I am thrilled to see that after a few years, I am able to delete lists. Checking back in here after some time, I'm a tad confused: are there any particular spots where non-word-specific discussion (e.g. feedback happens)?
Also, why is it that on many of these 'comments' pages I can't click into the actual word? Sometimes I can't even see what word is being discussed, and there's no reference or link.
Also, why is my profile listed as "Public" under settings but there's no mention of FAVORITE WORD when I view my users/which page? So many questions!@
This might sound weird but I really enjoy taking a spoon and whipping up the ice cream in my bowl for a minute before eating it. Something about the texture tastes better for me.
You likely know this, but there seems to be a limit to the number of links one can put in the top-description of their list. If I use too much bracketeering, for example, eventually it stops accepting them and it looks like: this. (Though it uses square brackets, of course)
This is also the case with hyper-links, which is particularly frustrating for a list that may want to site numerous sources. For example, my Wordnik neologism-gathering list simply truncates 70% of the links. I don't like that.
Odd little unknown bug with the 'æ' tag on the word ægophony. BTW: I love how I can see all my tags now off my profile. Handy. I re-tagged a bunch of the character-errored ones just now.
Cool list. I tracked a little girl's first 50 words on this list--you should be proud of such a huge vocabulary--it's literally 3 times that of the girl on the linked list who was the same age.
Still patiently waiting to be able to delete lists with comments, and delete comments on my lists, and my own comments in general. Any idea when this might occur?
It's been kind of a weird year with the transition to Wordnik.
I'm too busy right now to do it, but I think you can get GANGERH to do it since he volunteered before for just this position! Just nag him on his profile.
I nominate bromance because I've seen that word at an insane frequency this year.
Hmm, it's interesting that you draw a link between sexuality and oppression regarding one's desires. The consensus of your friend group may not be enough statistical evidence to make absolutes about choice. While I'm not arguing with you per se, I would suggest that there's more nuance to the issue--that attraction, sexuality, and the degree that one acts on that has a multitude of cultural variables that may shape one's experience beyond just raw genetics.
I don't think of this expression as specifically referencing homosexual men (someone can "go suck a lemon" just as much as other things...), but I must say that I appreciate this type of conversation--investigating implied meaning.
With 'gay', I've argued in this regard many times with friends who've used "gay" to mean "bad,"--they claim that the linkage is not what they mean. So the question of intent versus passive, unaware delivery of abusive words.
I find this phrase kind of banal, aesthetically.
This isn't related to this phrase but it's something I wanted to note because marky brought it up below: the "I was born with it" homosexual defense. I think this argument could be 'true,' certainly it's a sentiment that some of my gay friends have suggested about themselves, but I always felt like it was a weak defense because it shouldn't matter. People can "decide" to be gay and they deserve just as much legitimacy either way, just like those of a particular religion (another choice...at least in adulthood) might expect to be protected under the law.
The fact that you haven't already google-searched the number of calories burned through keyboard strokes hath fanned the flames once and again betookthed by umBrage.
Likeflannel, right now I think we're still in the grunge days. That is to say that I'm fairly certain that after some time the Wordnik-Wordie conflation will be easier to use and ultimately better.
Can someone explain to me why I keep seeing words listed under Zeitgeist's "Recently listed" column, but if I go to look at the word/list, there's nothing NEW, and in fact it's old listings? Example: unditchability
John: regarding Postscripture: as soon as I got to the page, I clicked "edit list" and then "save" and BOOM, it's broke again. Was I being naughty? We can just take out the stupid symbol but I'm not sure if that would fix the problem.
Gangerh, I don't know if this year is appropriate or not, what with all the chaos of the site moving, or if there's any interest, but you had asked to conduct WOTY09 and LOTY09. So this is me, prodding you to take the reigns...
John, you probably knew this but Regarding My Last Comment: I just noticed that all the undeletable words are all the multi-word ones. That's the common thread; the one-worders delete fine.
I do a lot of moving on my Trunkjunk list so it's full of examples: Currently, when I "move" a word, it actually just copies the word and leaves behind an undeletable copy where it was meant to be (re)moved from. Eek! Examples are: body count and bleeding edge.
The definition I keep seeing is something like "is a small duration break taken frequently during periods of continuous computer use."
I think this definition sucks, mostly because of the 'micro' part. To me, a micropause should be the moment of hesitation between word choice when someone is speaking. Is there a word for that?
For what it's worth, I used Google's Cached feature to scan old Wordie.org pages (search phrase "whichbe wordie.org lists"), so I could identify any or all of the missing word lists that have been disconnected from me through the database transfer.
The number is 6. Curious buggers--for when I look at the Word's comments, it *DOES* list the connection to my list, however going to the linked list results in "NOT FOUND". Likewise, these Unfounded lists don't appear on http://www.wordnik.com/people/whichbe/lists
Note to self. Since I didn't record my lists before the database transfer, I am making a list of "missing lists" that I remember or stumble upon as to hope for recovery.
When non-standard characters (like æ) are displayed on the "recent tags" section of our profiles, it's borked. In the case of æ, they seemed to have been messed up from the transfer of databases, so I manually re-tagged them (it was only about 25 words)... now they display correctly except via the profile page.
When non-standard characters (like æ) are displayed on the "recent tags" section of our profiles, it's borked. In the case of æ, they seemed to have been messed up from the transfer of databases, so I manually re-tagged them (it was only about 25 words)... now they display correctly except via the profile page.
Just noticed that occassionally a word will have an unparsed dump of a word list in the EXAMPLES section. A good example would be on the word casson: http://www.wordnik.com/words/casson/examples
Good point here, too: a word could have value on the site in terms of comments/lists but this could be virtually invisible to a random passerby. So, the initial Word page ought to have some subtle way to indicate conversation/listing of a word is present.
Mollusque hit on a great point: We should have a strategy for when/if there's a massive conversation flood happening, which can be very possible if there's indeed hundreds of regulars posting. We can set-up something to facilitate and encourage growth this way--I believe the Wordie method would put a lid on this by making conversation threads difficult to track. Because the nature of the site is a scrolly-comments form (which I like) rather than posts-on-forums, the little quips seem kind of...disjointed. Now, I'm sure there's plenty of people that like this quality so maybe it's best to keep.
