A friend of mine engaged in a play called the vagina monologues, found out that the word cunt according to William Shakespeare derive from getting intimately acquainted.
A 'håndmad' is a term used to describe being hit by a flat hand in the face. Håndmad literally means an open sandwich. Also known as 'smørrebrød', but the latter is 'højt belagt' high layered, making smørrebrød more of a mouth full but actually less nutritious. A håndmad is flat in comparison to smørrebrød and makes a more snappy sound on delivery than it's relative. Danish girls often give out håndmadder if you express your intentions to directly. But on the other hand if you don't you'll risk ending up being only good friends. It's a balance really despite Danish girls reputation. We do export the real frivolous ones to avoid to many fist fights in the bars. But here I go babelling away again...
This is a Danish term invented to describe the Carlsberg you'll often find in the groin area of seated Danish truck drivers. It literally translates in to — testis biber — in latin. Interesting enough 'testis' means 'a witness', which translates the term into the beautiful phrase 'A witness beer'.
I think it is very honest and courageous of craigchilds to share his lack of ability to be inspired by this place with us. One should always be able to face his or hers weaknesses. No shame in that.
i like eggs posure and eggs hibit, if you got em right, there's no reason not to flaunt it. Well, about unisex i was in doubt, could have cooked a systematic dish like unix eggs instead. A dishy list Mr.polly.
reesetee, thank you, you are both brilliant, generous and kind, if you get curious to, then you can visit www.michaelchang.dk to check out my art stuff. I up date the site regularly and there's a few phobias painted on plastic their as well.
In Denmark more traditional aspects include slå katten af tønden ("hit the cat out of the barrel"), which is somewhat similar to a piñata, except that there is a wooden barrel, which is full of candy and has the image of a cat on it. Historically there was a real black cat in the barrel, and beating it was superstitiously considered a safeguard against evil. After the candy pours out, the game continues until the entire barrel is broken. The one who knocks down the bottom of the barrel (making all the candy spill out) becomes kattedronning ("queen of cats"), the one who knocks down the last piece of the barrel becomes kattekonge ("king of cats").
LOL Kahuna, I don't know why but this is a new favorite word of mine. Maybe i'm getting tired. But on wikipedia i found out there's forty different types of kahuna listed in the book, 'Tales from the Night Rainbow'. Night Rainbow. I'm adding that right away, I have never seen a Night Rainbow, have you?
I think Guru is a kind of leader type although the word literally means teacher. Cos I looked up Lama, which have the same meaning. And I think a Lama can be considered a spiritual leader (as well as a teacher) to quite a few people.
From Wiki: Lama (Tibetan: བླ་མ་; Wylie: bla-ma) is a title for a Tibetan religious teacher. The name is similar to the Sanskrit term 'guru' (see Tibetan Buddhism and Bön). The title can be used as an honorific title conferred on a monk, nun or (in the Nyingma, Kagyu and Sakya schools) advanced tantric practitioner to designate a level of spiritual attainment and authority to teach, or may be part of a title such as Dalai Lama or Panchen Lama applied to a lineage of reincarnate lamas (Tulkus).
Heres a few measures which are a bit boring but very literally are an obscure measure of man: Light flyweight, Featherweight, Super flyweight, Cruiserweight, Super featherweight, Mini flyweight (is that a bananaflyweight?) and what kind of bird delivers a super feather?
dear reesetee, i am officially in love with your list the measure of man and i really would love to combine it with some of my etchings, it will make a great piece of art... uh ehh, staring at my toes can i?
In Denmark a horeunge is the the word for widow, which in typesetting refers to the final line of a paragraph that falls at the top the following page of text, separated from the remainder of the paragraph on the previous page.
Now the correct translation of the word horeunge is not a widow, but a child born outside marriage. Also known as a bastard child.
The term can also be used to refer simply to an uncomfortably short (e.g. a single word or two very short words) final line of a paragraph.
