A list of 97 words by bernaun.
- insurgencywas added by bernaun and appears on 25 lists
- rehnquistwas added by bernaun and appears on just this list
- abmwas added by bernaun and appears on 2 lists
- wilsonwas added by bernaun and appears on 4 lists
- plamewas added by bernaun and appears on 3 lists
- scooterwas added by bernaun and appears on 20 lists
- libbywas added by bernaun and appears on 2 lists
- rovewas added by bernaun and appears on 39 lists
- misfeasancewas added by bernaun and appears on 15 lists
- compensationwas added by bernaun and appears on 24 lists
- retirementwas added by bernaun and appears on 19 lists
- immigrationwas added by bernaun and appears on 25 lists
- epidemicwas added by bernaun and appears on 51 lists
- anthraxwas added by bernaun and appears on 22 lists
- weaponswas added by bernaun and appears on 6 lists
- biologicalwas added by bernaun and appears on 18 lists
- wmdwas added by bernaun and appears on 7 lists
- nuclearwas added by bernaun and appears on 42 lists
- preemptivewas added by bernaun and appears on 50 lists
- cheneywas added by bernaun and appears on just this list
- rumsfeldwas added by bernaun and appears on 2 lists
- awewas added by bernaun and appears on 62 lists
- shockwas added by bernaun and appears on 42 lists
- afghanistanwas added by bernaun and appears on 7 lists
- iraqwas added by bernaun and appears on 11 lists
- warwas added by bernaun and appears on 75 lists
- terrorismwas added by bernaun and appears on 29 lists
- axiswas added by bernaun and appears on 44 lists
- evildoerwas added by bernaun and appears on 19 lists
- evilwas added by bernaun and appears on 98 lists
- prepwas added by bernaun and appears on 10 lists
- connecticutwas added by bernaun and appears on 9 lists
- isolationistwas added by bernaun and appears on 8 lists
- doltwas added by bernaun and appears on 86 lists
- moronwas added by bernaun and appears on 47 lists
- toolwas added by bernaun and appears on 50 lists
- cowardwas added by bernaun and appears on 40 lists
- dimwas added by bernaun and appears on 41 lists
- party animalwas added by bernaun and appears on 3 lists
- simpletonwas added by bernaun and appears on 46 lists
- misledwas added by bernaun and appears on 18 lists
- uninformedwas added by bernaun and appears on 6 lists
- scarywas added by bernaun and appears on 28 lists
- zealotwas added by bernaun and appears on 83 lists
- cheatwas added by bernaun and appears on 31 lists
- corruptwas added by bernaun and appears on 52 lists
- underestimatedwas added by bernaun and appears on 5 lists
- inactivewas added by bernaun and appears on 18 lists
- ineffectivewas added by bernaun and appears on 9 lists
- liarwas added by bernaun and appears on 38 lists
- war criminalwas added by bernaun and appears on 3 lists
- criminalwas added by bernaun and appears on 35 lists
- indolentwas added by bernaun and appears on 173 lists
- recklesswas added by bernaun and appears on 65 lists
- stubbornwas added by bernaun and appears on 52 lists
- deceitfulwas added by bernaun and appears on 27 lists
- ineloquentwas added by bernaun and appears on 4 lists
- indelicatewas added by bernaun and appears on 17 lists
- warmongerwas added by bernaun and appears on 25 lists
- cocainewas added by bernaun and appears on 26 lists
- addictwas added by bernaun and appears on 60 lists
- nightmarewas added by bernaun and appears on 49 lists
- occupierwas added by bernaun and appears on 3 lists
- denialwas added by bernaun and appears on 28 lists
- secretivewas added by bernaun and appears on 24 lists
- corporatewas added by bernaun and appears on 24 lists
- oilmanwas added by bernaun and appears on 6 lists
- puppetwas added by bernaun and appears on 27 lists
- insularwas added by bernaun and appears on 100 lists
- wrongwas added by bernaun and appears on 48 lists
- bellicosewas added by bernaun and appears on 267 lists
- hawkishwas added by bernaun and appears on 17 lists
- truculentwas added by bernaun and appears on 320 lists
- belligerentwas added by bernaun and appears on 208 lists
- antagonisticwas added by bernaun and appears on 33 lists
- deafwas added by bernaun and appears on 21 lists
- incompetentwas added by bernaun and appears on 25 lists
- unqualifiedwas added by bernaun and appears on 10 lists
- figureheadwas added by bernaun and appears on 41 lists
- perpetuatewas added by bernaun and appears on 66 lists
- vigilantewas added by bernaun and appears on 54 lists
- quixoticwas added by bernaun and appears on 555 lists
- blindwas added by bernaun and appears on 33 lists
- demagoguewas added by bernaun and appears on 155 lists
- dividerwas added by bernaun and appears on 6 lists
- afraidwas added by bernaun and appears on 30 lists
- inexperiencedwas added by bernaun and appears on 9 lists
- immaturewas added by bernaun and appears on 27 lists
- bullywas added by bernaun and appears on 51 lists
- angrywas added by bernaun and appears on 55 lists
- petulantwas added by bernaun and appears on 289 lists
- grudgewas added by bernaun and appears on 40 lists
- vindictivewas added by bernaun and appears on 135 lists
- vengefulwas added by bernaun and appears on 17 lists
- ignorantwas added by bernaun and appears on 44 lists
- naivewas added by bernaun and appears on 88 lists
- cowboywas added by bernaun and appears on 34 lists
abraxaszugzwang commented on the list words-against-bush-and-or-his-administration
Here're some off the top of my head. Not limited to Dems, though: criminal, coward, war criminal, liar, ineffective, inactive, underestimated, profiteer, corrupt, cheat, zealot, murderer, scary, uninformed, misled, sucker, tool, illiterate, simpleton, likeable, principled, convinced.
