I can't believe I wasn't referenced on this! I am outraged! Nobody porches like me. I have two porches which often host porching events simultaneously! I have been porching for decades. My ferns, wicker, swings, rockers, and cucumber sandwiches are LORE. Are you kidding me? wordspy - it is on!
As we all know -- I'm not a computer...um... person. I wanted to add a new word to one of my lists and I can't even get to my own page! I don't see a way to my own page -- with my own lists. Am I gone? That would be a shame as I made up an awesome word today and I wanted to share it with my wordies... *wah*
I'm agreed with deinony - I think bread can be pre-toastified, post-toastified, and even re-toastified, but it can not be de-toastified. Kind of like un-ringing a bell. Or unbutterfying a cat.
I think the real question here is: if you defenestrate a buttered cat, will anyone care.
Here's some more Johnson noise from dontcry (since I can't seem to post from my profile page anymore): I haven't visited wordie-nik for quite a while as my experiences have become less and less satisfying. It seems, now, that all of my pronunciatins have been wiped out... Ciao from The Porch, baby. Thanks for the memories!
In my experience (every night for 30 years) the Johnson noise sounds more like a mooing cow being put through a chipper. Not to put too fine a point on it. See snorifice.
From the "beating a dead horse" department: I clicked on quinoa in the 'recently pronounced' section and actually heard it pronounced! Yay! I then clicked on the next word and -- nothing. I then re-clicked on quinoa and -- nothing.
I have not been here for quite a while. I find it so tedious to wait for pages to load that I lose interest. FYI from dontcry.
While we're focused on the pronunciation situation... it might be handy if, when you clicked on a word in 'Recent pronunciations,' you were taken to the bottom of the page - where the *pronunciations* are - will be. *flops back on porch swing*
When I click on the arrow in the pronunciations section of each word's page, I hear no pronunciation -it just bumps me up to the very top of the page. And I'm only clicking on words listed in the most pronunciated section on the *community* page. I have no trouble hearing anything else on my computer...
I can't hear any pronunciations... Am I doing something wrong? Should I start pointing fingers around the house? Mr dontcry is still a little sore about the whole marmite experience... so he's suspect numero uno...
I think the value has to include a sustainability quotient. If the goat is a lactating female, you've got a bit more of a fair fight on your hands. If you've purchased a tiny nub of goat cheese recently, you get my drift.
I'm going to start adding 'trix' to the end of random words to see how long it takes mr dontcry to figure it out. And here I thought another weekend on the sofa with leg propped up was going to be a drag. If I only had some marmite...
I tried to put something together with the Governator and how things always come full circle...but I made a big mass of it and then my mind went blank.
Pro - You know me - I'm on just a regular old pc at home - no fancy pads or pods or books, or whatevers... Anyhoo, on my 'puter, the "t's" (in the font used for text above the comments section) have little blobs on their bottoms. Looks like a premature period, a bit too low and to the left.
This thread is symbolic of why *beats self on chest* I should never, ever, go a day, *sniff* and certainly never a day & a half...without checking in on my wordies.
*scarfs down ampersand topped fuflun whilst swinging on porch* *stashes extra ampersands for later behind hydrangeas*
I don't know. I've staked plenty a vegetable plant, in which case I was both the stakeholder and the stakedriver. Stakes keep thos 'maters from a rottin' on the ground...
Yes! Thank you frog! I tried to google -- but I'm not the best at that. Bear, it makes me feel good that you remember it as well. There was just something so...primordial...for lack of a better term, about that. The writing for that show was...just tits.
I was a faitful M*A*S*H* fan. One scene that, for some unknown reason, always stuck with me took place in the Swamp. BJ was washing a pair of socks. Hawkeye asked BJ why he kept washing the socks as he never wore them. BJ answered something like: "If I wear them they will get ruined, but if I just keep washing them, they'll stay nice forever." I always thought that was so poignant. Nobody I know can recall that scene, but it always is the first one I think of when the topic of M*A*S*H* comes up.
I've always thought socks superior to shoes in the traction department. A walk across the kitchen floor in your socks when someone has just opened an ice cube tray is exhibit one.
Yes. It's the day before Lent begins, so you use up your indulgent pantry items (sugar, butter, lard, honey, etc.) most often used in baked goods, to feast before the Lenten Season begins.
Um, when I tried to sign in today - wordnik didn't remember me. Then, when I logged in manually, it froze up - twice. This is not happiness to see me... Me.