A related term, orphan, refers to the first line of a paragraph appearing on its own at the bottom of a page with the remaining portion of the paragraph appearing on the following page; in other words the first line of the paragraph has been "left behind" by the remaining portion of text.
Note that a widow, by the second definition above, can also fall at the bottom of a page, in the sense that the page ends on a very short line at the end of a paragraph.
An illustration of a widowed line, highlighted in yellow, appearing at the top of a page. One easy way to remember the difference between an orphan and a widow is to remember that orphans "have no past, but a future", while widows "have a past but no future" just as an orphan or widow in life.
Curiosity is any natural inquisitive behaviour, evident by observation in many animal species, and is the emotional aspect of living beings that engenders exploration, investigation, and learning.
My grandmother actually had a brother but his name wasn't Laus but Knud, which I guess was to difficult to pronounce after all, even for a Danish cat. On the other hand, if it could have you'd probably would've heard of it. :-)
My brother has a cat to, named Pedro, it can play fetch the toy mouse like a retriever dog... cats are truly amazing creatures.
Be quiet you ... and let me continue my evil doing in peace because I am an immoral person and now I will go on and fill the tags of all my badass words with evil spam... muhahahahh...!
oh, no, don't be alarmed all my eviltagdoing has been undone. Actually im a quiet person, who like ... you guessed it : wordies! Thank you reesatee for letting me know how loquacious I have been in a heartwarm but direct way.
And to any frightned pigs... next time my name pops up in a correspondance, let it be near my profile page.... right?
And I second the opinion about emphasizing how the site is used and should be maintained by us, (yes I'm one of you guys now.. ha!), and future wordies. Nobody would like to see wordie.org, turn in to a chickenrally of gossip and hearsay.
— fear of long words. Hippopoto- "big" due to its allusion to the Greek-derived word hippopotamus (though this is derived as hippo- "horse" compounded with potam-os "river", so originally meaning "river horse"; according to the Oxford English, hippopotamine has been construed as large since 1847, so this coinage is reasonable); -monstr- is from Latin words meaning "monstrous", -o- is a pseudo-Greek noun-compounding vowel; -sesquipedali- comes from "sesquipedalian" meaning a long word (literally "a foot and a half long" in Latin), -o- is a pseudo-Greek noun-compounding vowel, and -phobia means "fear". Note: This was mentioned on the first episode of Brainiac Series Five as one of Tickle's Teasers.
I find the context of this word confusing, because in my opinion you are either the founder of something or not. You might have gotten some help or someone might have pointed you in the right direction, but being a 'co-founder'?
It sounds to me like the founder not wanting to share the whole credit for founding something. Is a father a co-founder or what? If you want to you could help me out on this word... or perhaps sustain my opinion by more examples.
Snit·za·graab - Prehistoric tool for snitzing or cutting, also to be used as a weapon for e.g. stabbing a sable tooth tiger a few times trying to stay alive. Invented in the short story Gruha's Snitzagraab about life in Africa several years ago. The handle of the Snitzagraab is the tools achilles heal.
Further reading: www.michaelcahng.dk > subcategory: words
A cure for everything. Invented by leading scientists in the 21st century resulting in a temporary over-population on earth. Proven to be the cure for indeed everything during the 2nd Big Bang ORIGIN early 21st cent.: from Bifotikas + -in.
Further reading on: www.michaelchang.dk/
Look for the short stories under the category: Words
This is an absolut favorite word of mine. I like the subtle organic action quality of the word 'growth', like the growing of an extra limp. Inspired me to write a short story about Thomas, who actually did grow an additional limp and went to the doctor. Antonym withering.
Comments by michaelchang
michaelchang commented on the user arcadia
Just realized that: 'boobs' might make that list too.
April 20, 2019
michaelchang commented on the user arcadia
'Boot' also looks like a Boot, (a bit out of fashion).
