from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
- intransitive verb To cause to separate into pieces suddenly or violently; smash.
- intransitive verb To divide into pieces, as by bending or cutting.
- intransitive verb To separate into components or parts.
- intransitive verb To snap off or detach.
- intransitive verb To cause to undergo a fracture of (a bone, for example).
- intransitive verb To experience a fracture in (a bone, for example).
- intransitive verb To crack without separating into pieces.
- intransitive verb To destroy the completeness of (a group of related items).
- intransitive verb To exchange for smaller monetary units.
- intransitive verb To vary or disrupt the uniformity or continuity of.
- intransitive verb Electricity To render (a circuit) inoperative by disruption; open.
- intransitive verb To open (a shotgun or similar firearm) at the breech, as for loading or cleaning.
- intransitive verb To force or make a way through; puncture or penetrate.
- intransitive verb To part or pierce the surface of.
- intransitive verb To produce (a sweat) copiously on the skin, as from exercise.
- intransitive verb To force one's way out of; escape from.
- intransitive verb To make or bring about by cutting or forcing.
- intransitive verb To find an opening or flaw in.
- intransitive verb To find the solution or key to; uncover the basic elements and arrangement of.
- intransitive verb To make known, as news.
- intransitive verb To surpass or outdo.
- intransitive verb To overcome or put an end to, especially by force or strong opposition.
- intransitive verb Sports To win a game on (an opponent's service), as in tennis.
- intransitive verb To lessen the force or effect of.
- intransitive verb To render useless or inoperative.
- intransitive verb To weaken or destroy, as in spirit or health; overwhelm with adversity.
- intransitive verb To cause the ruin or failure of (an enterprise, for example).
- intransitive verb To reduce in rank; demote.
- intransitive verb To cause to be without money or to go into bankruptcy.
- intransitive verb To fail to fulfill; cancel.
- intransitive verb To fail to conform to; violate.
- intransitive verb Law To cause (a will) to be invalidated because of inconsistency with state inheritance laws or as a result of other legal insufficiency.
- intransitive verb To give up (a habit).
- intransitive verb To cause to give up a habit.
- intransitive verb To train to obey; tame.
- intransitive verb To become separated into pieces or fragments.
- intransitive verb To become cracked or split.
- intransitive verb To become fractured.
- intransitive verb To become unusable or inoperative.
- intransitive verb To give way; collapse.
- intransitive verb To burst.
- intransitive verb To intrude.
- intransitive verb To filter in or penetrate.
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Help support Wordnik (and make this page ad-free) by adopting the word break.
In some poems, the circumstances under which they are written will be the only introduction necessary, as in the case of _Break, break, break_ or _The Recessional_.
Ontario Teachers' Manuals: Literature Ontario. Ministry of Education
The eye alone would never detect the exquisite music of such a poem as _Hide and Seek_, Third Reader, p. 50, or _Break, break, break_, p. 201.
Ontario Teachers' Manuals: Literature Ontario. Ministry of Education
* @param string $break The line is broken using the optional break parameter. 2009
* @param string $break The line is broken using the optional break parameter. RowanP 2009
The lunch break is not only an opportunity to take a break from the conference, should you need one, but also a chance to chat to the other participants and to enjoy the event in a more relaxed social environment.
Archive 2007-05-27 Milosun Czervik 2007
I had parked myself in one of the cafe's comfy chairs in order to mark some papers yes, I'm still having to do this during the term break, when I should be vegging out instead, and the man next to me asked if I was a teacher.
i will not publish your book jlundberg 2009
This past week, the term break, was the first time I read a newspaper in months.
phonological restructuring and distraction jlundberg 2008
It was very nice having the past week off for the term break, and I ordered and received a new black MacBook (which is being partially subsidized by Hwa Chong, since I'm using it as my school computer) and an iPod Touch (which is also mostly being covered by Apple's education rebate); I wouldn't have ordered either otherwise.
back to school jlundberg 2008
Amy's mum and dad gave me the Star Wars Trilogy DVD, so I know what I'll be doing during the term break, eh?
trinityboy Diary Entry trinityboy 2004
Then I saw her eyes focus over my shoulder, saw her expression break apart, heard the feet on the porch behind me, this time fast and running.
