from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
- intransitive verb To cause to exist or happen; bring about; create.
- intransitive verb To bring into existence by shaping, modifying, or putting together material; construct.
- intransitive verb To form by assembling individuals or constituents.
- intransitive verb To change from one form or function to another.
- intransitive verb To cause to be or become.
- intransitive verb To cause to assume a specified function or role.
- intransitive verb To cause to act in a specified manner.
- intransitive verb To compel.
- intransitive verb To form in the mind.
- intransitive verb To compose.
- intransitive verb To prepare; fix.
- intransitive verb To get ready or set in order for use.
- intransitive verb To gather and light the materials for (a fire).
- intransitive verb To engage in.
- intransitive verb To carry out; perform.
- intransitive verb To achieve, produce, or attain.
- intransitive verb To institute or establish; enact.
- intransitive verb To draw up and execute in a suitable form.
- intransitive verb To arrange or agree to.
- intransitive verb To arrive at; reach.
- intransitive verb To reach in time.
- intransitive verb To attain the rank or position of.
- intransitive verb To acquire a place in or on.
- intransitive verb To gain or earn, as by working.
- intransitive verb To behave so as to acquire.
- intransitive verb To score or achieve, as in a sport.
- intransitive verb To assure the success of.
- intransitive verb To favor the development of.
- intransitive verb To be suited for.
- intransitive verb To develop into.
- intransitive verb To draw a conclusion as to the significance or nature of.
- intransitive verb To calculate as being; estimate.
- intransitive verb To consider as being.
- intransitive verb To constitute.
- intransitive verb To add up to.
- intransitive verb To amount to.
- intransitive verb To cover (a distance).
- intransitive verb To constitute the essence or nature of.
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

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Plus, I like to check the quality of a book before I buy..make sure the glue is adequate and the cover isn't pulling away from the binding, check to make sure I am getting a 1st edition, etc.
Quick, Fun Fantasy Quiz #2 Jeff C 2009
Plus, I like to check the quality of a book before I buy..make sure the glue is adequate and the cover isn't pulling away from the binding, check to make sure I am getting a 1st edition, etc.
Archive 2009-02-01 Jeff C 2009
I crossed the road of many Saakachvili's .. in their thirties or fourties, US-trained, long-teethed wolves fascinated by politics to make a carrier, ready to «make History» as long as History is flexible and obedient.
Climate change, he indicated, will make scarce resources, clean water, viable agricultural land even scarcerand this will make the emergence of violent conflict more rather than less likely.
Climate change, he indicated, will make scarce resources, clean water, viable agricultural land even scarcerand this will make the emergence of violent conflict more rather than less likely.
"I'd make everybody on the division wish their own name was Toddles before I was through with them, and I'd _make_ a job for myself."
The Boy Scouts Book of Campfire Stories Franklin K. [Editor] Mathiews
We ask you, then, to remember that our growth -- and your opportunities -- depend not only upon the friends we make, but _the enemies we do not make_.
The Book of Business Etiquette Nella Henney
NOTE. — _fy_, meaning to make, is found as a suffix in derivatives too numerous to mention; as, purify (to _make pure_), rarefy (to _make rare_), classify (to _make_ or put into a _class_), etc.
Orthography As Outlined in the State Course of Study for Illinois Elmer W. Cavins
"Fine feathers make fine birds," the old proverb tells us; but no amount of fine dressing will ever _make_ a lady.
It was as if a little mechanical toy should be contrived to make the motion of striking, and brilliantly _make_ it.