April 20, 2019
michaelchang commented on the user arcadia
Hi arcadia, for your list 'The visual matches the meaning.' I would suggest the word 'WAVES' written in capital letters.
April 20, 2019
michaelchang commented on the list words-from-denmark
April 24, 2011
michaelchang commented on the user reesetee
This is my comment no. 160, consider it a birthday gift
April 16, 2011
michaelchang commented on the user michaelchang
great to see that you are still wordnikin' bilby
April 16, 2011
michaelchang commented on the list the-young-and-directionless
I guess the opposite would be an agedtimer
April 16, 2011
michaelchang commented on the list the-young-and-directionless
April 16, 2011
michaelchang commented on the word julekage
And Danes think very highly of English's, words like gate, knife, husband, call and egg sound so very familiar to us you know.
July 4, 2009
michaelchang commented on the word julekage
it is perfectly right "yulecake" would be the english word for it
July 4, 2009
michaelchang commented on the list exquisite-corpse
here we go
July 4, 2009
michaelchang commented on the word unfuck
"You had best un-fuck yourself or I will unscrew your head and shit down your neck" Quote from the movie "Full Metal Jacket"
July 4, 2009
michaelchang commented on the word bagelhead
July 2, 2009
michaelchang commented on the word unfuck
then, is unborn children the consequences of unfucking? like being pregnant for ever if you get unfucked?
July 2, 2009
michaelchang commented on the user michaelchang
Madmouth, I'm not sure about perish. Perhaps it is to eery for homocide. I mean, to just vanish in thin air is a scary thought.
July 2, 2009
michaelchang commented on the user bilby
Hi Bilby, Yup I am back and I like the fact that little has changed in here, and I see you're all still word-jamming-lovingly.
July 1, 2009
michaelchang commented on the word cunt
A friend of mine engaged in a play called the vagina monologues, found out that the word cunt according to William Shakespeare derive from getting intimately acquainted.
July 1, 2009
michaelchang commented on the word håndmad
A 'håndmad' is a term used to describe being hit by a flat hand in the face. Håndmad literally means an open sandwich. Also known as 'smørrebrød', but the latter is 'højt belagt' high layered, making smørrebrød more of a mouth full but actually less nutritious. A håndmad is flat in comparison to smørrebrød and makes a more snappy sound on delivery than it's relative. Danish girls often give out håndmadder if you express your intentions to directly. But on the other hand if you don't you'll risk ending up being only good friends. It's a balance really despite Danish girls reputation. We do export the real frivolous ones to avoid to many fist fights in the bars. But here I go babelling away again...
June 30, 2009
michaelchang commented on the word nossebajer
This is a Danish term invented to describe the Carlsberg you'll often find in the groin area of seated Danish truck drivers. It literally translates in to — testis biber — in latin. Interesting enough 'testis' means 'a witness', which translates the term into the beautiful phrase 'A witness beer'.
June 30, 2009
michaelchang commented on the word senior moment
If you forget where you put the car keys you are not getting old, you just had a senior moment
February 26, 2008
michaelchang commented on the word hellerup traktor
my translation of a chelsea tractor into danish
February 26, 2008
michaelchang commented on the word bluejacking
telephone pranks just got upgraded to cells with bluetooth
February 26, 2008
michaelchang commented on the word spinach cinema
dull but good for you
February 26, 2008
michaelchang commented on the word miswant
you just think you want it, but you really don't
February 26, 2008
michaelchang commented on the word marriage lite
or divorce dodging?
February 26, 2008
michaelchang commented on the word hypnosurgery
not a matter of placebo I believe
February 26, 2008
michaelchang commented on the word fat finger syndrome
on-line ordering of surprisingly large quantities of e.g. cabbage
February 26, 2008
michaelchang commented on the word extreme ironing
it really exists. ironing in extreme places.
February 26, 2008
michaelchang commented on the word dyson
giving the carpet a quick dyson - or are you still just hoovering?