Comments by dontcry
dontcry commented on the word totally disagree
July 24, 2012
dontcry commented on the word codename
*sn* *ort*
June 2, 2012
dontcry commented on the list are-you-from-pennsylvania
Johnny Marzetti originated in Columbus, ohia. I made it for a quick dinner tonight
June 2, 2012
dontcry commented on the list chromatic-phrases
The old grey mare ?
May 26, 2012
dontcry commented on the word mind map
I'm good, thanks.
May 11, 2012
dontcry commented on the word meddle
May 11, 2012
dontcry commented on the list afghanistanbananastan
Ahhh.. I just learned that Afghanistanbananastan is Swedish for Afghanistan Banana Town.
March 21, 2012
dontcry commented on the list afghanistanbananastan
Oh, Har! I will attempt to translate now!
March 21, 2012
dontcry commented on the list are-you-from-pennsylvania
That's a new one on me, r!
March 19, 2012
dontcry commented on the word porching
I can't believe I wasn't referenced on this! I am outraged! Nobody porches like me. I have two porches which often host porching events simultaneously! I have been porching for decades. My ferns, wicker, swings, rockers, and cucumber sandwiches are LORE. Are you kidding me? wordspy - it is on!
March 12, 2012
dontcry commented on the word hork
As we all know -- I'm not a computer...um... person. I wanted to add a new word to one of my lists and I can't even get to my own page! I don't see a way to my own page -- with my own lists. Am I gone? That would be a shame as I made up an awesome word today and I wanted to share it with my wordies... *wah*
*swings frantically on porch*
*is in danger of falling on delicate hydrangeas*
*SOMEbody will have to pay for that*
*it's porch law*
*my hands are tied*
March 12, 2012
dontcry commented on the word charachnophobia
March 3, 2012
dontcry commented on the word legidepity
Good one, erin!
March 3, 2012
dontcry commented on the word detoastification
I'm agreed with deinony - I think bread can be pre-toastified, post-toastified, and even re-toastified, but it can not be de-toastified. Kind of like un-ringing a bell. Or unbutterfying a cat.
I think the real question here is: if you defenestrate a buttered cat, will anyone care.
February 20, 2012
dontcry commented on the word fallopitarian
"Prostate of the Union"
February 20, 2012
dontcry commented on the list remarkable-wikipedia-categories
There goes my Saturday!
February 18, 2012
dontcry commented on the word Kentucky meat shower
February 18, 2012
dontcry commented on the word parahawking
Parahawking: skills/techniques practiced by a novice/semi-credited salesperson.
--dontcry's defs, 2012
February 16, 2012
dontcry commented on the word oligomer
Mmmm, my madeleines are a combination of musty wood, mothball-scented linens and strong coffee in the morning. I'm there - at the cottage.
February 2, 2012
dontcry commented on the word hork
yarb - Agreed. As something of an expert on all things hork... *ahem* computer breakage is bork.
*returns to porch swing to enjoy unusually balmy weather*
February 2, 2012
dontcry commented on the word list out
Or when a list leaves.
February 2, 2012
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
can't. work. wordienik.
January 9, 2012
dontcry commented on the word peter principle
January 9, 2012
dontcry commented on the word Johnson noise
Here's some more Johnson noise from dontcry (since I can't seem to post from my profile page anymore): I haven't visited wordie-nik for quite a while as my experiences have become less and less satisfying. It seems, now, that all of my pronunciatins have been wiped out... Ciao from The Porch, baby. Thanks for the memories!
November 17, 2011
dontcry commented on the word Johnson noise
In my experience (every night for 30 years) the Johnson noise sounds more like a mooing cow being put through a chipper. Not to put too fine a point on it. See snorifice.
November 17, 2011
dontcry commented on the word occupy Wordnik
hot damn!
November 1, 2011
dontcry commented on the word Google’s Favorite Wordnik Lists
tres cool
October 9, 2011
dontcry commented on the word new interface
From the "beating a dead horse" department: I clicked on quinoa in the 'recently pronounced' section and actually heard it pronounced! Yay! I then clicked on the next word and -- nothing. I then re-clicked on quinoa and -- nothing.
I have not been here for quite a while. I find it so tedious to wait for pages to load that I lose interest. FYI from dontcry.
September 1, 2011
dontcry commented on the word cake or death
Um.. cake. Definitely cake.