Browning's Heroines Ethel Colburn Mayne
Related Words
synonyms (746)
Words with the same meaning
- ID
- Platonic form
- Platonic idea
- abide by
- abscond
- accomplish
- accrue
- achieve
- acquire
- act
- actuation
- add up to
- adhere to
- administer
- aesthetic form
- affect
- affirm
- aftermath
- aggressive
- agree to
- alter
- amount to
- anatomy
- animus
- announce
- appear
- appoint
- approach
- approach anchorage
- approve
- aptitude
- archetype
- architectonics
- architecture
- arrange
- arrangement
- arrive
- arrive at
- arrive in
- art form
- assail
- assault
- assemblage
- assemble
- assembly
- assertive
- assign
- assimilate to
- atone
- attack
- attain
- attain to
- augment
- author
- authorize
- avails
- baby
- bag
- batch
- be
- be received
- be seized of
- bear
- bear down on
- bear down upon
- bear up for
- bear up to
- bearing
- beat it
- become
- beget
- behave
- bent
- bias
- bind
- blood
- blow in
- blow up
- bob up
- boost
- borrow
- box office
- brand
- breed
- brew
- bring about
- bring forth
- bring off
- bring to
- bring to effect
- bring to pass
- build
- build up
- building
- buildup
- bumper crop
- bury the hatchet
- butter up
- cajole
- calculate
- capture
- carry out
- carry through
- cast
- catch
- cause
- cause to
- certify
- change
- change into
- change over
- character
- charge
- check in
- choose
- clan
- clear
- clear out
- clear the way
- clip off
- clock in
- close with
- closing
- coddle
- coerce
- coin
- color
- combination
- combine
- come
- come by
- come in
- come in for
- come into
- come to
- come to hand
- come to terms
- command
- commission
- commissions
- commit
- communicate
- companion
- compass
- compel
- compensate
- compensate for
- complete
- completion
- compose
- composition
- compound
- comprehend
- conceive
- concoct
- conduct
- configuration
- confirm
- conformation
- consist of
- constitute
- constitution
- constrain
- construct
- construction
- consummate
- contract
- contribute
- contribute to
- contrive
- convert
- convey
- cook
- cook up
- cope
- cope with
- corral
- correct
- cosset
- course
- cover
- create
- creation
- credit
- credits
- crop
- cut
- cut and run
- cut out
- deal with
- decamp
- decide upon
- decipher
- declare
- decoct
- delegate
- deliver
- demonstrate
- denomination
- depute
- deputize
- derive
- description
- descry
- designate
- designation
- detect
- devise
- diathesis
- discern
- discharge
- disclose
- discover
- dispatch
- disposable income
- dispose of
- disposition
- distinguish
- dividend
- dividends
- divulge
- do
- do over
- do the job
- do the trick
- do to
- dote on
- drag down
- draw
- draw on
- draw up
- dream
- dream up
- drive
- earn
- earned income
- earnings
- ebb
- eccentricity
- effect
- effectuate
- elaborate
- elect
- embodiment
- embody
- enact
- energetic
- enforce
- engender
- enter into
- enter into possession
- enterprising
- erect
- espy
- establish
- estimate
- evolve
- exaggerate
- execute
- exhort
- extrude
- fabric
- fabricate
- fabrication
- facilitate
- fall on
- fall upon
- fancy
- fantasize
- fare
- fashion
- fashioning
- father
- fathom
- favor
- feather
- feign
- fetch
- fetch up at
- figuration
- figure
- figure out
- filch
- fill in
- fill out
- fill up
- find
- fix
- fix up
- flatter
- flee
- flood
- flourish
- flow
- flow back
- flow in
- flow out
- flush
- fly
- fly the coop
- follow
- force
- forge
- forging
- form
- format
- formation
- formulate
- found
- frame
- fruit
- fudge together
- fulfill
- function
- gain
- gains
- garner
- gate
- gate receipts
- gather
- gauge
- generate
- genre
- genus
- gestate
- get
- get along
- get by
- get in
- get on
- get there
- get to
- get up
- getup
- give birth to
- give occasion to
- give origin to
- give rise to
- go
- go aboard
- go alongside
- go and do
- go at
- go for
- go into
- go-ahead
- grain
- grasp
- gross
- gross income
- gross receipts
- gush
- hand over
- handle
- harvest
- hatch
- have
- hint
- hit
- hit town
- honor
- hook
- humor
- hyperbolize
- identification
- idiosyncrasy
- ilk
- imagine
- impart
- impel
- implement
- imply
- impression
- impute
- inaugurate
- inclination
- income
- incorporate
- incorporation
- increase
- indicate
- indite
- individualism
- induce
- indulge
- inflict
- initiate
- inner form
- insinuate
- insist upon
- institute
- intake
- interfere
- intimate
- invent
- issue
- join
- judge
- junction
- kidney
- kin
- kind
- knock off
- label
- lay
- lay aboard
- lay for
- lay in
- layout
- leaning
- let slip
- liberate
- lie in
- lift
- line
- lot
- lunge at
- make
- make amends
- make at
- make away with
