A list of 86 words by pterodactyl.
- Chasid with a parrot on his shoulderwas added by mmhaber and appears on just this list
- baristawas added by ruzuzu and appears on 25 lists
- flamenco dancerwas added by ruzuzu and appears on just this list
- superconductorwas added by Prolagus and appears on 3 lists
- bobcatwas added by Prolagus and appears on 18 lists
- cariluengowas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- deciphererwas added by fbharjo and appears on 4 lists
- flywas added by fbharjo and appears on 97 lists
- magnatewas added by fbharjo and appears on 55 lists
- barhopperwas added by fbharjo and appears on just this list
- sissywas added by fbharjo and appears on 28 lists
- nutritionistwas added by fbharjo and appears on 3 lists
- virtuosowas added by fbharjo and appears on 84 lists
- chocoholicwas added by fbharjo and appears on 10 lists
- gymnastwas added by fbharjo and appears on 11 lists
- trapeze artistwas added by fbharjo and appears on 2 lists
- lawyerwas added by fbharjo and appears on 30 lists
- doormanwas added by fbharjo and appears on 13 lists
- waifwas added by zuccaciyecioglu and appears on 84 lists
- registered sex offenderwas added by zuccaciyecioglu and appears on 2 lists
- gravitational bullywas added by zuccaciyecioglu and appears on 4 lists
- charge d'affaireswas added by zuccaciyecioglu and appears on 2 lists
- pompous gitwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- mango-duffing ʇ�?q ʇınɹɟwas added by plethora and appears on 2 lists
- zen masterwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- baby sealwas added by plethora and appears on just this list
- somnambulistwas added by super-julia and appears on 91 lists
- drunkwas added by bilby and appears on 61 lists
- colonwas added by Prolagus and appears on 36 lists
- tuna sandwichwas added by gangerh and appears on just this list
- mathematician, a physicist, an engineer, and a computer programmerwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- plate of bacon and eggswas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- three-legged manwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- starchy tuberwas added by reesetee and appears on 3 lists
- clinchpoopwas added by reesetee and appears on 29 lists
- fleshy-headed mutantwas added by reesetee and appears on 3 lists
- sprightly penguinwas added by reesetee and appears on 4 lists
- noodlewas added by reesetee and appears on 58 lists
- artichokewas added by reesetee and appears on 44 lists
- chained bearwas added by reesetee and appears on 2 lists
- grizzled sea captainwas added by chained_bear and appears on 2 lists
- squidwas added by samoritan and appears on 70 lists
- piece of stringwas added by asativum and appears on 2 lists
- blueberrywas added by Prolagus and appears on 46 lists
- barwas added by bilby and appears on 72 lists
- crocodilewas added by bilby and appears on 34 lists
- hobgoblinwas added by palooka and appears on 66 lists
- super putzwas added by palooka and appears on 3 lists
- giant gizmowas added by palooka and appears on 2 lists
- ham sandwichwas added by plethora and appears on 5 lists
- predatory lenderwas added by palooka and appears on 2 lists
- badgerwas added by plethora and appears on 109 lists
- smarmy self made manwas added by palooka and appears on just this list
- control freakwas added by palooka and appears on 3 lists
- voodoo priestesswas added by palooka and appears on 2 lists
- man carrying a banana treewas added by palooka and appears on 2 lists
- nippleless manwas added by palooka and appears on just this list
- hatcheck girlwas added by palooka and appears on 2 lists
- salacious sextonesswas added by palooka and appears on just this list
- lovelorn gastropodwas added by palooka and appears on 3 lists
- reinforced battalion of marineswas added by palooka and appears on just this list
- cadaverwas added by palooka and appears on 72 lists
- skeletonwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 53 lists
- neutronwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 16 lists
- limping dogwas added by pterodactyl and appears on just this list
- mushroomwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 61 lists
- pair of hydrogen atomswas added by pterodactyl and appears on just this list
- frenchman with a parrot on his shoulderwas added by pterodactyl and appears on just this list
- guy with a giraffewas added by pterodactyl and appears on just this list
- picklewas added by pterodactyl and appears on 100 lists
- rené descarteswas added by pterodactyl and appears on just this list
- womanwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 57 lists
- snakewas added by pterodactyl and appears on 53 lists
- irishmanwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 3 lists
- blind manwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 3 lists
- guywas added by pterodactyl and appears on 44 lists
- guy with a toad on his headwas added by pterodactyl and appears on just this list
- talking dogwas added by pterodactyl and appears on just this list
- duckwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 91 lists
- guy with a chunk of asphalt on his shoulderwas added by pterodactyl and appears on just this list
- cowboywas added by pterodactyl and appears on 35 lists
- pandawas added by pterodactyl and appears on 47 lists
- grasshopperwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 27 lists
- termitewas added by pterodactyl and appears on 13 lists
- bearwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 105 lists
- horsewas added by pterodactyl and appears on 70 lists
pterodactyl commented on the list a-_____-walks-into-a-bar
Now I'm dying to hear the jokes that go along with these contributions. For example, what happens when the voodoo priestess walks into a bar? You can't just leave us hanging! :-)
April 8, 2008
palooka commented on the list a-_____-walks-into-a-bar
My contributions don't have extant jokes behind them pterodactyl. They're meant to be imagination-joggers & they're certaintly successful in that regard in your case.
April 8, 2008
pterodactyl commented on the list a-_____-walks-into-a-bar
Oh, I see. Y'know, I think they're actually funnier when left to the imagination like that.
When I was about 14 or so, my friends and I had a game that consisted of taking turns making up setups for jokes. Not whole jokes, but just the introductory bits, like "Mother Theresa, Garrison Keillor, and a one-armed man are stuck in an elevator." We never came up with endings; I think we just like the unresolved tension of the silly situations.
That's my longwinded way of saying bravo to you for your untethered jokelets.
April 8, 2008
chained_bear commented on the list a-_____-walks-into-a-bar
I can give you a punchline that goes with *any* of these, pterodactyl. Example: A nun, a priest, and a cardinal walk into a bar. You'd think one of them would have seen it!
April 8, 2008
reesetee commented on the list a-_____-walks-into-a-bar
April 8, 2008
plethora commented on the list a-_____-walks-into-a-bar
Hee! C_b, that's one of my favourite jokes of all time. A man walks into a bar, and he says "Ouch!"
April 8, 2008
trivet commented on the list a-_____-walks-into-a-bar
Heard recently:
A dyslexic walks into a bra...
April 10, 2008
reesetee commented on the list a-_____-walks-into-a-bar
April 10, 2008
dontcry commented on the list a-_____-walks-into-a-bar
A horse walks into a bar and the bartender says: say pal, why the long face?"
May 27, 2008
dontcry commented on the list a-_____-walks-into-a-bar
A neutron walks into a bar and orders a drink. When the bartender gives him the drink the neutron asks, "How much?" The bartender says: "No charge for you."
December 3, 2009
PossibleUnderscore commented on the list a-_____-walks-into-a-bar
An Englishman, an Irishman and an Australian walk into a bar.
The barman says, "Is this some kind of bloody joke?"
March 20, 2010
ruzuzu commented on the list a-_____-walks-into-a-bar
Ach! How did I miss this list? Thank goodness it was featured over on Twitter.
June 5, 2012
pterodactyl commented on the list a-_____-walks-into-a-bar
Thanks, ruzuzu! This was actually one of the first lists I ever created!
June 6, 2012