from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
- noun That aspect of things that is caused by differing qualities of the light reflected or emitted by them, definable in terms of the observer or of the light, as.
- noun The appearance of objects or light sources described in terms of the individual's perception of them, involving hue, lightness, and saturation for objects, and hue, brightness, and saturation for light sources.
- noun The characteristics of light by which the individual is made aware of objects or light sources through the receptors of the eye, described in terms of dominant wavelength, luminance, and purity.
- noun A gradation or variation of this aspect, especially when other than black, white, or gray; a hue.
- noun A substance, such as a dye, pigment, or paint, that imparts a hue.
- noun The use of different colors in visual representation.
- noun The different colors used in visual representation.
- noun The general appearance of the skin, especially as an indication of good health:
- noun A reddening of the face, as a blush or sign of anger.
- noun Skin pigmentation considered as a racial characteristic or a marker of racial identity, especially when other than white.
- noun A colored item, such as a badge, ribbon, or piece of clothing, serving as an identifying mark.
- noun A flag or banner, as of a country or military unit.
- noun The salute made during the ceremony of raising or lowering a flag.
- noun One's opinion or position.
- noun Character or nature.
- noun An outward and often deceptive appearance.
- noun Appearance of authenticity.
- noun Law The appearance of a legal claim, as to a right or office.
- noun Vividness or variety in expression.
- noun Commentary distinguished by vivid details or background information, as during a sports broadcast.
- noun Local color.
- noun The use or effect of pigment in painting, as distinct from form.
- noun Music Quality of tone or timbre.
- noun A particle or bit of gold found in auriferous gravel or sand.
- intransitive verb To impart color to or change the color of.
- intransitive verb To give a distinctive character or quality to; modify.
- intransitive verb To exert an influence on; affect.
- intransitive verb To misrepresent, especially by distortion or exaggeration.
- intransitive verb To gloss over; excuse.
- intransitive verb To take on color.
- intransitive verb To change color.
- intransitive verb To become red in the face; redden or blush.
from The Century Dictionary.
- noun plural In faro, a system of play by which the cards bet upon are selected according to the color of the first winner or first loser.
- noun plural The commission of ensign in the British military service; usually a pair of colours.
- noun In calico-printing, any mordant or pigment that is printed on cloth, made into a paste by means of some thickening substance, as starch, gum, etc.
- noun Color which has no reflections.
- To give or apply a color to; change or alter the color or hue of; dye; tinge; paint; stain.
- Figuratively— To cause to appear different from the reality; give a specious appearance to; set in a fair light; palliate; excuse; make plausible.
- To give a special character or distinguishing quality to, analogous to color in a material object.
- To become red in the face; flush; blush: as, he colored from bashfulness: often followed by up.
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Help support Wordnik (and make this page ad-free) by adopting the word color.
Depends on _form_, with More appropriate to objects color as a secondary adjunct. which depend on _color_ for their principal charm.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 829, November 21, 1891 Various
If the required color extends uniformly over the entire loaf, the bottom and the sides, as well as the top, 2 more is added to the score of the crust for _uniformity of color_.
Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 1: Essentials of Cookery; Cereals; Bread; Hot Breads
This naturally suggests, not only a record of each separate color sensation, but also a union of these records in series and groups to form a _color score_, similar to the musical score by which the measured relations of sound are recorded.
A Color Notation A measured color system, based on the three qualities Hue, Value and Chroma 1888
No slight difference this, when we reflect on the contrarieties of practice ultimately connected with the opposing principles; above all on the eminent one that, as all Van Eyck's color, except the high lights, must have been equivalent to a glaze, while the great body of _color_ in
On the Old Road Vol. 1 (of 2) A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature John Ruskin 1859
PixelGetColor, color, % MouseX%, % MouseY% if % color% = 0x000000
AutoHotkey Community 2010
PixelGetColor, color, % MouseX%, % MouseY% if % color% = 0x000000
AutoHotkey Community 2010
MsgBox The color at the current cursor position is \% color\%.