Neon Rain James Lee Burke 1987
Related Words
synonyms (969)
Words with the same meaning
- abeyance
- about ship
- about-face
- abrade
- abrasion
- abscond
- abysm
- abyss
- accidentality
- acclimate
- acclimatize
- accommodate
- accommodation
- accustom
- actuarial calculation
- adapt
- adaptation
- adjust
- adjustment
- adventitiousness
- agree to disagree
- alienation
- alter
- alteration
- ameliorate
- amelioration
- announce
- apostasy
- appear
- apprentice
- arrearage
- arroyo
- back and fill
- bankrupt
- bark
- batter
- be at cross-purposes
- be changed
- be converted into
- be poised
- be renewed
- be ruined
- bear away
- bear market
- bear off
- bear to starboard
- bearish market
- beat
- beat about
- beat down
- become insolvent
- become public
- bed
- bed down
- befall
- begin
- bend
- betide
- betterment
- billow
- blemish
- blessing
- bloody
- blooper
- blow
- boner
- boo-boo
- boot
- bottom out
- bounce
- box canyon
- box off
- breach
- breach of friendship
- break
- break away
- break down
- break forth
- break ground
- break in
- break of
- break off
- break open
- break out
- break the ice
- break through
- break to harness
- break up
- break with
- breakage
- breaking
- breakout
- breath
- breathe
- breather
- breathing place
- breathing space
- breathing spell
- breathing time
- breed
- bridle
- brighten
- bring about
- bring low
- bring round
- bring to terms
- bring up
- broach
- broken circuit
- browbeat
- brush
- bulldoze
- bully
- bump
- bunk
- burglarize
- burgle
- burn
- burn off
- burst
- burst forth
- burst in
- bust
- buzz about
- caesura
- call a break
- call time
- can
- cant
- cant round
- canyon
- case harden
- cashier
- cast
- cast about
- castrate
- casualness
- cave
- cave in
- cavity
- cease
- cease-fire
- cessation
- chafe
- chance
- change
- change course
- change of heart
- change the heading
- changeableness
- chap
- chasm
- cheapen
- cheapening
- check
- checker
- chimney
- chink
- chip
- chop
- chop and change
- cigarette break
- cipher
- circuit
- circuital field
- circulate
- clamp down on
- clash
- claw
- cleavage
- cleave
- cleft
- cleuch
- closed circuit
- clough
- cocktail hour
- coerce
- coffee break
- col
- collapse
- collide
- comb
- combing
- come about
- come apart
- come around
- come forth
- come off
- come out
- come round
- come unstuck
- commence
- comminute
- communicate
- compel
- complete circuit
- concussion
- condition
- confirm
- conflict
- confound
- confute
- conk out
- conquer
- constructive change
- continuity
- contradict
- contravene
- controvert
- conversion
- convey
- coulee
- couloir
- counter
- cow
- crack
- crackle
- cranny
- crash
- craze
- crevasse
- crevice
- cripple
- crumble
- crumple
- crush
- cryptanalyze
- cultivate
- cure
- curry
- currycomb
- cut
- cut apart
- cut off
- cut prices
- cwm
- dash
- daunt
- dawn
- day off
- dead circuit
- debilitate
- decamp
- decipher
- declare a recess
- decline
- declining market
- decompose
- deconsecrate
- decrypt
- defalcation
- defeat
- defect
- defection
- deficiency
- deficit
- defile
- deflate
- deflation
- defrock
- defy
- degenerate
- degeneration
- degenerative change
- degrade
- deliverance
- delivery
- dell
- dement
- demerit
- demolish
- demoralize
- demote
- depart
- depart from
- deplume
- depose
- depreciate
- depreciation
- deprive
- despotize
- destiny
- destroy
- detach
- deteriorate
- deterioration
- dethrone
- devaluate
- devaluation
- develop
- deviate
- deviation
- differ
- difference
- dike
- disaccord
- disaccustom
- disaffection
- disagree
- disarrange
- disavow
- disband
- disbar
- discipline
- disclose
- disconfirm
- discontinuation
- discontinue
- discontinuity
- discourage
