Name of a dish/meal. Requires chunks of vegetable and starch (the default is potato), usually of protein, and seasoning or sauce. Traditionally topped with grated cheese before putting dish in the oven.
One-pot meal. Starch, protein, vegetable, possibly sauce, all stirred up together. Unlike foodity-food, does not imply that ingredients were cooked together in the same serving pot. Veggies could've been steamed or fried alongside, and stirred in at the end. Does imply stove-top cooking only.
In my household, we refer to our cat this way. To differentiate from ourselves who are the "larges", and the "smalls" which are the the pocket-pets (rodents). A feral house-mouse is, then, similarly small, little or, better tiny; and insects are tiny or wee. If we had a ferret, I suspect it would be smallish or not-quite-medium]
In my household, we refer to ourselves this way. To differentiate from our "medium", which is the cat, and the "smalls" which are the the pocket-pets (rodents). A feral house-mouse is, then, similarly small, little or, better tiny; and insects are tiny or wee. If we had a ferret, I suspect it would be smallish or not-quite-medium]
In my household, we refer to the pocket-pets (rodents) this way. To differentiate from our "medium", which is the cat, and the "larges", who are us. A feral house-mouse is, then, similarly small, little or, better tiny; and insects are tiny or wee. If we had a ferret, I suspect it would be smallish or not-quite-medium. I likewise suspect a standard dog would be larger or largish.
I dig ligatures and diacritical marks (Indeed I usually initial "æ" for this pseudonym), so I've added several words containing them. Point of Wordie, really.
Comments by angharad
angharad commented on the word earworm
Why is this tagged "shirt"? If that's an earworm, I don't get it.
October 19, 2007
angharad commented on the list words-that-remind-me-of-monty-python
tinny, gumby
October 7, 2007
angharad commented on the word gostak
The gostak distims the doshes.
October 6, 2007
angharad commented on the word dosh
The gostak distims the doshes.
October 6, 2007
angharad commented on the word distim
The gostak distims the doshes.
October 6, 2007
angharad commented on the word philtrum
I don't. I didn't know it had a name, until I saw it in a Superman novel.
October 6, 2007
angharad commented on the list that-sound-or-look-like-outer-space-names-and-are-hungarian
Zoltán is a perfectly fine Hungarian first-name:
March 19, 2007
angharad commented on the word ear sticks
Cf q-tips
March 13, 2007
angharad commented on the word sleeps
Means sleep (n) and asleep (adj).
December 16, 2006
angharad commented on the word grung
Pronounced with the velar nasal final consonant (ŋ), but not the plosive g.
December 16, 2006
angharad commented on the word grung
Exclamation of annoyance.
December 16, 2006
angharad commented on the word hoh
An exclamation of delight at cute/sweet -ness.
December 16, 2006
angharad commented on the list there-is-no-x-in-espresso-words-butchered-by-americans
Seanahan, what I love about jaguar is that there's the correct way, the American way, *and* the UK way (jag-yoo-er).
December 16, 2006
angharad commented on the list where-the-streets-have-a-name
December 15, 2006
angharad commented on the list where-the-streets-have-a-name
December 15, 2006
angharad commented on the list words-you-will-soon-learn-after-watching-the-hit-medical-drama-house-md
Aw, man, you put all the good ones in already! Porphyria, maybe, and for a while they were hep on Wilson's Disease.
December 15, 2006
angharad commented on the list stuffie-butterfingers
December 15, 2006
angharad commented on the list stuffie-who-s-keeping-score
Ooh! role.
December 15, 2006
angharad commented on the list stuffie-put-your-weight-into-it
Uselessness, I imagine those are business phrases, in the sales sense (as in "drugs", which you included).
December 15, 2006
angharad commented on the list stuffie-butterfingers
it, shadows (or is that not transitive enough?), ceiling, icon?, line, class, course
December 15, 2006
angharad commented on the list stuffie-go-long
rug, pillow, away, voice
December 15, 2006
angharad commented on the list stuffie-put-your-weight-into-it
barge, it, up, cart, wheelbarrow, drugs
December 15, 2006
angharad commented on the list stuffie-who-s-keeping-score
fair, dirty, hooky (sp), video, dvd
December 15, 2006
angharad commented on the list stuffie-heave-ho
cork, sled, switcheroo, and according to google "sickie" a phrase sort of meaning to play hookie.
