A list of 38 words by skipvia.
- championwas added by thebighenry and appears on 78 lists
- asprasilwas added by samoritan and appears on 2 lists
- stardustwas added by treeseed and appears on 41 lists
- sophiewas added by treeseed and appears on 6 lists
- pennywas added by treeseed and appears on 40 lists
- el loanerwas added by treeseed and appears on just this list
- blueboywas added by treeseed and appears on just this list
- blaze kingwas added by treeseed and appears on just this list
- joewas added by treeseed and appears on 29 lists
- little buckwas added by treeseed and appears on 3 lists
- flickawas added by treeseed and appears on 3 lists
- bucephaluswas added by trivet and appears on 7 lists
- black beautywas added by gangerh and appears on 5 lists
- hosswas added by gangerh and appears on 9 lists
- topperwas added by skipvia and appears on 9 lists
- targetwas added by skipvia and appears on 40 lists
- ringowas added by skipvia and appears on 6 lists
- rexwas added by skipvia and appears on 19 lists
- razorwas added by skipvia and appears on 32 lists
- midnightwas added by skipvia and appears on 74 lists
- sportwas added by skipvia and appears on 48 lists
- cochisewas added by skipvia and appears on 5 lists
- chubwas added by skipvia and appears on 25 lists
- buckwas added by skipvia and appears on 73 lists
- jokerwas added by skipvia and appears on 23 lists
- buckshotwas added by skipvia and appears on 17 lists
- furywas added by skipvia and appears on 62 lists
- locowas added by skipvia and appears on 31 lists
- diablowas added by skipvia and appears on 20 lists
- scoutwas added by skipvia and appears on 23 lists
- silverwas added by skipvia and appears on 127 lists
- horsewas added by skipvia and appears on 70 lists
- mr. edwas added by skipvia and appears on 2 lists
- rafterwas added by skipvia and appears on 12 lists
- phantomwas added by skipvia and appears on 77 lists
- tornadowas added by skipvia and appears on 54 lists
- buttermilkwas added by skipvia and appears on 24 lists
- triggerwas added by skipvia and appears on 52 lists
reesetee commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
Nice idea. A whole different sort of sidekick list. :-)
February 1, 2008
skipvia commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
More like an underkick list. :-)
Jimmy Mayo, Peter Scheffler, Chris Cramer and I used to meet up every day after school and decide who was going to ride which horse home that day. Then we'd gallop along home, leaping creeks and...
That is normal, isn't it?...
*thinks about not posting this comment*
February 1, 2008
skipvia commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
I wouldn't want to be the cowboy riding Bucephalus...
February 1, 2008
reesetee commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
So...you didn't actually have these horses; is that what you're saying?
February 1, 2008
skipvia commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
I'm afraid they existed only on TV, treeseed...
February 1, 2008
reesetee commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
Nope--I'm the other many-E'd Wordie. But thanks for the reply. Imaginary horses are best. :-)
February 2, 2008
skipvia commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
My apologies, reesetee. Haven't seen much of you lately. Did I finally scare you away?
February 2, 2008
reesetee commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
Not at all, skipvia. Been busy with family doings. :-)
February 2, 2008
skipvia commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
Well, it's just not as much fun without you.
February 2, 2008
sionnach commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
I've had this working theory for a few weeks now that reesetee : treeseed :: garth brooks : chris gaines. And, I regret to confess that I've been melding skipvia and SonofGroucho in my head for weeks, if not months. In much the same way that I think john and uselessness are just two sides of the same cyber-ducat.
But someone has kidnapped chained_bear and must be holding her in some remote newfoundland fastness. which is worrisome. Another 24 hours and we may have to call in the language police.
February 2, 2008
mollusque commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
It would be interesting to know which Wordies are most correlated, i.e., share the highest percentage of listed words.
February 2, 2008
treeseed commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
My real first name is Terrie. My last name before I divorced the carbuncle was Reese. Hence t + reese +ed for good measure = treeseed. I am not reesetee. Really.
February 2, 2008
treeseed commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
Mollusque...that would be cool. The correlated words, I mean.
February 2, 2008
reesetee commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
As Treeseed says, we are not the same person (nor do I have a carbuncle to divorce)--although I still think it's easy to confuse the two names when reading quickly. ;-)
Nor am I Garth Brooks (just to head off c_b's listing me that way)--I don't like C&W music much anyway. And skipvia, it's just not as much fun without Wordie, either. Hoping to get back here in full force as soon as things settle down.
Not to worry about chained_bear. I suspect she's taking her usual hibernatory break and will likely return before too long. It's just not as much fun without her. :-)
Sionnach, who is your secret other side, I wonder?
February 2, 2008
mollusque commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
Treeseed, I like ex = carbuncle. Time for a list? I nominate termite.
Reesetee: a) you mean c_b is afflicted with oblomovism? I'd hoped she was vacationing somewhere warm.
b) Given the pronounciation and complementarity of letters, I think sionnach = seanahan.
February 2, 2008
samoritan commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
Asprasil was a racehorse in a Wonderful World of Disney special I recall.
February 2, 2008
skipvia commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
Hmmm...we've already established that yarb and arby are the same person (see yeppers and gemsbok). And now, reesetee and treeseed...and you never really see john and uselessness together...
Would it help if I confessed that I am chained_bear?
February 2, 2008
trivet commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
Whoops! I missed the TV. Sorry skipvia.
February 2, 2008
sionnach commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
I must nip this rampant speculation in the bud and explain that I am not seanahan.
February 2, 2008
palooka commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
I certainly believe skipvia & c_b are the same! I guess it's time for me to reveal that my other Wordie identity is uselessness. You were bound to find out sooner or later.
February 4, 2008
skipvia commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
I just claimed to be chained_bear to throw you off. I'm actually the side of sionnach that likes to tell fart jokes...
February 4, 2008
sionnach commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
fart joke .... schmart joke..
guffaws loudly!
February 4, 2008
skipvia commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
Dang. Blew my cover again, sionnach.
*hoping no one discovers his true alter ego*
February 4, 2008
reesetee commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
Skipvia, I can vouch for the fact that you are, in fact, not chained_bear. She appears to have far less facial hair than you. So it's good you confessed to being the other side of sionnach.
Which I don't believe for a second. ;-)
February 4, 2008
palooka commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
Just kidding - my apologies to uselessness.
February 5, 2008
chained_bear commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
I'm thrilled not to have an alter ego.
Sionnach, as always, you made me laugh out loud at work. Thanks a lot. *glares*
February 7, 2008
thebighenry commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
@ Treeseed said: My real first name is Terrie ...
Terrie » Terry » Theresa » Therese » treesed ?
April 28, 2008
ruzuzu commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
Random word showed me buckshot, and boy howdy am I glad. This is a great list.
January 10, 2011
reesetee commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
Not only is it a great list, but the comments here are exquisite.
January 11, 2011
mr_ass_itch commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
Thank you ruzuzu and reesetee for the late Christmas present. This was fun.
January 11, 2011
ruzuzu commented on the list public-list-a-horse-is-a-horse
Aww. Thank you.
Treeseed's and Mollusque's comments below did inspire me to make a list, but it's probably not the kind of list they were going to make.
Merry Christmas!
January 11, 2011