- discrown
- disemploy
- disengage
- disenthrone
- disfavor
- disgrade
- disintegrate
- disjoin
- dislocate
- dismiss
- disobey
- dispart
- disperse
- displace
- displume
- disregard
- disrupt
- disruption
- dissent
- dissolve
- disturb
- disunion
- disunity
- ditch
- dive
- diverge
- divergence
- diversification
- diversify
- diversion
- diversity
- divide
- dividedness
- division
- divulge
- do violence to
- domesticate
- domesticize
- domineer
- domineer over
- donga
- double a point
- downgrade
- downtime
- draw
- drench
- drill
- droop
- drop
- drum out
- ease up
- ebb and flow
- educate
- emerge
- emergence
- end
- enforced respite
- enslave
- erupt
- escape
- escapism
- establish
- estrangement
- evasion
- evert
- excavation
- excommunicate
- exercise
- exfoliate
- exhaust
- expel
- explode
- extrication
- fade
- fail
- faint
- fall
- fall in price
- fall out
- fall to pieces
- falling-out
- familiarize
- fate
- fault
- faux
- feed
- fell
- fetch about
- fetch up
- find vent
- fire
- fissure
- fit
- fitting
- fix
- fizzle out
- flag
- flash burn
- flatten
- flaw
- flee
- flight
- flip-flop
- flop
- flout
- fluke
- flukiness
- flume
- fly
- fly about
- fodder
- foil
- fold
- fold up
- form
- fortuitousness
- fortuity
- fortune
- foster
- found
- fracture
- fragment
- fray
- frazzle
- freeing
- fret
- frustrate
- furlough
- furrow
- gaffe
- gall
- galvanic circuit
- gamble
- gap
- gape
- gash
- gentle
- get about
- get abroad
- get afloat
- get around
- get exposure
- get through
- getaway
- give away
- give out
- give the ax
- give the gate
- give up
- give way
- go
- go about
- go against
- go bankrupt
- go broke
- go down
- go downhill
- go forth
- go into receivership
- go soft
- go the rounds
- go to pieces
- go to pot
- go to ruin
- go under
- go up
- good fortune
- good luck
- gorge
- gradual change
- grind
- grind down
- groom
- groove
- grow bright
- grow light
- gulch
- gulf
- gully
- gybe
- habituate
- half time
- half-time intermission
- halt
- handle
- hap
- happenstance
- happy chance
- happy hour
- harden
- harness
- haul around
- have currency
- heave
- heave round
- heedless hap
- henpeck
- hesitation
- hiatus
- hit the skids
- hitch
- hole
- holiday
- hot circuit
- house-train
- housebreak
- how they fall
- humble
- humiliate
- hurt
- ignore
- impart
- impoverish
- impropriety
- improve
- improvement
- inaugurate
- incise
- incision
- indecorum
- indeterminacy
- indeterminateness
- infract
- infringe
- initiate
- injure
- injury
- innovate
- interfere
- interim
- interject
- interlude
- intermezzo
- intermission
- intermit
- intermittence
- interpose
- interregnum
- interrupt
- interruption
- interval
- intervene
- intimidate
- intrude
- inure
- irregularity
- issuance
- issue
- jailbreak
- jangle
- jar
- jew down
- jibe
- jibe all standing
- joint
- jostle
- keep down
- keep under
- kick
- kick upstairs
- kloof
- knock off
- lacerate
- laceration
- lack
- lacuna
- languish
- lapse
- lateral circuit
- law of averages
- lay off
- layoff
- leak
- leakage
- leave
- leg
- lesion
- let go
- let out
- letup
- liberation
- lick into shape
- lift
- light
- lighten
- liquidate
- litter
- live circuit
- look-in
- loop
- lord it over
- lot
- lower
- lowering
- luck
- lucky break
- lucky strike
- lull
- magnetic circuit
- maim
- make mincemeat of
- make public
- make redundant
- manage
- mark down
- markdown
- master
- mature
- maul
- meliorate
- melioration
- microcircuit
- milk
- mismatch
- mismate
- miss stays
- missing link
- mitigate
- mitigation
- moat
- modification
- modulate
- modulation
- moira
- mortal wound
- multiple circuit
- multiple series
- mutate
- mutilate
- mutilation
- naturalize
- need
