhetorical devices
- litcrit & theory
- theory and history of art: terms and ideas
- circle
- ruzuzu's taxonomy
- I Am a Strange Loop
- Worlds and Dimensions
- Aftercrimes, Geoslavery, and Thermogeddon
- the one-two punch
- Oh well, What the hell
- Nihilarity
- dream words
- Predictionary
- Name, a Novel
- Jorge Luis Borges On Writing
- Cause and Effect
- Words To Use In Creative Writing
- Prosody
- Smoke Words Get in Your Eyes
- favorite psychological topics
- Is that a cigar in your pocket. . .?
- vocab
- angel phrases/words
- My dick in your
- Verecund, flivver, etc
- the lascivious
- ppl words
- Knee Deep in Chic
- an inkling, a feeling, an urge
- artifice of vice
- ....the prison library
- Body/Physical Description
- Spicy Word Sampler
- colleen's words ii
- macabre
- Sot
- Setting the Scene: Dark and Dreary
- The "dark" things
- Landforms
- Symbols
- Rare Books
- Penmanship
- Derrida
- Collagency ✂
- POL - people in power
- Desks
- A Glossary of Filth
- EN - archaic words
- Nethack words
- Herbs: How Fragrant, How Delicious
- Flora
- The Bindery
- English Literature 101
- words from chess
- marginalia
- EN - fine scholarly language
- cool words i'll never use
- Vinamra!!
- Fight scene words
- Words that hurt
- Greek Fire
- the beat & the break
- Kingkiller
- Words Related To Sound
- Sounds
- Kaplan: Gaps/Openings
- flexure etcetera
- Human Anatomy
- covering, coat, rind, husk or skin
- ossified
- Rare Words - A
- Shape Words
- The Medieval European Fantasy Adventurer's Backpack
- Historical Costume Box
- Words For Describing Art And Literature
- prgrm
- all
- rot13
- whirl
- astral
- lit
- porcelain words
- academia
- transitions
- pleasureofthetext
- extremely specific
- miscellany
- realm of diamonds, realm of the womb
- oh, yes, that's the word i was looking for!
- seal of ill will
- interesting double meanings
- kh
- words for describing a Certain Kind of scene
- Critical Analysis of the Yu-Gi-Oh Anime Series
- Character Names
- gematria finds
- rhetorical device
- 語呂合わせ
- i just like these words, okay.
- wordplay
- And it then became apparent our connecting hands was the answer I needed
- catholic
- first aid
- music theory
- things that could go in a house or mansion
- Fimbulwinter
- words for describing things
- the lamperouge family house
- academic novel au
- just flowers
- lelouch lamperouge
- car types
- hxh catholic school AU
- dungeons & dragons words
Comments by tsukum
tsukum commented on the list morbid-curiosity-words-you-should-be-very-hesitant-to-use-image-search-on
Woohoo, anal fissures!
May 7, 2018
tsukum commented on the user ryowei247
April 11, 2018
tsukum commented on the user ruzuzu
I just noticed for the first time your kind comment on my profile!! Thank you!! I like your lists! They've served as many an inspiration for me.
March 29, 2018