A list of 85 words by gmb.
- reverencewas added by gmb and appears on 75 lists
- double penetrationwas added by gmb and appears on 3 lists
- slow penetrationwas added by gmb and appears on just this list
- forced orgasmwas added by gmb and appears on just this list
- rape fantasywas added by gmb and appears on just this list
- metaphysicalwas added by gmb and appears on 56 lists
- ruggedwas added by gmb and appears on 35 lists
- karezzawas added by gmb and appears on 13 lists
- rough sexwas added by gmb and appears on just this list
- erectionwas added by gmb and appears on 17 lists
- eye fuckwas added by gmb and appears on 2 lists
- passionatewas added by gmb and appears on 64 lists
- nonconsensualwas added by gmb and appears on just this list
- excitewas added by gmb and appears on 23 lists
- stillnesswas added by gmb and appears on 16 lists
- malewas added by gmb and appears on 29 lists
- kisswas added by gmb and appears on 97 lists
- ramwas added by gmb and appears on 41 lists
- penetrationwas added by gmb and appears on 17 lists
- possessionwas added by gmb and appears on 34 lists
- fearwas added by gmb and appears on 67 lists
- gagwas added by gmb and appears on 44 lists
- silencewas added by gmb and appears on 95 lists
- blindfoldwas added by gmb and appears on 9 lists
- gang rapewas added by gmb and appears on 2 lists
- powerfulwas added by gmb and appears on 50 lists
- passionwas added by gmb and appears on 106 lists
- swollenwas added by gmb and appears on 27 lists
- hornywas added by gmb and appears on 32 lists
- phone sexwas added by gmb and appears on 3 lists
- dirty talkwas added by gmb and appears on 3 lists
- cybersexwas added by gmb and appears on 10 lists
- hotwas added by gmb and appears on 92 lists
- arousalwas added by gmb and appears on 26 lists
- talk dirtywas added by gmb and appears on 2 lists
- painwas added by gmb and appears on 52 lists
- pleasurewas added by gmb and appears on 52 lists
- submissionwas added by gmb and appears on 33 lists
- dominationwas added by gmb and appears on 32 lists
- spiritualwas added by gmb and appears on 32 lists
- orgasmwas added by gmb and appears on 52 lists
- ritualwas added by gmb and appears on 50 lists
- ritual sexwas added by gmb and appears on just this list
- sacred sexwas added by gmb and appears on just this list
- cock ringwas added by gmb and appears on 4 lists
- boundwas added by gmb and appears on 55 lists
- wetwas added by gmb and appears on 58 lists
- clitoriswas added by gmb and appears on 28 lists
- wombwas added by gmb and appears on 37 lists
- vaginawas added by gmb and appears on 51 lists
- capturewas added by gmb and appears on 52 lists
- bondagewas added by gmb and appears on 34 lists
- bdsmwas added by gmb and appears on 3 lists
- hugewas added by gmb and appears on 26 lists
- brutalwas added by gmb and appears on 56 lists
- commandwas added by gmb and appears on 43 lists
- voicewas added by gmb and appears on 56 lists
- heartbeatwas added by gmb and appears on 27 lists
- pulsewas added by gmb and appears on 61 lists
- throbwas added by gmb and appears on 41 lists
- deepwas added by gmb and appears on 100 lists
- ecstasywas added by gmb and appears on 81 lists
- sacredwas added by gmb and appears on 85 lists
- tantricwas added by gmb and appears on 14 lists
- slowwas added by gmb and appears on 42 lists
- strongwas added by gmb and appears on 53 lists
- fuckwas added by gmb and appears on 154 lists
- whisperwas added by gmb and appears on 147 lists
- dirtywas added by gmb and appears on 51 lists
- moanwas added by gmb and appears on 39 lists
- prayerwas added by gmb and appears on 35 lists
- fetishwas added by gmb and appears on 64 lists
- kinkywas added by gmb and appears on 41 lists
- climaxwas added by gmb and appears on 65 lists
- cumwas added by gmb and appears on 32 lists
- hardwas added by gmb and appears on 53 lists
- rapewas added by gmb and appears on 48 lists
- forcewas added by gmb and appears on 76 lists
- lustwas added by gmb and appears on 95 lists
- penetratewas added by gmb and appears on 41 lists
- pornwas added by gmb and appears on 30 lists
- eroticwas added by gmb and appears on 55 lists
- sweatwas added by gmb and appears on 46 lists
- cockwas added by gmb and appears on 66 lists
- thrustwas added by gmb and appears on 56 lists
john commented on the list erotica
I don't like a lot of the content on this list, and I'm considering nuking it. Anyone have an opinion on whether I should do that or not? On the one hand, I generally have an anything-goes attitude. On the other, I prefer that we respect each other, and some of the crap listed here is offensive.