I guess the potential problem is that when there's a STORM of comments, it's really easy for conversation threads to fall through the cracks, ya know? This means that the site's very design itself would become the conversation killer.
Not sure how to do it. One idea might be to have a "Follow This Thread" feature (editable from our Profiles? and perhaps addable from a Word's dropdown menu near the top) where we can track the conversation of select words (or lists?). ThreadTrack or something. What do you think?
I'm lowercase too. The Uppercase you Observe is because I put an Uppercase Letter in my First Name zone above which does not appear when I post Comments.
John: right now when I've moved some two-word phrases from one list to another, and they turn up as: thing+thing -- that is, with a "+" instead of a space. To make matters worse, they new moved-words are gallstones that can not be deleted from my wordish urinary tract.
I guess I can be the one to ask about tags. I had some thousand things tagged. I can see that they're still there, though they no longer be attached to "me". Will things remain this way or will I get re-connected to those old tags. Some of mine were silly, but others were useful or special to me.
I like the idea of more Profile/user features, all small things. Like choosing which of one's own lists to display on our profile page, we could also have a configurable selection for the Favorites listing, thus pimping the best of the best in general, not just more-recent.
Also, frindley points to the idea of more user-to-user interaction. We've discussed and (mostly) dismissed the idea of personal messaging on Wordie, however a "search" feature might be good. In general, the Profile questions need to be re-thought with the change, too... Location seems like a good field. The I AM A/SEEKING A___ question was a ha-ha funny but I feel that a more fill-in-the-blank approach would be better (ever-mocking the notion of 'Profiles'-as-personal-ads gets old)... I'll brainstorm up some possible new profile questions later today.
Someone made the suggestion that a user-configurable preference to set the "COMMENTS" section be the default (if so desired, rather than 'Definitions') would be good for some of the conversation-heavy Wordie users. Seems like a good idea.
I find many of the design-specific aspects of Wordnik better than Wordie. Actually, after looking around some more, things are on the whole a considerable improvement. With bug fixes, the ability to make little improvements at a faster pace, and the ability to turn off that hideous Twitter feed, I think I'm plenty happy.
Perks: a whole TEAM of people to develop and maintain the site instead of poor John having to do all things administrative and programming. And TONS of word data all on one page!
Yeah, don't take my comments harshly either. The new site might make a good excuse to get back involved with this adorable concept/site.
I'd like to make one important request for-soon: LIST DELETE. I've been meaning for a while to do some spring (winter?) cleaning and that involves nuking a few old, stupid lists of mine.
Also, some of my lists appear to be missing. Example: WORDIE CHALLENGE. This makes me scared 'cause I didn't record my lists list and now some of them may have fallen through the cracks... although I can find that list referenced here: http://www.wordnik.com/words/wordie+word+of+the+year+2008/comments
Probably a bad time to make a suggestion with today being a Wordie-to-Wordnik transfer day, but: I like the "Lists" list at the top right of our profile. It would be even cooler if there were some way to select which 8 lists appear on that column, as to point profile-perusers to Prominent lists of ours. It would also give our profiles us that personalized, representative sparkly touch.
It feels very creepy to me that "recently looked up words" appears as list on profile pages. That's T.M.I. ((LINE BREAK HERE)) Also, what's the logic behind the order of Favorited words? It used to be in Order-Added, now it seems vaguely alphabetical but fairly random.
I'm not trying to be the bug-fairy because I, for one, like the refreshing nature of change, and the chance to add new features and people to the site. Here is, however, some things I've noticed which are probably obvious:
- can't add a word to one of my lists from the word's page?
- variation in CAPS vERSiONs of ThINGs versus NO CAPS means confusion?
- one of my old lists broke completely when I added a word with brackets and an exclamation point ! Will I ever get it back??? http://www.wordnik.com/lists/trunkjunk
- There are some lists that I have listed as "Favorited" that are actually artifacts of Un-favorited lists of christmas past... and when I try to Un-favorite them, they are not there!
"Chris Code...points out that it is possible to neurobiologically to separate swearwords from other words in language. Swearing actually uses parts of the brain that support language and also parts of the brain that are used when laughing and crying. Often people with severe brain damage remain able to swear even when they are unable to produce other language. Perhaps swearing is the remnant of an evolutionary step at which cries were were some mix of automatic and voluntary articulation."
"There is a saying among primate keepers, Heidi Lyn explained, that if you give a screwdriver to a chimp, it will throw it at someone. If you give a screwdriver to a gorilla, it will scratch itself. But if you give a screwdriver to an orangutan, it will let itself out of the cage."
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." -- Arthur Schopenhauer
"The 'Stephen Jay Gould line' was that scientists were too quick to apply evolutionary explanations to everything. Some features of our lives did not result from adaptation, he argued, but are just accidental by-products of other evolutionary changes. Gould called these biological artifacts 'spandrels.'"
"Chimpanzees, obviously, have basal ganglia. Birds have basal ganglia. So do rats. When rats carry out genetically preprogrammed sequences of grooming steps, they are using the basal ganglia. If their basal ganglia are damaged, then their separate grooming moves are left intact, but their ability to execute a sequence of them is disrupted. (Lieberman calls their grooming pattern UGG, universal grooming grammar.)"
Actually, I just added 12 more Wordies to the end of that list, based on active people from the main page. John coded the "contributors" part of the open-list feature smart enough to notice who is newly added and who isn't.
A journalistic form of puffery; an article or story of exaggerating praise that often ignores or downplays opposing viewpoints or evidence to the contrary. (Wiktionary)
I don't know if this is just true from my browser (Firefox ver 2.0), but if I come at the homepage without having logged in, NO CONTENT comes up. Blank page. Once I've logged in, stuff is there. Other pages work, but not the homepage. Is this intentional??
