Ooh, and there's the word my brilliant friend has often used to simply and immediately negate and dismiss anything said prior, "regardless". I.e. (as a relatively apolitical example, but you could probably relate this to politics as well) you have historically acted like an ass/bitch many times and have done and said many hurtful things over the years; regardless, you're beautiful and I will always love you. There, all better, huh? :-)
I like transcend for that, as defined by wordnik...giving the impression you are moving above and beyond the past, as opposed to regression, or moving forward with no particular direction :-)
Y'all (wordnik powers that be) seriously need to get advertisers to pay you for mention of their name...this totally makes me want Ben & Jerry's chocolate chip cookie dough :-)
Ew on the redneck quiche, but y'all should really start making money off this and let advertisers link their sites to words when people randomly list them, e.g. branded items like velveeta, for a fee. That way we wouldn't have to see ad banners b/c I really like the clean look of the site...they can just send us subliminally embedded messages ;-) Just an idea :-)
One of the great things about wordnik imo is the freedom to add and list words at will, then when you see several definitions and references cited, there is more confidence in the factuality, similar to wikipedia in that way. Love it :-)
Hope that doesn't happen - I like the ability to capitalize at will. Anyway, now that I've found a place for feedback, I'm unable to delete a comment on my dashboard that was on a list I deleted. Please fix if possible. Thank you, wordnik, for all you do and being one of the lights of my life. :-)
Comments by tyanna
Tyanna commented on the list groceries--1
April 4, 2013
Tyanna commented on the list groceries--1
Sadly for smucker, though, he has been replaced by Whole Foods 365 spread. It's an ever-changing list. :-)
March 31, 2013
Tyanna commented on the list groceries--1
Hi Bilby, thank you, and Propel is this: www.propelzero.com
March 31, 2013
Tyanna commented on the list groceries--1
Vegan. It's a pretty big deal. :-)
March 3, 2013
Tyanna commented on the list groceries--1
March 3, 2013
Tyanna commented on the list emotinomicon
May 28, 2012
Tyanna commented on the word Discourse
Did you mean discourse? ;-)
March 23, 2012
Tyanna commented on the word crony capitalism
An economy in which success in business depends on close relationships between business people and government officials.
March 11, 2012
Tyanna commented on the list machiavellis-list
how Machiavellian that there was no reply :-)
March 11, 2012
Tyanna commented on the list lost-for-word
Ooh, and there's the word my brilliant friend has often used to simply and immediately negate and dismiss anything said prior, "regardless". I.e. (as a relatively apolitical example, but you could probably relate this to politics as well) you have historically acted like an ass/bitch many times and have done and said many hurtful things over the years; regardless, you're beautiful and I will always love you. There, all better, huh? :-)
February 26, 2012
Tyanna commented on the list lost-for-word
I like transcend for that, as defined by wordnik...giving the impression you are moving above and beyond the past, as opposed to regression, or moving forward with no particular direction :-)
February 26, 2012
Tyanna commented on the list congregation
yes, and description :-)
February 26, 2012
Tyanna commented on the list ice-creams-i-have-loved
Y'all (wordnik powers that be) seriously need to get advertisers to pay you for mention of their name...this totally makes me want Ben & Jerry's chocolate chip cookie dough :-)
February 17, 2012
Tyanna commented on the list southwest-package
Ew on the redneck quiche, but y'all should really start making money off this and let advertisers link their sites to words when people randomly list them, e.g. branded items like velveeta, for a fee. That way we wouldn't have to see ad banners b/c I really like the clean look of the site...they can just send us subliminally embedded messages ;-) Just an idea :-)
February 17, 2012
Tyanna commented on the word delusions of grandeur
Also common in optimism :-)
February 12, 2012
Tyanna commented on the word imona
I'm going to :-)
February 12, 2012
Tyanna commented on the user feedback
One of the great things about wordnik imo is the freedom to add and list words at will, then when you see several definitions and references cited, there is more confidence in the factuality, similar to wikipedia in that way. Love it :-)
February 11, 2012
Tyanna commented on the list him--idealized
e.g., handsome with a tendency toward honesty ;-)
February 11, 2012
Tyanna commented on the word tendex
http://www.wired.com/video/the-evolution-of-e-the-tendexes-the-vortexes-in-the-apparent-horizons/1402703461001 :-)
February 11, 2012
Tyanna commented on the user feedback
Hope that doesn't happen - I like the ability to capitalize at will. Anyway, now that I've found a place for feedback, I'm unable to delete a comment on my dashboard that was on a list I deleted. Please fix if possible. Thank you, wordnik, for all you do and being one of the lights of my life. :-)
February 11, 2012
Tyanna commented on the word imo
in my opinion, must have this for online commentary :-)
February 5, 2012
Tyanna commented on the list caffeined
Oh, but why on Earth would you (I)? ;-)
February 4, 2012
Tyanna commented on the word love
Have y'all analyzed the most commented on words yet? This one must be up there :-) ❤
February 2, 2012
Tyanna commented on the word patchouli
Austin, TX, when "weird". :-)
January 16, 2012
Tyanna commented on the list memespeak
This list makes me want to be alone. Is that bad? ;-)
January 13, 2012
Tyanna commented on the word blue sky thinking
Brainstorming. Open-minded thinking. :-)
January 7, 2012
Tyanna commented on the list a-beautiful-man
absolutely agree.
January 7, 2012
Tyanna commented on the word betta
It's a fish. :-)
January 7, 2012
Tyanna commented on the word bestillery
I would rather this mean a distillery that imparts peace. Peace-be-still-ery :-) Could be literal or figurative.
December 15, 2011
Tyanna commented on the list letter-and-email-endings
December 10, 2011
Tyanna commented on the word petrichor
I had no idea there was a word for this...awesome :-)
November 26, 2011