A list of 43 words by jennarenn.
- elkwas added by jennarenn and appears on 40 lists
- undertaggedwas added by jennarenn and appears on 4 lists
- pimiento loadwas added by jennarenn and appears on 4 lists
- chadwas added by jennarenn and appears on 38 lists
- truck nutzwas added by jennarenn and appears on 7 lists
- howling fantodswas added by jennarenn and appears on 16 lists
- binocularswas added by jennarenn and appears on 16 lists
- yes we have no bananaswas added by jennarenn and appears on 9 lists
- nonpareilwas added by jennarenn and appears on 121 lists
- speltwas added by jennarenn and appears on 22 lists
- gormlesswas added by jennarenn and appears on 112 lists
- drummerwas added by jennarenn and appears on 15 lists
- okrawas added by jennarenn and appears on 30 lists
- pouzewas added by jennarenn and appears on 2 lists
- listmasterwas added by jennarenn and appears on 3 lists
- cheerfulwas added by jennarenn and appears on 27 lists
- peelerwas added by jennarenn and appears on 18 lists
- inner thesauruswas added by jennarenn and appears on 4 lists
- powderwas added by jennarenn and appears on 45 lists
- church keywas added by jennarenn and appears on 8 lists
- ravishingwas added by jennarenn and appears on 43 lists
- aurifywas added by jennarenn and appears on 11 lists
- commentywas added by jennarenn and appears on 4 lists
- chaordicwas added by jennarenn and appears on 24 lists
- y'allwas added by jennarenn and appears on 34 lists
- niche worryingwas added by jennarenn and appears on 6 lists
- buffalowas added by jennarenn and appears on 45 lists
- negligencewas added by jennarenn and appears on 28 lists
- englishewas added by jennarenn and appears on just this list
- memewas added by jennarenn and appears on 142 lists
- eddresswas added by jennarenn and appears on 4 lists
- crocswas added by jennarenn and appears on 5 lists
- pit of despairwas added by jennarenn and appears on 6 lists
- wordie tenth commandmentwas added by jennarenn and appears on 2 lists
- 99 bottles of beer on the wallwas added by jennarenn and appears on 3 lists
- bananaphonewas added by jennarenn and appears on 17 lists
- marqueewas added by jennarenn and appears on 29 lists
- stinkheadwas added by jennarenn and appears on 7 lists
- verbingwas added by jennarenn and appears on 8 lists
- barometswas added by jennarenn and appears on 5 lists
- myrrhwas added by jennarenn and appears on 100 lists
- hoodoowas added by jennarenn and appears on 41 lists
- pareidoliawas added by jennarenn and appears on 146 lists
jennarenn commented on the list idle-chatter
Ok. Both the link to John's profile and U's wordie guidelines are correct. Why can't I put two links in the same box?
Word Guidelines for Wordie
July 6, 2007
uselessness commented on the list idle-chatter
Wait wait, what are you trying to do here? I'm confused.
July 6, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list idle-chatter
In making my conversations list, I became frustrated because I couldn't include conversations on lists. (Like the one forming here.) I was going to make a list in the list description, but when you put in two links, Wordie gives you an error message. I don't want to make one comment per link, but I don't see any other way. :-/
July 6, 2007
uselessness commented on the list idle-chatter
There are plenty of list descriptions with multiple links in them... you must be doing something wrong. Do you get an error message, or does the code just not work right? Are you putting both links back-to-back on the same line, or pressing Enter between each one?
July 6, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list idle-chatter
The problem is that I can't see any of the text. Instead, I get the new parsing error message. I pressed enter a couple of times and even added some text between the links. Both links worked when I copied them into independent locations. Any ideas?
July 6, 2007
john commented on the list idle-chatter
Should be fixed -- rather than give the parsing error, the code now just strips all html if it thinks it's wonky.
How to write non-wonky html? Make sure it's xml/xhtml compliant. Some tips:
- Close all your tags. So rather than using just a <p> tag to create a paragraph, wrap the whole paragraph with beginning and ending tags, <p>like this</p>.
- If you use stand-alone tags, make them self-closing. It's <br />, not <br>. That goes for images tags, too: <img src="foo" />
- Use lowercase characters in tags. It's <p>, not <P>.
- Quote all tag attributes. It's <a href="http://wordie.org">, not <a href=http://wordie.org>;.
Hope that helps.
July 6, 2007
john commented on the list idle-chatter
dang. maybe it's not fixed :-|
July 6, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list idle-chatter
Yep, I think I'm doing everything to make my code as non-wonky as possible. I'm just using the code for hyperlinks that u sent me awhile ago.
But John, no worries. If this means that I "need" to put each hyperlink it its own box, then that'll put me ahead of even slumry in citations for the week. Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha
July 6, 2007
oroboros commented on the list idle-chatter
John; we need a tutorial on html. Do ya think?
July 6, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list idle-chatter
October 2, 2007