"Once the child places it on his or her head and swings the snorkel down from its resting place atop the head, PediSedate transparently monitors respiratory function and distributes nitrous oxide, an anesthetic gas. The child comfortably becomes sedated while playing with a Nintendo Game Boy system or listening to music." -- PediSedate
Comments by whichbe
whichbe commented on the list groupthink
Added :)
December 26, 2013
whichbe commented on the user whichbe
I am thrilled to see that after a few years, I am able to delete lists. Checking back in here after some time, I'm a tad confused: are there any particular spots where non-word-specific discussion (e.g. feedback happens)?
Also, why is it that on many of these 'comments' pages I can't click into the actual word? Sometimes I can't even see what word is being discussed, and there's no reference or link.
Also, why is my profile listed as "Public" under settings but there's no mention of FAVORITE WORD when I view my users/which page? So many questions!@
May 19, 2012
whichbe commented on the list gender-s-game
I did send this email a while back. I see my lists are still here. Likely it got buried in the multitude of emails you get.
January 27, 2011
whichbe commented on the list substancestry
Dan/anyone: this is now an open list.
January 27, 2011
whichbe commented on the list gender-s-game
How do I delete lists that I want to delete? I've been waiting on this 'feature' for 5 months.
April 27, 2010
whichbe commented on the user feedback
Is there any place for when bug-fixes, changes, new features, or updates are logged or available?
January 3, 2010
whichbe commented on the list name-suggestions-for-ultra-compact-cars
January 3, 2010
whichbe commented on the word bacon
December 31, 2009
whichbe commented on the word ainst
Saint ainst; stain.
December 31, 2009
whichbe commented on the word PWA
Perception Without Awareness
December 31, 2009
whichbe commented on the word Nicolas Sarkozy
A sarkozy is actually an irony-laden cup-holder for hot beverages.
December 30, 2009
whichbe commented on the list funny-people--2009
Me too. Remarkably unfunny.
December 30, 2009
whichbe commented on the word asmodée
Another name for asmodeus.
December 30, 2009
whichbe commented on the list trinkets
Taking the ornaments off the tree is never as fun as putting them on.
December 29, 2009
whichbe commented on the word ice-cream
This might sound weird but I really enjoy taking a spoon and whipping up the ice cream in my bowl for a minute before eating it. Something about the texture tastes better for me.
December 29, 2009
whichbe commented on the word snugWow
One day I will wrap myself in an embryonic Dreamie wombsack only to be lost in the couch like so much change. Or hope.
December 29, 2009
whichbe commented on the user feedback
You likely know this, but there seems to be a limit to the number of links one can put in the top-description of their list. If I use too much bracketeering, for example, eventually it stops accepting them and it looks like: this. (Though it uses square brackets, of course)
This is also the case with hyper-links, which is particularly frustrating for a list that may want to site numerous sources. For example, my Wordnik neologism-gathering list simply truncates 70% of the links. I don't like that.
December 29, 2009
whichbe commented on the user feedback
Odd little unknown bug with the 'æ' tag on the word ægophony. BTW: I love how I can see all my tags now off my profile. Handy. I re-tagged a bunch of the character-errored ones just now.
December 29, 2009
whichbe commented on the list words-my-19-month-old-daughter-says
Cool list. I tracked a little girl's first 50 words on this list--you should be proud of such a huge vocabulary--it's literally 3 times that of the girl on the linked list who was the same age.
December 29, 2009
whichbe commented on the user feedback
Still patiently waiting to be able to delete lists with comments, and delete comments on my lists, and my own comments in general. Any idea when this might occur?
December 28, 2009
whichbe commented on the word woty09
It's been kind of a weird year with the transition to Wordnik.
I'm too busy right now to do it, but I think you can get GANGERH to do it since he volunteered before for just this position! Just nag him on his profile.
I nominate bromance because I've seen that word at an insane frequency this year.
December 27, 2009
whichbe commented on the word 仲
The bird woke me by singing outside the window.
December 25, 2009
whichbe commented on the word ozay
"It's a new word. It's kind of like if somethings really lame. Versatility is one of ozay's strengths." -- Sarah Silverman
December 21, 2009
whichbe commented on the word pokenook
Where you put your pocket monster.
December 13, 2009
whichbe commented on the word It sucks
Hmm, it's interesting that you draw a link between sexuality and oppression regarding one's desires. The consensus of your friend group may not be enough statistical evidence to make absolutes about choice. While I'm not arguing with you per se, I would suggest that there's more nuance to the issue--that attraction, sexuality, and the degree that one acts on that has a multitude of cultural variables that may shape one's experience beyond just raw genetics.
December 10, 2009
whichbe commented on the word It sucks
I don't think of this expression as specifically referencing homosexual men (someone can "go suck a lemon" just as much as other things...), but I must say that I appreciate this type of conversation--investigating implied meaning.
With 'gay', I've argued in this regard many times with friends who've used "gay" to mean "bad,"--they claim that the linkage is not what they mean. So the question of intent versus passive, unaware delivery of abusive words.
I find this phrase kind of banal, aesthetically.
This isn't related to this phrase but it's something I wanted to note because marky brought it up below: the "I was born with it" homosexual defense. I think this argument could be 'true,' certainly it's a sentiment that some of my gay friends have suggested about themselves, but I always felt like it was a weak defense because it shouldn't matter. People can "decide" to be gay and they deserve just as much legitimacy either way, just like those of a particular religion (another choice...at least in adulthood) might expect to be protected under the law.
December 10, 2009
whichbe commented on the word wetware
With products like BrainGate I don't think this term is all that odd. Mind apps, ya know?
December 9, 2009
whichbe commented on the word YMMV
Your Mileage May Vary
December 5, 2009
whichbe commented on the user siriusdorr
He made a real boner posting on Wordnik.
December 5, 2009
whichbe commented on the word you're something of a hotdog, aren't you
$2 microphone (plus s/h): Genius MIC-01A Black 3.5mm Connector Metallic Microphone - problem solved.
December 5, 2009
whichbe commented on the word idiotproof
Quality word.
December 4, 2009
whichbe commented on the list words-that-sound-dirty-but-really-aren-t
December 4, 2009
whichbe commented on the user chinaware
On a scale of 1-10, how aware of your chin are you?
December 3, 2009
whichbe commented on the word newzak
Jon Stewart coined; for news that is blabbering and stupid.
