ha, skipvia! i don't know what it is; hippies are so heartwarming—well, the nicer-smelling, less cracked-out ones. (but they're all a little heartwarming.)
what's this now? mandatory psychosis? "all persons found to not be tripping balls will be denied admittance to this picnic and forcibly removed/fed the succostash as necessary."
i've never so much as brushed the nettle! or gazed upon the nettle! (gladly, though — itching is second only to literal burning on my list of intolerable physical sensations; i was ready to skin myself a week after my first brush with poison ivy.
oh, i wouldn't want to see a decline in comments either, rolig! i know exactly what you mean. i saw keeping notes private primarily as a way to draw as clear as possible a distiction between their purpose and that of comments (thus avoiding comments on a word-note being left on someone's list when they'd be more appropriate on the word's respective page, etc.), making them less likely to be seen as commenting replacements. a simple reminder to that effect beside the input box ("notes are private; only you can see them. if you think others might like to see this, you may want to leave a comment") would help as well. — another thought would be to give the option to submit a note and a comment simultaneously (–though i could see that potentially producing spam), or to have a separate "submit and view word" button to take you to the word's page to leave a comment, rather than back to your list, upon submitting a note.
in any case, i think the personal benefits outweigh potential losses, which seem simple enough to mitigate. :)
"aminals" was most certainly intentional! i see you're unfamiliar with enthusiastic metathesis.
i think it would be neat if we could add a note beside each word on our lists (private, i'd think, so not to take the action away from comments) to serve as little reminders, directly on the page, for quick-reference (e.g., definitions or pronunciations you tend to forget, associated quotes, synonyms, "this is a good word to call bob," etc. — without having to put redundant/only personally relevant things in comments or having to click on each individual word). people with unwieldy lists and those with a focus on vocab-building would find this particularly useful! — or, well, i can confirm that one person would. :)
i took a few minutes to see if i could whip up a decent-looking example (wordie's all nice and clean; i wondered what might be a way that wouldn't disturb the flow of things), and came up with this:
drop.io/wordienotes (—the .html file's the example, and the .txt file has the only snippet of html i really messed with. notice the blue-grey of any links to other words within notes! the rest of the text is the same grey as the dividing dotted lines.)
er yes. so there's that. (just trying to be helpful! haha. don't mind me. *twiddles thumbs*
ha! not five sentences into this article and all i could think of was this list (er, article).
The actor who plays the Joker in a blockbuster 2008 movie is gone. The cartoonist who created the Joker in 1939 is still around. He's Jerry Robinson, and he thinks the late Heath Ledger's acting turn in "The Dark Knight" is "a tour de force."
"A brilliant performance," said Robinson, 86, when E&P reached him by phone at the currently running Comic-Con in San Diego. "Very nuanced."
dontcry, why, oh why! do you realize what you've done? what's going to be singing in my brain --i'm siiinging in the braaain, just siiinging in the braain~ *clicks heels*-- all night?
what i posted is just one book's embellishment (—which now, upon re-reading, seems much stranger than it initially appeared, for some reason.. my apologies).
highly subjective, i say! i'm certainly all for the exposed flesh of cute people—but when words like "sweaty" and "hairy" come into play, i am less enthusiastic.
webster's (1828) makes this keen observation: "...as distinguished from oviparous, producing eggs, as fowls. if fowls were viviparous, it is difficult to think how the female would fly during preganancy."
from webster's: "this verb is usually written vitiate; but as vice, from L. vitius, is established, it would be well to write the verb viciate, as we write appreciate and depreciate, from L. pretium."
hm. since the suffix is only -ista, -n- is presumably only there to resemble fashionista, and both wordage and wordiness are real english words, i.. don't know. popular use says 'wordanista,' 'wordinista,' then 'wordonista.' i wonder if it was shown in writing when stephen colbert used it.
"The ears, or handles, (called by us Maniglions, or Dolphins,) are two rings, of the ƒame metal with the piece, placed as the trunnions, only ƒomething nearer the breech, made in the ƒhape of dolphins, ƒerpents, &c. Through theƒe is put a rope to raiƒe or move, mount or diƒmount the cannon, which ƒuƒpended on theƒe handles ought to be in equilibrio, that is, the breech ought not to be heavier than the mouth."
haha! i don't think it's named for the sound, just the action of puncturing. like.. popping a pimple? (*hork,* indeed!)
it's only in tough skin, and only on the way out, not the way in. (almost a tiny version of the (echo-like?) sound of uncorking a bottle of wine.. piercing needles are hollow, to thread the jewelry in behind them). but, in any case, tattoo machines have noisy vibrating parts (in the same way sewing machines do), so no one knows what noises the skin could be making!
miraculin is a glycoprotein extracted from the miracle fruit plant, a shrub native to west africa. the human tongue, once exposed to miraculin, perceives ordinarily sour foods as sweet for up to an hour afterwards. (wikipedia)
that actually sounds pretty fun -- i've never really thought about this before, but people don't get enough opportunities to push off of things with their feet while not standing! the only two i can think of are playing "this swively-chair is now a means of transportation" and giving small-enough people airplane rides on your feet.
