A list of 167 words by hernesheir.
- spam musubiwas added by actung and appears on 2 lists
- musubiwas added by actung and appears on 3 lists
- medakawas added by hernesheir and appears on 4 lists
- kutiawas added by hernesheir and appears on 3 lists
- biryaniwas added by hernesheir and appears on 6 lists
- idliwas added by hernesheir and appears on 8 lists
- arrackwas added by hernesheir and appears on 14 lists
- rice-millingwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- rice-branwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- ricelandwas added by hernesheir and appears on 2 lists
- Calasparrawas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- bombawas added by hernesheir and appears on 4 lists
- chelowas added by hernesheir and appears on 2 lists
- flan de rizwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- riz au graswas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- riz au buerrewas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- tarte de rizwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- riz au laitwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- rice flanwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- ricewas added by hernesheir and appears on 44 lists
- masuwas added by hernesheir and appears on 3 lists
- kokuwas added by hernesheir and appears on 3 lists
- rice brokerwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- rice millwas added by hernesheir and appears on 2 lists
- rice huskerwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- hullerwas added by hernesheir and appears on 2 lists
- terracewas added by hernesheir and appears on 40 lists
- Cianjur Pandanwangiwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- Rajalelewas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- Neang Maliswas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- Phka Khneiwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- Pitchavari ricewas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- cockatricewas added by hernesheir and appears on 39 lists
- thricewas added by olivier and appears on 48 lists
- lodgingwas added by hernesheir and appears on 9 lists
- rice steamerwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- rice cookerwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- weddings and ricewas added by armclean5 and appears on just this list
- rice futureswas added by armclean5 and appears on just this list
- arrozwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 7 lists
- oryzivorouswas added by mollusque and appears on 11 lists
- International Rice Research Institutewas added by mollusque and appears on just this list
- cockenthricewas added by bilby and appears on 6 lists
- unpolished ricewas added by marky and appears on just this list
- polished ricewas added by marky and appears on just this list
- rice ratwas added by ruzuzu and appears on just this list
- rice weevilwas added by ruzuzu and appears on just this list
- Rice Universitywas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- Rice University, Kurt Vonnegut commencement addresswas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- Anne Ricewas added by armclean5 and appears on just this list
- Wild Rice Riverwas added by hernesheir and appears on 2 lists
- fungal brown spotwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- Indian rice grasswas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- paddieswas added by hernesheir and appears on 3 lists
- ricingwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- sacred manominwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- Nett Lakewas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- Zizania palustriswas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- Zizania aquaticawas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- Leech Lake Indian Reservationwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- manoominwas added by ruzuzu and appears on just this list
- rice vinegarwas added by hernesheir and appears on 2 lists
- rice winewas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- sakewas added by hernesheir and appears on 29 lists
- ham fried ricewas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- fried ricewas added by hernesheir and appears on 2 lists
- risi e bisiwas added by Prolagus and appears on 2 lists
- mochiwas added by Prolagus and appears on 11 lists
- donburiwas added by hernesheir and appears on 3 lists
- kani kamawas added by hernesheir and appears on 2 lists
- barazushiwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- chirashizushiwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- sukerokuwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- inarizushiwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- sasazushiwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- oshizushiwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- uramakiwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- temakiwas added by hernesheir and appears on 2 lists
- tsunamayomakiwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- negitoromakiwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- tekkamakiwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- kappamakiwas added by hernesheir and appears on 2 lists
- hosomakiwas added by hernesheir and appears on 3 lists
- futomakiwas added by hernesheir and appears on 2 lists
- makimonowas added by hernesheir and appears on 5 lists
- temarizushiwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- gunkanmakiwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- nigirizushiwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- sushi ricewas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- makizushiwas added by hernesheir and appears on 2 lists
- rice ballwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- spam onigiriwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- omusubiwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- onigiriwas added by hernesheir and appears on 8 lists