August 21, 2011
dontcry commented on the word Comic Sans
August 21, 2011
dontcry commented on the word cheese or font
bodoni = font
emmenthaler = cheese
crowdie = ? I'll guess a font with very tight kerning
Elzevir = coin toss - font?
stoup ? = *tsk tsk*
August 21, 2011
dontcry commented on the word mama
Hey - I just heard this recently pronunced word pronounced!
No I didn't. :-(
August 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the word Italian post office
August 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the word cheese or font
Fun! Oddly, I was better at Steakhouse than I was at Cheese...
August 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the word new interface
Hey! I just heard the pronunciation of solder.
j.k. ...
Here's my Garrett Morris take on it:
August 16, 2011
dontcry commented on the word umbrage
*nom, nom, nom*
August 16, 2011
dontcry commented on the word umbrage
Bear: Only when I'm REALLY put-off.
August 16, 2011
dontcry commented on the word new interface
While we're focused on the pronunciation situation... it might be handy if, when you clicked on a word in 'Recent pronunciations,' you were taken to the bottom of the page - where the *pronunciations* are - will be. *flops back on porch swing*
August 16, 2011
dontcry commented on the word umbrage
*has secreted some emergency umbrage under the porch*
August 16, 2011
dontcry commented on the word new interface
When I click on the arrow in the pronunciations section of each word's page, I hear no pronunciation -it just bumps me up to the very top of the page. And I'm only clicking on words listed in the most pronunciated section on the *community* page. I have no trouble hearing anything else on my computer...
August 11, 2011
dontcry commented on the word unset
Probably my favorite Christmas Carol I don't know all the words to...( there are many). But it's a tune I can get down with.
August 11, 2011
dontcry commented on the word recreational rioting
I caught a whiff of piquant snarkiness...
August 9, 2011
dontcry commented on the word bacon ranch
*really, really needs to see visuals of a bacon ranch*
August 9, 2011
dontcry commented on the word Dasani
*lurves 'piquant snarkiness'*
August 8, 2011
dontcry commented on the word kitchen table
August 8, 2011
dontcry commented on the word new interface
*whines a bit*
I can't hear any pronunciations... Am I doing something wrong? Should I start pointing fingers around the house? Mr dontcry is still a little sore about the whole marmite experience... so he's suspect numero uno...
August 6, 2011
dontcry commented on the word African daisy
What about the European daisy...? Hmmm?
August 6, 2011
dontcry commented on the word The Monty Hall Problem
Stick with door number 1. Definitely. And be a sport about it. Nobody likes a sore loser. Especially a goat.
August 6, 2011
dontcry commented on the word The Monty Hall Problem
Still and all, I'd take the plantation shutters. They're a timeless fashion statement.
August 3, 2011
dontcry commented on the word The Monty Hall Problem
I think the value has to include a sustainability quotient. If the goat is a lactating female, you've got a bit more of a fair fight on your hands. If you've purchased a tiny nub of goat cheese recently, you get my drift.
August 3, 2011
dontcry commented on the word The Monty Hall Problem
I'll take horizontal blinds, plantation style, for $200.
August 3, 2011
dontcry commented on the word The Monty Hall Problem
Ahhh, the age-old 3 doors, 2 goats and a car conundrum.
The answer is: blue -- no, green *aaaargh*
Wait, that was another Monty altogether.
August 3, 2011
dontcry commented on the word new interface
*brushes bits of quandary off arms and legs*
Thanks, ptero!
August 2, 2011
dontcry commented on the word new interface
I'm checking in just now after a spell... wanted to see comments on two of the most comments lists: International House of Fufluns (6/6)
Where Is That Light Coming From? (5/6)
and no comments were found...?
*falls off porch in a quandary*
August 1, 2011
dontcry commented on the word qindarka
*turns in all tiles*
July 25, 2011
dontcry commented on the list where-is-that-light-coming-from
Humbly offers up: porchlightescence?
July 25, 2011
dontcry commented on the word editor
Wordnista vs wordtrix.
*drums fingertips on desk*
Decisions, decisions...
July 24, 2011
dontcry commented on the word One Froggy Evening
Hello my baby: click on fbharjo's comment/link.
But yeah, nothing below in 'visuals'.
I can't hear pronunciations anymore, um, here.
Wordie: what have you wrought?
July 23, 2011
dontcry commented on the word editor
I'm sure your right, rol. I'm stickin' with graphic designtrix just the same! I'm dangerous today.
July 23, 2011
dontcry commented on the word editor
I offered up "graphic designtrix" last night. No bites...