without a doubt, "skin-popping" is the most unsettling slang term for shooting heroin i've come across. (and if you've gotten certain body piercings, or been around them being done, you know that it does pop and ohgod.)
i just like 'ae'. perhaps that's another side effect. :(
(i dearly wish i could have taken every intended- and side- effect from one of those drug indexes to paste here in one hilarious heap, but i fear i'd break wordie and myself in the process.)
a mineral of a honey color, found in brown coal, and partly the result of vegetable decomposition; honeystone. it is a mellitate of alumina. (1913 webster's)
also used to mean sweet ca. 1420 (it's the feminine plural of itallian mellito sweet, honeyed). see mellify and mellifluous!
a preservative against poison, and a cure for the plague; a panacea. the shell of a new egg being pricked, the white is blown out, and the place filed with saffron or a yolk of an egg mixed with saffron. (infoplease.com)
*caution: consumption of pharmaceutical spaghetti may result in varying levels of enjoyment. effects of pharmaceutical component may or may not include, but are not limited to: headache, nausea, dry mouth, euphoria, drowsiness, insomnia, diarrhea, synaesthesia, constipation, weight loss, weight gain, an erection lasting longer than four hours, night terrors, sweating, memory loss, increased blood pressure, coma, compulsive masturbation, insatiable itching, tremors, tunnel vision, lactose intolerance, yawning, hallucination, pain relief, renewed interest in the things you once loved, suicidal thoughts, poor impulse control, steely resolve, cloudy urine, bloating, hair loss, hair growth, difficulty achieving orgasm, coughing, runny nose, clear skin, lung collapse, increased energy, an overall sense of well-being, fainting, tenderness of the breasts, breasts, shallow breathing, chills, muscle gain, slurred speech, ectopic pregnancy, and pleasant taste.
ha! (i thought of going off into a little side-note on being uncomfortable with eating recognizably fleshy things since pondering the fact that we're all meat, and rightfully horrified by the thought of roasted people.. but didn't.)
i'm kind of ashamed that i have to be the one to list this, but: the collection of imagery, both mental and material, a single person has accumulated for his or her autoerotic disposal.
seems anti-pregnancy measures employed by intellectuals (who realize they don't want or shouldn't have children at the moment) tending to be birth control pills and condoms rather than wishful thinking is somehow working against us! (well, the world.)
my best friend growing up was catholic; her mother had one of these. i think the charge was one quarter. (now, it makes me think of "ten in the swear jar," a band i only know of through a song they covered.)
and what of minced oaths? "sir, i said 'shish kebabs.'"
but everyone and their mother has a blowtorch! and their little brothers are setting prostitutes on fire with blowtorches in grand theft auto.
blowlamp makes me think of some sort of hand-held, elongated (as a glowworm) glowblowfish that puffs out poofs of bright, fiery gas from its angry little fishyface. and i like words that are likely to see at least one reply of, "the what? who?"
nicely evocative of the quality those with very little body fat have in common with a comparatively clean drawing: all the sketchy bits carefully erased, leaving well-defined, tight, liquidy lines. (i would generally say this more of men.)
one who uses a seeder (or the seeder itself): a device used to scatter particles of silver iodide, carbon dioxide, etc., in clouds to induce precipitation.
camaïeu (or en camaïeu) is a technique that, without regard to local or realistic color, employs two or three tints of a single color to create a monochromatic image. (when a picture is monochromatically rendered in grey, however, it's called grisaille; when in yellow, cirage.)
well, dictionary.com (2nd definition) says the latin is pronounced 'li-bree,' (i as in it) so i'd say 'li-bri-cide,' even though 'lee-' feels just as natural.
i just have to say that googling this has yielded two of the most sublime webpages i have ever come across(!) — onomasiology online and the historical thesaurus of english. ..at this point, everything else i have to say is some mixture of expletives and gushing, so i'll skip that.
Comments by bestiary
bestiary commented on the word ∞
similarly (and coming to mind thanks to a wedge of cheese down there), there's always:
what do you call cheese that isn't yours?
nacho cheese! (it's na'cho cheese. is mine.)
July 31, 2008
bestiary commented on the word plantagenets
not to be confused with the planetangents, largely irrelevant cosmic royalty.
July 31, 2008
bestiary commented on the word dollop
what was that infernal jingle?
..hmf-d-hm-hmmn wiith a dollop!--a dollop
you can light up a room with a dollop!
a dollop.. of dais-y
July 31, 2008
bestiary commented on the word nipple
July 31, 2008
bestiary commented on the word abonomible
perhaps it's for those one could take to an out-of-the-way onomantic practician's.
July 31, 2008
bestiary commented on the word nipple
(irrelevant? do you mean irreverent?)
oh, chained_bear, might you find it in your heart to forgive me for nipplefruit?
July 31, 2008
bestiary commented on the list psychedelicatessen
ha, skipvia! i don't know what it is; hippies are so heartwarming—well, the nicer-smelling, less cracked-out ones. (but they're all a little heartwarming.)
what's this now? mandatory psychosis? "all persons found to not be tripping balls will be denied admittance to this picnic and forcibly removed/fed the succostash as necessary."