AutoHotkey Community 2009
MsgBox The color at the current cursor position is \% color\%. return I believe this was intended to be
AutoHotkey Community 2009
StringReplace, OutputVar, InputVar, % color$, 0xFFFFFF, ReplaceAll? and loop color to change to everything but black .... but this will take FOREVER ... and im hoping theres a better way to do it. replace all on the way should be a little bit faster var =
AutoHotkey Community 2009
MsgBox The color at the current cursor position is \% color\%.
AutoHotkey Community 2009
Related Words
synonyms (991)
Words with the same meaning
- Adrianople red
- Alice blue
- Arabian red
- Argos brown
- Bordeaux
- Brunswick black
- Brunswick blue
- Burgundy
- Capri blue
- Cassel yellow
- Chinese blue
- Chinese white
- Claude tint
- Cologne brown
- Columbian red
- Congo rubine
- Copenhagen blue
- Dresden blue
- Dutch orange
- Egyptian green
- English red
- French blue
- French gray
- Gobelin blue
- Goya
- Guinea green
- India pink
- Indian red
- Irish green
- Janus green
- Kelly green
- Kendal green
- Kildare green
- Klangfarbe
- Lincoln green
- Majolica earth
- Mars orange
- Mars violet
- Mexican red
- Mitis green
- Montpellier green
- Nile green
- Paris green
- Paris yellow
- Persian blue
- Persian red
- Pompeian blue
- Prussian blue
- Prussian red
- Quaker green
- Roman umber
- Saint Benoit
- Saxe blue
- Saxony green
- Schweinfurt green
- Spanish green
- Spanish ocher
- Tanagra
- Tangier ocher
- Technicolor
- Titian
- Turkey red
- Turkey umber
- Tyrian purple
- Vandyke red
- Vienna green
- Wedgwood blue
- Wedgwood green
- absinthe
- acid yellow
- acier
- acorn
- acting
- action
- adjunct
- adorn
- adornment
- affect
- affectation
- air
- alabaster
- alesan
- alibi
- alizarin brown
- allow for
- allowance
- amber
- amethyst
- amidonaphthol red
- anagnorisis
- aniline black
- aniline blue
- annatto
- anthracene brown
- anthragallol
- antique brown
- antique gold
- any color
- apology
- appearance
- apple green
- apply paint
- apricot
- aqua green
- aquamarine
- architectonics
- architecture
- argument
- arrangement
- array
- arsenic yellow
- ash
- ash gray
- atmosphere
- attitude
- attitudinizing
- aureolin
- autumn leaf
- avocado green
- azo blue
- azo-orange
- azulene
- azure
- azurite blue
- baby blue
- background
- badge
- balance
- banner
- barium sulfate
- bat
- bearing
- beautify
- bedaub
- bedeck
- bedizen
- begild
- belie
- bend
- benzoazurine
- beryl
- beryl green
- besmear
- besprinkle
- bias
- bice
- biscuit
- bister
- blanc fixe
- blanch
- blazon
- bleu celeste
- blind
- blond
- blood
- blue black
- blue turquoise
- bluff
- bluffing
- blush
- bone black
- bone brown
- bottle green
- bracken
- brand
- breathe
- breed
- brew
- bright color
- bright rose
- brightness
- brilliance
- brow
- brush on paint
- brushwork
- buff
- bunny brown
- burgee
- burgundy
- burlesque
- burnt Roman ocher
- burnt almond
- burnt carmine
- burnt ocher
- burnt rose
- burnt sienna
- butter
- cadet blue
- cadmium orange
- cadmium yellow
- cafe noir
- calamine blue
- calcimine
- camouflage
- canary
- carbon black
- cardinal
- caricature
- carmine
- carnation
- carnelian
- carotene
- carriage
- cartoon
- cast
- cast of countenance
- catastrophe
- celadon
- censor
- cerulean
- chalk
- chamois
- champagne
- change color
- character
- characterization
- charcoal
- chartreuse
- chartreuse green
- chartreuse tint
- chartreuse yellow
- cheating
- chestnut
- chrome
- chrome black
- chrome lemon
- chrome orange
- chrome oxide green
- chrome red
- chrome yellow
- chromogen
- chrysophenin
- chrysoprase green
- ciba blue
- cinder gray
- cinnabar
- citron green
- civette green
- clan
- clang color
- claret
- clematis
- cloak
- cloud gray
- coat
- coat of paint