July 23, 2011
dontcry commented on the user zhongwoe
stop it
July 22, 2011
dontcry commented on the word One Froggy Evening
Was just transported to my living room floor, in front of the tv, in my pj's, sometime in the '60s.
July 22, 2011
dontcry commented on the word editor
I'm going to start adding 'trix' to the end of random words to see how long it takes mr dontcry to figure it out. And here I thought another weekend on the sofa with leg propped up was going to be a drag. If I only had some marmite...
July 22, 2011
dontcry commented on the word oliver
*whips up a nice green olive & umbrage tapenade*
July 21, 2011
dontcry commented on the word menfauxpause
rolig: *snort*
July 21, 2011
dontcry commented on the word sleepartistry
I dabble in a bit of sleepartistry.
June 30, 2011
dontcry commented on the word Schwarzschild radius
I tried to put something together with the Governator and how things always come full circle...but I made a big mass of it and then my mind went blank.
June 30, 2011
dontcry commented on the word overlimen
I hate it when the bartender overlimens my mojito...
*makes puckered-up face*
June 30, 2011
dontcry commented on the word circumflex
Under "Same Context": "heheh" ?
Oh, yeah.
June 30, 2011
dontcry commented on the word all hopped up on
I use this phrase quite often.
June 30, 2011
dontcry commented on the list pretentious-words-i-have-used-or-hope-to-use-when-discussing-operas
In my experience, opera fans tend to be more posttentious than anything else.
June 28, 2011
dontcry commented on the word magnum opus
This made me think of Magnum Opie... which, unfortunately, induced a fit of giggles. How sad is that?
June 28, 2011
dontcry commented on the word pananxiety
June 28, 2011
dontcry commented on the word manxiety
June 28, 2011
dontcry commented on the word new interface
Sorry to be so negative. I do like the colors.
June 24, 2011
dontcry commented on the word new interface
"Love"? Really? Kinda going the way of "Community" in my book...
June 24, 2011
dontcry commented on the word strangely orange snack appreciation day
PS: I love Tang! Grew up on it. Must be part astronaut by now...
June 22, 2011
dontcry commented on the list random-acts-of-wordness
I see.... *not really* Isn't a word a word?
June 22, 2011
dontcry commented on the list dutchly-things
I'm half dutch as well! I vote for "me"!
June 22, 2011
dontcry commented on the word strangely orange snack appreciation day
Had a teensy weensy bag o'Cheetos from the vend today. Love the cheese that goes crunch. *does a celebratory licking of the fingertips*
June 22, 2011
dontcry commented on the list random-acts-of-wordness
Why am I not seeing how many folks have listed the words in my new list?
June 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the user feedback
Not a fan of the tweets.
June 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the list random-acts-of-wordness
*needs to know the name of the font*
June 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the word t
I'm a no likey...
June 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the list random-acts-of-wordness
'nach - I agree about the facebooky comment box. I like to take in a visual of my entire thought before I post.
June 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the list random-acts-of-wordness
Pro - You know me - I'm on just a regular old pc at home - no fancy pads or pods or books, or whatevers... Anyhoo, on my 'puter, the "t's" (in the font used for text above the comments section) have little blobs on their bottoms. Looks like a premature period, a bit too low and to the left.
June 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the word @FreeBilby
Hmmm. I signed up to be a twit a while ago. Never really got the hang of it. I should see if I can remember how to get back on it - or should I...?
June 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the word Mark Twain on Jane Austen
June 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the list random-acts-of-wordness
Wonders what the hell is wrong with the lower case t in the font used in the text describing my list...
June 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the list random-acts-of-wordness
Waits to be randomly moved...
June 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the word mackerel
I like it smoked.
June 7, 2011
dontcry commented on the word pickle switch
I hate when that happens...
June 7, 2011
dontcry commented on the word I dislike ampersands
This thread is symbolic of why *beats self on chest* I should never, ever, go a day, *sniff* and certainly never a day & a half...without checking in on my wordies.
*scarfs down ampersand topped fuflun whilst swinging on porch* *stashes extra ampersands for later behind hydrangeas*
June 7, 2011
dontcry commented on the list •things-that-get-way-more-fun-when-you-add-a-g-to-them
Tehg alsome!
June 3, 2011
dontcry commented on the list things-that-get-way-more-fun-when-you-add-a-p-to-them
Excellent list!
June 3, 2011
dontcry commented on the word rump and coke
June 3, 2011
dontcry commented on the word pukelele
*snort - and hork*
June 3, 2011
dontcry commented on the word pornithology
Good one!