- negate
- nose dive
- nose-dive
- notch
- nullah
- nurse
- nurture
- object
- occasion
- occur
- off market
- off-time
- offend
- omission
- open
- open rupture
- opening
- opportunity
- oppress
- orient
- orientate
- oust
- out
- outage
- outlet
- overawe
- overbear
- overcome
- overmaster
- override
- overthrow
- overwhelm
- pare
- parenthesis
- part
- pass
- pass on
- passage
- path
- pauper
- pauperize
- pause
- peak
- peg out
- penetrate
- pension
- pension off
- peter out
- pierce
- pine
- plateau
- plummet
- plummeting
- plunge
- ply
- point of repose
- poop out
- popple
- practice
- prepare
- press heavy on
- price cut
- price fall
- price reduction
- principle of indeterminacy
- printed circuit
- prisonbreak
- probability
- problematicness
- prostrate
- puncture
- purge
- put about
- put back
- put down
- put in tune
- put to school
- puzzle out
- qualification
- quell
- quiet spell
- radical change
- raise
- random sample
- ravine
- re-creation
- read out of
- ready
- realignment
- rear
- rebut
- recall of ambassadors
- recess
- redesign
- reduce
- reduction
- reform
- reformation
- refute
- rehearse
- relax
- release
- relief
- remaking
- remission
- remove
- remove from office
- rend
- renewal
- renounce
- rent
- replace
- repress
- repudiate
- rescue
- reshaping
- resolve
- respite
- rest
- resting point
- restructuring
- retire
- retreating market
- reveal
- reversal
- revival
- revive
- revivification
- revolution
- riddance
- ride down
- ride over
- ride roughshod over
- rift
- rime
- rip
- rise
- rise and fall
- risk
- rive
- rob
- roll
- round a point
- rub down
- ruin
- run
- run of luck
- rupture
- sack
- saddle
- sag
- sagging market
- savage
- scald
- scale
- scape
- scatter
- scend
- schism
- scissure
- scorch
- scotch
- scrape
- scratch
- scuff
- scuttle
- seam
- season
- second-degree burn
- see the light
- send
- send to school
- separate forcibly
- separation
- serendipity
- series multiple
- set at defiance
- set at naught
- set naught by
- set up
- setting-free
- sever
- shard
- shatter
- shave
- shear
- sheer
- shift
- shiver
- short
- short circuit
- shortage
- shot
- show
- shut down
- sink
- skin
- slash
- slew
- slice
- slit
- slot
- slump
- smash
- snap
- snap the thread
- soft market
- solecism
- sore
- space
- spell
- splinter
- split
- sprain
- spread
- spread about
- spread like wildfire
- spring a leak
- squeak
- stab
- stab wound
- stand-down
- start
- statistical probability
- stay
- stick
- stop
- stop for breath
- strain
- streak of luck
- strip
- strip of office
- strip of rank
- stroke of luck
- subdue
- subject
- subjugate
- sudden change
- superannuate
- suppress
- surcease
- surge
- surplus
- suspend
- suspension
- swell
- swerve
- swing round
- swing the stern
- switch
- tack
- take a break
- take a recess
- take a rest
- take a turn
- take five
- take in hand
- take ten
- take the plunge
- take time out
- tame
- tea break
- tear
- tell
- ten
- tend
- terrorize
- the breaks
- theory of probability
- third-degree burn
- throw about
- time
- time off
- time out
- toss
- total change
- train
- trample down
- trample on
- trample underfoot
- trample upon
- transgress
- transition
- transmit
- transpire
- trauma
- traumatize
- tread down
- tread underfoot
- tread upon
- trench
- trespass
- trim
- truce
- turn
- turn aside
- turn back
- turn into
- turn off
- turn out
- turn over
- turn the corner
- turnabout
- tyrannize
- tyrannize over
- ullage
- uncertainty
- uncertainty principle
- unchurch
- undergo a change
- undermine
- undulate
- unevenness
- unfold
- unfrock
- unman
- unravel
- unriddle
- unsaddle
- unseat
- unthrone
- upheaval
- vacation
- valley
- vanquish
- variation