December 3, 2009
whichbe commented on the word Umbrage
The fact that you haven't already google-searched the number of calories burned through keyboard strokes hath fanned the flames once and again betookthed by umBrage.
November 30, 2009
whichbe commented on the user reesetee
I was thinking that some Bird Song pronunciations would be amazing.
November 30, 2009
whichbe commented on the word man-hating
Someone please put a hat on that guy.
November 30, 2009
whichbe commented on the word Umbrage
I take Umbrage at your non-inclusion of umbragE. Have you no decency?
November 30, 2009
whichbe commented on the word azopt
When an adopted child is taken from their adopted parents.
November 30, 2009
whichbe commented on the word angeliq
Makes hot flashes hip again.
November 30, 2009
whichbe commented on the word ultram
I think this might be the serum they gave Captain America as Weapon 1.
November 30, 2009
whichbe commented on the word zenpep
Allows your pancreas to transcend.
November 30, 2009
whichbe commented on the word hyzaar
The boss at the end of level three that, when successfully defeated, will lower your character's blood pressure.
November 30, 2009
whichbe commented on the list pharmacontents
The words on this list have provided me with the most enjoyment from the Twitter-chatter feeds.
November 30, 2009
whichbe commented on the word americaine
An anesthetic.
November 30, 2009
whichbe commented on the word brovana
A drug that enlightens dudes.
November 30, 2009
whichbe commented on the word IANAL
I am Not A Lawyer
November 29, 2009
whichbe commented on the word limh
As far as I can tell, Chained_Bear coined this acronym to mean "laughing in my head" on lol.
November 29, 2009
whichbe commented on the word i miss wordie
Likeflannel, right now I think we're still in the grunge days. That is to say that I'm fairly certain that after some time the Wordnik-Wordie conflation will be easier to use and ultimately better.
November 29, 2009
whichbe commented on the user feedback
Can someone explain to me why I keep seeing words listed under Zeitgeist's "Recently listed" column, but if I go to look at the word/list, there's nothing NEW, and in fact it's old listings? Example: unditchability
November 29, 2009
whichbe commented on the word dominionism
A surprisingly under-reported movement.
November 29, 2009
whichbe commented on the user feedback
John: regarding Postscripture: as soon as I got to the page, I clicked "edit list" and then "save" and BOOM, it's broke again. Was I being naughty? We can just take out the stupid symbol but I'm not sure if that would fix the problem.
November 27, 2009
whichbe commented on the user jmjarmstrong
WB wonders why JM posts his opinion on virtually every phobia page.
November 27, 2009
whichbe commented on the user feedback
I'm not sure where it fits into bugs and whatnot, but I've had problems with one of my lists since the move: Postscripture
November 26, 2009
whichbe commented on the user sciton
November 24, 2009
whichbe commented on the word QFT
Quoted For Truth
November 21, 2009
whichbe commented on the word Askatoon
A very silly oracle.
November 21, 2009
whichbe commented on the word angra mainyu
Also known as Ahriman.
November 21, 2009
whichbe commented on the user alincarman
November 20, 2009
whichbe commented on the list specific-excrement
I'm not sure which poo lists these belong on, but here's some poo words: immerd, imbulbiate, conskite, spatilomancy, merdivorous, coprophagous, dejecta, casson, ornithocoprous
November 20, 2009
whichbe commented on the word omnicef
A drug that takes Unicef to the next level.
November 20, 2009
whichbe commented on the list masonry
tubalcain, mahabone, jahbalon
November 19, 2009
whichbe commented on the word wordie list of the year 2009
Gangerh, I don't know if this year is appropriate or not, what with all the chaos of the site moving, or if there's any interest, but you had asked to conduct WOTY09 and LOTY09. So this is me, prodding you to take the reigns...
November 19, 2009
whichbe commented on the word dark-sided
Watch the Youtube video posted below for a good laugh.
November 19, 2009
whichbe commented on the list bushisms-where-wings-take-dream
November 19, 2009
whichbe commented on the word logout
I made a huge logout and flushed it away.
November 19, 2009
whichbe commented on the word pronunciation
What happens when someone posts a bogus one?
November 19, 2009
whichbe commented on the word unfriend
I've used it as a sarcastic threat to friends of mine.
November 19, 2009
whichbe commented on the word bugs
John, you probably knew this but Regarding My Last Comment: I just noticed that all the undeletable words are all the multi-word ones. That's the common thread; the one-worders delete fine.
November 18, 2009
whichbe commented on the word ln÷oæΣï
Poor thing got hit by a train, I would guess.
November 18, 2009
whichbe commented on the word aggroculture
The cut-throat practices of MegaCorp farming companies like Monsanto.
November 17, 2009
whichbe commented on the word nextra
When getting more isn't just desired, it's expected.
November 17, 2009
whichbe commented on the word ifth
A non-numbered number of wishy-washy counting.
November 17, 2009
whichbe commented on the word glottery
Discovering or delivering too many words all at once.
November 17, 2009
whichbe commented on the word clut
A condensed unit of clutter.
November 17, 2009
whichbe commented on the word posttend
Using one's imagination of an event after it has occurred.
November 17, 2009
whichbe commented on the word bugs
I do a lot of moving on my Trunkjunk list so it's full of examples: Currently, when I "move" a word, it actually just copies the word and leaves behind an undeletable copy where it was meant to be (re)moved from. Eek! Examples are: body count and bleeding edge.
November 17, 2009
whichbe commented on the word fferyllt
Mythical Druidic alchemists.
November 17, 2009
whichbe commented on the word micropause
The definition I keep seeing is something like "is a small duration break taken frequently during periods of continuous computer use."
I think this definition sucks, mostly because of the 'micro' part. To me, a micropause should be the moment of hesitation between word choice when someone is speaking. Is there a word for that?
November 17, 2009
whichbe commented on the user erinmckean
I just watched your TED talk--it's really inspiring. You rock.
November 17, 2009
whichbe commented on the user john
Awesome. Yeah, John, an uppercase "W" would be good. Thanks.