June 3, 2011
dontcry commented on the word national doughnut day
*begins to throw together flour, sugar and fat in a willy-nilly fashion*
*heats oil*
*cuts dough*
*runs through kitchen and falls off porch in a panic*
*waves white flag from under hydrangeas*
June 3, 2011
dontcry commented on the word a prig of the first water
This was manifestly a prig of the first water, and there was no use arguing with him. - "Dracula" - Bram Stoker
June 2, 2011
dontcry commented on the word woodpecker
Do NOT get me started...
June 1, 2011
dontcry commented on the list important-concepts-i-learned-from-watching-m-a-s-h
Why is there no asterisk after the H? Why?
June 1, 2011
dontcry commented on the list important-concepts-i-learned-from-watching-m-a-s-h
*needs the big fat fancy-ass M*A*S*H DVD*
June 1, 2011
dontcry commented on the word jarhole
Me too!
Reminds me of ye olde padded face hole.
June 1, 2011
dontcry commented on the list ovoloovoloovoloovoloovoloovoloovoloovoloovoloovoloovoloovoloovoloovoloovolo
Please tell me you are joking, r.
June 1, 2011
dontcry commented on the word hump-glutteral
Strikes me as quite possibly the kosherest of kosher meat ever.
June 1, 2011
dontcry commented on the word hump-glutteral
*hides under porch*
June 1, 2011
dontcry commented on the word capillaries
u r
June 1, 2011
dontcry commented on the word stakeholder
I don't know. I've staked plenty a vegetable plant, in which case I was both the stakeholder and the stakedriver. Stakes keep thos 'maters from a rottin' on the ground...
May 31, 2011
dontcry commented on the word snipe hunt
Here, snipe, snipe, snipe.... *whacks paper bag with stick*
May 31, 2011
dontcry commented on the word puerarchy
Young Boys Club?
May 31, 2011
dontcry commented on the list a-myriad-of-irii
How will I ever find out the variety of MY Iris?? I just planted them, willy, nilly years ago... They're kinda purple, does that help narrow it down?
May 31, 2011
dontcry commented on the word glamour pants
Oh... I NEED some of these...
May 31, 2011
dontcry commented on the list ovoloovoloovoloovoloovoloovoloovoloovoloovoloovoloovoloovoloovoloovoloovolo
*lurvs sniggering lowbrows*
May 30, 2011
dontcry commented on the list sweet-tooth-fairy-dominoes
This is pfun!
May 30, 2011
dontcry commented on the list things-that-get-way-more-fun-when-you-add-a-p-to-them
It DOES help!
May 30, 2011
dontcry commented on the word tomalley
May 30, 2011
dontcry commented on the word biscotti
I think that's because we always eat them in pairs... at least, I do!
May 29, 2011
dontcry commented on the word omne trinum perfectum
I'm a three sneezer.
May 29, 2011
dontcry commented on the word lesser-known proofreading marks
"proofreading Marks"
May 29, 2011
dontcry commented on the word perfect
How 'bout "perfuct" ?
I do love rolig's "Per-fuckin-fection". Gonna have to employ it at the very first opportunity. Perhaps after Mr dontcry's beer can chicken tonight...
May 28, 2011
dontcry commented on the list important-concepts-i-learned-from-watching-m-a-s-h
Yes! Thank you frog! I tried to google -- but I'm not the best at that. Bear, it makes me feel good that you remember it as well. There was just something so...primordial...for lack of a better term, about that. The writing for that show was...just tits.
May 24, 2011
dontcry commented on the word frank burns eats worms
I use this phrase quite regularly.
May 23, 2011
dontcry commented on the list important-concepts-i-learned-from-watching-m-a-s-h
I was a faitful M*A*S*H* fan. One scene that, for some unknown reason, always stuck with me took place in the Swamp. BJ was washing a pair of socks. Hawkeye asked BJ why he kept washing the socks as he never wore them. BJ answered something like: "If I wear them they will get ruined, but if I just keep washing them, they'll stay nice forever." I always thought that was so poignant. Nobody I know can recall that scene, but it always is the first one I think of when the topic of M*A*S*H* comes up.
May 23, 2011
dontcry commented on the word weimaraner
Why not?
May 19, 2011
dontcry commented on the list •specific-wee-or-sounds-like-specific-wee-but-isn-t
*clenches in solidarity with ruzuzu*
May 17, 2011
dontcry commented on the word Foxygen
May 17, 2011
dontcry commented on the word white-anting
What a perfect expression. We had termites a few years ago in the downstairs bathroom. It was biblical... *shudders*
May 17, 2011
dontcry commented on the word eat what you want day
*scrapes together a smidge of pie from the hydrangeas*
That's ok, blaff. I've got some lumber in the barn and there's a saw around here somewhere...