- variety
antonyms (1)
Words with the opposite meaning
equivalents (3)
Other words for 'break'
hypernyms (117)
Words that are more generic or abstract
- accident
- alter
- alteration
- annul
- appear
- avoid
- become
- break loose
- breakup
- cave in
- cease
- chance event
- change
- change state
- collapse
- come about
- come forth
- commute
- convert
- cut-off
- damage
- dance
- decrease
- destroy
- detach
- diminish
- diphthongise
- diphthongize
- discontinue
- disperse
- disrupt
- dissipate
- disunite
- divide
- domesticate
- domesticise
- domesticize
- emerge
- end
- escape
- exceed
- exchange
- express emotion
- express feelings
- fall
- fall in
- fallout
- figure out
- finish
- flee
- flight
- fly
- fortuity
- founder
- get
- getaway
- give
- give up
- give way
- go
- go on
- hap
- happen
- impoverish
- injure
- interrupt
- invalidate
- lay off
- lessen
- lick
- modification
- modify
- nullify
- occur
- outdo
- outgo
- outmatch
- outperform
- outstrip
- part
- pass
- pass off
- penetrate
- perforate
- puzzle out
- quash
- quit
- reclaim
- ruin
- scatter
- score
- separate
- shift
- shoot
- shot
- solve
- split
- split up
- spread out
- stop
- stroke
- surmount
- surpass
- switch
- take flight
- take place
- tame
- terminate
- trip the light fantastic
- trip the light fantastic toe
- turn
- vary
- void
- weaken
- work
- work out
- wound
hyponyms (19)
Words more specific or concrete
same context (41)
Words that are found in similar contexts
variants (4)
cross-references (95)
- a way
- bankrupt
- breach
- break of day
- break of the forecastle
- break of the poop
- breaking
- broke
- broken
- burst
- change
- communicate
- dawn
- degrade
- disarrange
- discharge
- exceed
- fail
- hammer break
- interrupt
- interruption
- leave
- prison
- rise
- ruin
- run
- start
- subdue
- tame
- to break (one) all up
- to break a blockade
- to break a gun
- to break a jest
- to break a lance
- to break a landing
- to break a will
- to break across
- to break an electrical circuit
- to break away
- to break back
- to break bread
- to break broadcast
- to break bulk
- to break camp
- to break cover
- to break down
- to break even
- to break forth
- to break from
- to break gates
- to break ground
- to break in
- to break in upon
- to break into
- to break joint
- to break loose
- to break of a habit
- to break off
- to break off from
- to break one's fast
- to break one's head
- to break one's heart
- to break one's mind
- to break one's word
- to break open
- to break out
- to break out a cargo
- to break priscian's head
- to break ranks
- to break sheer
- to break shot
- to break squares
- to break step
- to break the back
- to break the back of
- to break the balls
- to break the bank
- to break the grain
- to break the heart of
- to break the heartstrings of
- to break the ice
- to break the neck
- to break the neck of
- to break the parle
- to break through
- to break up
- to break up a fox
- to break upon the wheel
- to break water
- to break wind
- to break with
- to break word
- to breakin
- transition
- violate
jennarenn commented on the word break
Does anybody else hear the old Kit-kat jingle?
June 19, 2007
trivet commented on the word break
And now I will hear it for hours, echoing through my brain...
June 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the word break
Talk about an earworm... ;-)
June 20, 2007
bilby commented on the word break
Click 'more' on WordNet if you have nothing to do for the weekend.
August 22, 2008
kewpid commented on the word break
Winning a game when your opponent is serving.
January 26, 2009
albertoprb commented on the word break
break it to them ==> contar para eles
March 7, 2013