November 17, 2009
whichbe commented on the word comments
John: most of them worked but I can't seem to delete irony mark from http://www.wordnik.com/lists/jihadmiration
November 16, 2009
whichbe commented on the word wordie
Heh. Also, some usernames may result in a chuckle, like reesetee, dontcry, gangerh, qroqqa, and mine.
November 16, 2009
whichbe commented on the word bugs
For what it's worth, I used Google's Cached feature to scan old Wordie.org pages (search phrase "whichbe wordie.org lists"), so I could identify any or all of the missing word lists that have been disconnected from me through the database transfer.
The number is 6. Curious buggers--for when I look at the Word's comments, it *DOES* list the connection to my list, however going to the linked list results in "NOT FOUND". Likewise, these Unfounded lists don't appear on http://www.wordnik.com/people/whichbe/lists
For reference, the 6 lists trapped in Limbo are:
- Wordie Challenge - example poth - http://www.wordnik.com/lists/wordie-challenge
- Scambiguous - ex. know and no - http://www.wordnik.com/lists/scambiguous
- Wakese - ex. monomyth - http://www.wordnik.com/lists/wakese--2
- Punlandia - ex. polish - http://www.wordnik.com/lists/punlandia
- Pharmacontents - ex. moxifloxacin - http://www.wordnik.com/lists/pharmacontents
- Terms of Phonetics - ex. phoneme - http://www.wordnik.com/lists/terms-of-phonetics
Wakese is the most valuable to me since I couldn't recover all its contents via Google.
November 16, 2009
whichbe commented on the list trunkjunk
Note to self. Since I didn't record my lists before the database transfer, I am making a list of "missing lists" that I remember or stumble upon as to hope for recovery.
- Wordie Challenge
- Scambiguous
November 16, 2009
whichbe commented on the word bugs
When non-standard characters (like æ) are displayed on the "recent tags" section of our profiles, it's borked. In the case of æ, they seemed to have been messed up from the transfer of databases, so I manually re-tagged them (it was only about 25 words)... now they display correctly except via the profile page.
November 16, 2009
whichbe commented on the word bugs
When non-standard characters (like æ) are displayed on the "recent tags" section of our profiles, it's borked. In the case of æ, they seemed to have been messed up from the transfer of databases, so I manually re-tagged them (it was only about 25 words)... now they display correctly except via the profile page.
November 16, 2009
whichbe commented on the word cóiste-bodhar
Would someone post a pronunciation for this?
November 16, 2009
whichbe commented on the word illustrated sweet tooth fairy
I have no idea what any of this means.
November 15, 2009
whichbe commented on the word bugs
Just noticed that occassionally a word will have an unparsed dump of a word list in the EXAMPLES section. A good example would be on the word casson: http://www.wordnik.com/words/casson/examples
November 15, 2009
whichbe commented on the word stable
Git yer horses inna some stable conditions, Doc.
November 15, 2009
whichbe commented on the word comments
Good point here, too: a word could have value on the site in terms of comments/lists but this could be virtually invisible to a random passerby. So, the initial Word page ought to have some subtle way to indicate conversation/listing of a word is present.
November 15, 2009
whichbe commented on the word suggestions
Mollusque hit on a great point: We should have a strategy for when/if there's a massive conversation flood happening, which can be very possible if there's indeed hundreds of regulars posting. We can set-up something to facilitate and encourage growth this way--I believe the Wordie method would put a lid on this by making conversation threads difficult to track. Because the nature of the site is a scrolly-comments form (which I like) rather than posts-on-forums, the little quips seem kind of...disjointed. Now, I'm sure there's plenty of people that like this quality so maybe it's best to keep.
I guess the potential problem is that when there's a STORM of comments, it's really easy for conversation threads to fall through the cracks, ya know? This means that the site's very design itself would become the conversation killer.
Not sure how to do it. One idea might be to have a "Follow This Thread" feature (editable from our Profiles? and perhaps addable from a Word's dropdown menu near the top) where we can track the conversation of select words (or lists?). ThreadTrack or something. What do you think?
November 15, 2009
whichbe commented on the word vaginal yeast infection
I just noticed that the acronym for this condition is vyi which reminds me of fyi.
November 15, 2009
whichbe commented on the word cardiomegaly
This must be a beneficial condition.
November 15, 2009
whichbe commented on the user Prolagus
I'm lowercase too. The Uppercase you Observe is because I put an Uppercase Letter in my First Name zone above which does not appear when I post Comments.
November 15, 2009
whichbe commented on the word comments
John: right now when I've moved some two-word phrases from one list to another, and they turn up as: thing+thing -- that is, with a "+" instead of a space. To make matters worse, they new moved-words are gallstones that can not be deleted from my wordish urinary tract.
November 15, 2009
whichbe commented on the word googlewhack
Mollusque: I have a hunch that within a week or so this will change. All that new data takes time for the google spiders...
November 15, 2009
whichbe commented on the word comments
You probably already know that comments on list pages don't display on Zeitgeist.
November 13, 2009
whichbe commented on the list phonomena
I'll be deleting this list in the near future. It's not got many words, but some of them are rather nice. Audio-oddities.
November 13, 2009
whichbe commented on the list blippets
Now an open list.
November 13, 2009
whichbe commented on the word ☃
Prolagus: (7 months later) it's called the Title Bar.
November 13, 2009
whichbe commented on the word comments
I guess I can be the one to ask about tags. I had some thousand things tagged. I can see that they're still there, though they no longer be attached to "me". Will things remain this way or will I get re-connected to those old tags. Some of mine were silly, but others were useful or special to me.
November 13, 2009
whichbe commented on the list words-of-the-day--3
I like dailies like this, thanks for doing it.
November 13, 2009
whichbe commented on the word suggestions
I like the idea of more Profile/user features, all small things. Like choosing which of one's own lists to display on our profile page, we could also have a configurable selection for the Favorites listing, thus pimping the best of the best in general, not just more-recent.
Also, frindley points to the idea of more user-to-user interaction. We've discussed and (mostly) dismissed the idea of personal messaging on Wordie, however a "search" feature might be good. In general, the Profile questions need to be re-thought with the change, too... Location seems like a good field. The I AM A/SEEKING A___ question was a ha-ha funny but I feel that a more fill-in-the-blank approach would be better (ever-mocking the notion of 'Profiles'-as-personal-ads gets old)... I'll brainstorm up some possible new profile questions later today.