- coating
- cobalt
- cobalt green
- cochineal
- coconut
- color filter
- color gelatin
- color patterns
- color up
- colorant
- colorfulness
- coloring
- colors
- complexion
- complication
- composition
- conceal
- continuity
- contrivance
- copper
- copper red
- coptic
- copy
- corbeau
- cordovan
- cornflower
- countenance
- cover
- cover story
- cover-up
- cramoisie
- crash
- crayon
- cream
- cresol red
- crimson
- crocus
- crosshatch
- crystal gray
- cucumber green
- cyan
- cyanine blue
- cypress green
- dab
- dahlia
- damask
- damson
- dandelion
- dandify
- darken
- dash off
- daub
- dead leaf
- dead-color
- deception
- deck
- deck out
- decoct
- decontamination
- decor
- decorate
- decoration
- deep-dye
- delft blue
- delineate
- delusion
- demeanor
- denomination
- denouement
- depict
- description
- design
- designation
- development
- device
- diagram
- diminish
- dip
- disguise
- dispose
- dissemblance
- dissembling
- dissimulation
- distemper
- distort
- dizen
- doeskin
- doll up
- doodle
- double-dye
- dove gray
- drab
- draft
- draftsmanship
- draw
- dredge
- dress
- dress up
- drier
- drop black
- duck green
- dun
- dye
- dyestuff
- ease
- edit
- eggshell
- elaboration
- embellish
- embellishment
- emblazon
- emblazonment
- emblazonry
- emblem
- embroider
- embroidery
- emerald
- emeraude
- enamel
- engild
- enrich
- ensign
- entincture
- episode
- erythema
- exaggerate
- excuse
- extenuate
- extenuating circumstances
- extenuation
- extenuative
- exterior paint
- fable
- facade
- face
- facial appearance
- faded rose
- fake
- fakery
- faking
- falling action
- false air
- false front
- false show
- falsify
- falsity
- fast-dye
- favor
- feather
- feature
- features
- feigning
- feint
- fiesta
- fig out
- fir
- fire red
- fix up
- flag
- flame
- flat coat
- flat wash
- flavor
- flax
- flesh
- flesh color
- flesh red
- floor enamel
- floridity
- floridness
- flourish
- flower arrangement
- flush
- foliage brown
- form
- four-flushing
- fox
- fraud
- fresco
- front
- frown
- fuchsia
- fuchsine
- fudge
- furbish
- furniture arrangement
- gaiety
- gamboge
- garb
- garble
- garnish
- garnishment
- garniture
- garter blue
- genre
- genus
- gild
- gilding
- gilt
- gimmick
- glare
- glauconite
- glaucous
- glaucous blue
- glaucous gray
- glaucous green
- glaze
- gloss
- gloss over
- glow
- glower
- gnarl
- golden pheasant
- gonfalon
- gorgeousness
- grace
- grain
- grape
- grass green
- green ocher
- grege
- ground
- grouping
- grow red
- growl
- guise
- gules
- gun metal
- gussy up
- handle
- hatch
- hazel
- helianthin
- heliotrope
- henna
- hide
- high color
- holly green
- honey
- honey yellow
- hue
- humbug
- humbuggery
- hyacinth
- hyacinth red
- identification
- identity
- ignore
- ilk
- illuminate
- illumination
- imbrue
- imbue
- imperial purple
- imposture
- impregnate
- incarnadine
- incident
- incline
- indigo
- indigo white
- induce
- infiltrate
- influence
- infrared
- infuse
- ingrain
- instill
- intensity
- interior paint
- iron gray
- iron red
- isamine blue
- ivory
- ivory black
- jack
- jade
- japan
- jockey
- jonquil
- jouvence blue
- kidney
- kin
- kind
- label
- lacquer
- lake
- lame excuse
- lampblack
- lapis lazuli blue
- lavender
- lavender blue
- lay on color
- lead
- lead gray
- leaf green
- leather
- leaven
- lemon chrome
- lessen
- light red
- lilac
- limn
- line
- lineaments
- lines
- liver brown
- livid pink
- lobster
- local color
- locus standi
- look black
- look daggers
- looks
- lot
- lower
- loyalties
- madder
- madder blue
- madder crimson
- madder lake
- madder orange
- madder pink
- madder rose
- madder yellow
- magenta
- magnify
- maize
- make
- make allowance for
- malachite green
- mallow
- mallow pink
- mandarin
