A list of 49 words by misterpolly.
- gnosticwas added by ravages and appears on 39 lists
- significationwas added by rolig and appears on 6 lists
- significantwas added by rolig and appears on 68 lists
- signifywas added by rolig and appears on 24 lists
- signetwas added by bilby and appears on 25 lists
- magnetwas added by bilby and appears on 25 lists
- magnumwas added by rolig and appears on 17 lists
- magna cartawas added by rolig and appears on 4 lists
- lignitewas added by bilby and appears on 18 lists
- regnalwas added by rolig and appears on 8 lists
- ignotum per ignotiuswas added by rolig and appears on 7 lists
- resignationwas added by rolig and appears on 40 lists
- ignitionwas added by rolig and appears on 25 lists
- ignoblewas added by rolig and appears on 128 lists
- igneouswas added by rolig and appears on 56 lists
- ignitewas added by rolig and appears on 50 lists
- ignorewas added by rolig and appears on 33 lists
- bognorwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- pugnaciouswas added by bilby and appears on 241 lists
- indignationwas added by rolig and appears on 74 lists
- indignantwas added by rolig and appears on 128 lists
- indignitywas added by rolig and appears on 18 lists
- dignifywas added by rolig and appears on 16 lists
- dignitywas added by rolig and appears on 53 lists
- ignoramuswas added by rolig and appears on 73 lists
- ignorantwas added by rolig and appears on 44 lists
- agnosticwas added by rolig and appears on 99 lists
- impregnationwas added by rolig and appears on 6 lists
- wagnerianwas added by rolig and appears on 11 lists
- gnuwas added by rolig and appears on 39 lists
- agnewismwas added by rolig and appears on just this list
- assignationwas added by rolig and appears on 38 lists
- gnomicwas added by rolig and appears on 70 lists
- gnomewas added by rolig and appears on 76 lists
- gnosiswas added by rolig and appears on 47 lists
- gnatwas added by ravages and appears on 40 lists
- ignitionwas added by ravages and appears on 25 lists
- incognitowas added by ravages and appears on 90 lists
- designationwas added by ravages and appears on 11 lists
- diagnosiswas added by bilby and appears on 28 lists
- magnumwas added by bilby and appears on 17 lists
- ignominiouswas added by misterpolly and appears on 193 lists
- ignorantwas added by misterpolly and appears on 44 lists
- prognosiswas added by misterpolly and appears on 47 lists
- signaturewas added by misterpolly and appears on 27 lists
- signalwas added by misterpolly and appears on 31 lists
- impregnablewas added by misterpolly and appears on 73 lists
- interregnumwas added by misterpolly and appears on 110 lists
- pregnantwas added by misterpolly and appears on 31 lists
bilby commented on the list words-with-that-horrible-gn-sound
The schwa is pretty short in bargaining. Is the sound in that word equally offensive?
December 18, 2007
misterpolly commented on the list words-with-that-horrible-gn-sound
Yes, so short as to be practically ignaudible.
December 18, 2007
ravages commented on the list words-with-that-horrible-gn-sound
December 19, 2007
rolig commented on the list words-with-that-horrible-gn-sound
I've added a few... but I'm not sure what it is you find so horrible about -gn-. I suppose it's highly subjective.
December 19, 2007
ravages commented on the list words-with-that-horrible-gn-sound
December 19, 2007
bilby commented on the list words-with-that-horrible-gn-sound
rolig, please tell me how you pronounce gnome?
December 19, 2007
rolig commented on the list words-with-that-horrible-gn-sound
Yeah, I know, bilby, the "g" is supposed to be silent, but I like to say "g-nome", "g-nu", etc. -- because I can! Why let all that training with Slavic consonant clusters go to waste just because I'm speaking English? Also, Ravages, listed "gnat", so I figured it was OK.
December 19, 2007
bilby commented on the list words-with-that-horrible-gn-sound
Haha, g-no way! What can I say?!
December 19, 2007
bilby commented on the list words-with-that-horrible-gn-sound
How about sphigmomenometer? Is gm as unpalatable as gn?
December 19, 2007
rolig commented on the list words-with-that-horrible-gn-sound
there are all those greek words with -gm-: dogma, phlegmatic, syntagmatic, paradigmatic... Could be a different list.
December 19, 2007
sionnach commented on the list words-with-that-horrible-gn-sound
Bilby: do you mean sphygmomanometer? This is a word I have difficulty pronouncing. Magnanimity is another.
I do have a list somewhere called 'My karma ran over my dogma'.
December 19, 2007
bilby commented on the list words-with-that-horrible-gn-sound
I do, sionnach. I can never concentrate when those doctor persons are prying at my wobbly bits.
December 19, 2007
bilby commented on the list words-with-that-horrible-gn-sound
Magnum was added a while back so there must be a bugnum in the group list feature that allows words to be added more than once.
December 19, 2007
ravages commented on the list words-with-that-horrible-gn-sound
IGNOU? An acronym for the Indira Gandhi National Open University. It's now forgotten, is the name and only referred to as IGNOU
December 19, 2007
sionnach commented on the list words-with-that-horrible-gn-sound
This is a fine list, though I have to agree with rolig, that there is nothing intrinsically horrible about the -gn- combination. Difficulties in pronunciation seem to arise only when the -gn- combo appears too close to another 'n' or 'm'.
December 19, 2007
rolig commented on the list words-with-that-horrible-gn-sound
Bilby, you're right! But how do I delete "my" magnum?
December 19, 2007
bilby commented on the list words-with-that-horrible-gn-sound
Appears irreversible rolig. I think the group lists feature is still a work in progress.
December 19, 2007
reesetee commented on the list words-with-that-horrible-gn-sound
Bilby, if your doctor is prying at those wobbly bits with a sphygmomanometer, perhaps you need a new doctor.
December 19, 2007