November 13, 2009
whichbe commented on the word suggestions
Someone made the suggestion that a user-configurable preference to set the "COMMENTS" section be the default (if so desired, rather than 'Definitions') would be good for some of the conversation-heavy Wordie users. Seems like a good idea.
November 12, 2009
whichbe commented on the word comments
I find many of the design-specific aspects of Wordnik better than Wordie. Actually, after looking around some more, things are on the whole a considerable improvement. With bug fixes, the ability to make little improvements at a faster pace, and the ability to turn off that hideous Twitter feed, I think I'm plenty happy.
Perks: a whole TEAM of people to develop and maintain the site instead of poor John having to do all things administrative and programming. And TONS of word data all on one page!
November 12, 2009
whichbe commented on the word comments
Yeah, don't take my comments harshly either. The new site might make a good excuse to get back involved with this adorable concept/site.
I'd like to make one important request for-soon: LIST DELETE. I've been meaning for a while to do some spring (winter?) cleaning and that involves nuking a few old, stupid lists of mine.
Also, some of my lists appear to be missing. Example: WORDIE CHALLENGE. This makes me scared 'cause I didn't record my lists list and now some of them may have fallen through the cracks... although I can find that list referenced here: http://www.wordnik.com/words/wordie+word+of+the+year+2008/comments
November 12, 2009
whichbe commented on the word suggestions
Probably a bad time to make a suggestion with today being a Wordie-to-Wordnik transfer day, but: I like the "Lists" list at the top right of our profile. It would be even cooler if there were some way to select which 8 lists appear on that column, as to point profile-perusers to Prominent lists of ours. It would also give our profiles us that personalized, representative sparkly touch.
November 12, 2009
whichbe commented on the word comments
Bug bad. Fire burn.
November 12, 2009
whichbe commented on the word comments
It feels very creepy to me that "recently looked up words" appears as list on profile pages. That's T.M.I. ((LINE BREAK HERE)) Also, what's the logic behind the order of Favorited words? It used to be in Order-Added, now it seems vaguely alphabetical but fairly random.
November 12, 2009
whichbe commented on the word comments
Apparently CARRIAGE RETURNS don't work either. And I can't re-edit a comment?
November 12, 2009
whichbe commented on the word comments
I'm not trying to be the bug-fairy because I, for one, like the refreshing nature of change, and the chance to add new features and people to the site. Here is, however, some things I've noticed which are probably obvious:
- can't add a word to one of my lists from the word's page?
- variation in CAPS vERSiONs of ThINGs versus NO CAPS means confusion?
- one of my old lists broke completely when I added a word with brackets and an exclamation point ! Will I ever get it back??? http://www.wordnik.com/lists/trunkjunk
- There are some lists that I have listed as "Favorited" that are actually artifacts of Un-favorited lists of christmas past... and when I try to Un-favorite them, they are not there!
November 12, 2009
whichbe commented on the user Jubjub
Did you grow up in Delaware?
November 12, 2009
whichbe commented on the word witchgrass
Which witch switches switch?
November 3, 2009
whichbe commented on the word jude
Hey Jude Flowchart
October 30, 2009
whichbe commented on the list my-little-phonies
The 21 Awesomest Superhero Mods for My Little Pony
October 30, 2009
whichbe commented on the word yiddish
Key Words and Phrases of Yiddish
October 28, 2009
whichbe commented on the list the-list-of-words-that-contain-barrack-obamas-name
Does BHO (his initials, in immediate order) count?
October 16, 2009
whichbe commented on the word chout
This must be short for "watch out".
October 4, 2009
whichbe commented on the word blobfish
October 1, 2009
whichbe commented on the list words-with-more-than-60-definitions
September 25, 2009
whichbe commented on the word let freedom ka-ching
A segment that suggests we could elect President of the United States Clippy.
September 21, 2009
whichbe commented on the list insults-to-confuse-enemies
Good list.
September 19, 2009
whichbe commented on the word lippy
Location-Independent Professional
August 22, 2009
whichbe commented on the word congressional sausage factory
I read this as sausage party, which also applies.
August 16, 2009
whichbe commented on the word modest
The most MOD.
July 19, 2009
whichbe commented on the list ends-in-ene
You might find some good picks from my Bébé to Zeze list.
July 18, 2009
whichbe commented on the list oh-nosology
I'm going to delete this list in a day or so (it irritates me in its uselessness), if anyone has wanted to start a disease list, pilfer now.
July 17, 2009
whichbe commented on the word swearing
"Chris Code...points out that it is possible to neurobiologically to separate swearwords from other words in language. Swearing actually uses parts of the brain that support language and also parts of the brain that are used when laughing and crying. Often people with severe brain damage remain able to swear even when they are unable to produce other language. Perhaps swearing is the remnant of an evolutionary step at which cries were were some mix of automatic and voluntary articulation."
-- Christine Kenneally, The First Word, p116
July 16, 2009
whichbe commented on the word orangutan
"There is a saying among primate keepers, Heidi Lyn explained, that if you give a screwdriver to a chimp, it will throw it at someone. If you give a screwdriver to a gorilla, it will scratch itself. But if you give a screwdriver to an orangutan, it will let itself out of the cage."
-- Christine Kenneally, The First Word, p90
July 16, 2009
whichbe commented on the word truth
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." -- Arthur Schopenhauer
July 15, 2009
whichbe commented on the word spandrel
"The 'Stephen Jay Gould line' was that scientists were too quick to apply evolutionary explanations to everything. Some features of our lives did not result from adaptation, he argued, but are just accidental by-products of other evolutionary changes. Gould called these biological artifacts 'spandrels.'"
-- Christine Kenneally, The First Word, p54
July 15, 2009
whichbe commented on the word universal grooming grammar
"Chimpanzees, obviously, have basal ganglia. Birds have basal ganglia. So do rats. When rats carry out genetically preprogrammed sequences of grooming steps, they are using the basal ganglia. If their basal ganglia are damaged, then their separate grooming moves are left intact, but their ability to execute a sequence of them is disrupted. (Lieberman calls their grooming pattern UGG, universal grooming grammar.)"
