A list of 40 words by Prolagus.
- aquilonwas added by Prolagus and appears on 7 lists
- remarkable linkwas added by Prolagus and appears on 3 lists
- how to hide the like buttonwas added by Prolagus and appears on just this list
- trollemewas added by Prolagus and appears on just this list
- Manhattanhengewas added by Prolagus and appears on 2 lists
- appuciouswas added by Prolagus and appears on 2 lists
- ice-creamwas added by PossibleUnderscore and appears on 5 lists
- flummoxwas added by Prolagus and appears on 189 lists
- resomationwas added by Prolagus and appears on 2 lists
- multislackingwas added by Prolagus and appears on 17 lists
- ワン切りwas added by Prolagus and appears on 2 lists
- belleandsebastianistanwas added by Prolagus and appears on 2 lists
- we've got to get a reading on those pants, up or down!was added by Prolagus and appears on 7 lists
- tappenwas added by Prolagus and appears on 24 lists
- shaken baby syndromewas added by Prolagus and appears on 4 lists
- bristol stool scalewas added by Prolagus and appears on 10 lists
- every time i eat asparagus...was added by Prolagus and appears on 4 lists
- antievolutionwas added by Prolagus and appears on 4 lists
- finger fumblerwas added by Prolagus and appears on 4 lists
- fudgsiclewas added by Prolagus and appears on 3 lists
- peasewas added by Prolagus and appears on 10 lists
- vas deferenswas added by Prolagus and appears on 10 lists
- chadwas added by Prolagus and appears on 38 lists
- doll's head inside a bowl with three appleswas added by Prolagus and appears on 4 lists
- iceberg profiling kitwas added by Prolagus and appears on 5 lists
- a 2006 calendarwas added by Prolagus and appears on 2 lists
- whippersnapperwas added by Prolagus and appears on 70 lists
- spray-on condomwas added by Prolagus and appears on 2 lists
- dead peoplewas added by Prolagus and appears on 2 lists
- perry como rockswas added by Prolagus and appears on 2 lists
- merchwas added by Prolagus and appears on 12 lists
- moranwas added by Prolagus and appears on 5 lists
- fartbreakerwas added by Prolagus and appears on 3 lists
- bleacherswas added by Prolagus and appears on 7 lists
- 7457was added by Prolagus and appears on 10 lists
- emmywas added by Prolagus and appears on 8 lists
- strippable trianglewas added by Prolagus and appears on 2 lists
- definitelywas added by Prolagus and appears on 39 lists
- acoustic cloakwas added by Prolagus and appears on 3 lists
- i'mpossiblewas added by Prolagus and appears on 4 lists
plethora commented on the list bookmarks
Excellent idea for a list, Pro :)
June 18, 2008
dontcry commented on the list bookmarks
June 20, 2008
bilby commented on the list bookmarks
No peeking dontcry!
June 20, 2008
Prolagus commented on the list bookmarks
See ohana.
June 20, 2008
frindley commented on the list bookmarks
This is excellent. And it is especially useful since (alas!) the front page only indicates how many times a word is listed rather than how many comments it has attracted. And it is the latter which is the true sign of an interesting conversation.
June 22, 2008
bilby commented on the list bookmarks
June 22, 2008
frindley commented on the list bookmarks
She lives!
June 22, 2008
bilby commented on the list bookmarks
I should leave an interesting comment here! Yes!
June 22, 2008
jennarenn commented on the list bookmarks
Awesome. I need to sort my conversations chronologically.
June 24, 2008
whichbe commented on the list bookmarks
June 30, 2008
Prolagus commented on the list bookmarks
June 30, 2008
Prolagus commented on the list bookmarks
This list is now open, since I will be traveling soon!
July 12, 2008
bilby commented on the list bookmarks
Isn't reesetee missing them?
July 14, 2008
Prolagus commented on the list bookmarks
If the interesting conversation is on a list page, please add link to the comments here!
Prolagus (after a morning at the beach)
July 15, 2008
skipvia commented on the list bookmarks
The Awesome Words!!!!!!!! list has a conversation worth noting.
July 15, 2008
Prolagus commented on the list bookmarks
Oh, I fought there, skipvia. :-) but you're right, some of the 100 wordies in the title could have missed it.
July 15, 2008
reesetee commented on the list bookmarks
Reesetee's back. :-) Hope you're enjoying your visit home, Pro.
July 22, 2008
bilby commented on the list bookmarks
I think whichbe and certainly frindley are certainly missing them :-(
March 5, 2009
Prolagus commented on the list bookmarks
Oh, this list is no more active. But in the last couple of days, I haven't had much time, so I'm now adding a couple of pages I want to return to as soon as possible.
March 5, 2009
sionnach commented on the list bookmarks
"Oh, this list isn't active any more" meant Pro, most probably.
March 5, 2009
bilby commented on the list bookmarks
I back-translate - O, questa lista non e' ancora attiva - and it computes just dan-dy.
March 5, 2009
Prolagus commented on the list bookmarks
I back-back-translate bilby: "Oh, this list is not active yet." :)
March 5, 2009
bilby commented on the list bookmarks
Piu'! That wasn't the sound of me spitting rice, I swear.
By way of explainationhood, lemme say that piu' is one of those Italian words so overworked I expect to find it, one day, abandoned with a broken axle in a remote Abruzzo mountain villaggio alongside the chariot of Pilate.
March 5, 2009
Prolagus commented on the list bookmarks
In Piedmont, they say solo più and mai più where the rest of Italians would use solo and mai.
"Ho ricevuto un'altra lettera da parte delle Graduate Schools, ora me ne restano solo più due."
"Non avrei mai più pensato di essere accettato alla CUNY!"
March 5, 2009
Prolagus commented on the list bookmarks
Please add here the best conversations of the last week... :)
December 24, 2009
reesetee commented on the list bookmarks
Oh, good! Just in time for me to go away (from my computer) for the holidays. :-)
December 25, 2009