December 15, 2006
angharad commented on the word gups
Short for getting-up, gotten-up, etc. As in awakened and arisen. Usage: "Is it gups-time yet?", "Why aren't you gups?!".
December 15, 2006
angharad commented on the word guzzunder
A preposition or noun. When the cat has nustled under the blanket, he is (a) guzzunder.
December 15, 2006
angharad commented on the word fuckle
A dainty swear-word. Drat for the modern girl.
December 15, 2006
angharad commented on the word bake
Name of a dish/meal. Requires chunks of vegetable and starch (the default is potato), usually of protein, and seasoning or sauce. Traditionally topped with grated cheese before putting dish in the oven.
December 15, 2006
angharad commented on the word glop
One-pot meal. Starch, protein, vegetable, possibly sauce, all stirred up together. Unlike foodity-food, does not imply that ingredients were cooked together in the same serving pot. Veggies could've been steamed or fried alongside, and stirred in at the end. Does imply stove-top cooking only.
December 15, 2006
angharad commented on the word foodity-food
One-pot meal, based on rice. Not noodles. With vegetables (and possibly onions) boiled in the same pot. A sub-set of glop.
December 15, 2006
angharad commented on the word stewp
very thick soup, caused by adding too many vegetables to the soup-pot.
December 15, 2006
angharad commented on the word medium
In my household, we refer to our cat this way. To differentiate from ourselves who are the "larges", and the "smalls" which are the the pocket-pets (rodents). A feral house-mouse is, then, similarly small, little or, better tiny; and insects are tiny or wee. If we had a ferret, I suspect it would be smallish or not-quite-medium]
December 15, 2006
angharad commented on the word large
In my household, we refer to ourselves this way. To differentiate from our "medium", which is the cat, and the "smalls" which are the the pocket-pets (rodents). A feral house-mouse is, then, similarly small, little or, better tiny; and insects are tiny or wee. If we had a ferret, I suspect it would be smallish or not-quite-medium]
December 15, 2006
angharad commented on the word small
In my household, we refer to the pocket-pets (rodents) this way. To differentiate from our "medium", which is the cat, and the "larges", who are us. A feral house-mouse is, then, similarly small, little or, better tiny; and insects are tiny or wee. If we had a ferret, I suspect it would be smallish or not-quite-medium. I likewise suspect a standard dog would be larger or largish.
December 15, 2006
angharad commented on the list the-history-of-cool
wicked, wizard, beauty, brilliant.
December 15, 2006
angharad commented on the list not-the-clearest-of-intentions
mask? janus?
December 14, 2006
angharad commented on the list a-list-of-mythical-proportions
the great pumpkin
December 14, 2006
angharad commented on the list i-m-terrible-with-names
December 14, 2006
angharad commented on the list i-m-terrible-with-names
December 14, 2006
angharad commented on the list watch-your-language-young-man
Jiminy Christmas
December 14, 2006
angharad commented on the list word-guidelines-for-wordie
I dig ligatures and diacritical marks (Indeed I usually initial "æ" for this pseudonym), so I've added several words containing them. Point of Wordie, really.
December 14, 2006
angharad commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
Me, I'm puzzled by 'ambulance'.
December 14, 2006
angharad commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
Small children purportedly say "pusketti" instead of "spaghetti".
December 14, 2006
angharad commented on the list have-you-met-dick
johnson, phallus (?)
-- Also see Woody's World of Penis Euphemisms!
December 14, 2006
angharad commented on the list reduplicatives
December 10, 2006
angharad commented on the list reduplicatives
beri-beri, dada, papa, mama, aa, caca, nono, nana, ga-ga, yo-yo, gogo,
December 10, 2006
angharad commented on the list prone-to-confusion-misspelling
December 8, 2006
angharad commented on the list prone-to-confusion-misspelling
infer, imply
December 8, 2006
angharad commented on the list urrbody-in-the-club-get
high, tight
December 8, 2006
angharad commented on the list there-is-no-x-in-espresso-words-butchered-by-americans
Some of my peeves: realtor, athlete, library, tsunami.
You might also take a look at
December 8, 2006
angharad commented on the word holy mackeral
I think it's "mackerel".