January 28, 2007
uselessness commented on the list words-against-bush-and-or-his-administration
I'm not a fan of Bush or his policies (at all) but darn if most of these words aren't awfully mean-spirited. I say that, not directed at you, but as an observation of the "Dems" in general... seems to me that a little tact and a little less vitriol might help the liberals out. It just sounds like they're angry all the time, and most of it transcends politics to petty attacks on Bush himself, and how he's "stupid," or "looks like a monkey." Terribly misdirected rancor, if you ask me.
I'll criticize the administration plenty, but I try to stick to legitimate arguments over name-calling and outright rudeness.
January 29, 2007
bernaun commented on the list words-against-bush-and-or-his-administration
* first, thank you for your thoughtful comment. I have considered it at some length.
* ok, so I didn't want to make this a political debate as much as sort of a survey of the words chosen in a political debate. I had thought of this list (actually, both lists including the GOP list) as sort of saying something without saying something. In fact, I personally don't agree with some in the list.
* However, I think you are right, some of the words are indeed quite mean-spirited, if not simply name-calling. I think my tentative desire is to remain true in the collection and collect the words, no matter how harsh, but this is not a scientific activity. Therefore, it does not have any obligation to truth or purity (even if I could measure it, right?). So, in the spirit of making the list something someone could also show their child as an educational exercise, I decided to excise the more vitriolic entries.
* For good measure, I will make the jettisoned words available upon request.
* In addition, I will suggest a criterion for evaluating whether a word is appropriate or not: If the word does not address a specific characteristic of Bush or the administration, or its use is plainly intended to offend or berate or to smear... put more simply, if it would not be appropriate for a kind to learn the word, it will be removed. I hope you will send feedback on this criterion.
* Finally, to address the one part of your comment that I thought an attack on the Dems (ok, not really, maybe a mild attack on the Dems..). I don't think sour notes are unique to the Democrats as a group - I have heard much worse about Hillary Clinton uttered. However, following on your mention, I will also change the names of the lists both to represent more abstract groups.
* What do you think of these changes (and the edited list..?)
Thank you again!
January 31, 2007
abraxaszugzwang commented on the list words-against-bush-and-or-his-administration
Here're my thoughts on the issue. I like that you combined both lists. It seemed the purpose of the list was to gather any and all terms used frequently in reference to Bush. Combining the lists evens the playing field, but removing words based on an individual (potential) taking umbrage at their presence doesn't make sense to me. I understand that this isn't scientific, but that's more reason to include all available terms, as far as I can see. Why attempt to play mediator? I think all you need is a disclaimer that the words don't necessarily represent your thoughts or feelings.
Now, a word like "asshole" would have no place in the list. That's mere name-calling and could branch off indefinitely. But "murderer," for instance, is a word often used is relation to the President, whether people like it or not.
January 31, 2007
uselessness commented on the list words-against-bush-and-or-his-administration
I was just making an observation, you can do as you please with your lists. I think people, by nature, have great potential for mean-spiritedness -- it's not limited to the right or left. Where there is no unanimous agreement, that kind of speech will always arise in the opposition.
I think AbraxasZugzwang has some good points... but you don't need to feel like the victim of your creation either. You're not forced to add any and all possible words just because they "belong" on the list. You can mediate and censor to your heart's content. Do what you feel is right; it's still a good list.
January 31, 2007
bernaun commented on the list words-against-bush-and-or-his-administration
First, I corrected and shortened the titles of the lists (and kept them separate.
Next, I placed a warning message at the top that simple political bickering in the comments would be deleted with discussion.
Third, I returned the censored words except for one: murderer. Yes, "murderer" has probably been uttered by someone. But the nature of the usage of the word is similar to the other expletives because its utterance is intended to be inflammatory. It also does not contain any truth as far as I can tell in that one cannot convict a sitting president for murder by ordering troops to combat. I will check with a lawyer on this one, but I believe it is true. So, 1. No truth at all, and 2. Inflammatory or slanderous. If a word has a small bit of truth, or is true only in a slight context, I would consider keep for that reason. Words can go on the list by default. If someone objects, there should be some discussion, but based on accepted criteria and then either removed or retained.
Last, I added a lot of words to both lists, which take them in some new directions. I hope this helps to mitigate the sense of hate in the Against list.
Any thoughts..?
February 2, 2007
uselessness commented on the list words-against-bush-and-or-his-administration
I like how you've incorporated buzzwords and phrases from Bush rhetoric. This is a great list!
It's important not to let others get you feeling jumpy about your own list. When I first joined Wordie I caught some flak for including global warming on my She Blinded Me With Pseudoscience list. I was accused of being a "right wing nut job" (which I'm not, but even if I was, is that a crime?). I ultimately caved to the pressure and removed the offending word.
Your lists are your own. Here's another list that raised some eyebrows not too long ago. It's a disgusting list. I don't want to ever look at it again. But I do support gmb's right to create/maintain it. On a site like this, there's no need for people-pleasing... or for us to try to silence others. You and I needn't worry about expressing opinions, whether we are in the majority or otherwise.
February 2, 2007
bernaun commented on the list words-against-bush-and-or-his-administration
Thank you for the encouraging words..
February 6, 2007
djsalinger commented on the list words-against-bush-and-or-his-administration
How is "terrorist" not on here?
People were always making that perceived inversion as a subversive political comment on the blinkered pov of his sympathisers.
Also those good bush/bad bush tshirts are worth mentioning. Two types of good bush apparantly.
May 26, 2009