July 31, 2008
bestiary commented on the word nair
chained_bear has chins in interesting places!
(good grief, it's strange 'round these parts today. (and i'm not helping. (and i didn't mean to say "parts.")))
July 30, 2008
bestiary commented on the word saclike
better that than "either of two lunglike organs in the chest of vertebrates; serves to do things that lungs do. see lung." —i think.
July 30, 2008
bestiary commented on the word crispy skin-poppers
ha, understandable! but i had to match it with some food-term (google: crisp skin 4,500,000; crispy skin 223,000. mmm).
July 30, 2008
bestiary commented on the word nair
or any nice, optionally wet things that don't dissolve itty-bitty parts of you?
July 30, 2008
bestiary commented on the word thizz face
you learn something new every day.
July 30, 2008
bestiary commented on the word double-toothed
at times selachostomous!
July 29, 2008
bestiary commented on the word crispy skin-poppers
July 29, 2008
bestiary commented on the word mach turtle
and shave with a gillette® - the best a turtle can get™ mach turtle razor?
July 29, 2008
bestiary commented on the word grasp the nettle
slightly thanatotic childhood, yarb?
July 29, 2008
bestiary commented on the word teeth
is that because you've used him to replace one of yours?
July 29, 2008
bestiary commented on the word grasp the nettle
i've never so much as brushed the nettle! or gazed upon the nettle! (gladly, though — itching is second only to literal burning on my list of intolerable physical sensations; i was ready to skin myself a week after my first brush with poison ivy.
speaking of: if you like your science slathered in heebie-jeebies, read this.)
bilby: ha, that poor girl!
July 29, 2008
bestiary commented on the user reesetee
thank you! it's all.. all warm and fuzzy here. but i think that's the words talking.
July 29, 2008
bestiary commented on the user bilby
i've tucked your kind voucher safely away in a corner and am eyeing it with suspicion/interest.
July 29, 2008
bestiary commented on the word features
oh, i wouldn't want to see a decline in comments either, rolig! i know exactly what you mean. i saw keeping notes private primarily as a way to draw as clear as possible a distiction between their purpose and that of comments (thus avoiding comments on a word-note being left on someone's list when they'd be more appropriate on the word's respective page, etc.), making them less likely to be seen as commenting replacements. a simple reminder to that effect beside the input box ("notes are private; only you can see them. if you think others might like to see this, you may want to leave a comment") would help as well. — another thought would be to give the option to submit a note and a comment simultaneously (–though i could see that potentially producing spam), or to have a separate "submit and view word" button to take you to the word's page to leave a comment, rather than back to your list, upon submitting a note.
in any case, i think the personal benefits outweigh potential losses, which seem simple enough to mitigate. :)
"aminals" was most certainly intentional! i see you're unfamiliar with enthusiastic metathesis.
July 29, 2008
bestiary commented on the word grasp the nettle
tongue-pleasing alternative to 'bite the bullet,' 'bell the cat,' 'take the bull by the horns,' etc.
July 29, 2008
bestiary commented on the word gleet
but why does this word sound so happy? :/
July 29, 2008
bestiary commented on the word features
oh, wonderful! :) expect a very enthusiastic reception, here.
July 29, 2008
bestiary commented on the word features
i think it would be neat if we could add a note beside each word on our lists (private, i'd think, so not to take the action away from comments) to serve as little reminders, directly on the page, for quick-reference (e.g., definitions or pronunciations you tend to forget, associated quotes, synonyms, "this is a good word to call bob," etc. — without having to put redundant/only personally relevant things in comments or having to click on each individual word). people with unwieldy lists and those with a focus on vocab-building would find this particularly useful! — or, well, i can confirm that one person would. :)
i took a few minutes to see if i could whip up a decent-looking example (wordie's all nice and clean; i wondered what might be a way that wouldn't disturb the flow of things), and came up with this:
drop.io/wordienotes (—the .html file's the example, and the .txt file has the only snippet of html i really messed with. notice the blue-grey of any links to other words within notes! the rest of the text is the same grey as the dividing dotted lines.)
er yes. so there's that. (just trying to be helpful! haha. don't mind me. *twiddles thumbs*
)July 29, 2008
bestiary commented on the word flog
i do enjoy a good flogging.
July 29, 2008
bestiary commented on the word wordievolution
iridescent pollywogs..
opaline pilliwigs..
(i never realized pollywog (er, polliwog/polliwig) meant, literally, "wiggling head!")
i think my mind just associated polliwog with polliwhirl and consequently discounted its valid wordhood entirely.
where are your shoes?
July 29, 2008
bestiary commented on the word wordievolution
incidentally, bilby misspelled iridescent.
i wish we had more--any?--synonyms for tadpole.
July 29, 2008
bestiary commented on the word virgalieu
oo, "a valuable kind of pear, of an obovate shape and with melting flesh of delicious flavor."
July 29, 2008
bestiary commented on the word mirksome
what a great word!
it looks like it's trying to somehow combine "mirth" and "irksome," but the real definition is better.
