A list of 38 words by lampbane.
- junctionwas added by lampbane and appears on 38 lists
- crossingwas added by lampbane and appears on 15 lists
- cornerwas added by lampbane and appears on 33 lists
- turnpikewas added by lampbane and appears on 16 lists
- stravenuewas added by lampbane and appears on 2 lists
- bypasswas added by lampbane and appears on 16 lists
- crescentwas added by lampbane and appears on 69 lists
- bendwas added by lampbane and appears on 39 lists
- annexwas added by lampbane and appears on 66 lists
- caminowas added by lampbane and appears on 9 lists
- ruewas added by lampbane and appears on 137 lists
- routewas added by lampbane and appears on 31 lists
- callewas added by lampbane and appears on 3 lists
- paseowas added by lampbane and appears on 10 lists
- trailwas added by lampbane and appears on 38 lists
- plazawas added by lampbane and appears on 24 lists
- grovewas added by lampbane and appears on 55 lists
- gatewas added by lampbane and appears on 45 lists
- gardenswas added by lampbane and appears on 12 lists
- highwaywas added by lampbane and appears on 24 lists
- terracewas added by lampbane and appears on 40 lists
- loopwas added by lampbane and appears on 39 lists
- squarewas added by lampbane and appears on 74 lists
- circlewas added by lampbane and appears on 61 lists
- covewas added by lampbane and appears on 48 lists
- placewas added by lampbane and appears on 50 lists
- courtwas added by lampbane and appears on 56 lists
- walkwas added by lampbane and appears on 54 lists
- waywas added by lampbane and appears on 60 lists
- mewswas added by lampbane and appears on 13 lists
- boulevardwas added by lampbane and appears on 36 lists
- drivewas added by lampbane and appears on 67 lists
- alleywas added by lampbane and appears on 25 lists
- roadwas added by lampbane and appears on 32 lists
- parkwaywas added by lampbane and appears on 11 lists
- lanewas added by lampbane and appears on 20 lists
- avenuewas added by lampbane and appears on 21 lists
- streetwas added by lampbane and appears on 38 lists
uselessness commented on the list where-the-streets-have-a-name
path? pass? trace? bend? route? roadway? trail? calle? paseo? :-)
December 15, 2006
lampbane commented on the list where-the-streets-have-a-name
I was trying to stick with words I was pretty sure have appeared in the form of "5th Street" or "Park Avenue". As for the foreign words, I wouldn't mind except that, well, where do I draw the line? And you didn't say rue. ;)
December 15, 2006
uselessness commented on the list where-the-streets-have-a-name
I get it. I've seen all of these used the way you're looking for, here in America! Even the Spanish words. Granted, I live in New Mexico. But I drive on Paseo del Norte every day. There's a small private road around the corner from my house called Yipee Calle. Albuquerque is home to a nice portion of Route 66. And in Florida, where I grew up, every other road is *blank* Trail. If you're ever in Miami, stay away from Calle Ocho (8th St.)! :-)
December 15, 2006
lampbane commented on the list where-the-streets-have-a-name
Well, you've convinced me. Especially as I live near "Avenue U" (not "U Avenue").
December 15, 2006
angharad commented on the list where-the-streets-have-a-name
December 15, 2006
angharad commented on the list where-the-streets-have-a-name
December 15, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list where-the-streets-have-a-name
esplanade? promenade?
December 16, 2006
lampbane commented on the list where-the-streets-have-a-name
Can anyone name addresses with esplanade or promenade? I originally had them on the list until I realized I've never actually seen a street address with either of those words in it (like the Brooklyn Promenade).
December 16, 2006
uselessness commented on the list where-the-streets-have-a-name
Hmm. Never seen either used as a street name. I've seen several plazas named "The Promenade" but that's quite different.
I'll second camino though, that's one that I somehow overlooked in my Spanish tirade. :-) I live very near one Camino Los Cerros.
December 16, 2006
asativum commented on the list where-the-streets-have-a-name
New Orleans has an Esplanade, but I think it's an Esplanade Street.
December 16, 2006
colleen commented on the list where-the-streets-have-a-name
the one in Nola is Esplanade Avenue, but nobody says the avenue part, it's just "Esplanade." and there it's pronounced es-pluh-NAYD.
I don't know if this helps its case for inclusion or not. :)
December 17, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list where-the-streets-have-a-name
Well, looks like I couldn't find any esplanades or promenades either. However, I did discover this link to the USPS "official" list of street abbreviations.
December 18, 2006
lampbane commented on the list where-the-streets-have-a-name
I've seen that list before, I can't believe I forgot about it. I have to wonder how many of these exist in the United States, like stravenue...
December 26, 2006
kewpid commented on the list where-the-streets-have-a-name
September 25, 2007