February 26, 2008
michaelchang commented on the word dooce
February 26, 2008
michaelchang commented on the word dental spa
a spa-cover-up for a dentist's surgery
February 26, 2008
michaelchang commented on the word barbecue-stopper
a topic of conversation which is likely to stop even a cosy barbecue
February 26, 2008
michaelchang commented on the word bustitution
well, basically it means getting home several hours later than it usually take with your normal train-ride.
February 26, 2008
michaelchang commented on the word virtual friday
eg. a wednesday which feels like a friday cos you're taking the rest of the week off
February 26, 2008
michaelchang commented on the word parasitic single
also know as a twixter
February 26, 2008
michaelchang commented on the word twixter
or a parasitic single
February 26, 2008
michaelchang commented on the word trolleyology
the content of your trolley reveal your personality
February 26, 2008
michaelchang commented on the word ipad
for first time buyers frustrated by sky-high house prices (approx 380 square feet flat) i don't know of any ipad nanos yet.
February 26, 2008
michaelchang commented on the word nouse
a nose driven mouse (for computers) for paralyzed people
February 26, 2008
michaelchang commented on the list play-it-again-sam
hi bilby, thanks thats great keep em comming and merry mas-x
December 31, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list craig-childs-list
I think it is very honest and courageous of craigchilds to share his lack of ability to be inspired by this place with us. One should always be able to face his or hers weaknesses. No shame in that.
December 24, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word jujutsu
anyway it is a fight between u and i
December 22, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word wave
Hi Bilby here's a haiku about surfing i wrote for a client last year.
in love by the pond
A frog on a lily pad
is aqua planning
December 22, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list the-visual-matches-the-meaning
shArk (probably better)
December 22, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word sec ond
split second
December 22, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list what-i-thought-wordies-were-before-i-discovered-wordie
December 22, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word enob
December 22, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word eeeeeeeeee
December 22, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word hurr i cane
the eye of the hurricane
December 22, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word person ality
split personality
December 22, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word body body
body double
December 22, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list what-i-thought-wordies-were-before-i-discovered-wordie
body body
December 22, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list what-i-thought-wordies-were-before-i-discovered-wordie
person ality
December 22, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list what-i-thought-wordies-were-before-i-discovered-wordie
m m (em space)
December 22, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list what-i-thought-wordies-were-before-i-discovered-wordie
hurr i cane
December 22, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word timing tim ing
sec ond
December 22, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word 10sne1
eeeeeeeeee (ten e's)
December 22, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list what-i-thought-wordies-were-before-i-discovered-wordie
that's nemnt!!!
December 22, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word mce mce mce
excellent!! cudos
December 22, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list go-to-work-on-an-egg
i like eggs posure and eggs hibit, if you got em right, there's no reason not to flaunt it. Well, about unisex i was in doubt, could have cooked a systematic dish like unix eggs instead. A dishy list Mr.polly.
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list the-visual-matches-the-meaning
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list double-trouble
a teesy weesy list
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list going-postal
Try reading the list really fast and you can wipe off your screen afterwards
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list double-trouble
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list going-postal
so i quit as a postman
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list go-to-work-on-an-egg
okay misterpolly now im exhausted, consider me an ex-exprovider
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list going-postal
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list going-postal
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list going-postal
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list going-postal
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list going-postal
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list going-postal
you know you are old enough when you reach a certain postage
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list going-postal
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list going-postal
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list the-visual-matches-the-meaning
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list the-visual-matches-the-meaning
a scientist looking at a string of dna from a monkey
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list the-visual-matches-the-meaning
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list the-visual-matches-the-meaning
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list the-visual-matches-the-meaning
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list the-visual-matches-the-meaning
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list the-visual-matches-the-meaning
i can't find my socks - oh there they are
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list the-visual-matches-the-meaning
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list the-visual-matches-the-meaning
look four giggling snowmen out of line
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list the-visual-matches-the-meaning
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list the-visual-matches-the-meaning
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list the-visual-matches-the-meaning
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list the-visual-matches-the-meaning
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list the-visual-matches-the-meaning
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list the-visual-matches-the-meaning
hehe no problem arcadia, i really like your list (now one of my favorites)
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list the-visual-matches-the-meaning
hey did anyone see the new logo for the olympics 2012??? is it just me going nuts or can you also see marge simpson blowing a dude?