- make believe
- make do
- make for
- make good
- make it
- make it with
- make known
- make much of
- make off
- make off with
- make out
- make over
- make peace
- make room
- make the grade
- make tracks
- make up
- make up for
- make way
- makeup
- making
- manage
- manner
- manufacture
- manufacturer
- manufacturing
- mark
- mate
- matrix
- mature
- mental set
- mention
- merge in
- metamorphose
- mettle
- mind
- mind-set
- mix
- mixture
- modality
- mode
- model
- modify
- mold
- molding
- mould
- move
- move aside
- muddle through
- mutate
- name
- naturalize
- nature
- navigate
- net
- net income
- net receipts
- number
- oblige
- observe
- obtain
- occasion
- offset
- on the make
- operate
- order
- organic structure
- organism
- organization
- organize
- origin
- originate
- output
- overstate
- pamper
- parent
- pass
- patch together
- pattern
- patterning
- pay
- pay for
- perceive
- perform
- perform as
- perpetrate
- persuade
- persuasion
- phylum
- physique
- piece together
- piecing together
- pilfer
- pinch
- place
- plan
- play
- polish off
- pop up
- pounce upon
- pour
- practice
- predilection
- predisposition
- prefabricate
- preference
- prepare
- present
- press
- pressure
- pretend
- prevail upon
- proceed
- proceeds
- proclivity
- procreate
- procure
- produce
- product
- production
- profits
- promote
- promulgate
- propensity
- prosecute
- prosper
- prototype
- prove to be
- provoke
- publish
- pull down
- pull in
- pull off
- punch in
- purloin
- pushy
- put
- put away
- put away for
- put in
- put in force
- put into port
- put out
- put through
- put to rights
- put together
- put up
- putting together
- race
- raise
- reach
- read
- realize
- reap
- rear
- rearrange
- receipt
- receipts
- receivables
- receive
- reckon
- reconvert
- record
- rectify
- redecorate
- redress
- reduce to
- regurgitate
- remedy
- remodel
- render
- repay
- represent
- require
- resolve into
- restore
- restrain
- return
- returns
- reveal
- revenue
- reverse
- ring in
- rip off
- rob
- roll in
- royalties
- run
- run away
- run for
- run for it
- run off
- run up
- rush
- rush at
- sack
- sail for
- sanction
- score
- scram
- scrape along
- second crop
- secure
- seduce
- see
- select
- serve
- serve as
- set
- set afloat
- set on foot
- set right
- set up
- set upon
- settle
- setup
- shape
- shaping
- shift
- show
- show up
- sign
- sign in
- sign over
- significant form
- sire
- skedaddle
- slant
- sort
- spawn
- species
- square
- stamp
- stand for
- start
- steal
- steer toward
- storm
- strain
- streak
- stream
- stretch
- stripe
- structure
- structuring
- style
- succeed
- suggest
- suppose
- surge
- surge back
- survive
- swipe
- switch
- switch over
- syneresis
- synthesis
- synthesize
- take
- take and do
- take care of
- take in
- take off
- take-in
- takings
- tectonics
- temper
- temperament
- tend
- tendency
- texture
- the like of
- the likes of
- think
- thrive
- tidy up
- tie
- time in
- tip off
- tissue
- total
- transact
- transfer
- transform
- transmute
- travel
- traverse
- trend
- tribe
- triumph
- turn
- turn back
- turn into
- turn of mind
- turn over
- turn the trick
- turn up
- twist
- type
- understand
- unearned income
- unite in
- up and do
- urge
- use force upon
- vamoose
- variety
- versify
- vigorous
- vintage
- warp
- warp and woof
- way
- weave
- web
- whomp up
- win
- work
- work out
- wreak
- write
- write down
- write out
- yield
equivalents (2)
Other words for 'make'
hypernyms (72)
Words that are more generic or abstract
- accomplish
- achieve
- act
- add up
- alter
- amount
- appear
- approximate
- arrive at
- assemble
- assure
- attain
- be
- become
- behave
- change
- clean up
- come
- commit
- comprise
- consider
- constitute
- create
- create by mental act
- create from raw material
- create from raw stuff
- create mentally
- develop
- direct
- do
- ensure
- estimate
- form
- gain
- gather
- gauge
- get together
- grow
- guarantee
- guess
- head
- hit
- insure
- judge
- kind
- look
- makeup
- modify
- neaten
- number
- perpetrate
- persuade
- pull
- rack up
- reach
- reckon
- regard
- represent
- score
- secure
- see
- seem
- sort
- square away
- straighten
- straighten out
- tally
- tidy
- tidy up
- total
- variety
- view
hyponyms (181)
Words more specific or concrete
- access
- actualise
- actualize
- arouse
- assemble
- bear
- beat
- beget
- blast
- bootleg
- bottom out
- breast
- breed
- bring
- bring about
- bring forth
- bring up
- build
- burn
- call down
- call forth
- catchup
- cause
- chop
- choreograph
- churn out
- clap together
- clap up
- clear
- cleave