-- Christine Kenneally, The First Word, p78
July 15, 2009
whichbe commented on the word r-coloring
Soviet Clippy?
July 15, 2009
whichbe commented on the list letterrorists
Perhaps an inspired Wordizen can do it.
July 6, 2009
whichbe commented on the word england
Of course the doctor was careful to england the patient properly during the surgery.
July 3, 2009
whichbe commented on the list demongering
July 2, 2009
whichbe commented on the word vorarephilia
Also called vore.
July 1, 2009
whichbe commented on the word hizz
Older spelling of hiss.
July 1, 2009
whichbe commented on the word jawn
Also: original spelling of yawn.
July 1, 2009
whichbe commented on the word sowl
Original spelling of soul.
July 1, 2009
whichbe commented on the word dazz
A genre of music with qualities of both disco music and jazz.
July 1, 2009
whichbe commented on the word yaff
To bark like a snarling dog.
July 1, 2009
whichbe commented on the list self-concept
Yes, thanks.
June 30, 2009
whichbe commented on the list words-of-the-future-part-2
Elohi, using Shisler's work:
tw = "Small Sounds, Twisting Movements" or "Plucking And Tweaking"
ang = "Extended Sound" and Unclassified
But since twang is a real word, it wouldn't be on this list.
June 30, 2009
whichbe commented on the word yad
Rod used by readers of the Torah as a pointer for following text. (From The Phrontistery)
June 30, 2009
whichbe commented on the list words-of-the-future-part-2
I've finally posted an explanation for this list.
June 30, 2009
whichbe commented on the list xcessive
Xtra suggestions appreciated! Open list.
June 30, 2009
whichbe commented on the word goom
The original spelling of groom.
June 30, 2009
whichbe commented on the word xer
A member of Generation X.
June 30, 2009
whichbe commented on the word xat
A carved totem pole of various North American Indian peoples.
June 30, 2009
whichbe commented on the list no-dearth-of-deadly-designations
June 30, 2009
whichbe commented on the list hats-off
topper and tam
June 30, 2009
whichbe commented on the list fabricated-words
This list has some good neologisms. I linked it here.
June 28, 2009
whichbe commented on the word blizz
Follow your blizz.
June 28, 2009
whichbe commented on the word graver
Gothic raver.
June 27, 2009
whichbe commented on the word murmled
"A man or beast is said to be murmuled about the feet when going lame; sometimes murbled." John Jamieson's Etymological Scottish Dictionary, 1808.
June 27, 2009
whichbe commented on the list wordie-challenge
Actually, I just added 12 more Wordies to the end of that list, based on active people from the main page. John coded the "contributors" part of the open-list feature smart enough to notice who is newly added and who isn't.
June 27, 2009
whichbe commented on the word polyphasic sleep
Hello, polyphasic sleep.
June 26, 2009
whichbe commented on the word dacryd
WORDIE CHALLENGE: define this word!
June 26, 2009
whichbe commented on the word hytile
WORDIE CHALLENGE: define this word!
June 26, 2009
whichbe commented on the word julkty
WORDIE CHALLENGE: define this word!
June 26, 2009
whichbe commented on the word batfish
A freaky-looking thing.
June 26, 2009
whichbe commented on the word triple-u
June 26, 2009
whichbe commented on the word psychosis
Look out for my sibling, she's nuts.
June 26, 2009
whichbe commented on the list obtuphemisms
Now an open list.
June 25, 2009
whichbe commented on the word gruntles
Aw! What a cute little gruntle!
June 21, 2009
whichbe commented on the list refereemotional
Brain detects happiness more quickly than sadness
June 19, 2009
whichbe commented on the word berth
China's industrial sector has way too much childberth.
June 19, 2009
whichbe commented on the word frinkled
"AHH Get me out of this baff! I'm all frinkled!"
June 19, 2009
whichbe commented on the list evocative-sounds
Now an open list.
June 19, 2009
whichbe commented on the word niggardly
“Be not niggardly of what costs thee nothing, as courtesy, counsel, & countenance.�? --Benjamin Franklin
June 17, 2009
whichbe commented on the word ubiquitous
This word sticks out in my mind as the first new word I learned in 9th grade English glass.
June 17, 2009
whichbe commented on the list terrible-twords
Twitty Tag
June 14, 2009
whichbe commented on the word assonant
Not the sound of farts.
June 14, 2009
whichbe commented on the word blissom
June 14, 2009
whichbe commented on the word political capital
What the hell is this anyway?
June 14, 2009
whichbe commented on the word mnemonician
The owner of a memory palace.
June 14, 2009
whichbe commented on the word friend turnover
"Seven years from now, a new study reports, your friend group will probably look entirely different, even though it’ll still be the same size..."
June 14, 2009
whichbe commented on the word staremaster
Equipment for eye exercises.
June 13, 2009
whichbe commented on the list femanimales
Hmm. Are there any words that refer specifically to the female of a species, not as derogatorily...?
June 13, 2009
whichbe commented on the word cinematographer
Often a movie's director will get the credit for artsy things that cinematographers do.
June 10, 2009
whichbe commented on the word 남�? 튀김
The break-dancing troop doesn't hesitate before showing off some moves.
June 10, 2009
whichbe commented on the word hylee
What's this?
June 10, 2009
whichbe commented on the word ogma
The honeymouth.
June 9, 2009
whichbe commented on the list bits-and-pieces
Bahaha, what's the story with this awesome list?
June 5, 2009
whichbe commented on the list italian-politics
Berlusconi denies 'spicy' affair
May 29, 2009
whichbe commented on the word confabulatory hypermnesia
Severe False Memory Syndrome
May 28, 2009
whichbe commented on the word super recognition
With extraordinary face recognition ability, never forget a face
May 23, 2009
whichbe commented on the list words-i-needed-at-the-time
Hey... I've made an attempt to collect some Wordie neologisms on this list. Make some more words here and I'll link this on there.