(i wonder why it wasn't "murksome.")
July 29, 2008
bestiary commented on the word liv
i think mine's been "liv tyler is a cutieface."
July 29, 2008
bestiary commented on the word nipplefruit
perhaps listing things that look like gigantic rubber nipples helps us return to safer, simpler times that involved gigantic rubber nipples.
July 29, 2008
bestiary commented on the word the rapist's therapists
likely more than he has analrapists.
July 29, 2008
bestiary commented on the word otter
i just wanted to note yesterday's cutest heard sentence —
"these california sea otters roll themselves in kelp to keep from floating away during their morning nap."
July 29, 2008
bestiary commented on the word innamorata
don't forget to bring
hooray, wallabys! uh. wallabies? wallabees?
July 29, 2008
bestiary commented on the word pidgin english
(ahem! uropygial!)
July 29, 2008
bestiary commented on the list this-intriguing-novel-is-a-taut-lyrical-tour-de-force
ha! not five sentences into this article and all i could think of was this list (er, article).
The actor who plays the Joker in a blockbuster 2008 movie is gone. The cartoonist who created the Joker in 1939 is still around. He's Jerry Robinson, and he thinks the late Heath Ledger's acting turn in "The Dark Knight" is "a tour de force."
"A brilliant performance," said Robinson, 86, when E&P reached him by phone at the currently running Comic-Con in San Diego. "Very nuanced."
July 28, 2008
bestiary commented on the word nuit blanche
sleepless night. (last night, for instance!)
July 27, 2008
bestiary commented on the word innamorata
ooh! are there fabulous prizes?
--O(h)ED, i'm forcing myself to hold off on an online subscription until the fall, when i'm sure i'll be around to use it...the longing!
July 27, 2008
bestiary commented on the word depeach
to dispatch (obs.)
July 27, 2008
bestiary commented on the word vorax
adj: voracious, gluttonous.
(hooray, something to rhyme with lorax!)
July 27, 2008
bestiary commented on the word insitiency
lack of thirst.
July 27, 2008
bestiary commented on the word hirtellous
minutely hirsute (alt: hirsutulous).
July 27, 2008
bestiary commented on the word clem
also, slang: to starve.
July 27, 2008
bestiary commented on the word chrysopoetics
(alchemy) n: the manufacturing of, or transmutation into, gold. (preceded by 'multiplication', later also chrysopee)
July 27, 2008
bestiary commented on the word matryoshka
i thought most people knew this word! that's kind of adorable.
July 27, 2008
bestiary commented on the word mesopygion
CRACK IS WHACK! :D (apologies; reflex.)
July 27, 2008
bestiary commented on the word pov
so, is this the slightly (slightly) grown-up answer to "you so po' you couldn't afford the r?"
July 27, 2008
bestiary commented on the word pomiculture
now i'm imagining all sorts of obscene flowers.
July 27, 2008
bestiary commented on the word innamorata
dontcry, why, oh why! do you realize what you've done? what's going to be singing in my brain --i'm siiinging in the braaain, just siiinging in the braain~ *clicks heels*-- all night?
(innamorata and innamorato are the italian inamorata and inamorato are derived from, respectively.)
July 27, 2008
bestiary commented on the word philosopher's egg
what i posted is just one book's embellishment (—which now, upon re-reading, seems much stranger than it initially appeared, for some reason.. my apologies).
or do you mean the egg in general? google is your friend.
July 27, 2008
bestiary commented on the word mesopygion
when i hear "butt cleavage," plumber's crack immediately springs to mind. :( — but, nevermind that! go back to your happy place!
*wiggles fingers*
July 27, 2008
bestiary commented on the word mesopygion
highly subjective, i say! i'm certainly all for the exposed flesh of cute people—but when words like "sweaty" and "hairy" come into play, i am less enthusiastic.
July 27, 2008
bestiary commented on the word neti pot
there are some great (read: uncomfortable!) videos of people using neti pots, on ewtube.
July 27, 2008
bestiary commented on the word mesopygion
sadly, the thing itself is not so rare!
July 27, 2008
bestiary commented on the word neti pot
July 27, 2008
bestiary commented on the word nelipot
what a cute little word! even with the resemblance to neti pot.
July 27, 2008
bestiary commented on the word asymptotic
see asymptote on wikipedia.
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word cocurricular
adj: related but only complementary to the official curriculum (as opposed to fully extracurricular)
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word heimish
adj: homey; cozy and unpretentious (from yiddish heymish)
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word voraginous
(to gulfs, pits, chasms, which engulf everything)
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word viviparous
webster's (1828) makes this keen observation: "...as distinguished from oviparous, producing eggs, as fowls. if fowls were viviparous, it is difficult to think how the female would fly during preganancy."
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word vituline
adj: pertaining to a calf, or veal.
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word visnomy
i love that webster's called this a "barbarous contraction of physiognomy."
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word viciate
from webster's: "this verb is usually written vitiate; but as vice, from L. vitius, is established, it would be well to write the verb viciate, as we write appreciate and depreciate, from L. pretium."