- manner
- mantle
- maple sugar
- marigold
- marine blue
- mark
- maroon
- mask
- masquerade
- massicot
- mauve
- meadow brook
- medium
- melon
- meretriciousness
- metanil yellow
- methyl green
- methyl orange
- methyl yellow
- methylene azure
- methylene blue
- mien
- mignonette
- milori green
- mince
- miscite
- miscolor
- misconstrue
- misdirect
- misinterpret
- misquote
- misrender
- misreport
- misrepresent
- misstate
- misteach
- misuse
- mitigate
- mitigation
- mold
- moleskin
- monsignor
- mood
- moonlight
- moss green
- motif
- mouse gray
- move
- movement
- mulberry
- mummy
- murrey
- myrtle
- mythos
- naphthol yellow
- nature
- navy
- navy blue
- negro
- neutral tint
- new blue
- number
- ocher brown
- ocher orange
- ocher red
- oil yellow
- old blue
- old gold
- old ivory
- old red
- olive
- olive brown
- olivesheen
- opal gray
- opaque color
- orange chrome yellow
- orange lead
- orange madder
- orange mineral
- orange ocher
- orchid
- orchid rose
- oriflamme
- oriole
- ornament
- ornamentation
- orpiment
- orpiment red
- ostensible motive
- ostentation
- otter brown
- outward show
- overcharge
- overdraw
- overpaint
- overstate
- oxblood
- oxide brown
- pad
- paint
- paint a picture
- painterliness
- pale
- palladium red
- palliate
- palliation
- palliative
- pansy
- pansy violet
- parget
- parody
- parrot green
- partridge
- patina green
- peach
- peachblossom pink
- peacock blue
- pearl
- pearl gray
- pebble
- pelican
- pencil
- penetrate
- pennant
- pennon
- pepper-and-salt
- peripeteia
- permeate
- perspective
- persuade
- persuasion
- pervade
- pervert
- philamot
- phosphine
- phylum
- physiognomy
- picture
- picturize
- pigment
- pigmentation
- pink
- plan
- platinum
- plausibility
- playacting
- plot
- plum
- plumbago gray
- pompadour green
- ponceau
- pontiff purple
- poor excuse
- poppy
- port
- portray
- pose
- posing
- position
- posture
- powder blue
- powder gray
- prank
- prank up
- predispose
- preen
- presence
- pretense
- pretension
- pretext
- prettify
- prime
- prime coat
- primer
- priming
- primp
- primp up
- primrose
- primuline yellow
- prink
- prink up
- prompt
- protestation
- public motive
- puce
- pumpkin
- pure color
- purple lake
- purree
- put-off
- put-on
- pyrethrum yellow
- qualification
- quince yellow
- race
- raisin
- raw sienna
- raw umber
- realgar
- realgar orange
- recognition
- red
- red lead
- red ocher
- red pink
- red race
- redden
- reddishness
- redecorate
- redness
- redo
- refuge
- refurbish
- regal purple
- representation
- reseda
- resorcin dark brown
- richness
- rising action
- roan
- roccellin
- rose
- rose pink
- rouge
- royal pink
- royal purple
- rubine
- rubor
- ruby
- ruddle
- rufosity
- russet
- saffron
- salmon
- sand
- sap green
- saturate
- saturation
- scarlet madder
- scheme
- scowl
- scratch
- screen
- scumble
- sea blue
- sea-water green
- seal
- season
- secondary plot
- seeming
- semblance
- serpentine green
- set off
- set out
- shade
- shading
- shadow
- sham
- shamrock
- shape
- shell pink
- shellac
- shocking pink
- show
- silver
- simulacrum
- simulation
- sketch
- sky blue
- slant
- slop on paint
- slur over
- smalt
- smarten
- smarten up
- smear
- smoke blue
- smoke gray
- smoke screen
- snap
- snapdragon
- snarl
- soft-pedal
- soften
- soften up
- softening
- solferino
- sort
- species
- speciousness
- spit
- spruce up
- squirm with self-consciousness
- stain
- stalking-horse
- stammel
- stammer
- stamp
- stance
- stand
- standard
- steel blue
- steel gray
- steep
- stencil
- stil-de-grain yellow
- stipple
- story
- strain
- stratagem
- straw
- strawberry
- streamer
- stripe
- structure
- style
- subject
- subplot
- subterfuge
- suffuse
- sulfur
- sunflower yellow
- suntan