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list the-visual-matches-the-meaning
subway staircase (the y)
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list the-visual-matches-the-meaning
two citybirds (the dots)
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list the-visual-matches-the-meaning
stepped on doggypoop
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list the-visual-matches-the-meaning
look two giraffes in the horizon
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list the-visual-matches-the-meaning
wienerdog (layingdown with raised ears and his tail in front of the little guy at the end)
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list the-visual-matches-the-meaning
feet (pointing toward each other)
December 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list the-measure-of-man
reesetee, thank you, you are both brilliant, generous and kind, if you get curious to, then you can visit www.michaelchang.dk to check out my art stuff. I up date the site regularly and there's a few phobias painted on plastic their as well.
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list 26-ads-by-google
quite understandable
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word sovereign
A sovereign, a 25-liter bottle of champagne.
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word balthazar
One of a series of wine bottle sizes named for biblical figures, equal to 16 standard bottles, or 12 litres
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word melchior
An 18 liter size wine bottle
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word lorena
Makes your willie into a hobbit?
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word lorena
Lorena Chop-it?
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word snurge
I hope you made that one up, but i'm affraid you didn't.
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word architecture and design scotland
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word clem
you actually can if the cat is inside a barrel.
In Denmark more traditional aspects include slå katten af tønden ("hit the cat out of the barrel"), which is somewhat similar to a piñata, except that there is a wooden barrel, which is full of candy and has the image of a cat on it. Historically there was a real black cat in the barrel, and beating it was superstitiously considered a safeguard against evil. After the candy pours out, the game continues until the entire barrel is broken. The one who knocks down the bottom of the barrel (making all the candy spill out) becomes kattedronning ("queen of cats"), the one who knocks down the last piece of the barrel becomes kattekonge ("king of cats").
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list take-me-to-your-whosit
LOL Kahuna, I don't know why but this is a new favorite word of mine. Maybe i'm getting tired. But on wikipedia i found out there's forty different types of kahuna listed in the book, 'Tales from the Night Rainbow'. Night Rainbow. I'm adding that right away, I have never seen a Night Rainbow, have you?
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word goldie lock
a very difficult broad to please
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list the-visual-matches-the-meaning
four (having four letters)?
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list take-me-to-your-whosit
drum major
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list take-me-to-your-whosit
spin doctor, godfather, Master Mason the Third Degree.
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list take-me-to-your-whosit
Take me to your Pharaoh bilby.
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list take-me-to-your-whosit
I think Guru is a kind of leader type although the word literally means teacher. Cos I looked up Lama, which have the same meaning. And I think a Lama can be considered a spiritual leader (as well as a teacher) to quite a few people.
From Wiki: Lama (Tibetan: བླ་མ་; Wylie: bla-ma) is a title for a Tibetan religious teacher. The name is similar to the Sanskrit term 'guru' (see Tibetan Buddhism and Bön). The title can be used as an honorific title conferred on a monk, nun or (in the Nyingma, Kagyu and Sakya schools) advanced tantric practitioner to designate a level of spiritual attainment and authority to teach, or may be part of a title such as Dalai Lama or Panchen Lama applied to a lineage of reincarnate lamas (Tulkus).
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list take-me-to-your-whosit
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list take-me-to-your-whosit
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list take-me-to-your-whosit
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list take-me-to-your-whosit
cheerleader then!
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list take-me-to-your-whosit
Puppet Master, must be a leader in every sense!