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word vesuvian
adj: of/pertaining to/resembling mount vesuvius (which destroyed pompeii); volcanic.
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word come on baby light my fries
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word quod libet
latin, "what pleases;" as you please.
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word quinquefarious
(botany) adj: opening into five parts.
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word quiddany
a confection of quinces, in consistency between a syrup and marmalade.
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word querist
n: inquirer (from L. quaero to inquire.)
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word psychasthenia
dictionary.com says "(no longer in technical use) a neurosis marked by fear, anxiety, phobias, etc."
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word autogeneal
also autogenous.
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word celibate nonsense
citation on symphonic approximation.
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word autonomous sodomy
citation on symphonic approximation.
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word symphonic approximation
thanks to king missile, of "detachable penis" fame:
I will slur, and heel, and hem and haw..
I will eat a monkey paw..
when you call me up, and command me to come over to your house
for sex and tea biscuits..
I shall clandestinely drop my cummerbund down the dumbwaiter chute.
Lutes will serenade us like liquid lemonade,
you will glisten, like newborn snow,
and I will listen, like a clairvoyant nipple clamp.
It will be sex like nobody has ever had it before in the history of postmodern lovemaking:
It will be sex, even if it isn't
It will be sex, even if only in theory
Even if it's only pantomime
Even if it's just a memory, or a dream
or a symphonic approximation..
after a summer of autonomous sodomy and National Geographic specials
about pretty animals that use other little animals as food
by eating them, on television..
But we shouldn't even watch television!
We should just have sex:
epoch-making, earth-shaking
teeth-chattering, dish-clattering
fish-frying, eye-popping
never-stopping, bunny-hopping
toe-tapping, Joseph Papping sex —
Shakespeare-in-the-park kind of sex!
D-train-ride-to-Coney-Island-vacation kind of sex!
Clandestine-in-the-airplane-lavatory kind of sex!
Olympic marathon sex!
All the different ways that we feel like having sex, we should
until we grow old, and bored, and disillusioned*.
Then, let us rekindle our feelings,
forget our despair and our celibate nonsense,
and do it like bunnyrats 'til the cows come home to roost.
So call me sometime, and let's have sex.
*misused! but we'll forgive them.
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word wordanista
hm. since the suffix is only -ista, -n- is presumably only there to resemble fashionista, and both wordage and wordiness are real english words, i.. don't know. popular use says 'wordanista,' 'wordinista,' then 'wordonista.' i wonder if it was shown in writing when stephen colbert used it.
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word squir
in 1913, webster's revised unabridged dictionary adds "to throw with a jerk; to throw edge foremost." sounds like an early synonym of fling.
a hard thing to google, what with the squires and squirrels about!
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word maniglion
"The ears, or handles, (called by us Maniglions, or Dolphins,) are two rings, of the ƒame metal with the piece, placed as the trunnions, only ƒomething nearer the breech, made in the ƒhape of dolphins, ƒerpents, &c. Through theƒe is put a rope to raiƒe or move, mount or diƒmount the cannon, which ƒuƒpended on theƒe handles ought to be in equilibrio, that is, the breech ought not to be heavier than the mouth."
-elements of war
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word squir
well! that's probably the best reaction to having listed a word one could hope for. better when one of its definitions is "to thrust."
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word mangelwurzel
a vegetable (beet) with an entertaining wikipedia entry. mangold hurling, anyone?
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word crispy skin-poppers
haha! i don't think it's named for the sound, just the action of puncturing. like.. popping a pimple? (*hork,* indeed!)
it's only in tough skin, and only on the way out, not the way in. (almost a tiny version of the (echo-like?) sound of uncorking a bottle of wine.. piercing needles are hollow, to thread the jewelry in behind them). but, in any case, tattoo machines have noisy vibrating parts (in the same way sewing machines do), so no one knows what noises the skin could be making!
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word miraculin
miraculin is a glycoprotein extracted from the miracle fruit plant, a shrub native to west africa. the human tongue, once exposed to miraculin, perceives ordinarily sour foods as sweet for up to an hour afterwards. (wikipedia)
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word madapple
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word nipplefruit
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word squir
v: to throw; to thrust; to drive.
-1828 webster's
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word nuncupative
a way to say "oral, not written" without saying "oral." also (obs.): nominal, existing only in name; publicly or solemnly declaratory.
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word crispy skin-poppers
it's a term from the '50s?
and, oh. yes! piercing needles, in places like the tongue and ear-cartilage, make a little popping sound as they break the skin on the way out. :(
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word legger
that actually sounds pretty fun -- i've never really thought about this before, but people don't get enough opportunities to push off of things with their feet while not standing! the only two i can think of are playing "this swively-chair is now a means of transportation" and giving small-enough people airplane rides on your feet.
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word swear jar
what an unusual use of authority! i don't recall many public humiliation policies from the schools i've gone to.
ha, "no swearing" is always one of the first rules instated in certain drinking games, for that very reason. it works even better on the imbibed.
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the word swear jar
what on earth? tell me more! you've sent my imagination reeling.