- rice bran oilwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- Oryza barthiiwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- African ricewas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- Oryza glaberrimawas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- semi-dwarfwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- dwarfwas added by hernesheir and appears on 66 lists
- forbidden ricewas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- domsiahwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- koshihikariwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- sasani shikiwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- ambemoharwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- dubrajwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- rosemattawas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- navarawas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- molakolukuluwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- Ponniwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- sona masuriwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- landracewas added by hernesheir and appears on 7 lists
- Sri Lankan red ricewas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- Sambawas added by hernesheir and appears on 3 lists
- glutinous ricewas added by hernesheir and appears on 2 lists
- red cargo ricewas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- Wehaniwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- Calrosewas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- sticky ricewas added by hernesheir and appears on 3 lists
- Bhutanese red ricewas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- amylopectinwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- medium-grainwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- popped ricewas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- puffed ricewas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- paddywas added by hernesheir and appears on 20 lists
- sprouted ricewas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- rice paperwas added by hernesheir and appears on 8 lists
- rice noodleswas added by hernesheir and appears on 2 lists
- rice flourwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- rice branwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- parboiledwas added by hernesheir and appears on 4 lists
- white ricewas added by hernesheir and appears on 3 lists
- brown ricewas added by hernesheir and appears on 7 lists
- most consumed food on Earthwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- staplewas added by hernesheir and appears on 42 lists
- Zizaniawas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- caryopsiswas added by hernesheir and appears on 7 lists
- wind-pollinatedwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- ratoonwas added by hernesheir and appears on 10 lists
- perennialwas added by hernesheir and appears on 133 lists
- annualwas added by hernesheir and appears on 26 lists
- short-grainwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- long-grainwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- Oryza sativawas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- paellawas added by hernesheir and appears on 26 lists
- yellow ricewas added by hernesheir and appears on 2 lists
- saffron ricewas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- rijspapwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- subrics of ricewas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- jasminewas added by hernesheir and appears on 59 lists
- rice waterwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- Piedmont ricewas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- Roman ricewas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- Patna ricewas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- Java ricewas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- Indo-Chinese ricewas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- Carolina ricewas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- beri-beriwas added by hernesheir and appears on 4 lists
- amylosewas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- superfinowas added by hernesheir and appears on 2 lists
- basmatiwas added by hernesheir and appears on 8 lists
- arboriowas added by hernesheir and appears on 3 lists
- sushiwas added by hernesheir and appears on 48 lists
- risottowas added by hernesheir and appears on 23 lists
- wild ricewas added by hernesheir and appears on 6 lists
- ricerwas added by hernesheir and appears on 3 lists
- Carnaroliwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
ruzuzu commented on the list b-rice-is-nice-b
This list is nice, too.
February 8, 2010
hernesheir commented on the list b-rice-is-nice-b
Thanks, ruzuzu. Please feel free to add any terms and phrases that are wanted or are lacking here!
February 8, 2010
marky commented on the list b-rice-is-nice-b
What prompted this list? I like Rice. I'm Vegetarian!
February 8, 2010
hernesheir commented on the list b-rice-is-nice-b
marky: Rice is a staple food around the world. Continuation of my thinking so far expressed in my lists dealing with The World of Corn, and indirectly, hot peppers, albeit in the latter case, hot sauce.
February 8, 2010
dontcry commented on the list b-rice-is-nice-b
Hitler was a vegetarian. Just saying. That's what I've heard.
February 8, 2010
marky commented on the list b-rice-is-nice-b
Haha. Didn't know about Hitler. Weird. Yeah, Rice, Corn, Soy Staple foods. My staple food is Ice Cream and Honey.
February 8, 2010
bilby commented on the list b-rice-is-nice-b
The proposition that Hitler was a vegetarian is pithy. See here.
February 8, 2010
ruzuzu commented on the list b-rice-is-nice-b
See godwin's law, why do you hate freedom, and possibly almost Solveig (if only for the fact that Solveig Dommartin and Bruno Ganz were in Wings of Desire together, and I have a hard time watching those YouTube Hitler parodies without thinking of how lovely Ganz was when he was sitting in the sawdust where the circus tent had been, etc., etc.).
Edit: and reductio ad Hitlerum (though I don't think anyone has listed it yet).
February 8, 2010
marky commented on the list b-rice-is-nice-b
bilby, thx for the 'Hitler was not a Vegetarian' article. Not that it really matters to me, the guy was a maniac anyways!
February 8, 2010