- sway
- switch
- symbols
- taint
- tangerine
- tartrazine
- taupe
- tawny
- tea rose
- technique
- temper
- tempera
- tenne
- terra cotta
- terra sienna
- terra umbra
- terre-verte
- the like of
- the likes of
- thematic development
- theme
- thinner
- timbre
- tinct
- tinction
- tincture
- tinge
- tint
- titivate
- toast
- toluidine red
- tonality
- tone
- tone color
- tone quality
- topaz
- topic
- torture
- trace
- traits
- transfuse
- transparent color
- travesty
- treatment
- tribe
- trick
- trick out
- trick up
- trim
- trimming
- trypan blue
- turn
- turn color
- turn pale
- turn red
- turpentine
- turps
- turquoise
- twist
- type
- ultramarine
- umber
- undercoat
- undercoating
- understate
- values
- variety
- varnish
- vehicle
- veil
- verd gay
- verdant green
- verdet
- verdigris
- vermilionette
- violet
- viridian
- viridine green
- visage
- vividness
- warp
- wash
- wash coat
- wear down
- weigh with
- white lead
- whiten
- whitewash
equivalents (1)
Other words for 'color'
hypernyms (28)
Words that are more generic or abstract
same context (35)
Words that are found in similar contexts
forms (1)
relateds (8)
cross-references (127)
- -ground color
- absorption of color
- accidental colors
- acid color
- acridine color
- albumen colors
- alizarin colors
- animal color
- anthracene color
- anticryptic colors
- apatetic colors
- aposematic colors
- appearance
- application colors
- artists' colors
- azin color
- azo color
- badger
- basic color
- benzidine colors
- body color
- brass-color
- broken colors
- cake-color
- christiansen's colors
- coal-tar colors
- color in pleading
- color index
- color of office
- color of title
- color standard
- colorado grass
- colorado group
- coloring matter
- coloring tool
- colors of thin plates
- complexion
- confluent colors
- dead color
- diamine colors
- diazo color
- direct cotton colors
- distemper colors
- dry color
- ecclesiastical colors
- express color
- fast colors
- fechner's colors
- flag
- flight of colors
- flush
- fresco colors
- fundamental color
- general color
- goods
- gradation of color
- graining-colors
- hering's theory of color vision
- high color
- implied color
- ingrain colors
- intense color
- janus colors
- japan colors
- kongo colors
- law of color
- liturgical colors
- local color
- low color
- misrepresent
- mixture of colors
- mode color
- moist color
- monoazo color
- monogenetic colors
- mordant acid colors
- neutral color
- newton's scale of colors
- nitroso color
- oil-color
- opposite color
- original color
- oxazin color
- oxidation colors
- oxyketone colors
- persons of color
- phthalic anhydrid color
- pigment
- polygenetic colors
- positive colors
- pretext
- primary colors
- principal color
- pulp-colors
- pure color
- raised color
- salute
- secondary colors
- spirit colors
- steam color
- stilbene color
- subjective colors
- substantive color
- sulphid color
- sulphonated azo color
- sulphonated basic color
- sulphone colors
- sulphur color
- tannin color
- tetrakisazo color
- thiazin color
- to cast color
- to change color
- to color
- to fear no colors
- to match colors
- to show one's colors
- triazo color
- triphenylmethane color
- tube-colors
- varnish colors
- virifiable colors
- visual sensation
- water-color
- with the colors
- xanthene color
- young-helmholtz theory of color
sam commented on the word color
UK Spelling: Colour
December 9, 2006
fbharjo commented on the word color
etymologic derivation is from "to hide" as in conceal
June 20, 2007
slumry commented on the word color
interesting. . .
June 20, 2007
Prolagus commented on the word color
A friend of mine, a linguist, has a very unusual blog – especially for a linguist: Colors words.
February 11, 2009