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list take-me-to-your-whosit
A Swami, being celibate, channels sexual energy to reach God and Enlightenment. How is that for a dollar?
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list take-me-to-your-whosit
swami then?
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list the-measure-of-man
Heres a few measures which are a bit boring but very literally are an obscure measure of man: Light flyweight, Featherweight, Super flyweight, Cruiserweight, Super featherweight, Mini flyweight (is that a bananaflyweight?) and what kind of bird delivers a super feather?
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list take-me-to-your-whosit
Take me to your Guru.
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list take-me-to-your-whosit
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list the-measure-of-man
dear reesetee, i am officially in love with your list the measure of man and i really would love to combine it with some of my etchings, it will make a great piece of art... uh ehh, staring at my toes can i?
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word horeunge
In Denmark a horeunge is the the word for widow, which in typesetting refers to the final line of a paragraph that falls at the top the following page of text, separated from the remainder of the paragraph on the previous page.
Now the correct translation of the word horeunge is not a widow, but a child born outside marriage. Also known as a bastard child.
The term can also be used to refer simply to an uncomfortably short (e.g. a single word or two very short words) final line of a paragraph.
A related term, orphan, refers to the first line of a paragraph appearing on its own at the bottom of a page with the remaining portion of the paragraph appearing on the following page; in other words the first line of the paragraph has been "left behind" by the remaining portion of text.
Note that a widow, by the second definition above, can also fall at the bottom of a page, in the sense that the page ends on a very short line at the end of a paragraph.
An illustration of a widowed line, highlighted in yellow, appearing at the top of a page. One easy way to remember the difference between an orphan and a widow is to remember that orphans "have no past, but a future", while widows "have a past but no future" just as an orphan or widow in life.
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list take-me-to-your-whosit
sorry you got that one just with an ue
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list take-me-to-your-whosit
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list public-list-haiku-together
sweet jesus uselessness, you are a haiku machine!
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list public-list-haiku-together
hihi, it was to find out if you really read everything on these pages, Reesetee! Now I know you do!
December 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list take-me-to-your-whosit
or shepherd? depending on who's asking.
December 19, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list take-me-to-your-whosit
December 19, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list people-i-have-done-it-with
Curiosity is any natural inquisitive behaviour, evident by observation in many animal species, and is the emotional aspect of living beings that engenders exploration, investigation, and learning.
December 19, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list people-i-have-done-it-with
ooops sorry - curiosity killed ummm eh me.
December 19, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list people-i-have-done-it-with
December 19, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list people-i-have-done-it-with
perfect spank you very much!
December 19, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list people-i-have-done-it-with
December 19, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list people-i-have-done-it-with
December 19, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list people-i-have-done-it-with
December 19, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list people-i-have-done-it-with
hey reesetee, how do you make words italic in your comment? open the world to me you dark wizard!
December 19, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list people-i-have-done-it-with
heh... you got it reesetee, and how nice to see so many bright heads.
December 19, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list public-list-haiku-together
oh holly shellfish, i didn't make it public... no wonder the list is so short...
December 19, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list in-gods-name
thanks ravages, skie's the limit
December 19, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list public-list-haiku-together
anything makes sense, sense is something inside.
December 19, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word axe
why don't you use that sentence in the haiku list bilby - it's 5 syllables? and such lovely ones to.
December 19, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list public-list-haiku-together
come on guys it is not that hard...
December 19, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list public-list-haiku-together
he he i'll add a few more my shelf...
December 19, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word morbror laus
My grandmother actually had a brother but his name wasn't Laus but Knud, which I guess was to difficult to pronounce after all, even for a Danish cat. On the other hand, if it could have you'd probably would've heard of it. :-)
My brother has a cat to, named Pedro, it can play fetch the toy mouse like a retriever dog... cats are truly amazing creatures.