May 23, 2009
whichbe commented on the word mögel
(Swedish) mold, mould, mildew.
May 18, 2009
whichbe commented on the word 冥界
"Two adventurers approach."
May 18, 2009
whichbe commented on the list more-bird-wirds-north-america
May 18, 2009
whichbe commented on the word moop
Matter Out Of Place
May 18, 2009
whichbe commented on the word nex
(Latin) death, slaughter, violent death.
May 18, 2009
whichbe commented on the word xex
A (tweakable) mode of operation of a block cipher. (Wiktionary)
May 18, 2009
whichbe commented on the word titch
(Brit/Aus) A small person. (World Wide Words)
May 18, 2009
whichbe commented on the word vappy
Adorably vapid?
May 18, 2009
whichbe commented on the list clarice-s-notes
Cute list. Linked here. Keep it up!
May 17, 2009
whichbe commented on the word flink
A group of twelve or more cows.
May 16, 2009
whichbe commented on the word friendzy
Socializing mania.
May 16, 2009
whichbe commented on the word but
A word best followed with a dramatic pause.
May 16, 2009
whichbe commented on the word vergatorio
Chavez's "Vergatorio" Cell Phone Reaches New Product Naming Low
May 15, 2009
whichbe commented on the word experience
I am experiencing all of you experiencing me experiencing all of you.
May 14, 2009
whichbe commented on the word grow up
I heard that at a certain age people start to shrink.
May 14, 2009
whichbe commented on the word success
Putting the suck in success.
May 14, 2009
whichbe commented on the word regret
I regret taking candy from that baby.
May 14, 2009
whichbe commented on the word admire
I admire anyone who has destroyed their television for their good sense.
May 14, 2009
whichbe commented on the word parental indignation
The resistance that parents reflexively express when their parenting styles or skills are criticized.
May 14, 2009
whichbe commented on the list words-with-more-than-60-definitions
Don't you think the word interesting is just so interesting?
May 14, 2009
whichbe commented on the word enfleurage
Featured in the novel Perfume: The Story of a Murderer
May 14, 2009
whichbe commented on the list words-with-more-than-60-definitions
Perhaps this list might also be of use to you...
May 13, 2009
whichbe commented on the user fwyxx
I like your username. What is it?
May 12, 2009
whichbe commented on the list lifehacking
Dear God
May 12, 2009
whichbe commented on the list wildfeed
Holy crap
May 12, 2009
whichbe commented on the word puff piece
A journalistic form of puffery; an article or story of exaggerating praise that often ignores or downplays opposing viewpoints or evidence to the contrary. (Wiktionary)
May 11, 2009
whichbe commented on the word fark
Fake news, sensational; a substanceless puff piece.
May 11, 2009
whichbe commented on the word rumpsprung
(Southern phrase) Poorly dressed.
May 11, 2009
whichbe commented on the word autodidadct
May 5, 2009
whichbe commented on the word bugs
I don't know if this is just true from my browser (Firefox ver 2.0), but if I come at the homepage without having logged in, NO CONTENT comes up. Blank page. Once I've logged in, stuff is there. Other pages work, but not the homepage. Is this intentional??
May 5, 2009
whichbe commented on the list words-with-more-than-60-definitions
Good idea. I'd imagine set belongs here. You might find a few more pickings on this list.
May 3, 2009
whichbe commented on the user ipodrulz
I implore you to make more use of the ipood tags.
May 3, 2009
whichbe commented on the word goposaur
May 2, 2009
whichbe commented on the user whichbe
In a month I'll be moving north to Olympia, Washington. I'm pretty excited!
May 1, 2009
whichbe commented on the list stink-differenttm
Good ones! I'm making this an open list.
April 27, 2009
whichbe commented on the word reverse psychology
The anti-placebo effect
April 24, 2009
whichbe commented on the list any-words-list-its-open
Keeping the ALINCARMAN dream alive!
April 23, 2009
whichbe commented on the word denim
Demon Denim by George F Will
April 23, 2009
whichbe commented on the word pedisedate
"Once the child places it on his or her head and swings the snorkel down from its resting place atop the head, PediSedate transparently monitors respiratory function and distributes nitrous oxide, an anesthetic gas. The child comfortably becomes sedated while playing with a Nintendo Game Boy system or listening to music." -- PediSedate
April 23, 2009
whichbe commented on the word dreams
Lovely quote, seanahan. Perhaps to have no dreams is the true sleep.
April 23, 2009
whichbe commented on the word personal outsourcing
Brilliant idea by The Onion
April 23, 2009
whichbe commented on the word bastake
"Oopsie! I made a bastake!"
April 21, 2009
whichbe commented on the list delusionium
Now an open list.
April 20, 2009
whichbe commented on the list originventory
Now an open list.
April 20, 2009
whichbe commented on the list thready-or-knot
Now an open list.
April 20, 2009
whichbe commented on the list confusually
Now an open list.
April 20, 2009
whichbe commented on the list brand-theft-auto
Now an open list.
April 20, 2009
whichbe commented on the list quaintnesses
This is a cute list.
April 20, 2009
whichbe commented on the word deoxyribonucleicacid
This is two words.
April 20, 2009
whichbe commented on the word fufflection
"Lookit!@ Dat shiny hasa fufflection!"
April 20, 2009
whichbe commented on the word eryer
It happened at a previous time.
April 20, 2009
whichbe commented on the list vagina
I'll leave this for someone else to add: http://www.starma.com/penis/muffy/muffy.html
April 19, 2009
whichbe commented on the word zibble
What's a zibble?
April 14, 2009
whichbe commented on the word kaffeeklatsch
I want this to be the German version of The View.
April 14, 2009
whichbe commented on the word plode
Just plode.
April 11, 2009
whichbe commented on the word glamping
A form of camping that includes expensive equipment, fine food, and other luxuries; blend of glamor and camping. (From WordSpy)
April 1, 2009
whichbe commented on the word omgwtfbbq
March 14, 2009
whichbe commented on the word blaccent
Do Blacks and Whites Hear Obama Differently?
March 4, 2009
whichbe commented on the word ¡hola!
Hola if ya hear me.
February 28, 2009
Show 200 more comments...