December 8, 2006
angharad commented on the list meanings-have-changed-over-the-years-either-due-to-trends-or-sheer-stupidity
gay, nice, discover, confusion
December 7, 2006
angharad commented on the user oren
Do you mind to translate your favourite word, for those of us who can't read that alphabet?
December 6, 2006
angharad commented on the user omnidose
December 5, 2006
angharad commented on the list latin-is-fun
December 5, 2006
angharad commented on the word e
Plus, of course,
e ^ (i * π) = -1
December 5, 2006
angharad commented on the list angharad-s-words
Mostly this list is for useful but obscure words. There are a few exceptions to that.
December 4, 2006
angharad commented on the user john
Keenanpepper, the site's barely a week old. Give the man time to add a feature! (;
December 4, 2006
angharad commented on the word lagniappe
Somewhere between the "baker's dozen" and a bribe.
December 4, 2006
angharad commented on the word tontine
Popularly, in mystery plots, a sort of group-will scheme by which the last surviving member inherits all.
December 4, 2006
angharad commented on the list olde-fashyned-slang
December 4, 2006
angharad commented on the list swashbuckling-vocab
They're the ones pronounced "bosun", "focsl", and "coxun"…
December 4, 2006
angharad commented on the word thinder
What does this mean? I love it, even if it turns out to have been a typo.
December 3, 2006
angharad commented on the list appointments
wardrobe, drapery
December 3, 2006
angharad commented on the list drummers-jargon
tee hee hee
December 3, 2006
angharad commented on the list swashbuckling-vocab
And, I think it's spelt "doubloon".
December 3, 2006
angharad commented on the list for-me-not-to-overuse-when-public-speaking
This is mostly a list of things I need to pay attention to. So, I'm adding in some suggested words/phrases but not all.
December 3, 2006
angharad commented on the word alþingi
oldest parliament in Europe: the Althingi of Iceland
December 3, 2006
angharad commented on the word mischevious
Well, either way, the spelling is of three syllables.
December 2, 2006
angharad commented on the word ulteior
you mean ulterior, right?
December 2, 2006
angharad commented on the word enantiotio
Well, uncles, anyway.
December 2, 2006
angharad commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
December 2, 2006
angharad commented on the word mischevious
December 2, 2006
angharad commented on the word myriad
Dictionaries are linguistically descriptive. Many wordies are prescriptivist.
December 2, 2006
angharad commented on the word fortnight
I was nearly thirty before I realised that it's called a fort-night because it's fourteen nights long.
December 2, 2006
angharad commented on the word zarf
the thing that goes around a coffee cup so that you don't burn your fingers
December 2, 2006
angharad commented on the list bestiary
December 2, 2006
angharad commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
february, wednesday, spaghetti
December 2, 2006
angharad commented on the word sabi
approximately: bittersweet beauty in agedness or impermanence
December 2, 2006
angharad commented on the word wabi
approximately: beauty in natural quirks and rustic imperfections
December 2, 2006
angharad commented on the word sprachgefühl
lit. language feeling: "an ear for idiomatically appropriate language"
December 2, 2006
angharad commented on the word madrugada
wee hours; early morning
December 2, 2006
angharad commented on the word étagère
a kind of open shelving, including the tall thing that slots over my toilet
December 2, 2006
angharad commented on the word weltanschauung
December 2, 2006
angharad commented on the word ganbaru
to do one's best, or to have good luck
December 2, 2006
angharad commented on the list ogham
The Larch!
December 2, 2006
angharad commented on the list for-me-not-to-overuse-when-public-speaking
December 2, 2006
angharad commented on the list that-mean-thing
Yes, thanks.
December 2, 2006
angharad commented on the list good-names-for-a-steampunker
December 2, 2006
angharad commented on the user colleen
I love your list names!
December 2, 2006
angharad commented on the user robotjohnny
Couple of us appear to have suggested more silly place names…
December 2, 2006
angharad commented on the list place-names-that-are-fun-to-say
Tittybong, Victoria
Koolyanobbing, Western Australia
Dildo, Newfoundland
December 2, 2006
angharad commented on the word yugosalvia
I think you misspelt "yugoslavia"?
December 2, 2006
angharad commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
library, realtor, athlete, tsunami
December 2, 2006
angharad commented on the word bootch
Another puzzled pirate, I see.
December 1, 2006
angharad commented on the user yuri_g
I'm finishing my first semester of Library School, and I'm just *sick* of "information".
December 1, 2006