July 26, 2008
bestiary commented on the user brookdale_chick
i'm still going to have to go with "this is probably not a real person."
July 25, 2008
bestiary commented on the word crispy skin-poppers
without a doubt, "skin-popping" is the most unsettling slang term for shooting heroin i've come across. (and if you've gotten certain body piercings, or been around them being done, you know that it does pop and ohgod.)
July 25, 2008
bestiary commented on the list psychedelicatessen
i'm so proud! *single, poignant tear*
July 25, 2008
bestiary commented on the word skin-food
unguents/moisturizers! (no, not edible skins.)
July 25, 2008
bestiary commented on the list occupational-hazards
funny how a facial expression can turn so quickly from "contentment" to "grave concern!"
mine, that is. on the way down this page.
July 25, 2008
bestiary commented on the word psychedelicatessen
but. but all my lists are under three letters long, and it's just so nnice to have a slender little drop-down box. ooh. *pets it*
i'm all for it, however! particularly if it turns out half as well as the mandatory picnic list.
July 25, 2008
bestiary commented on the word parmacetty
i just like 'ae'. perhaps that's another side effect. :(
(i dearly wish i could have taken every intended- and side- effect from one of those drug indexes to paste here in one hilarious heap, but i fear i'd break wordie and myself in the process.)
July 25, 2008
bestiary commented on the word psychedelicatessen
ha! that movie looked like a trap.
July 25, 2008
bestiary commented on the word the fivefold mights
the five senses.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word mellify
to sweeten. see mellite.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word mellite
a mineral of a honey color, found in brown coal, and partly the result of vegetable decomposition; honeystone. it is a mellitate of alumina. (1913 webster's)
also used to mean sweet ca. 1420 (it's the feminine plural of itallian mellito sweet, honeyed). see mellify and mellifluous!
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word asperous
adj: rough, uneven.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word interleave
also interfoliate.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word bibliothecary
bibliothecary was a synonym of 'library' ca. 1553, then 'librarian' in 1611.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word capitule
summary (from L. capitulum small head, chapter)
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word rubricate
see rubric.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word paralipomena
n: things omitted or neglected that are added as a supplement (as in literature).
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word fascicle
also fascicule.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word anile
the feminine counterpart of senile.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word anachorism
something out of place (compare the popular anachronism)
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word leucism
reduced pigmentation in animals (without the characteristic red eyes of albinism).
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word philosopher's egg
a preservative against poison, and a cure for the plague; a panacea. the shell of a new egg being pricked, the white is blown out, and the place filed with saffron or a yolk of an egg mixed with saffron. (infoplease.com)
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word penny dreadful
ca. 1884, a sixpenny book; also shilling dreadful (1885), shilling shocker (1886), penny blood (1896), penny horrible (1899).
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word cycopede
alt. of, of course, encyclopedia.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word rarissima
rare book(s). (phrontistery)
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word incunable
alt. of incunabulum; a book printed before 1501.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word discandy
v: to melt, to dissolve, to thaw.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word despume
to free from spume or scum, to clarify.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word impearl
1. to form into drops resembling pearls.
2. to adorn with pearls or pearllike drops.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word recicative
n., a vocal passage of narrative text that a singer delivers with natural rhythms of speech (vs. ariose).
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word scaturient
possibly the least fortunate word in the english language.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word downwelling
the downward flowing of water.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word curricle
a great citation on wiktionary:
"Not since the year 17--, when milord Castlebrilliant's curricle was whirled to sea with her ladyship within, had there been such vehement weather."
- Ronald Firbank, Valmouth (1919)
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word bathybius
a pretty name for a gigantic boo-boo (wikipedia).
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word mycomystical
pertaining to magic mushrooms (appeared 1962; compare mycophagy, wild mushroom-eating, & mystical)
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word theic
a tea addict. (ca. 1886)
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word treacle-sleep
somnolent state induced by the ingestion of narcotics.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word psychedelicatessen
head shop.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word coronule
the coronet (little crown) of downy tufts on seeds (as on dandelions). see pappus.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word corcule
(botany, obs.) n., the heart of the seed; the embryo or germ. from L. corculum a little heart, dim. of cor heart.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word nitency
n., brightness, luster (from L. nitens, p.pr. of nitere to shine.)
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word schiller
from dictionary.com: a bronzelike luster, sometimes with iridescence, occurring on certain minerals. (Origin: 1795–1805; < G: play of colors, glitter)
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word parmacetty
*caution: consumption of pharmaceutical spaghetti may result in varying levels of enjoyment. effects of pharmaceutical component may or may not include, but are not limited to: headache, nausea, dry mouth, euphoria, drowsiness, insomnia, diarrhea, synaesthesia, constipation, weight loss, weight gain, an erection lasting longer than four hours, night terrors, sweating, memory loss, increased blood pressure, coma, compulsive masturbation, insatiable itching, tremors, tunnel vision, lactose intolerance, yawning, hallucination, pain relief, renewed interest in the things you once loved, suicidal thoughts, poor impulse control, steely resolve, cloudy urine, bloating, hair loss, hair growth, difficulty achieving orgasm, coughing, runny nose, clear skin, lung collapse, increased energy, an overall sense of well-being, fainting, tenderness of the breasts, breasts, shallow breathing, chills, muscle gain, slurred speech, ectopic pregnancy, and pleasant taste.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word le petit mort
psst: la petit mort.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word sweetbreads
ha! (i thought of going off into a little side-note on being uncomfortable with eating recognizably fleshy things since pondering the fact that we're all meat, and rightfully horrified by the thought of roasted people.. but didn't.)