- come through
- compel
- compose
- confect
- conjure
- conjure up
- construct
- copy
- create
- create by mental act
- create from raw material
- create from raw stuff
- create mentally
- create verbally
- culminate
- custom-make
- customise
- customize
- cut
- decide
- derive
- direct
- distil
- distill
- do
- dummy
- dummy up
- educe
- elaborate
- elicit
- encourage
- engender
- enkindle
- establish
- evoke
- exaggerate
- extract
- extrude
- father
- film
- filmmake
- find
- fire
- form
- froth
- fudge together
- generate
- get
- get at
- get through
- give
- give rise
- grind
- ground
- incorporate
- initiate
- inspire
- instigate
- institute
- invoke
- kindle
- laminate
- lay down
- lead
- let
- machine
- make for
- make over
- manufacture
- mother
- multiply
- obligate
- oblige
- offset
- organise
- organize
- originate
- output
- overdo
- overproduce
- peak
- persuade
- piece
- play
- preassemble
- prefabricate
- prepare
- press
- procreate
- produce
- prompt
- proof
- provoke
- publish
- pulsate
- pulse
- puncture
- put forward
- put on
- put out
- put together
- raise
- re-create
- realise
- realize
- recreate
- redo
- refashion
- regenerate
- remake
- render
- reproduce
- return
- run aground
- scale
- scrape
- set up
- shell
- short
- short-circuit
- sire
- slap together
- smelt
- solicit
- spume
- squeeze out
- start
- stir
- strike
- style
- suborn
- substantiate
- suds
- summit
- surmount
- tack
- tack together
- tailor-make
- throw together
- top
- top out
- track
- turn in
- turn-out
- twine
- underproduce
- work
- wreak
- write
- yield
same context (46)
Words that are found in similar contexts
variants (1)
cross-references (127)
- Collocations of do, have, make, and take
- bad weather
- circuit
- dool
- fur fly
- of
- though
- to make a back
- to make a balk
- to make a berth
- to make a clean breast of
- to make a clean sweep
- to make a difference
- to make a figure
- to make a flash
- to make a long arm
- to make a magnet
- to make a march
- to make a matter of conscience
- to make a mouth
- to make a pair of spectacles
- to make a passage
- to make a virginia fence
- to make account
- to make after
- to make against
- to make all split
- to make amends
- to make an anchorage
- to make an end
- to make an honest woman of
- to make and break
- to make at
- to make avaunt
- to make avizandum
- to make away
- to make away with
- to make believe
- to make bold
- to make bold with
- to make boot of
- to make both ends meet
- to make clear
- to make colors
- to make common cause with
- to make connections
- to make conscience
- to make dainty
- to make danger
- to make danger of
- to make dates
- to make ducks and drakes
- to make earth
- to make even
- to make fast
- to make feast
- to make fish
- to make for
- to make foul water
- to make free with
- to make from
- to make fun of
- to make game of
- to make good
- to make good cheer
- to make head against
- to make headway
- to make hence
- to make interest
- to make it one's business
- to make it so
- to make known
- to make light of
- to make little of
- to make love to
- to make margin
- to make matter
- to make means
- to make merry
- to make mock at
- to make money
- to make nice of
- to make no bones
- to make no doubt
- to make no force
- to make no matter
- to make nothing for
- to make oath
- to make off
- to make off with
- to make one a jape
- to make one's beard
- to make one's honors
- to make one's lucky
- to make one's manners
- to make one's mark
- to make one's market
- to make one's self at home
- to make one's self scarce
- to make one's way
- to make out
- to make over
- to make place
- to make ready
- to make sail
- to make sure
- to make sure of
- to make the best of
- to make the course good
- to make the doors
- to make the land
- to make the magnet
- to make the most of
- to make things hum
- to make unready
- to make up
- to make up for
- to make up leeway
- to make up one's mind
- to make up one's mouth for
- to make up to
- to make war
- to make water
- to make way
- to make with
- to make words
- to meddle
reesetee commented on the word make
See set. The verb make has overtaken the verb set as the longest entry in the OED.
November 16, 2007
vanishedone commented on the word make
'Engage in'?
'I engage in money'
'Let's engage in merry'
'Engage in hay while the sun shines'
'I want to engage in her happy'
'I engage in you my heir'
'Don't engage in a fuss'
'Let us engage in peace'
I suppose the last one is the most probable. WeirdNet strikes again.
November 29, 2007
yarb commented on the word make
Citaion on kooch show.
June 30, 2012