May 17, 2011
dontcry commented on the word whilst
"I like to whistle whilst I work. It helps to whilst away the hours."
- The Tapeworm Chronicles
May 17, 2011
dontcry commented on the word eat what you want day
Oh crap, now we're all in the peonies as bear's fufluns en flambé have burnt down the Porch...
May 15, 2011
dontcry commented on the word whilst
*considers misusing Australians frivolously whilst stuffing cookies into pockets*
May 15, 2011
dontcry commented on the word eat what you want day
Delcares today 'eat what you want day' whilst on the Porch.
*snatches wodge of pie from blaff'
*feels like a troublemaker*
*likes it*
May 14, 2011
dontcry commented on the word national apple pie day
*prefers a smidge of pie*
May 14, 2011
dontcry commented on the word whilst
Hmmm. *ponders usage whilst stuffing another cookie into pie hole*
May 14, 2011
dontcry commented on the word national apple pie day
...can't type anymore today... needs a wodge of sleep...
May 13, 2011
dontcry commented on the list sweet-tooth-fairy-dominoes
Wouldn't "out of the box clever" be more clever still? ;-)
May 13, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
*taps foot*
May 13, 2011
dontcry commented on the word national apple pie day
Really? A wodge? Do you think that prudent?
May 13, 2011
dontcry commented on the word whilst
I love this word and vow to employ it as often as possible at work next week. *giddy with anticipation of the look on the students' faces*
May 13, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
*sits on the porch anxiously awaiting delivery of awesome prize for most wrong guesses*
May 8, 2011
dontcry commented on the list pennsylvania-dutch-of-stolid-country-cookery
Yes, r, quite similar but mine calls for pecans and one less egg.
'nach - *snort*
May 8, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
Pish Posh! Break a leg, gang!
May 6, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
Wait...seriously? Zero?
May 5, 2011
dontcry commented on the word you're something of a hotdog, aren't you
I thougt I put one around here somewhere...?
*pats self down*
May 5, 2011
dontcry commented on the list the-several-stages-of-wordie-addiction
By George, I think she's got it!
May 5, 2011
dontcry commented on the word attend pubs that keep the shorter oxford dictionary
Pounds a fuflun.
May 5, 2011
dontcry commented on the list the-several-stages-of-wordie-addiction
I started using the word wordie outside of wordie.
May 4, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
*makes room for PU on the rhodos*
May 4, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
Nope. Still dead.
May 4, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
May 4, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
gangerh you're cru-elle!
May 4, 2011
dontcry commented on the list things-that-smell-better-than-they-taste
Coffee? Seriously?
May 4, 2011
dontcry commented on the list the-several-stages-of-wordie-addiction
I just baked some snickerdoodles...
*makes up a plate - sets it next to folding chair*
*runs to look for super-comfy pillows and a light blanket*
May 4, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
*throws self off porch onto age-ed, gnarly rhododendron*
Good-bye, cruel wordie...
*dies dramatically*
May 4, 2011
dontcry commented on the word you're something of a hotdog, aren't you
*thinks about starting an "Identify the Plantings Around dontcry's Porches Challenge*
May 4, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
*picks peony bud from ear*
*shuts of gangerh's hot water*
May 4, 2011
dontcry commented on the word you're something of a hotdog, aren't you
*picks hydrangea petals from corner of mouth*
blaff - the hydrangea bushes are directly to the east of the main peony garden, just off the side porch.
zu - oro's pronuncitation is one of my favs too!
*runs off to ID the wordie for results*
May 4, 2011
dontcry commented on the word you're something of a hotdog, aren't you
I can't get to the pronouncitations section anymore...
*runs off porch in dismay*
*lands face-down in hydrangeas*
May 4, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
*rocks feverishly on porch in anticipation of specially designed coffee mug*
*feels certain to win*
May 4, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
May 2, 2011
dontcry commented on the word urzuzu
"Royal Parasites"
May 2, 2011
dontcry commented on the word gasometer
At least not in my house.
May 2, 2011
dontcry commented on the word gasometer
You don't need a gasometer to know which way the wind blows...
May 2, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
*presents coupon to ressetee for slop*
May 2, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
I'm sticking by it.
May 2, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
'nach: Don't cry!