Anyone have an opinion on whether this should stay or go? I'm listening.
December 23, 2006
lampbane commented on the list erotica
I personally don't find it offensive, and think it just sets a dangerous precedent to dictate what kind of lists people can make (because what is offensive is highly subjective).
December 23, 2006
uselessness commented on the list erotica
It's disgusting. But nobody's being forced to look at it. I certainly don't think I'll be back to this page again. That ought to be enough. Go to the lists you like, don't go to the lists you don't.
If you want to keep the home page family-friendly, you might consider censoring which words pop up on there. But I don't think you should involve yourself in an individual's lists.
December 23, 2006
maygra commented on the list erotica
If they weren't all gathered together in a single list, just random words on someone else's list, would it be as much of a problem? I could argue that some of this list aren't words but phrases, but I've seen that elsewhere too.
I don't find anything on this offensive as a list of words. Thought provoking yes, but context makes the difference and part of the whole joy of this site it to take the context out of the equation and just enjoy the words.
I agree with Lampbane that you may be setting a precedent you don't intend, and requiring the members to second guess what you (or anyone else) might find personally offensive. But it's your project and your site.
December 23, 2006
oroboros commented on the list erotica
All these and a lot more are listed in "The Encyclopedia of Unusual Sex Practices" by Linda Love; there are 47 copies of it in LibraryThing catalogues. There is the issue of "family friendly" but I imagine John knows whether that can be done or not.
December 23, 2006
sonofgroucho commented on the list erotica
I think it's surprising that anyone finds a list like this offensive. I can accept that these words could be combined into sentences that some would find offensive, but I agree with Lampbane that forbidding a list such as this would set a most unwelcome precedent.
December 23, 2006
john commented on the list erotica
Ok, no problem, I'll leave it be. I'd rather defer to community standards than act peremtorily; my initial comment was basically an excercise in figuring out what the standards are.
To those of you who don't find some of these words offensive, though, I don't get it. It's not the sex I mind, it's the violence. This list purports to be erotica, and I personally don't find "gang rape" and "eye fuck" to be erotic on any level. But to each their own.
December 23, 2006
maygra commented on the list erotica
Not to beat a dead horse; but just to fix in context, that "eye fuck" isn't nearly as violent as it sounds, it's a vernacular for the kind of heated, sexually charged glances given across distances -- i.e. along the lines of undressing each other with their eyes. I'm sure it could mean something more violent but that's the context I know it from. "Gang rape" on the other hand I could see as people finding offensive or distasteful, but rape (or rather, rape fantasies) have been the staple of bodice rippers for years. It may still be offensive to folks, but it's a pretty common literary trope.
Ooooh. Bodice rippers! ::adds to new list::
December 24, 2006
colleen commented on the list erotica
belatedly, John, I am extremely relieved that you are not censoring this list.
on my first or second day as a member I saw a comment belittling another person's list because some of the words were too mundane for that commenter's taste. it disturbed me. it was petty and pointless. and now we have this list, where 'crap' and 'disgusting' are being applied, and that disturbs me too.
what if someone made a list of common epithets, and included nigger, kike, and faggot? I imagine (hope!) that those words would offend all of us, but I would argue that they have a right to be listed. "words you hate" is in the mission statement, after all.
perhaps an option of making a list private could be worked in? you once agreed with me that part of the beauty of this project was authorial intent. perhaps gmb means this list in a way none of us will ever understand, and that is all right with me.
December 24, 2006