December 19, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word morbror laus
My old grandmother had a cat that was pronouncing a miau as morbror laus, which in danish means mothers brother laus.
December 19, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word tags
Be quiet you ... and let me continue my evil doing in peace because I am an immoral person and now I will go on and fill the tags of all my badass words with evil spam... muhahahahh...!
oh, no, don't be alarmed all my eviltagdoing has been undone. Actually im a quiet person, who like ... you guessed it : wordies! Thank you reesatee for letting me know how loquacious I have been in a heartwarm but direct way.
And to any frightned pigs... next time my name pops up in a correspondance, let it be near my profile page.... right?
And I second the opinion about emphasizing how the site is used and should be maintained by us, (yes I'm one of you guys now.. ha!), and future wordies. Nobody would like to see wordie.org, turn in to a chickenrally of gossip and hearsay.
November 22, 2007
michaelchang commented on the user reesetee
Hi reesatee, thanks for having the courage to notify me that I was raping the use of the site with my tags. The horrors are now undone.
November 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia
— fear of long words. Hippopoto- "big" due to its allusion to the Greek-derived word hippopotamus (though this is derived as hippo- "horse" compounded with potam-os "river", so originally meaning "river horse"; according to the Oxford English, hippopotamine has been construed as large since 1847, so this coinage is reasonable); -monstr- is from Latin words meaning "monstrous", -o- is a pseudo-Greek noun-compounding vowel; -sesquipedali- comes from "sesquipedalian" meaning a long word (literally "a foot and a half long" in Latin), -o- is a pseudo-Greek noun-compounding vowel, and -phobia means "fear". Note: This was mentioned on the first episode of Brainiac Series Five as one of Tickle's Teasers.
November 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word ymer
In the late 1980s in Denmark the term 'bred ymer' (wide junket) ment that something was cool.
November 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list michaelchang-s-words
my wife keep telling me the same thing about my wardrobe
November 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word float like a cannonball
'She lives outside of Natchez where she operates a crane
She's like a wrecking ball no longer connected to the chain'
November 21, 2007
michaelchang commented on the word co-founder
I find the context of this word confusing, because in my opinion you are either the founder of something or not. You might have gotten some help or someone might have pointed you in the right direction, but being a 'co-founder'?
It sounds to me like the founder not wanting to share the whole credit for founding something. Is a father a co-founder or what? If you want to you could help me out on this word... or perhaps sustain my opinion by more examples.
November 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list michaelchang-s-words
“If you can’t beat them, join them.�?
“If you can’t beat them, buy them.�?
“If you can’t beat them, copy them and sell it cheaper.�?
“If they copy you or even come close, sue them.�?
November 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list michaelchang-s-words
Snit·za·graab - Prehistoric tool for snitzing or cutting, also to be used as a weapon for e.g. stabbing a sable tooth tiger a few times trying to stay alive. Invented in the short story Gruha's Snitzagraab about life in Africa several years ago. The handle of the Snitzagraab is the tools achilles heal.
Further reading: www.michaelcahng.dk > subcategory: words
November 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the user seanahan
Hi Seanahan,
I tend to invent words when i write short stories, if you visit my site and read e.g. Gruha's Snitzagraab, you'll get some prehistoric words.
November 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list michaelchang-s-words
Bifo•tikas•in |Bifotikas’in| noun
A cure for everything. Invented by leading scientists in the 21st century resulting in a temporary over-population on earth. Proven to be the cure for indeed everything during the 2nd Big Bang ORIGIN early 21st cent.: from Bifotikas + -in.
Further reading on: www.michaelchang.dk/
Look for the short stories under the category: Words
November 20, 2007
michaelchang commented on the list michaelchang-s-words
This is an absolut favorite word of mine. I like the subtle organic action quality of the word 'growth', like the growing of an extra limp. Inspired me to write a short story about Thomas, who actually did grow an additional limp and went to the doctor. Antonym withering.
November 20, 2007