I'm a veg, Danny.
Let's try this again, shall we...?
bilby is greenhorn
blafferty is panda
chained_bear is mediaeval
dontcry is me
erinmckean is systematic
fbharjo is emordnilap
frindley is harlequin
frogapplause is heartstringsplucker
gangerh is protean
hernesheir is present
mollusque is boggy
oroboros is lunette
PossibleUnderscore is chrestomathic
Prolagus is prodigal
pterodactyl is hippopotomonstrosequipedaliophile (ish)
reesetee is slopseller
ruzuzu is playful
seanahan is ascian
sionnach is distingue
Wordnicolina is aaaaaaaargh
Wordplayer is calepineriennes
Yarb is wodge
April 30, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
I know, I know. I used systematic twice. Damn it. Okay NOW,
PU is chrestomathic
*tears up a bit*
April 29, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
Okay. I'm totally out of time. Just going on gut here:
bilby is greenhorn
blafferty is panda
chained_bear is mediaeval
dontcry is me
erinmckean is systematic
fbharjo is emordniilap
frindley is harlequin
frogapplause is heartstringsplucker
gangerh is protean
hernesheir is present
mollusque is boggy
oroboros is lunette
PossibleUnderscore is systematic
Prolagus is prodigal
pterodactyl is hippopotomonstrosequipedaliophile (ish)
reesetee is slopseller
ruzuzu is playful
seanahan is ascian
Wordnicolina is aaaaaaaargh
Wordplayer is calepineriennes
Yarb is wodge
April 29, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
I'll get mine in tomorow - promise.
April 29, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
*panic attack alert*
*wonders if my orthopedist's waiting room has wifi? Surely I'll kill an hour there Wednesday...*
April 26, 2011
dontcry commented on the word baconalia
Good idea.
April 26, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
How is she doing that??
*clears mind*
That was kinda quick...
April 24, 2011
dontcry commented on the word easter bilby
What a cute Easter Bilby!
April 23, 2011
dontcry commented on the word jag
Judge Advocate General
April 23, 2011
dontcry commented on the word bunniculastriation
April 23, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
*staggers off porch - lands in peonies*
April 23, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
*wears paper bag as a hat*
April 23, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
*breathes into paper bag*
April 23, 2011
dontcry commented on the word 'cry
My wordie nickname!
*puffs out chest*
April 23, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
*hops onto porch swing*
April 23, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
*raises hand*
What time zone???
*flushes Ambien*
April 22, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
April 22, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
April 22, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
April 22, 2011
dontcry commented on the list open-list--what-to-name-chained-bears-newest-cub
Oh, here, I *made* a link:
No, I didn't...
*goes back to reading in the parlor*
April 21, 2011
dontcry commented on the list open-list--what-to-name-chained-bears-newest-cub
Yes! The Swedes have one too! Today's names are Annika & Anneli.
April 21, 2011
dontcry commented on the list unruzuzu
*wonders if there shoud be a reruzuzu list...*
April 21, 2011
dontcry commented on the list open-list--what-to-name-chained-bears-newest-cub
It occurs to me that there is a nice selection of names that could work - over at the National Cheese Emporium... I'm partial to lipta myself.
April 21, 2011
dontcry commented on the word baconalia
*wonders if we have to be drunk and naked to eat at Denny's now...*
*is down with that*
*but draws the line at giving birth there*
April 21, 2011
dontcry commented on the word wordnikstack
Well, I, for one, could use a good airing out.
Hey, whose foot is that...?
April 21, 2011
dontcry commented on the word baconalia
When I first saw this commercial on TV the other day, my first thought was: Does anyone at Denneys actually know what a bacchanalia is?
April 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the word gasometer
*bellies up to the bar-o-meter*
April 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
April 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the word Nitinol
I want a butt made out of this.
April 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the word wax-paper
April 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
*licks icing from all the cupcakes during group hug*
April 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the word gasometer
Mmmmmmmm, pierogies.
April 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the word baa baa rainbow sheep
..3 bags full..
*does the tippy toe dance*
April 18, 2011
dontcry commented on the user reesetee
April 16, 2011
dontcry commented on the word unprepared for ID the Wordienik
*looks* like SOMEone is kegeling...
*intercepts cupcake*
April 16, 2011
dontcry commented on the word part-time urine monitor
April 16, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
Nom, nom.
April 16, 2011
dontcry commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
What fun! Can't wait to play! When do we start?