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word fissiparity
shhh! they're, um. it's a brand of tortilla chips manufactured by the corn camarilla!
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word sweetbreads
if i were an animal, this word would be very disturbing.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word fissiparity
"saddened by the fissiparity of torilla chips, bestiary decided she was not in the mood for salsa after all."
i likes this.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word parmacetty
alright, this just sounds like a word for pharmaceutical spaghetti.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word plumbous
at least we'll have the perfect word when someone starts carving giant plums out of graphite.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word vaginismus
also vulvismus.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word spank bank
i wonder what the wordie equivalent of spank bank is. well, besides list.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the list i-loves-me-summa-dat-labio-dental-voiced-fricative
vulvismus! which is a much more evvulgent alt. of vaginismus.
it sounds half like vulvas, half like.. Christmas!
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word lactescent
often, mysterious milk-spills have latescent lactescent causes.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word spank bank
okay, yes, skipvia wins.
i see the danger, vanishedone! i have noticed that while wordies are frequently not all-out profane, but boy-oh-boy do they love them some euphemisms.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word spunk tanks
why, yes!
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word become blank
void? bleach? albesce? albicate, albificate? (from albescent and albicant, albificate; related to albino)
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the list word-bounties
but, but. "each" is singular.
(this is a great idea for a list. i will watch.)
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word spunk tanks
also, this is hopefully never an appropriate aptronym for drunk tank.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word spunk tanks
perfectly logical! *shakes fist*
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word spank bank
i'm kind of ashamed that i have to be the one to list this, but: the collection of imagery, both mental and material, a single person has accumulated for his or her autoerotic disposal.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word rainwater
or, incidentally, his spank bank.
and what do you mean, chained_bear? rainwater ⇒ uterus ⇒ spigot is perfectly logical.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word princess
at least it wasn't dressed as one.
(i think this kitty epitomizes most human sentiments on the matter.)
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word onomasiologic
done, done and done! or, notdone, rather.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word rainwater
i'm not sure you'd want to call them spigots: "pardon; i have to turn off my spigots.."
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word saponify
if not, one is unsaponified.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word onliest
adj., incomparable; unparalleled; unique (ca. late 1500s, cf. only)
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word gravific
adj. for that which makes things heavy, weighs things down, ca. early 1800s.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word forladen
adj., excessively weighed down (ca. 1565; cf. laden, forlorn.)
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word corkiness
kind of a cute synonym for buoyancy (ca. mid-1800s).
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word rainwater
oh yes. and those!
i'd really like to be able to put my uterus in a jar somewhere and pop it back in when i actually need it.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word ecclectic
ahem. eclectic.
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word langourous
you mean languorous! :)
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word rainwater
seems anti-pregnancy measures employed by intellectuals (who realize they don't want or shouldn't have children at the moment) tending to be birth control pills and condoms rather than wishful thinking is somehow working against us! (well, the world.)
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word princess
chained_bear, just think "o no, tomato!" to remember how to spell onomatopoeia. (er, which someone already listed there. i do it as well!)
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word swear jar
my best friend growing up was catholic; her mother had one of these. i think the charge was one quarter. (now, it makes me think of "ten in the swear jar," a band i only know of through a song they covered.)
and what of minced oaths? "sir, i said 'shish kebabs.'"
July 24, 2008
bestiary commented on the word aleurophobic
did you mean ailurophobic?
July 23, 2008
bestiary commented on the list •open-list-you-re-invited-to-a-mandatory-picnic
this is amazing.
July 23, 2008
bestiary commented on the word filoplumaceous
adj: having the structure of hairlike feathers (filoplumes)
July 23, 2008
bestiary commented on the word uropygial
pertaining to bird rumps.
July 23, 2008
bestiary commented on the word tectrix
a covert (small feather) on a bird's wing or tail (pl. tetrices; adj: tectricial).
July 23, 2008
bestiary commented on the word cleidoic
adj: (embryology) isolated from the environment, as certain eggs enclosed within a shell or membrane.
(origin: 1930–35; < greek kleido(ûn) to lock up (v. deriv. of kleís (gen. kleidós) bolt, key) + -ic)
July 23, 2008
bestiary commented on the word retrocopulant
adj: copulating backward, or: from behind.
July 23, 2008
bestiary commented on the word tauricornous
adj: having horns shaped like a bull's.
July 23, 2008
bestiary commented on the word bausond
in more general use, having white spots on a black/bay background.
July 23, 2008
bestiary commented on the word apatetic
adj: assuming colors and forms that make deceptive camouflage.