*clenches in anticipation*
April 16, 2011
dontcry commented on the user chained_bear
you rained on me today
April 6, 2011
dontcry commented on the word sayheycation
I've got baseball on my mind...
April 2, 2011
dontcry commented on the word the argyle cold weather stabilization process
I've always thought socks superior to shoes in the traction department. A walk across the kitchen floor in your socks when someone has just opened an ice cube tray is exhibit one.
March 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the word debutante
March 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the word horse-chestnut
March 19, 2011
dontcry commented on the word chaff
Very Maslowian.
March 19, 2011
dontcry commented on the word perigee-syzygy
Where wolf?
March 19, 2011
dontcry commented on the list bring--brang--brung
*snirt,* *snart,* *snort*
March 13, 2011
dontcry commented on the user frindley
Yes. And according to ruzuzu, below, you need to get busy on your pronunciating...
March 13, 2011
dontcry commented on the list broadcastic
March 13, 2011
dontcry commented on the list things-weve-seen-moved-by-ants
I hate when my pants talk. They always tell on me.
March 10, 2011
dontcry commented on the word Fat Tuesday
Shrove Tuesday.
March 10, 2011
dontcry commented on the word ruzuzu on-a-stick
I'm sticking with ruzuzu classic. With a side of umbrage.
March 8, 2011
dontcry commented on the word Fat Tuesday
Yes. It's the day before Lent begins, so you use up your indulgent pantry items (sugar, butter, lard, honey, etc.) most often used in baked goods, to feast before the Lenten Season begins.
March 7, 2011
dontcry commented on the word This account either doesn't exist or isn't public.
I love the frog....
March 7, 2011
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
I saw it! I saw me! I also saw ruzuzu!
Pro - Aaaaack! And *hork*
March 6, 2011
dontcry commented on the word professor von schmartzenpanz
*is alarmingly silent*
March 5, 2011
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Nu - uh... Seriously?
March 5, 2011
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
my browser is explorer
March 4, 2011
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Um, when I tried to sign in today - wordnik didn't remember me. Then, when I logged in manually, it froze up - twice. This is not happiness to see me... Me.
March 4, 2011
dontcry commented on the word Zeitgeist
March 1, 2011
dontcry commented on the word dolor
This word often appears in my "greeked" type for layouts.
March 1, 2011
dontcry commented on the word pancake day
Mmmmm! Pancakey!
March 1, 2011
dontcry commented on the word Zeitgeist
March 1, 2011
dontcry commented on the word till
So, is until what I do to my garden after the harvest?
March 1, 2011
dontcry commented on the word brang
Bring, brang, brung.
March 1, 2011
dontcry commented on the list four-weeks--28-breakfasts
Eggs and rice bread toast.
February 27, 2011
dontcry commented on the word Your presence here outrages the god you seek. Go back, matricide! The number 73 marks the hour of your downfall!
OR: "You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you might find, you get what you nee-eed."
-The Rolling Stones
February 25, 2011
dontcry commented on the word teachable moment
February 25, 2011
dontcry commented on the word handsometer
I have a handsometer. It's called: my eyes.
February 25, 2011
dontcry commented on the word five comments rule
You people slay me.
February 25, 2011
dontcry commented on the word poophile
February 25, 2011
dontcry commented on the word ruzuzu on-a-stick
I KNOW! It's just rude without the chocolate!
February 25, 2011
dontcry commented on the word ruzuzu on-a-stick
That's not nice.
February 24, 2011
dontcry commented on the word bobbing for apples
I'm thinking about it.
February 23, 2011
dontcry commented on the word caramel
She does indeed, in her chariot of empty hazelnut!
February 23, 2011
dontcry commented on the word caramel
Love her.
February 22, 2011
dontcry commented on the word caramel
Which queen?
February 22, 2011
dontcry commented on the word stiver
February 22, 2011
dontcry commented on the word bobbing for apples
February 22, 2011
dontcry commented on the word caramel apple
*eyes apples on countertop with very un-apple-like intentions*
*measures sugar*
February 22, 2011
dontcry commented on the word stiver
I would guess it refers the hot, heavy, gritty, moist, and otherwise unsavory area of a city.
February 22, 2011
dontcry commented on the word caramel apple
Yes, hard, red coating = candy apple;
soft brown coating = caramel apple
February 22, 2011
dontcry commented on the word Zeitgeist
February 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the word Zeitgeist
*fires off a shot*
February 20, 2011
dontcry commented on the word biscotti
What possible purpose could the singular form of biscotti serve?
February 20, 2011
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