July 23, 2008
bestiary commented on the word devil in the horologe
a demon in the timepiece (horologe) -- disorder in an orderly system.
July 23, 2008
bestiary commented on the word zoopraxiscope
phenakistoscope + aminals!
July 23, 2008
bestiary commented on the word blowlamp
but everyone and their mother has a blowtorch! and their little brothers are setting prostitutes on fire with blowtorches in grand theft auto.
blowlamp makes me think of some sort of hand-held, elongated (as a glowworm) glowblowfish that puffs out poofs of bright, fiery gas from its angry little fishyface. and i like words that are likely to see at least one reply of, "the what? who?"
July 23, 2008
bestiary commented on the word clean-limbed
nicely evocative of the quality those with very little body fat have in common with a comparatively clean drawing: all the sketchy bits carefully erased, leaving well-defined, tight, liquidy lines. (i would generally say this more of men.)
July 23, 2008
bestiary commented on the word cloudseeder
one who uses a seeder (or the seeder itself): a device used to scatter particles of silver iodide, carbon dioxide, etc., in clouds to induce precipitation.
July 23, 2008
bestiary commented on the word camaïeu
camaïeu (or en camaïeu) is a technique that, without regard to local or realistic color, employs two or three tints of a single color to create a monochromatic image. (when a picture is monochromatically rendered in grey, however, it's called grisaille; when in yellow, cirage.)
July 23, 2008
bestiary commented on the word blowlamp
for those who may be tired of saying blowtorch.
July 23, 2008
bestiary commented on the word besuited
adj: wearing a suit! amazing.
July 23, 2008
bestiary commented on the word ambilevous
left-handed on both sides; clumsy (as opposed to ambidextrous).
July 23, 2008
bestiary commented on the word à gogo
galore; aplenty. (often "a go-go," as in go-go dancing, etc.)
fr. à, 'to' + gogo, 'abundance,' jocular redupl. of gogue, 'joy,' likely of echoic orig. (yourdictionary)
July 23, 2008
bestiary commented on the word libricide
well, dictionary.com (2nd definition) says the latin is pronounced 'li-bree,' (i as in it) so i'd say 'li-bri-cide,' even though 'lee-' feels just as natural.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word bee's knees
it's a shame the use of "a bee's knee" in the sense of smallness is so long outmoded. can you think of any image that surpasses its cuteness?
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word racemose
a perfect word for certain lists.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word onomasiologic
i just have to say that googling this has yielded two of the most sublime webpages i have ever come across(!) — onomasiology online and the historical thesaurus of english. ..at this point, everything else i have to say is some mixture of expletives and gushing, so i'll skip that.
(i love you)
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word catillate
i, i! apologize, or thank you. (i do pay for it. the clutter in my mental attic is kindof abhorrent.)
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word remugient
yes, it is! i actually found remugient backwardsly through rebellowing, and decided to go with the more word-sounding of the two.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word if
"balls!" said the queen: "if i had two, i'd be king."
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word terminological inexactitude
the enemy!
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word kittly-benders
slang term for "thin ice" (1872).
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word fish-broth
sea water.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word lyftlic
adj: aerial/atmospheric; lyftlen (old english).
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word lysis
as opposed to crisis.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word remugient
adj: repeatedly bellowing.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word sermuncle
a short sermon. hehe!
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word noctilucine
pertaining to noctilucales!
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word ascetic
see ascesis.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word écorché
art depicting the human figure without skin. literally, "flayed."
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word froissage
a method of collage in which the lines made by crumpling up a piece of paper are used to create a drawing. (wikipedia)
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word catillate
to lick a plate.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word libricide
the destruction of books.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word lexiconophilist
lexicon enthusiast!
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word kalon
perfect (both physical and moral) beauty.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word nyctinasty
nocturnal heliotropism.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word noctuolent
of a flowering plant: more strongly scented at night than during the day (obsolete, rare; fr. L. noctu by night + olent redolent of)
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word spatterdash
spatterdashes -- nearly as fun to wear as they are to say.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word medial capital
brought to you by MediCapitals, Inc.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word taxicabriolet
nicer-sounding word for a taxicab, stemming from the full 'taximeter cabriolet'.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word craniopagus
a pair of twins conjoined at the head (from german kraniopagus).
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word proteleriat
whoops! always spellcheck, children.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word heterosis
"hybrid vigor."
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word cacotechny
literally, "bad art!" how useful.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word bourgeoisie
(adj: m: bourgeois, f: bourgeoise)
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word puissant
on the other hand, impuissant sounds very much like its meaning.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word naevose
specifically, having naevi (pl. of naevus a pigmented, raised, or otherwise abnormal skin-spot; birthmark, mole, freckle).
and no wonder this word is so pretty: wiktionary lists it as an alternative spelling of nevose, the feminine pl. of nevoso, italian for "snowy."
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word nidulation
this seems to be more nesting ("the time remaining in the nest," dictionary.com) than nest-making.
July 22, 2008
bestiary commented on the word nullibicity
why isn't this nullibiquity? (it's the opposite of ubiquity, yes?)
July 22, 2008
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